Mysterious journey

Chapter 162 Follow-up 1

A few days later.

The starry sky in the sky was vast and boundless, and Garen had never felt like looking up like this before.

"Ever since that war, you especially like to look up at the stars at night. Is there anything special about you?"

The eighth golden ring came out of a corner of the yard wearing a black cloak. His face was still pale, but his eyes looking at Garen were extremely complicated.

"A special place?" Garen smiled, "It's just how insignificant I feel."

The two of them were standing in a suburban yard arranged by Jinhuan. They were surrounded by various flowers and plants, red and green, which were particularly eye-catching.

"Insignificant. In that battle a few days ago, you have been hailed as the strongest master in the southern secret martial arts world! Second only to Palosha, you think you are insignificant. Then others really don't know how to position themselves." The eighth golden ring sighed.

"What are your plans next?"

"How are those people doing?" Garen asked.

"It's okay, I'm just a little confused. I checked with a few psychiatrists and they said it was caused by excessive mental shock. By the way, they all want to see you."

"See me?" Garen smiled. Since that day when he suddenly realized the indomitable spiritual realm, he could clearly feel that his energy and spirit began to become completely integrated, flowing continuously, and his body's sensitivity and five senses were sharp. Reached an unprecedented level of terror.

Just like now, he could even feel the heartbeat and blood flow of the eighth golden ring several meters away, and could hear the hissing sound of his blood rubbing against the blood vessels.

Ordinary people's mental concentration will form what is called attention. They can only focus a little. If they are highly concentrated, they will become exhausted after a while. Then you can only wait for the circulation of Qi and blood to slowly and naturally recover.

But now, his essence, energy and spirit are integrated into one, his spirit is endless, his energy and blood are huge and stable, and his attention on the surrounding environment seems to have the effect of ordinary people's concentration everywhere.

The environment within a five-meter radius was clearly visible in his mind.

"What did they see me for?"

Recalling that day, the person who was taken away by the Golden Circle soldiers arranged by Garen without any resistance.

Apart from the three of them, including the senior sister Rosita, Angela of the Elephant Gate, and Leo, the boxing champion of the Black Label Club, there are also some remaining subordinates of the Black Label Club of the Elephant Gate. Fifty-four people in total.

Half of them were too frightened after this battle. It seemed that they were suffering from mental disorders due to Garen's majesty. They had been sent to a nearby mental hospital for examination. The other half is now staying in prison, asking for help. His psychological defenses have been completely broken by the fight that day.

"I don't know, their spirits have been crushed by you, and they can't help but obey anything that involves you. In other words, they are completely convinced by you." The Eighth Golden Ring said with emotion, " Looking back now, it was indeed a wise decision for me to recommend you to join the Golden Circle."

"The Black Label Society and the Elephant Gate should be taking action, right?" Garen asked softly.

"Of course, but when it comes to national security, it's useless for anyone to come. The strength of the Demon Elephant Gate Black Label Association is in the individual force. There is no way that the power in the Federation can be compared with our Golden Circle. What the Golden Circle lacks is also It's about individual strength. Now that you're here, I'm completely confident!" The Eighth Golden Ring chuckled, "We don't have to give them face."

Garen understood that he was showing that he stood with him, and he did not hesitate to completely offend the Black Label Society and the Elephant Sect.

The strength of these two behemoths is more than that. It is obvious that the people inside Jinhuan are also planning to take a gamble on him.

"By the way, where's Clark?" Garen recalled the top red sand sword fighter who was hit by him.

"His body was just discovered. I came here mainly to inform you. Do you want to take a look?"


Garen followed the eighth golden ring into the back room and entered a study room on the side. There was an tunnel entrance on the ground.

The two of them walked in one after another. There were bright yellow electric lights installed on the wall.

Two soldiers in black were guarding them at intervals.

As the two people passed by, the soldiers would also salute neatly.

Garen calmly followed the eighth golden ring as he walked diagonally downward. The light yellow passage seems to go all the way to the edge.

Soon the two of them turned into a white room.

Two coroners were already standing in the room. Seeing the two people coming in, the coroner quickly bowed and stepped back.

"How is it going?"

A female coroner took off her blue gloves, swept her brown hair from her temples, and hesitated to speak.

"The endocrine system and blood circulation system of the corpse were overly excited before death. I don't know why. Sir, you'd better take a look for yourself."

The eighth golden ring walked to the corpse.

Clark was lying flat on a white high platform, with his lower body covered with a white cloth. On his exposed upper body, a Y-shaped knife mark was cut from his chest to his lower abdomen.

The Eighth Golden Ring put on his gloves, lifted up the white cloth and glanced at it, then raised his head and motioned to Garen.

"Come and see for yourself."

Gallon took the gloves handed over by the coroner, put them on and walked over.

Clark's body lay quietly on the platform. His skin was not as pale and bloodless as that of ordinary corpses, but instead showed a strangely ripe red color.

Garen touched his forehead lightly. Frowning slightly.

"After being poisoned by the heat of my red jade palm, the body is overheated. It is normal to die like this. It's just..."

"Just what?"

"Someone tried to save him. And he was a master."


The eighth golden ring also became interested. "What level of master?"

"It's very strong. But it doesn't matter. The moment Clark left the yard, the result was fixed." Garen looked calm.

"Ruby Palm, tsk tsk, it's like boiling a person's blood, and the whole person is cooked." The Eighth Golden Ring kept sighing.

The two coroners stood aside as if they were listening to a myth.

"Sir, do you think people have the means to control another person's endocrine and internal heat thermostat system? This is completely unscientific!" The female coroner looked at the two people in astonishment, as if she were looking at an alien.

"This person was obviously cooked by something with high heat. My suggestion is to conduct tissue sampling and test directly to see the cell changes in the internal details. Everything must be analyzed from the test results."

The Eighth Golden Ring and Galleons are difficult to explain to this obvious layman.

Such secret martial arts are indeed equivalent to myths to outsiders.

"Everything on this guy's body has been searched, otherwise maybe we can find some useful secret martial arts information." The Eighth Golden Ring said regretfully.

"Let's go to my senior brother's side." Garen turned and walked towards the door. The third senior brother came with him, but before the operation, he did not let the third senior brother participate, and did not even give him any information at all. He waited until everything was over before letting someone notify Garcia.

Although Garcia was particularly annoyed, he also knew that this was Gallon doing it for his own good. He came later and stayed here to guard Losita and others.

After leaving the morgue, the two of them washed their hands and continued walking down the passage.

Not long after, they came to a row of closed prison passages.

On both sides of the passage are sealed prisons, some of which are empty, and some of which contain mortals.

The walls had a smoky gray-black color, and the ground looked a little dirty, with some thin blood scabs here and there. Several prison guards patrolled back and forth with pistols on their waists and batons in their hands.

The prison passage was very long, and the two of them walked directly inside. The warden who hurried over followed them closely, introducing the situation here.

"The prisoners here just came in a few days ago. Among them, the few leading prisoners who were specially ordered have already been pierced with pipa bones and put on the strongest steel shackles. There is absolutely no chance of any problems!"

He followed at a trot, with a large bunch of keys ready in his hand, ready to open the door for the two leaders at any time. As the little leader of Jinhuan, he still has good eyesight. The young man brought by the Eighth Jinhuan this time, although he did not wear a golden ring to show his position, he just looked at the silent pressure. Some of the spiky-headed old prisoners who were usually shouting and cursing on the streets around them didn't dare to say a word, so they knew that this man was definitely a big shot and a ruthless character!

"The prisoner divisions here are arranged according to strength and importance. The further inside they are, the more important they are." The warden introduced carefully.

"Go to the innermost heavy prison." The Eighth Golden Ring said calmly.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

The warden, a thin, middle-aged man, bent down repeatedly, took the key, and immediately began to direct the guards to open the doors. One after another, the iron doors were opened by a layer of cen.

Garen followed everyone into the depths of the prison at the innermost end.

The smell of blood is getting stronger and stronger. As more and more iron doors are opened, the prisons on both sides are getting bigger and bigger, and the metal bars of the prison are getting thicker and thicker.

Some prisoners in the prisons on both sides were hiding in the corners. Their eyes were bloodshot and they looked thin, but their violent and powerful auras were constantly coming from both sides.

From time to time someone would laugh and whistle.

"Little Jack? You brought a new person here to sell your butt again? It's really not easy~~" A strong man with disheveled hair on the left chuckled sinisterly.

"This time I brought a little guy with thin skin and tender flesh. He looks like he is just twenty." A bearded male prisoner stood up and took off his pants directly in front of several people, actually intending to boo.

boom! !

Garen's eyes flashed fiercely, and he stretched out a hand suddenly, pressing it on the thick iron bar of his arm like a black python.

Click! !

The iron bar broke, flew inward, hit the prisoner's chest hard, stabbed him through with a sneer, and drove him upside down and nailed him to the wall behind him.

The man didn't say a word and died immediately.


It was quiet around the prison, and the warden swallowed his saliva with a cold sweat on his face.

No one around the prisoners dared to make trouble now. They all shrank into the shadow of the prison like frightened beasts. The previously noisy severe punishment prison suddenly became silent.

Garen withdrew his left hand, and the iron bars of the prison were broken by him, and the entire metal door of the single-cell prison was loosened.


"Yes, yes, yes!!" The warden unconsciously moved further away from Garen, a little closer to the eighth golden ring. The scene just now made him feel like he was getting goosebumps all over as he was so close to Garen.

"It's so perverted!! It's so perverted!!!" He kept mumbling in his mind as he led the way, peeking at Garen from time to time and paying attention to the expression on Garen's face at all times, fearing that he might offend the other person accidentally.

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