Mysterious journey

Chapter 164 Follow-up 3

"Yes, only part of it." Angela nodded.

"It's a pity that I don't have a method to use it." Garen said regretfully, "Do you have any information on the specific effects of the blood of immortality?"

"This is simple, many people know it." Angela paused to sort out the information in her mind. "The effects of the blood of immortality vary. In fact, it originally originated from non-human races."

"Inhuman race?" Garen heard this term for the first time.

"Yes, most non-human races have a lifespan far longer than that of humans, and some of them are special ones called immortal species. When human extreme warriors pursue the limits of martial arts, they increasingly feel that time is not enough, so for the longevity of non-human races, I became voyeuristic."

When Angela saw that Gallon was attracted to her, she was slightly relieved and her tone became calmer.

"So some of the top geniuses among human warriors began to study how to obtain the lifespan of these immortal races. Hybridization and consumption are the two most important ways of conclusion. They are also the two most effective methods. Among them, hybridization is the best, and the results obtained through mating are Stronger offspring and bloodline, which gradually formed the humanoid racial communities in some countries now. The second is food. Powerful individuals prefer to apply life extension to themselves. With the drought era thousands of years ago, that is, After the era of great drought in the world, many immortal species gradually evacuated into the ocean and stayed away from this land. They took ships and could sail in units of several decades. It was impossible for humans to go to sea in the same way.

Naturally, the conflicts between them and humans gradually disappeared. "

"Is the blood of immortality what they left behind?" Garen asked.

"Yes, because the immortality seeds are too rare, only a little bit of the immortal blood from the past can be found in some ruins. They are actually mixed blood after ancient humans absorbed the immortality seeds. The blood is mixed, but it can still extend lifespan. function." Angela explained.

"Except for the ruins, since the Immortal species left a thousand years ago, there must be humans with Immortal lineage passing on, right? If they really live long, then even if it's thousands of years, it's probably only a few generations for them." When Long heard about immortality, the first thing he thought of was vampires and werewolves. This kind of dark creature became famous and became a legend when it was on the earth. It is said that vampires are immortal and stay young forever. This left a really deep impression on the people on Earth.

"Indeed, there are still Immortal bloodline families existing. It's just that they are hidden in the human world, and it is difficult for ordinary people to detect them without transforming. Unless they have specially made special sensitive detectors."

"And a detector?"

"Li Gaode, an academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Xianglan Empire, once developed a detector named Boiling Blood. However, the cost was very expensive, and our Demon Elephant Sect only bought two. Moreover, it consumed a lot of power and was very impractical."

The Pandan Empire is a large country in Lanzhou, one of the three continents, and is currently in a small-scale conflict with the Tulip Republic. After all, the Pandan Empire was also a developed country that was once powerful and had a profound foundation. We are not very afraid of the three super-hegemonic countries.

Galen, who has studied world geography, naturally understands this.

"Besides, there are many types of immortal blood." Angela added, stealing a glance at Garen.


"In addition to lifespan, humans will also be given many different talents." When Angela said this, she was also observing Garen, but found that the thoughts and surprise on Garen's face were indeed natural, and it seemed that he really was the first This is the first time I heard this common sense. This made her originally thought that Garen was also a fusion of the blood of immortality somewhat shaken.

"So what race is the half you are holding?"

"It is the blood of the White Dog Man. The life span can be up to three hundred years, and the average life span is about two hundred years old. After absorbing the blood, the life span can basically be extended to one hundred, forty or fifty years old. Plus a series of techniques for maintaining and locking the essence. , and can even live to be over two hundred years old.”

"White Dog Man" Garen was speechless. Once he heard about this bloodline, he lost interest in snatching it. With his own innate abilities, there is no need to seize this thing. Now, he has almost reached the peak of human quality before he was twenty years old, and he has begun to pursue the future path. There are still at least seven or eighty years left for him to slowly search for it, and he is not in a hurry at all.

"Then, where does the power of telepathy in the Immortal Palace come from?" He asked the doubt that had been in his mind for a long time.

"The Immortal Palace represents the bloodline of the Immortal Seed. They are the only remaining organizations established by the Immortal Bloodline. It is not surprising that they have some special abilities. Moreover, most humans not only do not let go of the Immortal Seed and the Blood of Immortality, but even fuse them. Humans who have acquired the blood of immortality also have a voyeuristic heart. Once the bloodline of immortality declines, they will end up in a miserable state and become guinea pigs and blood slaves. The strong men of the Immortal Palace, Fairy Fran and Fire Sparrow Mother They are both representatives. Both of them are fused humans of the Immortal species. Their families were brutally wiped out, and they have an indelible hatred for ordinary humans."

She paused and continued.

"There are a total of five people in the Immortal Palace. Now that Ansha Luo has been seriously injured and escaped, there are only four people left. Each of these four people has some secret force organizations under their command. Among them, Immortal Fran and Fire Bird Mother have revealed their identities openly, and they are also There are two people, and we only know that one of them is Weisman’s former admiral Gefeld, and the last one is unknown.”

Garen touched his chin as he sorted through the series of information he had just obtained. He remembered that Celine once said that there were five people in Asgard, but now that one is missing, there are only four left. It does match what Angela said.

"Very good, let me finally tell you about your Elephant Sect's plan this time? Use Losita to lure me here, and then Clark and the hunting team want to surround me. What is the purpose?" Garen finally mentioned. What happened this time.

"You must have guessed that we are here just for the blood of immortality that may be hidden in your body." Angela was also frank enough to speak out.

"Unfortunately, I am not a fusion of immortal blood." Garen shrugged. "Even humans have many powerful geniuses, and they are not only of inhuman blood."

"If you say this, someone must believe it." Angela also laughed helplessly.

"Wouldn't it be possible to find a detector if we have a chance?" Garen said nonchalantly.

Angela's eyes suddenly widened and she became a little doubtful.

"It depends on what I do. I was born into an ordinary family. Where did I get the blood of immortality? This information can be investigated completely." Garen said casually.

After getting enough information, Garen stopped lingering and turned out of another prison passage, returning to the study on the ground.

The Eighth Golden Ring was already sitting in the room. There was a pot of hot coffee on the table in front of him, and he was pouring himself a cup of coffee.

When he saw Garen coming out, he didn't say anything. He just took out a dark red roll of paper from his arms, placed it on the table and held it down with a white porcelain cup.

Garen walked over and sat down opposite the eighth golden ring, took away the cup, picked up the roll and unfolded it.

‘Appoint NO.9 as the regional director of Grant Province. It has the power to mobilize all garrison troops stationed throughout the province. ’ Seal on the back, ‘Jinhuan Headquarters’

Garen took the roll and understood.

"Is this specially prepared for me?"

"Yes." The Eighth Golden Circle replied calmly, "The higher ups need your expression. As long as you can complete a designated small task, you will have the secret command power to mobilize the military power of the entire province. Grant's general commander, together with most of the The command staff are all our people.”

Garen understood that this was because Jin Huan saw that his value had increased and was sincerely trying to win him over to stay in the organization. In other words, it is more about trying to draw him closer to a certain force in the golden ring. It seems that this force is not generally powerful and is likely to be related to national leaders.

No, maybe it's the other way around, with national leaders trying to leverage their own power through the Golden Circle. This is also possible.

"With such great power, what do you want from me?" Garen asked calmly as he flicked the paper.

"I just need to help the government solve some minor problems." The Eighth Golden Ring smiled. "This is equivalent to being a mercenary on a temporary basis, but generally there are very few times when you can be used. Having one mission in a few years is already a big deal."

"I need a hard target, don't come up with these false ideas." Gallon also knows that with his strength, it is impossible to live comfortably without the support of the federal government, so he is not opposed to such a move closer.

"How about completing a task every three years?" The Eighth Golden Circle has obviously reached an agreement with the above. "The mission success rate must be at least half. The government will also release operational funds every time."

"Okay." Garen is not stingy either. He only has one mission every three years. This is already his preferential treatment as a top fighter. What he actually needs is to use the power of the government to protect his family and Baiyunmen, and he doesn't care about the rest.

Now individual hot weapons still pose a threat to him, but due to the substantial increase in speed, it has become very small.

The government is obviously very experienced in making such arrangements. This system is very loose, but it can ensure that the country can temporarily mobilize enough private power when needed. It's an arrangement similar to that of a bounty hunter.

Sitting on his seat, Garen slowly poured himself a glass, thinking about everything in his recent life.

At first, I was still studying in Huaishan City, looking for antiques of bad luck. I originally thought that I should go to college honestly, find a job after graduation, and slowly rely on my talent to reach the top of martial arts step by step. Unfortunately, the change came too fast.

Because of the attack on the Immortal Palace and the changes in his master's sect, he owed Su Lin two favors and had to help solve Su Lin's troubles. Until now, I have gradually become famous step by step without realizing it.

In a short period of time, he reached the pinnacle level of a warrior.

Now that he has taken over the Baiyun Sect, he has become an important figure in the eyes of the martial arts world, terrorist organizations, and even the government.

Thinking of this, Garen felt an inexplicable sense of unreality. In fact, his current physical age was less than 19 years old, and he was in his early 18s.

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