Mysterious journey

Chapter 165 Follow-up 4

"By the way, where is the little policeman who came back from behind?" Garon recalled the recent events, and immediately thought of the little policeman Ganing who suddenly came back that day. According to the answer of Tianjiang Kobela, this little policeman was obviously still a policeman. A passionate young man, he came back just to find an opportunity to help him escape from the encirclement. I just didn't expect the change to come so quickly. Garen independently killed the collaboration between the Demon Elephant Sect and the Black Label Society.

"I don't know. It seems like it's still there with the Red Sand Sword."

Garen nodded, he also admired such a person who repaid his kindness.

After gathering his thoughts, the Eighth Golden Circle was already arranging a flight to Yinjia City.

Not far from Yinjia City is Weimarn City, which is also the headquarters of the Nantian Holy Fist Sect. The city of Weimarn is close to the Lark Mountains, from where the Lark Mountain Waterfall is the closest.

The retreat of White Bird Holy Fist Parosa is Skylark Mountain Falls.

The two chatted for a while in the study room, and the Eighth Golden Ring focused on asking for some experience and skills in the practice of secret martial arts. Garen did not hide his secrets and answered them all.

Most of his experience and skills were obtained from his master's teachings and his own experiments based on his strong physique. Although he is not as careful about strength and physical strength as ordinary warriors, he also has a deep understanding of some exercise methods that can damage muscles.

These are rare treasures for warriors.

Early the next morning, the leader of the Hongsha Sword Sect came to visit with his two disciples and the little policeman Ganing.

Just as they sat down, Kobela from the Nantian Holy Fist Sect also arrived with two people.

The courtyard was surrounded by densely guarded soldiers in black. These were special legion soldiers mobilized by the Golden Ring. This gave both parties a certain deep understanding of Gallon's background.

Inside the spacious white hall.

The people from the Red Sand Sword Sect sit on the row of white sofas on the left, and the people from the Nantian Holy Fist Sect sit on the sofa on the right. Gallon and the eighth golden ring sit in the center.

The sunlight from the breakfast slanted in from the front door and fell on the ground, forming an irregular golden strip shape. The white floor tiles also reflected the bright white light, illuminating the entire living room.

Everyone sat down and Garen glanced at both sides.

The leader of the Red Sand Sword Sect on the left and the two disciples he brought with him all looked tired, and it was obvious that they had not fully recovered from the events of the past few days. The young policeman Ganing looked at him eagerly, not knowing what he was thinking.

Korbela, the general on the right, saw Garen's gaze and glanced over, and turned to him and smiled politely at him.

He brought two disciples, a boy and a girl who looked alike, both in their thirties. They look good in appearance and temperament, like twins. Faintly, there was a hint of suspicion in the two people's respect for Garen. Apparently they didn't believe that Garen, at the same age as their son, had already reached such a peak level.

"What are you two here for today?" Garen asked directly without being polite.

The master of the Red Sand Sword Sect smiled politely.

"Master Jialong Sect, this time our Red Sand Swordsmen are here to save you from the siege. If you hadn't taken action in time, the Hongsha Sword Sect might have been destroyed." He glanced at the beautiful female disciple beside him. .

This disciple was only fifteen or sixteen years old, but he already had a curvy figure. He was wearing a white one-piece cheongsam short skirt and a high brown ponytail. He walked up to Gallon and presented a white bank check with both hands. .

"Master Jialong, please accept it. This is our thanks." The girl smiled sweetly, her big eyes were watery, and her skin was tender and flawless when viewed from a close distance, as perfect as a porcelain doll.

She followed her father's arrangement and took the initiative to deliver the check so that she could more easily show her innocence, beauty and temptation. The imposing Garen in front of him sat squarely in the middle of the living room, like a ferocious beast entrenched in the hall, with a formidable power. Anyone who enters the living room feels an unconscious sense of oppression.

This is not the influence of courage, but the function of pure reputation. Just like ordinary people meeting high-ranking officials, it is the mental pressure they put on themselves.

"If he can catch his fancy, maybe he can be tied to the Red Sand Sword's chariot, which will increase his confidence in his father's rise plan." Thoughts flashed through the girl's mind.

She knew that Biou had always been secretly in love with her, but how could Biou compare with the person in front of her. She is also an extremely ambitious person. After being appointed by her father as the future helmsman, she began to win over potential warriors in the entire sect step by step. It was largely her initiative to come here this time.

Thinking of this, the smile on the girl's face became sweeter, and two deep dimples were exposed on her cheeks.

The check was for ten million federal dollars. Plus a beautiful, pure, seductively dressed young girl.

Most young and energetic warriors can hardly resist it.

After all, warriors are people with strong qi and blood. Strong qi and blood means that various endocrine systems are stronger than ordinary people, and natural physiological desires will be greatly amplified.

Unfortunately, Garen just raised his eyes and glanced at her, and didn't bother to look again.

"No need for checks or anything like that. Money doesn't mean much to me. If you really want to thank me, I hope you can let me enter your secret arsenal and look through some non-core secret weapons."

"Reading the Secret Martial Arts?" The leader of the Red Sand Sword Sect was stunned, and then smiled, "That's right, this is the point where you want to live in the Baiyun Sect. Since you have this need, of course we will not refuse. I just ask for your understanding, Regarding the series of high-level secret weapons of the Red Sand Sword, we will not show them, but the rest are fine." He paused, as if he was afraid that Garen would misunderstand, "Don't worry, except for the high-level secret weapons, the medium and low-level secret weapons in the secret arsenal are There are more than fifty kinds.”

"Thank you very much." Garen thought for a moment and realized that he didn't even know the other person's name.

"Just call me Luther."

"Thank you Master Luther."

The two looked at each other and smiled with satisfaction.

"Now that you two have finished talking, it's our turn." Heavenly General Korbera said with a smile on the single sofa on the right.

"Commander Kobela, please speak." He waved the girl in front of him back, and Garen turned his gaze.

Kobela introduced the two people around him.

"These two staff members came specifically from the main gate. In response to the gate master's instructions, they invited the master of the Garonne gate to go to the headquarters to meet him."

Both of them were young men and women wearing white suits. The man with a mustache stood up and bowed slightly to Garen.

"Dear Master of the Jialong Sect, we bring you the most respectful greetings from the Chief Sect Master. The Sect Master is very happy that the martial arts world can produce another top fighter. Unfortunately, due to many trivial matters, we cannot come to meet in person. If Jialong The owner of the door can go to pay homage to the door."

Paying homage is a courtesy exchange between sects, and is often a way of communication between sects with equal status. The master of Nantian Holy Fist Sect obviously puts Baiyun Sect Jialong on the same level as himself.

Once Garen goes there, the other party will definitely put on a grand welcome ceremony.

"Thank you, Lord of the Holy Fist Sect, for your attention. Don't worry, you two, I will go to disturb your sect soon." Garen originally planned to go to the Nantian Holy Fist Sect. The other party was polite enough, so he naturally agreed.

The two of them bowed respectfully and bowed again, then sat back down.

The general Korbera has accomplished the greatest thing.

"If Master Garon needs my help, just ask. I, Kobela, still have some roots in the south."

"Then I'd like to thank General Kobela first."

"I'm waiting for your arrival at this door." Corbera nodded. He already knew that Garen planned to challenge the White Bird Holy Fist. This time he made up his mind to go to the Skylark Mountains to get a few good positions, and at the same time invited his friends from the same field to watch the battle together. No warrior would miss such a peak duel. event.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but glance at Garen again on the main seat.

Recalling the inhuman and terrifying combat power that night, Clark, who was much more powerful than him, was actually beaten like a garbage bag and flew away with a palm. He turned around and ran away. He didn't even dare to turn around and say harsh words. It was pure I'm so scared!

What kind of gap can lead to such a result?

Will the martial arts world once again experience a new era of prosperity?

Gallon and Andrela are both absolute top talents. But it appeared in this era at the same time.

This thought flashed through Corbera's mind.

Garen, however, could not imagine what Corbera was thinking, so he casually chatted with the people on both sides about the current situation in the martial arts world. He also has a certain understanding of the current situation of martial artists in the world.

In the martial arts world, fighters and below have very weak resistance to firearms. A slightly trained gunman can pose a huge threat to a martial artist. Not to mention a head-on confrontation.

Only the fighter level is qualified to face thermal weapons head-on. Therefore, unlike the lower levels, governments in various countries have different attitudes towards fighters.

The Federation's attitude is not one that takes it seriously, but it's not one that is contemptuous either. After all, no matter how strong a fighter is, he is still a human being, and special ammunition can kill him directly. Powerful special firearms can easily kill fighters from several kilometers away.

Weisman is different. He attaches great importance to fighters, but they have very little background, and fighters are the least. Most martial artists are actually influenced by the ancient martial arts from the east. Most ships from the East arrive at the Yalu Federation first. The Wiseman Empire is too far away, so this is determined by geographical factors.

As for Lanzhou, it is completely occupied by local martial arts, which advocates local ancient cold weapon martial arts. Various schools emerge in endlessly, and there are many fighters. Just not the oriental style type.

"Now internationally, the status of martial artists is becoming more and more important. But perhaps it is because there is less and less soil at the grassroots level and technology is becoming more and more developed. There are fewer and fewer people willing to practice martial arts. More people They regard martial arts as gymnastics for physical exercise." Kobela lamented, "Although our status has become more and more important, the number of new generation fighters who have emerged in recent years is much smaller than before. So far, nearly ten In recent years, there have been less than five new generation fighters in the entire South, and the same is true in the North."

"There are less than ten in total?" Garen frowned. The situation in the martial arts world was worse than he imagined. "In other words, apart from me, Andrela, and Bio, there are only two other fighters in the south?"

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