Mysterious journey

Chapter 166 Ask for advice 1

"That's true. Whether it's the Star Ring Gate or the Red Sand Sword, there are still a few fighter seeds prepared, but there are too few who can actually break through." Corbera nodded in affirmation.

"If this continues, the secret martial arts world and the martial arts world will become increasingly bleak." Luther, the leader of the Red Sand Sword Sect, also nodded and frowned.

"Wouldn't a serious government cultivate martial artists on its own?" Garen asked doubtfully.

"It can't be trained." The leader of the Red Sand Sword Sect smiled bitterly, "A fighter must use a large amount of medicinal materials to strengthen the body and provide nutrition. The training time is too long. Except for genius cases like you, ordinary fighters must at least I have been practicing secret martial arts since I was young, and I have been using all kinds of resources. It takes more than ten years to achieve a breakthrough."

"The problem is that this breakthrough is possible. It's just possible. The probability is too low. One seed out of a hundred is considered good." Kobela took over, "The cycle is too long and the probability is too low. Fighters are born because a certain quality reaches the limit of human beings, so there are many exercise methods that only lunatics would dare to try. And they must be maintained for a long time, otherwise the physical fitness will deteriorate. Anyway, in general, it is too difficult. "

"Yes, the resources and time to train a fighter are enough for the country to train several sharpshooters. The threat on the battlefield is not as good as the sharpshooters. Even you and me here are unable to fight back against the cannons, right? "The leader of the Red Sand Sword Sect sighed.

The atmosphere in the living room became a little dull for a while.

"Now that fire control technology is becoming more and more advanced, thermal weapons are becoming more and more powerful, and the role of individuals is getting smaller and smaller. Cannons, warships, and aircraft from various countries are competing for armaments like crazy. The role of fighters is to protect and attack secretly. This is also the case for the Federation It’s because we don’t pay much attention to fighters,” Luther explained.

Garen also nodded.

Indeed, even if he is at the peak of his hard qigong, he will be injured by breaking the defense when faced with individual weapons. If it were another fighter, he would probably be broken into two pieces.

But he feels that this is just that countries have not yet paid attention to the importance of special operations. Once there is a special operations decapitation operation similar to that on Earth, the importance of fighters will suddenly become highlighted.

"Let's not talk about this for now. The military plane has been arranged. I will leave the day after tomorrow." Garen looked at the master of the Red Sand Sword Sect.

The door owner was slightly confused. "It seems that you are just checking the information?"

"That's true, is there no problem?"


Kobela on one side stood up: "Then let's take our leave first."

"I won't send it."

Garen sat and watched the three of Corbera leave. After chatting with the leader of the Red Sand Sword Sect for a few words, he got up and headed towards the Red Sand Sword headquarters.

Riding in a tightly guarded red carriage convoy, the group returned to the headquarters compound they had just left a few days ago.

The houses in the middle of the yard were all blackened by fire, and most places were in a mess. Only the row of houses on the left is still intact.

"Please come this way." The leader of the Red Sand Sword Sect led Garen into the courtyard on the left. After passing through several connected houses, he entered a small courtyard.

There is a small garden in the yard, a rockery pool, and a large locust tree with dense shade.

Garen followed the door owner, looking beyond the rockery and saw a row of townhouses and a small courtyard on the opposite side. In the courtyard over there, servants were constantly coming and going, some carrying water, and some holding used white bandages. .

Noticing Garen's gaze, the door owner smiled and explained. "Beo lives in the yard over there. He was seriously injured last time he went on a mission for the federal government and is still recovering."

"Really?" Garen nodded.

The two continued walking forward, crossing the small courtyard and reaching the door of a remote small room.

In front of the reddish-brown wooden door, two old men and women sat opposite each other, each holding a book in their hands, frowning, and muttering in confusion.

Seeing the door owner approaching, the two of them stood up together.


"Here we come. Please open the door." The master of the Hongsha Sword Sect nodded.

The reddish-brown wooden door slowly opened.

The door owner, Luther, didn't stay either. He simply gave a few instructions and left alone.

The door closed again, leaving Garen alone in the room.

The room is paved with mahogany floors and is in the shape of a rectangular space.

A row of bookshelves lined the wall opposite the door. There was a spiral staircase on the right side of the bookshelves, extending directly upward. There is access to the second floor.

There are some tables and chairs in front of the bookshelf, and a tall black stone sculpture of a human body is placed in the middle.

The sculpture depicts a curly-haired man wearing black gauze. He has a solemn expression and seems to be walking forward with a book in his hand.

Gallon walked over, bypassed the man sculpture, and stood in front of the bookshelf.

It’s divided into categories above. There are four bookshelves in total from left to right.

They are experience, practice, dismissal, and low-level secret martial arts.

There are not many books on the bookshelves, they are sparse and there are only ten or twenty books on each bookshelf.

Putting aside the previous three categories, Garen stood directly in front of the low-level secret weapon.

The Miwu bookshelf is divided into body skills, palm skills, leg skills, finger skills, and weapons.

Among them, there were at most seven or eight books on weapons, and Garen picked them up one by one and scanned them.

Chris dagger, sword of glory, double sword, three sword, two-handed sword, one-handed sword, heavy sword.

After scanning them all, these secret weapons are all low-level secret weapons. The physical attributes required are not high. In addition, his attributes are now full and solidified to the limit of the human body. Naturally, it takes no effort at all. Just read them all and remember them directly in your mind.

Just because it’s useless now doesn’t mean it won’t be useful in the future. Although these secret martial arts levels are only third-rate at best, they are similar to Iron Body and Boulder Skills.

After scanning the weapons and weapons, his eyes fell on the movement technique again.

Fingers lightly brushed over the Shenfa column.

Sea Serpent Step, Green Blast, Raid, Stella Assassination Step.

There are only a few of these. Garen picked it up and turned it over. Most of the above exercises used special postures to explode muscle energy and blood strength, but there was no way to make up for it with cultivation. It was just Mr. Ge's extremely powerful explosive skills. Many of them even felt a bit overbearing to Garen. .

"Completely different styles, could this be the rumored Lanzhou martial arts?" He also memorized the cherished martial arts one by one.

It only takes a few minutes to memorize the entire book.

Fingering and palm techniques are the key points.

But there are only a few.

Fingering: claw, double fingering.

Palm skills: Lily Palm, Javier Boxing.

I scanned it a little, but it's not of much use to galleons. It's just a good way to learn about the effects of different exercise methods.

There was nothing to see on the first floor, so he climbed up the spiral staircase to the second floor.

There is a bookshelf on the second floor, and there are more than a dozen books on it that are equally sparse.

But Garen just glanced at it, his expression changed, and a hint of joy flashed in his eyes.

There are many secret weapons on this bookshelf that are more suitable for him.

He casually pulled out a copy of Lion King Fist, which is a secret martial arts book for training the hardness of fists, with corresponding fighting techniques. It is a boxing technique that is rumored to be able to form absolute self-confidence through exercise, and is very helpful in improving a person's character. It is one of the magic boxing techniques.

After carefully memorizing the Lion King Fist, Garen continued to scan the others.

The Boulder Kung Fu, Iron Body, and Fire Hands are all there too.

Except for the known secret martial arts techniques, Garen drew out all the remaining secret martial arts. Place it on a tabletop on the second floor.

Changing speed punch, Bronze Statue Kung Fu, Iron Statue Kung Fu, Golden Statue Kung Fu, Hodoman Spear Jab, Flame Claw.

There are six books in total, all of which are brand-new secret weapons that Garen has never touched before, and all of them are fully equipped. They are all on the same level as the giant elephant secret martial arts, or even stronger secret martial arts. Belongs to the third-rate and second-rate categories.

Red Sand Sword Sect seems to not include a full set of exercises, but nothing else.

Garen flipped through the secret weapons already mastered by Yan Liushou and others to see if there were any differences. Then memorize all six secret martial arts.

The Bronze Statue Kung Fu, the Iron Statue Kung Fu, and the Golden Statue Kung Fu are a hard qigong sect that was once destroyed by the Red Sand Sword. The secret martial arts techniques obtained by searching are not put away here. They are obviously specially prepared for Jia Long.

These three sets of exercises are very powerful, and their power is not much different. But there is a very crucial point.

For outsiders, there is not much difference in power between the three levels of bronze, iron and gold. However, if practitioners confront each other, the bronze statue skill will be restrained by the iron statue skill, and the iron statue skill will be restrained by the gold statue skill.

This is obviously one of the methods used by any sect to control its disciples.

Changing speed boxing can be used as an auxiliary to increase the flexibility of boxing, which can be regarded as a small secret martial arts training technique.

The Hordoman spear jab is a secret weapon with terrifying explosive power. It is a boxing technique created by a martial artist that imitates the principles of firearms. It can allow ordinary people to explode with more than three times the terrifying punching power.

But Hodoman himself also died before the age of forty because of this boxing technique. All martial artists who practice this boxing technique are all amazingly powerful, but they all die very young without exception.

The secret book clearly records the age of death of all practitioners, and they all died without illness and died normally.

"This can be used to train dead soldiers." Garen also wrote down this secret weapon.

Finally, there's the Flame Claw.

This is a secret martial art that simply exercises the hands. It can train the hands so that they are not afraid of ordinary flames and high temperatures. Average power. The creator was a mediocre fighter. When he was approaching fifty, he wanted to go further and create a stronger secret weapon. He died in the raging flames he caused.

Garen flipped through the secret martial arts, feeling slightly moved in his heart. After memorizing it carefully, he closed his eyes and looked at the attribute bar below his field of vision.

Power 2.66. Agility 2.72. Physical fitness 2.65. Intelligence 2.53. Potential 626%. ’


Colossus mutation: Explosion (top layer) skin hardened by one level (Iron Body), Qi and blood stabilized by one level (Boulder Skill).

Ruby Palm: Beginner (Known Level 1), Burning Strength Level One (Red Yin Skill), Physical Strengthening Level One (Red Yin Skill)’

"There are a little more potential points." Garen smiled with satisfaction, "The Golden Sword Seat is indeed a good thing, and it's not in vain that I made a special trip to take the risk. Now that I can still have a little potential for a week, it is already very good. "

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