Mysterious journey

Chapter 178 Close 2

Jack was wearing the black Taoist uniform of Baiyunmen, followed by three people.

Two of them were the two boxing champions from the Black Label Club whom Garon had met, one was Encore and the other was Manila. The two of them are no longer dressed like they were at the Black Label meeting. They are all wearing white button-down trench coats, and both have black silver-patterned gloves on their hands.

The other person is Ke Ling from Baiyun Sect.

The two boxing champions stood still behind Garen and saluted slightly with indifferent expressions.

"The merger negotiations of the Black Label Club have all ended. From now on, we will be the boxing champions of the Baiyun Clan. Master Jialong Clan, you have profound martial arts. We dare not disobey it. We have only one request, don't let us and Leo That traitor can just be grouped together!" Manila said calmly.

Garen turned around and looked at the people standing in front of him.

"Considering the conflicts between you, I will pay attention. Each of you will lead a team of people and form independent groups. The code names will continue to be the previous names, namely the black group and the standard group. Is that okay?"

"no problem."

Garen nodded with satisfaction.

"Leo is an equally independent thunder group. Jack Colling, Cynthia, and the rest of you will form a group, called the cloud group. They are responsible for collecting news and information. There is another group that I am responsible for alone."

Garen divided the complex forces of Baiyun Sect into several parts.

There are five groups in total. Each of its three fighters will lead three groups, and then the original Baiyun Sect disciples and their subordinates will form one group. Finally, there were the martial artists from the neighboring Grant Province who had temporarily vassalized them, and a group was led by Garen himself.

These five groups have basically clearly divided the power components of the Baiyun Sect. The ones who are truly most loyal to Garen are Leo Boxing Champion and those on the Baiyun Sect side. The rest are just temporary surrenders and variables exist.

However, at this time, Galleons should only be used as much as possible. The more power, the better.

"Any special news recently?" Garen looked at Ke Ling.

Ke Ling nodded: "The first one sent by Miss Cynthia is the information about Mr. Sulin and Miss Celine. The two of them were collecting rare materials in the western part of the Federation and fell into border turmoil. We don't know the specific information yet."

"Unrest?" Garen frowned slightly, "What is the scope of the unrest?"

"There are only two border provinces, and the federation has sent troops there. I believe it will be solved soon." Ke Ling nodded, "Then the second one, the federal student passenger ship was seized by the Weisman warship on its way back. Ten of them Three students have been shot dead. Demonstrations are now taking place in some major cities to protest against the brutality of the Wiseman government."

"Tell me the important point." Garen interrupted her.

"Well, the Federation and Weisman have begun to mobilize battleship formations in territorial waters, and a war is about to begin." Ke Ling said briefly, "This news came from Mr. Sulin's sister."

Garen noticed that Ke Ling used the word "immediately" instead of "possibly". Obviously, the news was already 100% certain.

"His father should have arrangements for Su Lin's matter. Manila, you go to Western Xinjiang. If necessary, try to help Su Lin and the others, and also find out about the country behind the turmoil."

"Okay." Manila nodded, gently squeezed Enke's hand, turned around and strode away.

Now all the strength of the Black Label Club is divided into three parts, one of which is the label group he is in charge of. These groups are extremely independent and complete, and have strong independent combat capabilities. It is considered an elite part of the Black Label Society.

If it weren't for the pressure from the golden ring behind Garen and his own powerful suppression at the top, Black Label probably wouldn't have succumbed so easily.

Of course, there is another point. The current situation is forcing the situation. If he does not stand on Garen's side, then Garen takes action due to the original grudge, and Black Label will still not be able to escape the word of death.

Manila and Anke also made up their mind that if Gallon asked them to be cannon fodder, they would flee directly anyway. Fortunately, Garen treated them equally and there was nothing wrong with them. The treatment is still the same as before, or even better.

Garon looked at Manila's leaving figure.

Each of the three groups of the Black Label Club has at least hundreds or even thousands of combat manpower. This does not include local industries, intelligence, logistics, and other aspects. In addition to the leader, each group also collects some scattered martial artists, mercenaries, killers and other powerful people.

He doesn't care about any of this. As long as these people can work for him and exert their strength, that's enough. There is a ubiquitous golden ring behind him, and Baiyunmen and Leo are monitoring him. As long as the requirements are not excessive, there should be no problems.

"Enke, after your team is relocated, you will be responsible for the security work of Grant Province. You will be assigned bodyguards for all important personnel. Is that okay?"

Enke nodded, silently bowed and turned to leave.

Ke Ling and Jack were left standing in the forest, waiting for Garen's orders.

"Jack, what's going on with Leo? Have you found the other generals under Ansara?" Garen's eyes fell on Jack.

Jack and Cynthia still play a certain role in intelligence. Although they are not very professional, they are obviously much better than others. They are all elite talents trained by the world's top mercenary companies.

"The people from the Lei Group sent back a telegram. They found traces of Ansha Luo and Charlotte in the Shahe area. It seems that the news we released earlier has been responded to." Jack immediately replied, "An Shaluo is injured now, and his strength has been greatly damaged. He was removed from the membership of the Immortal Palace. Now he and Charlotte are being hunted by the enemy. As soon as we released the news, they responded very cooperatively. It seems that they really can't hold on anymore."

Garen nodded.

"I don't have any unbearable hatred between Ansha Luo. He should have gotten the news after the battle with Palosha. Now that the blood of immortality in the hiding place of the Demon Elephant Gate has fallen into our hands, for him it is absolute tolerance. The temptation is endless. Now it depends on what he will give us in exchange. I was at a disadvantage at first, but now it’s the other way around.”

Jack nodded. "Finally, we found information about the martial artist who injured Master Fei."

"Oh?" Garen looked serious.

"The martial artist's name is Cicillo Saldin. With him is his only disciple, also his son Chukfa Saldin. They have now boarded the long-distance liner heading to the East, and it has been half a month since their departure. It’s been months and we just checked it off the guest list.”

Garen stood up, and a red leaf slowly fell into his hand, and he gently rubbed it with his fingers.

"It's the East again."

He also thought about going to the East, but here was his family, sister, parents, uncle, and friends. Once you go to sea, the time it takes is not that long. Although a stable route has now been opened, it only takes one year to reach the East. But that's if things go well, in case things don't go well.

"Let's put it aside in advance. We can't do anything about it in a short time. By the way, how is the situation at Mercury in the tower?" He suddenly remembered the news about the famous detective who asked Jack to investigate a few days ago.

Jack suddenly had a look of doubt on his face.

"Master, the detective is still in Blue Bay City in Everea Province, and I don't know what he did. They seem to have been targeted by someone, and they seem to have found some clues and secrets about the Asgard."

"You actually stayed there for so long." Garen stroked the slightly growing beard on his chin, looking thoughtful.

He only has two goals now. The first is to kill the culprit who injured the master. The second is to find the Asgardian Immortal Fran who killed the old man. Xianflan not only killed the old man, but also seriously injured him.

The mysterious fairy palace seems to hide a huge secret.

Now that the first goal cannot be accomplished for the time being, let’s start with the second one.

"It's a pity that the injury hasn't healed yet." Garen gently pressed his chest, and a sharp pain suddenly came from the injury.

"You guys go down first. If there is any new news over Mercury in the tower, tell me immediately."


"Master, please take a good rest and recuperate."

Colin and Jack turned and left together.

Garen sat back on the stool.

"The Secret of Immortal Palace" Now his only opponent is this mysterious Immortal Palace. The grievances with Xianflan will be resolved together sooner or later.

"Xianflan, you must have heard my voice, right?" Garen raised his head and looked at the sky above the maple forest. The blue sky and white clouds were extremely peaceful.


Somewhere in the central sea of ​​three continents

A small white island.

The island is oval in shape, like a small green dot with white edges, embedded in an endless blue sea.

In the middle of the island is a dense green forest. On a high cliff in the middle, there is a huge white stone palace supported by white round stone pillars.

The White Stone Palace is located alone on the edge of the top of the black cliff. The surrounding ground is full of bare black rocks, without any green plants or insects.

The stone palace is like a triangle resting on a rectangle, with a simple structure, but there is a faint ancient atmosphere from the subtle pattern carvings.

At the entrance of the stone palace, there are four huge stone pillars with a diameter of two meters, with a kind of white snake with pointed ears entwined on them.

On the black cliff outside the gate, there stands a short white stone pillar with a square stone basin on it, which seems to be a place to place something.

As the sun sets, in front of the stone platform, a man with short hair and a cold face is standing. His hair is constantly rising in layers of dark red waves in the strong wind.

The man reached out and wiped it in the stone basin, and his fingers were immediately stained with a trace of red blood. With a flick, the blood droplets flew directly to the bottom of the cliff, and were blown crookedly by the wind into the forest sea below.

"Xianflan, Ansara's position needs to be filled as soon as possible."

A thin figure covered in black robes appeared behind him, standing at the door of the hall. The figure was completely hidden in the cloak, and nothing could be seen. Only the voice of an old man came from inside.

"When do you plan to leave?"

"I don't want to go out now." The short-haired man said with a smile, "You have to go there by yourself. It's true that trash without talent is vulnerable. It only takes a few injuries. It also lost the precious blood of immortality."

Xianfran turned his head and looked to the right side of his body. He didn't know when a beautiful and gentle woman stood there. The woman has pure eyes as blue as the sea, and her skin is as white as snow, so white that there is no trace of blood.

"Sister? When did you come? Since I killed my brother, you have appeared more and more. I knew I was right!" Xianflan suddenly became happy, stopped what he was doing, and moved his hands hurriedly. I wiped my body clean and my face was filled with surprise. "Sister, do you think I should go out this time? The injury I suffered last time has not healed yet, so going out will be very tiring. But the plan of not going out has reached a critical moment."

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