Mysterious journey

Chapter 179 Secrets and Suggestions 1

The blue-eyed woman looked at him calmly, just smiling gently.

"Xianflan, are you going or not? Give me a definite answer!" A voice came from the black shadow behind again.

Xianfran frowned. His eyes were fixed on the gentle woman's face, and such a gentle smile made him feel warm from the deepest part of his heart.

"Sister, why don't you speak? Is it because the guy behind is too noisy?"

"Yes, that guy must be too noisy. I've long disliked him, but I didn't expect my sister to be uncomfortable with him too? Just wait, I'll kill him right away!"

His body suddenly floated invisible and flew straight towards the black shadow at the entrance of the hall.

In an instant, an overwhelming and terrifying black shadow erupted from his body, like countless sludge, covering the entire hall in just the blink of an eye.

"Xianflan you!!" The black shadow was frightened and angry, and violent roars continued to be heard in the black mud.

"Why are you so crazy!!!" The old figure suddenly grunted, broke through the black mud with a swish, and fled down quickly.

Xianflan walked out of the black mud with a look of regret.

"I'm still too weak. Sister, do you think if I were stronger, could I kill that annoying old guy instantly?" He looked towards the woman again and saw the blue-eyed woman still smiling gently at him. With. Suddenly my heart was filled with warmth again.

Suddenly his eyes blurred, the woman in front of him suddenly disappeared, and there was nothing in front of him.

His face suddenly showed deep disappointment.

"Sister, are you unhappy again? I have let you down." He touched the left side of his neck and suddenly became happy again.

"My time mark has grown a little longer, sister, have you seen it? Just a little bit. Let me calculate. I can live for two more days!" A simple child-like smile appeared on his face.

"One month and five days, it's so long. I have never had such a long period of time. Sister, you will be very happy, right?"

At the foot of the mountain, a black shadow suddenly appeared, standing staggeringly while holding on to the big tree.

A red figure suddenly appeared next to him. It was the Fire Sparrow Mother, with an indifferent expression on her face, a large elf sword hanging on her waist, and her head looking up at the stone palace above.

"Sylvania is crazy again?"

"Damn it, I don't want to be with that madman anymore! Whoever wants to come will come!" An angry old voice came from the black shadow.

The fire sparrow mother squinted at the stone palace above.

"Xianflan is a lunatic to begin with, good and bad at times, just don't mess with him. He is also a pitiful person."

"Poor?! He is pitiful? Who will take pity on me!!" Black Shadow roared angrily. "He is a person who should have disappeared a long time ago! Time traces determine how long he can live. He relies on absorbing the blood of immortality and the vitality of other people to maintain his life! What are the good times and bad! I think he has long been completely crazy. !”

"Sucking life-sustaining time marks will cause severe pain every once in a while. And the more you suck, the more time marks on your body will become resistant, and the effect will be shorter and shorter each time. Xianflan. He has already lived. It won't be long." The fire sparrow mother was silent for a moment and walked towards the mountain. "Stop arguing with him."


In the following time, Garen concentrated on cultivating his body in Hubo City.

Andrela's medicine worked well and quickly eliminated the suppuration in the wound. This troublesome effect caused by Wushuang Tianchen, a wound is like a pit, just like the damage of the Mitsubishi Army Thorn, which is difficult to heal.

This also caused Galleon's self-healing ability to fail to take effect quickly.

However, after the suppuration was removed, the injury recovered quickly. The constant physical attributes that reach the limit of human beings bring about the terrifying self-healing power of rapid recovery.

Garon played chess with Andrela every day in the manor, competed in martial arts, and listened to intelligence gathered from all parties.

The injury gradually recovered day by day.

But the situation in the Federation has gradually become more complicated. The Federation's Third Fleet, deployed at the border port of the territorial sea, finally engaged Weisman's small army, the Empire's Blue Bird Fleet.

The Federation has a strong national power and the Empire has a strong combat power. With the main force of the Third Fleet, the Weisman small army is engaged in a head-on battle. If nothing goes wrong, the situation should be completely crushed.

Everyone thought that the Federation would win this battle easily. The main thing to consider was Wiseman's counterattack.

But something happened that shocked all countries in the world.

The Federation's Third Fleet actually collapsed, and twelve steel battleships were completely destroyed in just twenty minutes.

Even the Wiseman Empire itself didn't react. When it received the telegram, it thought it was a trick by the Federation to lure the enemy, and it was fake.

Weisman's Blue Bird Fleet is only one of the twenty-three small fleets in the empire. All the ships are the smallest warships and gunboats. They have served in the waters where the islands are rampant, and have also fought against some small and medium-sized countries. They have not shown how strong they are. combat effectiveness. It was actually able to defeat the Federation's third main fleet head-on.

Suddenly, the true face of the entire federation was finally exposed to the eyes of all countries.

The military expenditure is in short supply, the national treasury is in short supply, the battleships have not been maintained and repaired for a long time, the soldiers are not well trained, the officials are corrupt, and even the shells used for bombardment are many substandard, and the battleship armor is completely replaced by cheap metal with low hardness and fake.

Since the Boundary Monument War, the Federation has begun to become corrupt rapidly. During the Boundary Monument War, no matter which country regarded the Federation as a behemoth, they did not dare to start the war lightly. The Army's several easy raids were successful, which also made the military headquarters Guys are smug.

Sitting in the tea room of the manor, Gallon picked up the maid's refill of black tea and looked at the newspaper in his hand with a solemn expression.

The front page of the black and white newspaper clearly printed a line of large characters: Who will pay for the lost souls of the Third Fleet!

"The situation is not good." Andrela sat opposite him, also holding a copy of the Federal Daily News, which is the mouthpiece newspaper representing the country.

"It's not bad, it's terrible." Garen added, putting down the black tea cup. "Because the New Ocean Company successfully opened a waterway and the interests of Weisman and Weisman were unevenly divided, conflicts arose and war started. But in this naval battle, if the Federation does not take practical countermeasures to make up for the lost prestige, I’m afraid it’s really dangerous.”

"The actual response measures will probably involve mobilizing the Ninth Army Corps. Let's just wait and see." Andrela also frowned. The safety of the country concerns every citizen. After all, when going abroad, the first thing foreigners see is their own nationality. If the country behind it is not strong, it will mean that everything is not going smoothly.

Both of them felt a little heavy in their hearts. But this is something that cannot be affected by personal power. No matter how powerful they are, can they still defeat the opponent's warships head-on with naval guns? There are at least hundreds of people on one battleship alone, and even thousands of people. No matter how strong a person is on the sea, he still needs a boat to move. Even if they can kill everyone once they get on the boat, the time it takes is enough for the opponent to gain an overall advantage.

As a warrior, when faced with real wars, especially naval and air battles, all I feel is a deep sense of helplessness.

Boom, boom, boom. There was a gentle knock on the door.


Garen put down the newspaper and calmed down his expression.

Jack strode in, wearing a white military-like uniform.

"Sect Master, the materials you requested are all ready, and the potion has been prepared by a specialized pharmacist. Can you go over now?"

"Just let your subordinates take care of these little things." Garen frowned and looked at Jack, "What you have to do is practice martial arts and improve your strength. Has that guy from the Eight-Armed Dragon King agreed to come?"

"No, Mr. Yoda left Mr. Sulin's manor half a month ago. I don't know where he is now. The little guy left with him." Jack answered briefly. "Besides, unlike Cynthia at my age, martial arts training is unlikely to have a big effect on me. I know my choice very well."

Garen said no more and glanced at Andrela.

"Want to go?"

"No, I'm going to take a bath and swim later. I don't have your strong physique, so I need to use different exercise methods to adjust my body's flexibility." Andrela waved her hand.

"Body flexibility? What if your body was strong enough? Wouldn't it be so troublesome?" Garen stood up and asked.

"Of course, it's a pity that a warrior can only focus on one thing. No matter how much I dabble, I won't be able to reach a very high level." Andrela shook her head and said helplessly.

"I have a secret method that can improve your physical fitness in a short time. Are you interested?" Garen suddenly said. "And the side effects are not very strong, and the explosive power is amazing."

"Oh? You actually have such a secret technique?" Andrela's eyes suddenly lit up. "What conditions?!"

Garen shook his head and smiled.

“Just communicate with each other.”

Andrela was stunned for a moment and looked at Galen intently, her eyes a little complicated and inexplicable.

"Do you know the true value of a secret method with few side effects?"

"Of course." Garen naturally knew that when he exchanged with the Tenth Golden Ring, he used a lot of interests, funds, industries, mineral deposits, etc. to obtain it. It is estimated that the value paid was hundreds of millions. It was one-fifth of the property of Baiyunmen at that time.

Andrela lowered her head and pondered for a moment.

"Okay, it just so happens that I also have a secret method. Let's communicate."

Garen was slightly stunned.

The main reason why he was so generous was because Andrela was considered to be on his side. This guy was so addicted to martial arts that he still remembered the favor he owed him and took the initiative to give him medicine. He is a reliable person.

There are only a handful of top fighters in the world. When they met again this time, they were equally addicted to martial arts. Once they communicated, they immediately felt like they were mutual confidants. Both sides’ martial arts experience benefited each other.

Gallon has a short training time and lacks experience in details, but has rich experience in actual combat between life and death. Andrela lacks experience against high-end opponents, so it is difficult to see clearly his own position and future direction.

The two of them complement each other for the most part.

A few minutes later, the two came to a white stone clearing in the rear manor.

The open space is paved with large pieces of white ashlar. It is a specially built martial arts arena, and can occasionally be used for masters to compete and fight.

The site is surrounded by a circle of garden flowers, and outside is a circle of black walls, five meters high, with an electric grid.

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