Mysterious journey

Chapter 209 Reason 2

While chatting with Finestine and thinking about the source of the superpower, he had an inexplicable feeling, as if it was the fluctuation coming from the innate superpower.

The attribute bar and skill bar below the field of vision began to fluctuate slightly at the same time. Just like countless ripples on the water.

At night, he sat cross-legged in his hotel room. On the surface, there was nothing unusual about his body, but his mind was constantly trying to catch the glimmer of light flashing through his heart.

It was as if a piece of paper suddenly flashed through my mind, with words and images written on it, but I couldn't recall it.

Garen tried hard to capture this hint, or memory.

As he continued to concentrate, the fluctuations in the attribute bar below his vision became larger and larger. finally.

boom! ! !

Amidst the ear-piercing roar, Garen felt that his brain was in chaos, and his whole person fell into a state of confusion.

He didn't know how long it took, but an inexplicable scene suddenly entered his mind.

The endless vast starry sky.

A piece of red debris passed through many starfields and galaxies at high speed, and was finally captured by the earth's gravity and crashed into a certain area of ​​the earth.

When the debris rushed into the atmosphere, a large part was vaporized and turned into countless small fragments, which scattered and fell into the sky above the earth like raindrops.

The raindrop-like fragments fell silently into many living creatures as if they were invisible. Most of these creatures suddenly spontaneously combusted one by one and were burned to ashes.

A few survived, but they were extremely weak, contracted various diseases, and died prematurely.

There are still one in ten million people who are still living after being hit by the debris, and the debris does not have any impact on them.

Garen soon saw himself in his previous life. He was also one of the people who got hit by debris, and he was also one of the lucky ones who didn't have anything happen to him. He was only a teenager at the time.

Soon, many years passed, and he grew up and worked, until he was electrocuted while taking a bath.

Just when the electric current turned him into a piece of coke, a translucent human figure slowly floated up from his body. About to be torn apart by countless radiant energy in the invisible air. A subtle red light suddenly lit up deep in the human body. This light was a bit of powerful energy bred from each person's unique life, body, memory, and soul.

It wrapped around the humanoid head, and while flashing continuously, the entire head slowly merged with the red light, and then finally disappeared. The remaining body was torn to pieces by the radiation.

Strangely, Garen also saw other people who were hit by red fragments and survived.

Those people either died of illness or died without illness. Or get killed.

But of all the people who died, only three of them activated the conceived red light after their death, and the rest were torn to pieces.

And among these three people with flashing red lights was himself. Although the remaining two activated the red light, the parts where they combined the red light were different, and during the final combination process, the red light gradually dimmed, which was obviously a failure of the combination.

Therefore, among all the humans on earth activated by countless red fragments, he was the only one who successfully combined, and he was also the head.

The red fragment is like a soul gene activator. Some creatures survive successfully, while others die if they fail.

Only one in a billion survives. And among these creatures that successfully survived, there was a very small chance that they could successfully activate the red fragments.

Among the activated creatures, it also needs to successfully combine with red light. The binding sites are also different.

After Galleon combined with the red light, the head soul wrapped in red light slowly floated in the universe, flashing from time to time in completely unfamiliar areas of the universe. Finally, he was caught up in a cosmic storm and blown to this planet, where he merged with a young man named Garen.

As he continued to wander in the starry sky, Garen gradually understood the function of this red fragment.

It is a natural soul mutation activator that only works on the soul. An activated soul can produce countless different effects, some useful and some useless. Some are strong and some are weak.

Moreover, different binding parts produce different effects. He was very lucky to have a head union, and even more lucky that he was able to wander in the starry sky, encounter a planet of intelligent creatures and obtain a fused body before his consciousness was completely annihilated.

The starry sky and the universe are endless. If you drift in such an environment for a long time, no matter how powerful your consciousness is, it will gradually be worn away.

If he hadn't sat down to reflect this time, coupled with this innate ability combined with his head, it would be impossible to see so many memory contents.

He did not know the status of other creatures whose red shards were activated. But it certainly won't be like him. After all, each creature's experience, life, and memory are different. These differences determine that the red light conceived will not be the same, and the superpowers produced after the final combination are definitely different.

And his superpower is the attribute ability of this body. Or add the ability to travel through.

Sitting cross-legged on the bed, Garen slowly opened his eyes, with a slight sweat on his forehead.

"So this was my original truth"

He has always wondered how he got his powers, although deep in his memory there is no doubt about it. But I never really saw the whole process.

He didn't know what the fragment was, but it was consumed after activating the red light. It was obviously the effect of a drug or something.

Fortunately, it was combined with the head, so all the memories were preserved. It's a lucky thing that after drifting in the space and time of the universe for so long, I was able to encounter a planet with humans before the consciousness disappeared, and successfully merged with it.

"This is simply the lucky result of countless coincidences."

Garen has completely understood the source of his innate abilities.

To put it bluntly, the body of the earth breeds a mutated soul. After the body dies, the unique mutated soul travels through the universe and space. By luck, it encounters a new intelligent planet before it dies, gets a new fusion, and takes over the body of others.

This is a miraculous process. Without the physical body of the earth, without the memory of this experience and countless coincidences during his lifetime, it would be impossible to give birth to the same supernatural talent as Garen.

And the most fundamental point also made Garen put down his worries.

Different from bloodline abilities, this is his natural ability after a soul mutation. It originates from the essence of the soul that changes after being activated.

Bloodline superpowers are derived from blood genes. These are two fundamentally different things.

One is the body and the other is the soul.

Bloodline superpowers disappear when the body is changed, but the soul does not. This is because the abilities that arise with the soul are purely acquired. Therefore, bloodline abilities can be passed down, but soul abilities cannot be passed down.

"As long as it can't be copied, otherwise there will be another one with the same power as mine." Garen is very aware of the power of his power. As long as he has enough potential points, no matter how talented he is, as long as he is not too unlucky or stupid, he can All can be pushed to the top.

However, this memory that was dug out also made him understand that souls really exist on earth. At least he himself is a case of mutated soul.

"In this way, it is estimated that Wulan, the Demon Elephant Gate." Garen suddenly started to gloat when he thought of the fact discovered there. Ulan will definitely be crazy.


In a secret underground base somewhere in the Federation

Wu Lan looked at a white crystal stone in front of him with a pale face. His hands clawed deeply into the surface of the stone, leaving deep claw marks.

"How is it possible?!? How is it possible!! Why is such a powerful man's essence just a life response of white quality!!" Her eyes seemed to burst out with fire.

"Nothing is impossible." A black-haired man with hair on his temples that reached his chest answered calmly standing behind her. "They are not willing to have sex with you, and they are still stimulated by drugs. Moreover, even normal people may have defective offspring, and the strongest may be the same, but the chance is smaller."

He glanced at Ulan. "Okay, let's decide, do you want to give birth or not? The Essence Stone is not just for you to consume and play with."

"Me!" Ulan clenched his teeth, feeling confused for a moment and not knowing how to answer.

In the base room, the two fell into silence for a while.

Finally, Ulan gritted his teeth and squeezed out a sentence.

"I'm born! Even if he's just an ordinary person, this is his son! That man, he won't leave it alone!"

The man with long sideburns was about to open his mouth to answer, when suddenly, the white crystal stone as tall as a person slowly glowed with a hint of light red.

His expression changed, and there was an incredible look in his eyes.

"How can it be!!"

"What's going on!!?" Ulan instinctively felt something was wrong and asked hurriedly.

The man with long sideburns had a look on his face that made him laugh or cry. He turned his eyes and looked at Ulan's expression with a hint of pity.

"During the test, the man's essence weakened and died because his vitality was too low. In other words, professionally speaking, the survival rate was too low. So you can't give birth even if you want to."

Wulan suddenly became stunned.

"That's me." Her voice trembled.

The man with long sideburns looked at her with pity.

Wu Lan was dumbfounded.

She didn't even know that the man with long sideburns had walked out of the base room. She just stood blankly in front of the crystal stone, watching the stone gradually return to a colorless and transparent state. It reflected her pale and gloomy face.

"Galeung!!!" She finally said two characters through gritted teeth.

Garen was currently on a plane heading to the seaside city. He could imagine Ulan's ugly expression when he knew the real situation. But no matter what, he still had a special feeling in his heart for this essentially first woman.

"If there is another conflict, let her die easily." He said to himself. The psychological burden is gone, and the relationship with the Demon Elephant Gate has become simpler again.

Now he also took the opportunity to understand the origin of his superpowers. He was no longer worried about his bloodline inheritance superpowers, and his heart felt relieved.

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