Mysterious journey

Chapter 210 Gathering 1

After all, the Demon Elephant Sect provoked the senior sister to kill the second senior brother and the great elder. They also played a big role when Baiyun Sect almost fell apart.

If there really was such an extra layer of relationship, he still felt a little bit unable to get over this hurdle.

Sitting on the plane, Gallon completely sorted out all the relationships. He was playing with a small golden seal in his hand. This is Finestine's unlucky antique, and with his current strength, it's just a matter of words to get it.

The seal itself was just an ordinary antique of misfortune. It was drained of all potential points at once, providing him with 4 points of reserve potential. However, it is still a considerable amount of income when the Golden Sword Seat has become extremely slow.

Now his potential has been reserved to 15 points. Unfortunately, my body has reached its limit and I can no longer use it.

Keeping this thing in your hand means playing with it as a plaything.

When we come here this time, the Demon Elephant Sect is almost done with it. No matter how strong Ulan is, it is impossible for him to come out and cause trouble now when he is in a very bad state. Although the country is currently in turmoil, with the help of the nightmare Siren organization, even if something big happens, there is still a way out of the country.

Now Star Ring Gate, Baiyun Gate, Siren. The three groups have almost formed an offensive and defensive alliance, and their strength has expanded to an extremely exaggerated level, almost becoming a large-scale armed group across borders and abroad.

Even if it's not aggressive enough, it's more than enough to protect itself.

"Everything is ready, maybe this is the last battle." Garen looked sideways out of the window, with a hint of expectation and excitement in his heart.

Maybe he himself didn't understand why he wasn't worried at all about the upcoming conflict, but the sense of relief that he could understand everything immediately had gradually filled every vein in his body.



In the vast airport terminal, outside the glass window, a military aircraft with blue and white stripes slowly leaned down, landed steadily on the runway, and began to rapidly buffer the speed.

In front of the huge floor-to-ceiling glass window, two men with unusually conspicuous appearance and temperament were standing by the window, looking at the landing plane through the glass.

The two men, one wearing a black suit and black tie, held a long sword wrapped in black cloth. Her hair is long and she wears a black eyepatch over her eyes. It was Andrela who had arrived a long time ago.

The other person has a charming appearance and voluptuous body. He is wearing neutral white long-sleeved trousers and has long hair combed into a ponytail. If his chest were not too flat, no one would think he is a man.

He leaned entirely on Andrela's shoulder, looking lazily at the slowly decelerating plane.

"Gallon is too slow, coming so late."

"It's normal for him to have to deal with more things than us." Andrela replied calmly, "This time, I am at my weakest. Perhaps this is my biggest test. If I can get through it, I will I will definitely be able to take a step further and reach the same level as you.”

Andrela was speechless.

"You don't have anything to deal with? Is it okay to stay here all day?"

"I've made arrangements a long time ago." Nightmare smiled, "Oh, Palosha is here too."

Before they finished speaking, an ordinary and simple old man walked out silently from the crowd not far from the two of them. He looked similar to the old man selling box lunches on the street. Wearing a long white and gray coat, he was dusty and unremarkable. He held a cane in his hand and walked over slowly, one step at a time.

Palosha slowly walked ten steps away from the two of them and stopped. He stared at the nightmare with slightly narrowed eyes, a trace of surprise flashing in his eyes.

"I'm not late, am I?"

"No, the last one will be here soon." Nightmare stood up straight, took out a golden pocket watch in his hand, and checked the time. "3:14 pm. The weather is quite suitable for going to sea now, so we can set off today."

"That's good."

Palosha walked to the rows of seats on the side and sat down directly, then closed his eyes and meditated without paying attention to anyone.

The three of them stopped talking for a while.

Most of the people in the airport were not ordinary people. The people coming and going were either military officers, wealthy businessmen, or some more powerful big shots. The number of people was sparse, and from time to time there were people hurriedly passing by, protected by a group of bodyguards.

The three men in Nightmare were the most inconspicuous among them. They had no guards, no bodyguards, and not even a female companion. Just like ordinary civilians.

"There should be a lot of people there this time, right?" Andrella asked Nightmare in a low voice.

"Not a few, but a lot. A certain group of people are determined to get the secret treasure. On the one hand, we are curious, and on the other hand, we want to seek revenge. Others probably want to weaken the effective strength of the Federation. There are definitely not a few elites who are going." A hint of sarcasm flashed across Nightmare's face, "It is estimated that many countries will send elites there. If that kind of secret treasure is really so useful, it will have unimaginable role and research value for anyone, any organization, or country. No force will Hold back and let it go.”

"That's right."

While the two were talking, a man with short purple-black hair and red eyes strode out from the far entrance, wearing a black suit and a large furry windbreaker. He looked just like an ordinary wealthy businessman general, and he was accompanied by two fully armed female soldiers in black military uniforms.

"Here we go, two female soldiers are with us. This is a standard general pattern, tsk tsk." Nightmare praised a few times.

"Everyone is here, let's go, the boat has been arranged." Andrela whispered, "This time it's time to take revenge, and it's time to grab the secret treasure. Finally, everything can be settled."

Palosha seemed to feel something, opened his eyes and looked at Garen calmly. He stood up and walked to stand next to Nightmare and Andrela.

The three of them watched Garen striding towards this side.


Thousands of nautical miles away from the Smoke Island, on a deserted sea.

The deep blue water was rippling and rolling, and under the blue sky and white clouds, a huge white ship was slowly moving towards the Smoke Island.

The ship is entirely covered in steel armor, with a sharp spike on the bow. From time to time, densely packed white-clad navy can be seen on the ship hurriedly adjusting the direction of the ship.

At the bow of the ship, a strong, white-skinned man was standing on the guardrail, looking far ahead.

The big man wore a white military uniform with two white-gold epaulettes on his shoulders. His chest was exposed, and a large tuft of black hair on his chest was clearly visible.

"How long until we get to that island?" He asked inarticulately, biting a toothpick in his mouth.

"We can arrive in the evening. Probably..." A serious-looking blonde female adjutant next to him hesitated.

"Who are the people here this time? Is there anything worth noting?" the big man asked, spitting out his toothpick.

"The authenticity of the secret treasure has been confirmed this time. All countries think it is extremely valuable. There will be no less than thirty forces participating in it. Among them, the most noteworthy ones are Chiarudo, the Arctic King of the Five Stars Continent, and the Assassin's Spear. Mal. The White Peacock of Shiyanzhou, the Gun King Nikon. Then there are the Card Clowns, our three generals of Wiseman. And, the rumored Immortal Palace." After the female adjutant finished speaking, she added, "There are seven forces in total, but... We are not allowed to join forces with each other. After all, there is no way to find the ruins without a strong telepathic person."

"Seven forces? So many?" The big man touched his beard on his chin, "They all look like some incredible people."

"Indeed, these powerful figures who came here are almost all the most powerful figures in each country. Normally, because they have no intersection, they are the strongest in each place and are absolutely powerful. But this time when they come together, they are basically the strongest. The elites from all over the world are concentrated here." The female adjutant said calmly, "Those who dare to go to the island are all people who have absolute confidence in themselves. This is no longer a battle between one country and one continent."

"Isn't this better?" There was an excited smile on the big man's face. "With so many delicious guys gathered together, why do we three generals have to beat ourselves up? Our opponents just caught a lot of them!"

"General Mero, please note that these people are no joke. They are all people who can dominate a country or even a continent. They are the best among countless people. If it weren't for the appearance of the black smoke pot, it is estimated that It's impossible for so many people to show up. After all, communicating with the dead is a small matter, but it's possible to transcend life and death and achieve immortality, which is a big deal!" the adjutant reminded helplessly.

"Don't worry, am I such a reckless person?" Melo chuckled.


At the same time, there was a Bolivian port on the far coast of Pentastar.

An extremely huge black cruise ship was slowly launching itself, spraying out a long column of white air that shot straight into the sky. The cruise ship is several hundred meters long and several hundred meters wide. At the boarding gate, many passengers lined up to board the ship in an orderly manner.

"Don't worry, I'll be back after I go out for a while. This is an intercontinental exchange arranged by the company. It's just a little longer. It's no different from usual."

A man in a white coat hugged his wife, and then kissed his daughter's little face with a gentle smile on his face.

"Dad, remember to bring toys for Yawen." The little girl is only five years old. She has red lips, white teeth, and fair complexion. She looks innocent and extremely cute.

"I will definitely remember it." The man pinched his daughter's cheek lovingly. "Okay, I'm leaving."

"Be careful on the road, take a step back when encountering problems, and avoid making grudges with others. Safety is the first priority." The wife warned her worriedly. Her face had an abnormal white color, and her beautiful face was like white jade porcelain, without any trace of it. color.

She stepped forward and kissed her husband gently on the lips, then put a white fox fur coat on him.

"I know, I know." The man responded repeatedly, "Don't worry, I will be back soon."

He stepped onto the boarding board and squeezed through the crowd towards the ship. Looking back from time to time, his wife on the bank was holding her daughter and waving to him.

"Go back!" he shouted.

The wife nodded vigorously, but showed no intention of turning around.

The man looked at his wife's figure, and for some reason, his eyes suddenly became moist.

"El...I won't let you die before me." He murmured softly.

For a moment, a trace of incomparable tenacity flashed in his eyes. He turned around and blended into the crowd, striding towards the ship.

"I'll come back alive. I'm the assassin, Mal!"

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