Mysterious journey

Chapter 214 Southern Region 1

Garen didn't answer, just threw the card to Nightmare. "Let's go, there seems to be something in that direction." He walked directly in the direction he just decided.

Nightmare and Andrela looked at Palosha.

The latter shook his head and said in a low voice: "We don't need to create extraneous problems."

"I think you'd better go take a look. It may be necessary." Garen turned around and said.

Palosha closed his eyes and stopped answering.

"Huh." Garen didn't bother to say more. He walked towards the thick fog.

Andrela and Nightmare were speechless. They looked at each other and finally followed Garen.

"Although I had long expected that there might be disagreements and parting ways, I didn't expect it to happen so early." Andrela said helplessly, "But everyone has their own purpose, and their opinions and actions are different. Gallon and Pa Luo Sha is both the top martial artist, and it is normal for them to move in different ways."

"I don't care." Nightmare hung lazily on Andrela's shoulders and walked leaning on him. "I'm so bored lately Laila, I have a suggestion."

"You'd better stop talking." Andrela stopped quickly.

"Laila, what do you think when we get to the center of the island and have everyone gathered and have an open-air field battle? Don't you want to be famous? Then you will be famous all over the world?" Nightmare suggested lazily, "I won't do any tricks. Do you mind~~"

"Of course you don't mind." Andrela was speechless. "It'll be fine if you change your physical appearance. What should I do?!" He knew that Nightmare could do it. If such a thing really happened, Nightmare would say no. When Zhun was excited, it was normal for him to be stunned by a sneak attack and immediately cause a big drama.

"And I don't want to be famous, I just want to... Oh, I won't say it anymore, I can't explain it to you!"

The three of them walked into the thick fog and soon disappeared.

Palosha still sat there, eyes slightly closed, motionless.


In the thick fog, Garen strode forward in the direction of the smell. Soon, some bloodstains gradually appeared on the black rock ground in front of him. The blood was dark red and black, obviously it had been there for some time.

Walking further, I suddenly heard a crackling sound in front of me. It was not loud, like something burning grease.

Soon, a pile of burning flames appeared in front of Garen. The green and red flames burned slowly on a pile of messy corpses, and thick black smoke continued to float out.

Garen stood in front of the fire and took a look at the corpse above.

"All clowns."

Nightmare walked over and glanced at it, and received it casually: "The cause of death was that the chest was pierced by a steel needle. It is very similar to Nikon's previous method."

"It seems that the person who attacked us on the sea just now is probably the Joker." Garron narrowed his eyes and whispered, "Maybe it is the person they want to blame Weisman?"

"Whatever, let's not worry about anything else. Go directly to the location of the key. Whether it's to open the ruins tomorrow or fight for the key, you have to go to the statue group over there. Why don't we go there earlier. See what's there in the Southern Territory. People stay.”

"Both the Southern Territory and the Northern Territory have separate keys?"

"Of course." Andrella replied, "Two on each side. Only four people can compete for the black tobacco pot."

"I remember rushing across from the map. We need to pass through two key places in the middle, right?" Garen has a very good memory and just memorized the map. "A canyon gap or a cliff edge are all very easy to be ambushed. .”

"The map is a map, but do you have a way to identify the direction in the fog?" Nightmare frowned.

"Then how do they identify the direction?" Garen knelt down and took a closer look at the clown's body on the fire.

Nightmare squatted down and began to look at the patterns on the ground.

"Let's just follow the old method. The rocks on the ground here have fixed lines. As long as you follow the direction of the lines, you will be fine. As long as you meet a living person, it will be easy."

"This is the only way." Garen frowned and said, "Let's go, go there as soon as possible, and if you encounter a living person, just capture him and question him."

He glanced at the texture of the ground and strode out in the other direction. The two men followed closely behind.

The rocks in front are getting higher and higher, and there are deep ravines and gaps between some of them, so I have to jump over them. The smoke in the cracks on the ground is getting thicker and thicker, and it is almost impossible to see the two meters around it. The three of them can only rely on their sense of smell and hearing to avoid getting lost.

Soon, a pile of corpses appeared on the ground in front of them again. They were all soldiers in white clothes. They had no medals or national emblems. The three of them checked the characteristics of the corpses and found nothing.

Continuing to walk forward, bursts of explosions and roars could be heard from time to time, seemingly in a very far away direction. There were also gunshots and vague roars.

The surrounding thick fog covered everything completely.

"Has it started yet? Fighting for the key." Garen looked at the direction of the explosion from a distance.

"The keys have been out for a long time, but I don't know who has them. It is said that the keys were brought in from outside. There are two in the south and north. They open two entrances respectively, and you can enter the ruins. But I heard that the so-called ruins are not It's not big, it's very small, and it's unclear which ruins the black tobacco bottle is in." Andrela explained.

Garen stopped talking and continued to walk around the corpse and follow the lines.


In the thick white fog, a group of figures in clown uniforms quietly came to the clown's body. The body was bloody and cut into two pieces, which was too horrible to look at.

They held red torches in their hands, and the flames dimly illuminated their masked faces.

"The white ghost only had time to report the news before he was killed." The leading clown made a strange voice, as if his voice was trembling.

"We underestimated the white peacock."

"Give up blocking them and switch to someone else. Our agreement with Immortal Palace is to reduce the number of unqualified participants as much as possible. Since they are qualified, let them in." The leading clown whispered.

"Queen, if it were you, would you be sure to escape unscathed?" He suddenly turned to ask a clown on his right.

"I do not know."

"So we're not sure?" The clown in the lead paused, "Forget it, let's go, you guys split up to check other sections of the road."


All the clowns immediately dispersed. The lead clown was left alone.

He slowly walked to the corpse, squatted down, reached out and pinched the skin of the corpse.

"What a domineering power. Such vicious moves." His usually joking eyes gradually flashed with a hint of solemnity.



Garen slapped a masked man in black on the waist. The opponent's missile flew out like a cannonball and hit a stone not far away. The bones in his body made a crackling sound. I don't know how many bones were broken, and he was completely breathless.

He stood up straight and glanced around.

The ground was littered with corpses of men in black clothes, with a white clown pattern on the corpses' black clothes.

Andrela and Nightmare also came from the other two directions.

Andrella shook the blood off her sword.

"These people are still clowns. What role can they play by arranging them here? Send them to death?"

"Maybe it's to screen out the qualifications to participate in the competition." Nightmare yawned. "It's so boring. It's just a little better than ordinary people, but it's useless in just one click. It's not fun at all."

The three of them were standing in front of a narrow tunnel. In front of them was a passage between two mountain walls, which was just big enough for one person to pass through. The passage between the black rocks looked even more bottomless in the thick fog.

"Are you leaving?" Nightmare asked casually.

"Of course." Garen strode into the tunnel. Suddenly his expression changed and he quickly jumped backwards.

Boom! ! !

There was a deafening huge explosion.

Large swaths of red flames accompanied by rubble rushed toward the three of them.

Clang, clang, clang! ! !

Andrela's body suddenly appeared in front of Garen, and the long sword in her hand instantly turned into a silver mirror, directly cutting all the rubble into pieces, and even the flames were completely blocked.

The three people were rushed tens of meters away by the huge impact, and several scorch marks were drawn on the ground.

Throughout this area, seen from above, a red mushroom cloud slowly rises, and strong winds roll up around it, blowing away the area shrouded in white mist. Large expanses of black rocky ground were exposed.

"Clown King!" Garen was completely furious. He was already furious when he lost the golden sword holder and the golden seal. Now he was attacked by clowns one after another. In just a moment, he was almost completely blown up by the buried explosives.

If he hadn't felt that something was wrong with the surrounding ground environment, which seemed to have been moved by someone, he might have been injured by this explosion.

He wasn't afraid of bullets, but that didn't mean he wasn't afraid of being hit completely in the front by high-yield explosives.

Not only him, Nightmare and Andrela were also disgraced, no longer as calm and relaxed as before.

"Let's go!" Garen waved his hand and smashed away a stone that was blown up, and strode forward. Being attacked one after another and falling into a state of embarrassment and passivity, he became increasingly impatient.

"My makeup!!" Nightmare cried sadly, trying to take out the dressing mirror to make up for the stained face. When he touched his pocket, he found that the dressing mirror had been completely broken into countless pieces. "Damn Clown King, don't let me see you!!"

Andrela silently dusted off the dirt on her body.

The three of them accelerated one after another, following the lines on the ground and rushing towards the first point.


In the center of the Southern Territory, there is a strange area without any fog.

Black stone statues stand here one after another, standing or sitting with different movements, forming a dense forest of black stone.

In the middle of the forest of statues, there is an open space surrounded by stone statues without any obstacles.

A group of people wearing black coats were walking cautiously in this open space. They stayed close to the stone statues and jumped to difficult places. They were extremely cautious about the wide and flat open spaces.

"This is it, everyone, be careful. Are you okay, Tali?" The blond woman walking in the front looked back worriedly.

"It's okay, I can still hold on. Don't think of me as a little flower in the greenhouse." A middle-aged man in the back row of the team replied. He was chewing on a black pipe, and he even smashed it and took a puff from time to time.

"By the way, what about the things we found? Are there any results?" He looked at a fat bearded man to one side.

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