Mysterious journey

Chapter 215 Southern Region 2

"No, I've never seen this thing before. It's a bit like Gu Yin Duo's style, but I can't match it with any of Gu Yin Duo's historical periods." The bearded man said helplessly.

"Bai Ying, are you feeling better?" Tali Mercury looked at the last person in the team, his closest assistant and partner, Bai Ying.

At this time, Bai Ying looked like a sloppy drunk who had drunk too much. His face was haggard, his eye sockets were sunken, and his originally bright golden hair also looked dull, but his eyes shone with a keen luster.

He looked up at his old friend Tali Mercury, "It's okay." His voice was hoarse. "It's just that the consumption is a bit high. Those men in black just now were very troublesome."

Tali Mercury nodded and said no more.

The group continued to move forward, and soon the detective dug out a small piece of black metal from a stone statue and handed it to the fat man with a beard.

"check it out."

The fat man with a big beard took it and looked at it carefully for a long time, and finally shook his head helplessly.

"Sorry. This is beyond the scope of my knowledge."

Miss Silan looked at the fat man with a beard helplessly. This appraisal expert was a professional appraiser they specially invited for this trip. However, most of the things they encountered along the way just said they didn't know, and only a few of them said they didn't know. I can barely identify some information.

My first reaction to anything is to say sorry.

If this continues, I don’t know when we will be able to find traces of the other party. You must know that these stone pieces are clues left by the person who kidnapped the two children.

This is a clue left deliberately. If no other clues can be found, Siweka and Eve may die.

"It would be great if Mr. Kelly were here. There are too few studies on the ancient Yinduo civilization now," she sighed.

"Yes, if Kelly is here." Tali Mercury did not continue and his voice became lower.

During this journey, they were actually led to the island by a group of mysterious people. The detective's daughter Eve and White Eagle's son Siweka were both kidnapped by a group of mysterious people. They were asked to go to the island if they wanted to save them. island.

The other party obviously has an ulterior motive. But they really had no choice but to do it.

The clues that the other party used to guide them forward were the small black stones left in advance.

"They deliberately created a riddle for us to guess." Tali Mercury stopped and looked calm. "Perhaps this is a game, a game in which we have no choice. The opponent's power is far stronger than ours, so they set the rules, and we can only follow the rules. Don't panic, there is no possibility of winning if you panic. .”

"But Eve and Siweka."

"Don't worry, the children also need some training." Tali forced a smile, trying not to sound anxious.

"Don't worry, Tali, I have this sword, we still have a certain ability to protect ourselves." Bai Ying comforted.

"Yes." Tali nodded.

"Let's take a rest first." The detective sat down on the instep of a stone statue.

The group of people immediately sat down to rest, without any particular intention at all.

"Nineteen years ago, my parents were burned to death on this island." Bai Ying sat down and pulled out a small copper necklace from his collar.

The necklace pendant was similar to a pocket watch. He opened the pendant with a snap, and there was a black and white photo embedded inside.

"This is my father." He gently rubbed the glass on the surface of the photo. "I didn't expect that nineteen years later, I would also land on this island." He held the white sword in his hand tightly, and his face flashed. A hint of complexity.

Bang bang! !

Suddenly two piercing gunshots were heard in the distance.


The group of people immediately stood up and rushed towards the direction of the gunfire.

Passing through the stone statues, a larger and wider open space soon appeared in front of them.

Several waves of people were already standing above, each occupying a corner. Lying on the ground was the body of a man in black, which was obviously the result of the gunfire just now.

Mercury in the tower looked carefully and saw that there were three waves of people in the open space, standing clearly separated.

Two groups were confronting each other, and the atmosphere was slightly tense.

On the left side of these two groups were a group of werewolves with wolf heads and human bodies, and on the right side were three tall men wearing white trench coats.

The werewolves looked unhappy and stared at the three people across from them. Although they were more numerous, their expressions showed that they were obviously wary.

"Mr. Bettega, the leader of the wolf tribe, actually sneaked to the island, and it seems that he brought many tribesmen with him? What, you also want to get your hands on the black tobacco pot?" A tall man in a white coat stood up and said with a smile, The black hair on his chest fluttered in the wind, and he looked inexplicably happy.

"Didn't General Wiseman also sneak up on the island? Since you can go there, why can't we?" the tall black werewolf in the lead replied coldly. "Besides, even the Clown King of Solitaire has taken part in person. This event is much more powerful than the last one. Do you want us to help you?"

"The capture of the Clown King is an internal obligation of our Admiral Wiseman, so we won't let you worry about it." The tall man headed by the three generals said calmly, "There is also the traitor Gefeid. We will deal with them all this time. ."

"Even if you, the General of Glory, take action in person, I'm afraid you don't know the specific situation, right?" The leader of the wolf clan said loudly, "The Clown King has formed an alliance with the Immortal Palace. He is now considered a member of the Immortal Palace's alliance. If you want to deal with him, it is not It’s that simple.”

"Really?" Guangrong Zhiquan's face wrinkled slightly, and then he stopped making any sound, as if he was thinking about something.

When Tali Mercury and others entered this area, they did not attract the attention of others at all. Their group looked like small characters who got to the island by chance, and no one paid any attention to them.

That is to say, some cautious experts looked at them casually and looked away when they found no suitable targets.

As they came, gradually, many more people gathered here.

This is where the entrance to the Southern Domain ruins appears. The key must be inserted into a stone statue here to open the ruins. So even after obtaining the key, if you want to open the ruins, you must come here.

Waves of forces gradually entered this open space, including elites from the Federation, Tulip's special operations forces, and some unknown people whose backgrounds could not be discerned. What is strange is that almost all of these people are injured, there are only a few of them, and their faces are not very good-looking.

"It seems that they have also been attacked." Mercury in the tower whispered to Silan Baiying, "Now, there are Weisman's three generals on the field, and the leader of the wolf tribe is also there. The Clown King should not Even people from the Immortal Palace would not dare to appear alone. Although the scene seems a bit tense, this is actually the safest place."

"Weisman's three generals have always been upright. As the strongest force, they should stabilize the order on the scene." Silan nodded in approval. "Bai Ying, are you okay now?"

"It's okay." Bai Ying's face was filled with bulging veins, and he held the white sword tightly in his hand. Huge black runes were vaguely flashing on the sword. "I can still hold it in" he replied in a low voice through gritted teeth.

The three of them looked at Bai Ying worriedly, fearing that he would not be able to suppress the negative emotions in his heart.

This sword is the legendary rune sword, which has mysterious and terrifying power. If it weren't for this sword, they wouldn't have been able to get here. But to use such a rune sword, the prerequisite is to have extremely tough individual strength and will.

Bai Ying is still a bit weak in strength. If he hadn't relied on willpower to hold on, he probably wouldn't have been able to bear it long ago.

"Are we just going to wait here? Wait until tomorrow?" Fatty, the appraisal expert, asked in a low voice.

"No, the key should have been brought, and it is with the three generals and the leader of the wolf tribe. From now on, until tomorrow's full moon, it is time to look at the methods of all parties. However, if you can snatch it from the three generals and the wolf tribe, The person who takes the key." Mercury in Tali shook his head speechlessly. "By showing up like this, they clearly told the Clown King that if they want the key, they will stand here. As long as the other party is brave enough, they will come and get it themselves!" He paused, "At the same time, they are announcing to everyone, The key is in their hands, and those who have the guts can grab it themselves. As long as they are not afraid of death!"

"Too arrogant!" Miss Silan took a breath, "Elites from all over the world have gathered here. Even Tulip has sent troops."

"This is Wiseman's style. They want to dominate the world. This is their usual style." Tali Mercury nodded. "Now let's see if anyone dares to stand up and take action. I just don't know who captured Eve and the others. Everyone, please pay attention."

At this moment, a group of men and women wearing red cloaks walked quickly into the area. The red-eyed woman in the lead looked around, and her eyes immediately focused on the three generals of Wiseman.

"Glorious Hel, it's a pleasure to see you again." The woman pressed her right fist on her chest and bowed slightly.

"Elizal, are you here for the keys too?" Glorious Power asked calmly. He had a small black beard on his lips and looked serious and rigid.

"The real battle will begin after the entrance to the ruins is opened. It's too early to say this now." The red-eyed woman replied.

"That's not necessarily the case. Whoever holds the key is qualified to use the black smoke pot. Otherwise, even if someone comes in front of the black smoke pot, they will not be able to use it." The leader of the wolf clan interjected. "Elizal, have you, the Demon Hunter Alliance, really decided to participate in the fight this time?"

"You should be glad that you belong to the white lion camp. If you were a black lion, I would kill you with one shot without hesitation." The woman said calmly.

"You can try it." The leader of the wolf clan sneered disdainfully.

The situation is becoming more and more complicated. The Demon Hunter Alliance, the Wolf Clan, the Wiseman Government, and the Clown King are all well-deserved behemoths. Any one of them has the power to completely destroy the others.

Some forces saw that the situation was wrong and had quietly begun to retreat.

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