Mysterious journey

Chapter 235 Strength 2

"What kind of flame is this?" Garen was dumbfounded as he watched a piece of rock being quickly burned into magma, slowly flowing along the ground. Most places on the ground were in a dark red liquid state. It was like a swamp of red liquid, just releasing a lot of high heat.

This familiar high heat reminded Garen of the magma he had seen at Black Smoke Pot Volcano.

"This fire is definitely close to a thousand degrees!" Garen did not dare to get closer. He looked at the ground within the flame range from a distance, feeling faintly cold in his heart.

"If the average silver lantern master is of this level." He didn't dare to think about it. Such lethality and power were really terrifying!

"How can this be a D-level? This kind of trick of killing each other is even available in the B-level!"

Galen immediately thought of the father of this body, Vindman, and wondered if he also had such instant explosive power.

At first, I saw the two of them fighting tepidly, not very powerful, but I didn't expect that it was the result of all the strength being restrained. This time it completely exploded, and even the rocks within a thirty-meter radius were melted. This is equivalent to a small volcanic eruption!

Reminiscent of the Baker Stone Eyes that Vindman will face in the future, as well as the elite members of the Black Sky Society, these are all the best among the silver lantern masters, and they are much better than the two just now. At least a few grades higher.

"If all ordinary silver lantern masters are of this level, then the group of silver lantern masters would be really terrifying."

Garen felt that the blood in his body was constantly heating up, and the skin on his face and hands were sore and itchy.

Although the Silver Lantern Master's strength has been roughly explored, he is not happy at all when he thinks about the two enemies he will face in the future.

He asked himself, even if the statue was at its peak, it might not be able to stop the terrifying explosion and high temperature just now, and this was just a battle between two ordinary silver lantern masters.

Now Vindman has killed Baker's first love, Stone Eyes, and is also very unhappy with the Black Sky Club. If he hadn't been a positive supporter of the royal power, he would have died a long time ago.

But the feud took over long ago.

The flames ignited the surrounding woods, burning the forest above them red. The red light of the flames was everywhere around him, and there was no other color.

The sound of crackling explosions was endless, and the wind blew the sparks flying to the right, farther and farther away.

Thick black smoke rose high and was extremely conspicuous over the entire forest. The smell of burning trees made Garen unable to help but retreat a lot again.

He looked at the center of the fire again, but there was still no movement. The life and death of the two silver lantern masters were unknown.

If he had been asked to believe that someone could survive such a flame before, he might not have believed it, but now he was indeed a little unsure. After seeing the power and weirdness of the Silver Lantern Master, he would not be surprised no matter how things challenge common sense.

Hearing the sound of an approaching patrol in the distance, Garen found a direction and quickly left the burning land in a concealed manner.

On the way back to the manor, he felt very heavy.

The Silver Lantern Master's strength far exceeded his imagination. The fight between the two Silver Lantern Masters at the beginning was similar to what was shown on the screen. They didn't look very powerful, but also very ordinary. But if it hadn't been for that last explosion, he wouldn't have been able to feel the terrifying energy contained in the totem beast.

A full thirty-meter radius turned into a sea of ​​fire, and the rocks affected by the explosion flames even melted into magma. This kind of power only appeared on ordinary silver lantern masters.


Garen let out a long breath,

When he thought about having to face Baker Stone Eyes and Black Sky Society in the future, he felt depressed.

"It seems that we need to learn more about Silver Lantern Master as soon as possible." He carefully recalled the picture information he saw, "There are still more than two years until Baker Stone Eyes comes, I hope I can make it in time."

Regardless of whether he is willing or not, after traveling through time and being reincarnated into Ahashia, he will inevitably face this destined crisis.

Luo Jing is not sure if he will travel through time again if he dies again. And this time, the power of the Silver Lantern Master is extraordinary, much stronger than that of the Miwu. What if someone could interfere with the soul?

Seeing the terrifying power of the Silver Lantern Master, Luo Jing also began to feel a little uncertain.

With his current strength, even if the God Statue Skill is fully restored, it is impossible to withstand the temperature approaching a thousand degrees, not to mention that there are several stronger enemies behind him.

boom! !

There was another explosion in the woods behind him, and he didn't know what happened again.

Garen turned around and looked behind him, seeing that the flames were gradually getting smaller and the black smoke was much less.

In the woods nearby, a group of guards in white clothes trotted over.

"Master! Are you okay? Master!"

The guard captain was a man with a mustache. His face turned pale and he rushed to Garen and asked anxiously.

"We were late. How could you wander alone in such a dangerous place? It would be terrible if you were injured by the explosion!" The guard captain pointed at the two guards behind him and said, "Fortunately, they came over in time to notify us. , otherwise it will be really troublesome!"

"I'm fine." Jia Long used the Turtle Breath Kung Fu to remove the blood from his face, making his face pale and his eyes dull. "Let's go back first. I was just shocked."

"It's okay, it's okay. It's okay." The captain breathed a sigh of relief. "Come on, we'll take you back to the manor right away!"

Under the escort of a group of guards, Gallon returned to the manor, took a comfortable hot bath in a wooden barrel, and changed into new white clothes. Only then did he see the hurriedly arrived housekeeper Du Qian.

This housekeeper was the plump woman she saw beside her father Vindman during the day. After seeing Garen, she greeted him with greetings and seemed extremely concerned about him. After learning that there were no injuries, he felt relieved and asked someone to send some soothing spices, and then went out to command the guards to put out the fire.

After closing the door, Garen sat alone on the big bed, turned off the kerosene lamp, and pretended to be asleep.

He began to think about his next plan.

"There are still two years. Judging from the information on the screen, the only one who can fight against the Silver Lantern Master is the Silver Lantern Master. When I was in the secret martial arts world, it only took me more than three years to reach the peak level. The mainstream of this world is Silver Lantern Master, I don’t believe that in two years, with how powerful my powers are, I won’t be able to protect myself!”

"So how do you become a silver lanternist?"

Garen began to think about this problem.

His father, Vindman, is a silver lantern master. If you want to enter this field, the closest way is to get it from Vindman. But if Vindman was willing to teach Ahashia, he should have taught him long ago, and he would not be allowed to be exposed to this aspect at such an early age.

Garen glanced at the attribute bar below his field of vision, and the attributes had changed slightly.

‘Strength 0.8. Agility 0.8. Constitution 0.8, intelligence 0.4. Potential 1872%. Has unknown qualifications. ’

Physical fitness has improved by 0.1, which is obviously the result of the past few days.

His eyes fell on this unknown qualification again.

"What is this unknown qualification? Could it be the qualification of a silver lantern master?"

After thinking about it for a while on the bed, he vaguely heard Vindman's voice coming from outside. He seemed to be asking Du Qi about the fire, and specifically asked if he was injured. Knowing that his son was not injured, Vindman's tone was obviously much more relaxed. . He originally planned to come over to see his son, but when he found out that he had already gone to bed, Vindman didn't insist.

Then the sound was accompanied by footsteps, and the group of people gradually moved away.

Galen sat on the bed and thought about how high the success rate would be if he directly confessed to Vindman that he wanted to become a silver lantern master. At the same time, he also recalled relevant information from the screen information he saw.

From the picture memory, Gallon discovered a key point.

Silver lighting engineer is obviously a very expensive profession.

Very expensive! Very expensive!

Although we only know the approximate origin of melting silver to create precise totems, we can tell that this is a very luxurious profession just from using silver to make totems.

Garen briefly searched his memory and found out that silver in this world is far more expensive than other metals such as gold. It's completely opposite to the price on earth.

Silver became the most expensive metal, followed by gold. The silver here is equivalent to the status of gold on earth.

Therefore, most of the nobles here like to use silver to express nobility. Many of Ahashia’s clothes are mostly silver.

Garen probably analyzed the family fortune and ruled out the possibility of being unable to provide two silver lantern masters. Because the original Ahashia was a very prodigal guy, but no matter how much money he lost, the Viscount didn't care, and he was obviously not a poor money owner.

"If it's not financial resources, it might be other factors." Garon carefully recalled the original memory of Ahashia.

Vaguely, he recalled a scene.

It was when Ahashia was very young, and he seemed to stumble upon Vindman doing something mysterious and interesting.

At that time, Vindman was in a secret room, with silvery light flowing on his hands, and he looked very beautiful.

The silver light seemed to float in the air to form a strange pattern, but because the memory was so long ago, it seemed very blurry, and I can't recall what the pattern was now.

Then Vindman found Xiao Shia and seemed to draw a drop of blood from Ah Shia. It didn't hurt at all, just a slight numbness, and then he turned and left. After returning for a while, Vindman had obvious disappointment on his face. Then Ahashia fell asleep.

This also caused his memory to be blurred and he thought the scene was just a dream. Now it seems obvious that it is probably true.

"Since the superpower shows that he has qualifications, it is likely that he has the qualifications to become a silver lantern master. But since Vindman has a look of disappointment on his face, if this memory is correct, it means that this qualification is obviously far from his expectations. and requirements." Garen sat cross-legged on the bed and analyzed it carefully. This body's intelligence is a bit low, which vaguely affects his thinking speed.

"It's a flaw that your IQ is too low." Garen sighed speechlessly, "Should we consider adding some intelligence first to ensure that the calculations are correct?"

He originally thought that his IQ was average, but compared with this body, he was obviously at the genius level. This gave him an inexplicable sense of superiority.

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