Mysterious journey

Chapter 236 Will 1

Recalling Vindman's appearance at that time, Galen even more suspected that Vindman did not teach his son the knowledge of silver lantern masters, most likely because Ahashia's IQ was too low.

It gradually fell silent outside, and the sounds of people and footsteps gradually disappeared. Only the occasional howl of wolves could be heard in the distant mountains and forests.

The night is getting deeper and deeper.

Looking at the dark night sky outside the window, Garen gradually calmed down.

Some impetuous hearts gradually calmed down. Unconsciously, his thoughts drifted back to the previous direction.

"In two years, I was able to reach the top of the world in the last world, but I don't believe that in this world I can only accept my fate!" He sat cross-legged, his eyes shining brightly in the night.

Recalling everything about the previous world, familiar faces like Xianflan, Old Man Geguo, Andrela, the King of Nightmares, Ying'er, and uncle kept appearing in front of my eyes.

Garen slowly closed his eyes and took a deep breath.


A blast of cool air was sucked into his lungs, refreshing him.

"Silver Lantern Master"

He sat silently on the bed, reorganized his thoughts, and carefully searched and thought about possible ways to enter the field of silver lantern master.

"If it is really because of IQ, then going to Vindman directly will definitely cause problems. No one will believe that someone can suddenly become smarter for no reason, and have many different personal habits, especially the appearance of the silver lantern master. If you are not stupid, then this article is unfortunately denied for the time being."

He put aside Vindman and continued to think.

"The next step is to find other silver lantern masters. Self-study is definitely not possible. It is a waste of time. And if you don't communicate and understand the outside world, you will be stuck in your own ways. You don't know how you will die by then." He recalled carefully what he saw in the scene, and What a valuable scenario in this regard.

The picture was a bit huge, so he had to browse quickly one by one.

Time passes minute by second


Secret martial arts world

Garonxian Fran was killed by a nuclear bomb and a volcanic eruption, and the Smoke Island completely swelled and became the top of a huge crater. Known as the Black Smoke Pot Crater.

Only a small half of the world's elite who participated in the Battle of Smoke Island managed to escape, and many of them left more or less sequelae.

For a time, the martial arts strength of the entire world declined.

Half a month after the volcano erupted, the Nightmare King moved into Baiyun Gate and joined forces with Star Ring Gate to stabilize the martial arts situation in the south. Everyone began to take the boat with a plan and arrangements, preparing to go to the East.

Due to the eruption of giant volcanoes on three continents, volcanic ash was mixed into the atmospheric circulation, causing the air on the three continents to become increasingly poor, the sky to be dark, and the oceans to be polluted. Plants and animals are also affected, and large amounts of toxic substances are scattered and circulated throughout the world.

one year later

The Star Ring Gate, Baiyun Gate, and the Siren Organization each acquired a giant ship, and under the explicit command of Andrela, they set off towards the east one after another.

At the same time, Garen's parents, sister, and uncle's family were all hypnotized by the Nightmare King and brought aboard.

"Can you tell me how my brother died?" Ying'er asked Andrela who was standing at the bow of the boat. Her waist-length purple-black hair was tied up at the waist and kept blowing in the wind. Appears slender and pure.

"Your brother" Andrela was silent for a moment, "he may be the strongest person in the world."

"The strongest person in the world?!" Ying'er opened her eyes wide.

Andrela looked far away into the sea and slowly recalled everything about Garonne. "On the journey of martial arts, he has reached an extreme that is unimaginable by ordinary people. His spiritual power has reached a state of complete integration."

"Three years into his career, he has achieved countless victories, defeated many of the world's top players, and reached the pinnacle step by step!" Andrela said lightly, "As his sister, you should be proud."

"It's true." A voluptuous female voice came from behind the two of them. It was a nightmare.

She changed into the same appearance as Ying'er and walked over. Although the appearance is the same, the temperament is completely different from Ying'er's own, without any sense of purity.

"It only took Garen three years to become the now recognized Saint of Fists. He killed the first divine general Palosha and became the strongest new first divine general! He was so powerful that he was no longer human. "

While Ying'er was feeling sad, she also showed a hint of yearning. Listening to the two top experts' comments about her brother, she really felt a surge of emotion welling up from the bottom of her heart.

The three people stood at the bow of the boat, immersed in memories for a while and said nothing.

The three ships continued to sail quickly towards the eastern waters.

Bang! !

Suddenly, a splash of water exploded high, less than a hundred meters in front of the ship.

The white water column suddenly dispersed, and a light rain fell on the deck.

"Alert!! There's a black flag ahead!! It's pirates!" the sailor at the observation deck shouted loudly. The gunners on the deck took action hurriedly, each running to their own gun emplacements.

Andrella raised her hand.

"Raise the white flag!"

white flag? !

Ying'er was slightly stunned. Doesn't the white flag represent surrender?

She suddenly discovered that there were words written on the raised white flag, and it was not a simple white flag of surrender. And the writing on it.

In the distant sea, on dozens of ships with black skull and crossbones flags of different sizes, several strong pirates looked here from a distance with binoculars.

"It's Baiyunmen's ship. Let it go!"

The pirate ship turned around and left without any hesitation.

Ying'er stood on the bow of the ship, looking at the pirate ship in the distance, and suddenly felt a strange and shocking feeling in her heart.

"This is the power of the world's most recognized master!" Andrela said with emotion. "Twenty-six encounters with pirates, without exception, just raising this flag is enough."

"Whether it is the Immortal Palace, the Demon Elephant Sect, or other countries, they have all recognized that God General Garen is the strongest man on the ground! There is no one!" Nightmare took over. "At the last moment when Wiseman released the nuclear bomb, many experts saw the moment when Garen punched the sky. His spirit statue was also clearly visible above the Smoke Island."

Andrella nodded. "Actually, these pirates are not afraid of galleons, but a kind of respect. Respect for the courage and fearless spirit of warriors who dare to punch at the pinnacle of thermal weapons. Pirate King Mex himself is also a top warrior, but he failed to reach the smoke in time. island, but I also saw the last scene of the majestic white-gold statue on the sea.”

"It's more about this kind of spirit than the strength of respect." Nightmare added. "The spirit of Garon Lombard is now an extremely popular culture in the martial arts world and even in the armies of various countries. Some soldiers even have Garon's head tattooed on themselves. He symbolizes the ultimate in martial arts! The spirit of never giving up even in desperate situations.”

"This is your brother."

"This is your brother."

The two of them expressed the same emotion one after another.

Ying'er stood facing the sea breeze, as if a fire was burning in her heart. Her eyes were moist, but she didn't know whether it was sadness or pride.

Woo! ! !

Suddenly, far away in the sea, a large group of black ships were neatly sailing in the opposite direction to them, towards the direction of the three continents.

The piercing sound of the whistle was endless, the ships were densely packed with countless cannons, and the black color almost completely covered the blue sea.

"That was the Pirate King's response to the call from the Asgard to attack Wiseman's army!" Andrela looked at the fleet from a distance and explained in a low voice. "Sylphran and Garen were both killed by nuclear bombs and volcanic eruptions, and the people of Asgard fell into madness. It seemed that the death of Sylphran made one of their plans come to an end. The two men of Asgard wreaked havoc in the territory of Wiseman, Among them, the Fire Bird Mother detonated the ammunition depots of two military bases within three days, and also blew up a biochemical research base, causing tens of thousands of casualties and infections. The methods are not ordinary vicious!"

"Weisman did not expect that detonating the Black Smoke Pot Volcano would have such a huge negative impact. Now all countries in the world have formed a coalition to attack Weisman in an all-out manner." Nightmare said gloatingly, "When we left, the Federation and Tulip The coalition forces of the Republic have officially captured the port of Wiseman Marseta."

"There are people from the Immortal Palace destroying it inside, and there are attacks from the world coalition forces outside. Wiseman is completely finished this time." Andrela nodded.


Garen thought silently, and he dug out scenes about the Silver Lantern Master one by one.

Maybe it's because he doesn't have the influence of the God Statue's success, or maybe his strength is weakened in this world. Without invincible strength, there will naturally be no invincible confidence.

But he is confident that even in another world, he can become a stronger being. The difference is how much time it takes.

If you want to return to the previous world, you must ensure that no more accidents happen to you. Being forced to die and travel through time was something he couldn't grasp at all. He could not guarantee that after dying again, he would be transported to a completely unfamiliar world, or even die completely.

If he wants to avoid this happening, he must first solve this problem in two years.

After the peak battle with Xianflan, the surging mood and the gap between peak and ordinary gradually calmed down completely. Garen's thoughts were calmer than ever before.

Suddenly an extremely subtle picture flashed through his mind.

"That's not right!" He frowned and began to recall some vague memory scenes.

Soon, a middle-aged man wearing a black hat appeared vaguely behind the group of people in the picture. The man was wearing a black tuxedo, white gloves, and held a short cane in his hand.

"Is it the silver lantern master named Aining?! He's not dead?" Garen was slightly surprised. I immediately recognized the person in this picture.

He suddenly got out of bed, took off his shoes, walked to the window and looked out.

On the dark lakeside in the distance, wisps of black smoke can be faintly seen floating above the forest.

"Since he is not dead, it means that he is probably still alive in this battle! This is an opportunity!"

He took a closer look at the area around the Burning Land, and there were a few people holding torches finishing up.

He stood by the window and waited for more than ten minutes before the two people gradually walked away and left. He then put on his coat, put on his boots, and quietly left the room.

After leaving the small building, Garen quietly approached in the direction he saw. Soon he returned to the vicinity of the burned place with ease.

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