Mysterious journey

Chapter 243 Promotion 2

The light of the oil lamp suddenly went out, but strangely, the room gradually became brighter.

The moonlight outside the window slowly came in at this time and fell on the carpet.

Vindman sat quietly on the chair, with a complicated look on his face.

"The royal family still has us, and there are three major agencies! It's impossible to lose!" He murmured firmly.

In a forest far away from the manor, a man in black robe suddenly walked out of a shadowed corner, it was Dong Sai just now.

He looked back at Terry Jones Manor.

"You and I have done our best, Vindman."

"Didn't it succeed?" A black figure slowly walked out of another shadow. "I knew that the old guy had his sights set on the royal alliance. He once had a family disaster and was greatly favored by the eldest prince of Kuwaitan. He swore allegiance to the royal family from now on and would never betray. How can he be so easy to instigate rebellion?"

"Forget it if it doesn't succeed. This time, it's just for my sake, so don't pursue it any further." Dong Sai said calmly.

"It's up to you, but the branch was originally dissatisfied with Vindman. Now that even your only old friend has given up, his life will be difficult in the future."

"That's his own decision. Let's go." Dong Sai replied calmly.

One after another, the two walked into the shadow of the corner where the moonlight could not shine, and disappeared silently.


During the two days in the camp, Shia seemed to be frightened by the blue-scaled snake. She stayed in the tent and turned pale, and did not go around Guilis to show her courtesy.

Only his best friends Bai Lan and Marin came over to accompany him from time to time. They didn't even participate in the Galleon hunting with everyone, saying they just felt uncomfortable.

But everyone knew that he was frightened by the blue-scaled snake. He was almost bitten by a blue-scaled snake. Faced with such a deadly venomous snake, no matter who is walking a fine line between life and death, he has to take it easy. No one doubted it.

In addition, Ahashia is naturally spoiled, so it is normal to have such a reaction.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Jia Long took Uulun and expanded the area around to search for various familiar medicinal herbs. He didn't know much. After all, he didn't memorize and study medicinal books. He only knew a small amount of medicinal herbs, but it was enough for use.

He had walked all over the thousand-meter radius. Two days passed like this, and soon it was time to return. Garen finally dug out all the herbs he could find.

Purple grass, thorn grass, giant roc flower. These are the three medicinal materials he found this time. Most of them are thousands of years old, and people here obviously treat them as ordinary weeds. In some places, there are still faintly visible herbs that have been trampled by footprints.

Garen had estimated that if these herbs could be successfully made into medicinal soup, it would be enough for him to prepare three doses. Unfortunately, there are still many side medicines that have not been found, and the specific effects of the medicines are not yet known.

He filled all the delicate wooden boxes with food with soil, divided the herbs into many small boxes and planted them as potted plants.


In front of the woods in the early morning, at the entrance of the driveway

Several carriages were parked on both sides of the driveway, and guards in black and white stood in groups chatting in twos and threes.

Beside the carriage, Bai Lan directed some guards to load the hunted prey into the carriage. The other ladies stood aside and smiled and chatted.

Gelis stood under the shade of a big tree, watching everyone move the picnic equipment onto the carriage, and her eyes fell on the black carriage of the Terry Jones family. There, several guards were carrying a stack of exquisite wooden boxes onto the carriage.

Looking at the coat of arms of the Terry Jones family, the result of the previous trial suddenly came to her mind.

She hesitated for a moment, then looked at a guard in white standing beside the carriage not far away.

With a flick of the finger, a little blue flashed on the fingertips.

The curtain was lifted from the carriage immediately, and a female guard in white came down. The two whispered a few words to each other, and then walked towards this side together.

Guilis hesitated for a moment, then stabilized her mind and seemed to have made a decision. He walked up to the two guards.

Garen sat in the carriage and carefully placed all the wooden boxes in the corners and fixed them with ropes. He opened the curtain and saw Guillis whispering something to two of her own guards.

But my heart moved slightly.

"Could it be those two blue-scale snakes earlier?" He vaguely felt that the breath of those two snakes seemed to be somewhat similar to the breath of Guilisi. In other words, it's the aroma. "If it is really man-made, then the most likely person is Gelis."

He narrowed his eyes and gently touched the wooden box on the side with his hand.

"The speed of the blue-scaled snake is very poisonous. I am not a warrior who only uses speed and skills. I can deal with two at most. If there are more, I can only avoid them. I can only make plans after the medicinal soup is prepared and I regain some strength."

According to his estimation, the average silver lantern master is at least C level or above, which is the average threat level. If he explodes with all his strength, he may still be able to reach B-level power. Just like the silver lantern master who competed with teacher Aining, the final explosion was definitely B-level. This is just an ordinary silver lantern master, not to mention higher levels.

"Now only by improving physical fitness and restoring strength as soon as possible can we speed up the progress of learning the Silver Lantern Master!" Garen recalled the details of the attack, and became more and more sure that it was controlled by humans. Among the people here, only Guilisi has the ability to arrange an attack.

"I have recorded this account." Garen lowered the curtain.


Return to Terry Jones Manor

Garon found that Vindman's mood seemed to have become a little worse recently.

According to the housekeeper, it seemed that Vindman's mood was affected once he received a letter.

There was some doubt in my heart. The thing that could affect Vindman must be the Silver Lantern Master.

But Garen didn't think much about it. At this time, no matter how hard he planned, it wouldn't be as useful as improving his own strength.

In times of chaos, only one's own strength is the greatest reliance.

He simply cultivated and processed all the herbs he brought back, and these steps only took him three days. In the process, due to his lack of skill, he broke some herb roots, which made him very distressed.

Then according to ancient prescriptions for dispensing medicine, Gallon began to weigh and mix the prepared medicinal materials together. Divide into packages and pack them.

Finally, it was used for medicinal baths.

This time, he finally collected medicinal herbs and reluctantly mixed them together to form an ancient recipe, which was called "Forcing Body Fluid".

The source is unknown, but its effect is to simply strengthen the body and replenish the body. It just needs to be simmered over medium heat for a whole day.

Gallon hid in his small building, set up a fire and cooked it carefully for a day, constantly adding water to prevent it from drying out. It didn't stop until the liquid turned into a thick, turbid light green color.

The entire small building was filled with the slightly pungent smell of medicinal soup.

All the servants and maids were driven out by him, and he did everything himself. For the sake of confidentiality. As for Vindman, this cheap father leaves early and comes home late every day. He only spends morning and evening at the manor, but there is a strange smell in the small building. The servants don't know what he is doing, let alone Vindman.

After returning from the picnic, Garen spent five days and finally boiled three thirds of the medicine into three small bottles of turquoise ointment.


Gallon asked his servants to carry the bathtub into his room, pour hot water into it, then close the curtains and turn on the fireplace.

Towels and soap were brought in in a tub.

"Okay, okay, everyone, get out!" Gallon urged.

"Don't you need us to buy more hot water?" an elderly maid asked in surprise.

"No need. I can do it myself."

"Well, Master Shia, be careful and don't fall asleep in the bucket." the maid warned carefully.

"I know, Anna." Garen nodded, "Don't disturb me, I'm going to work on my ideas while I'm taking a shower!"

When mentioning Ahashia's poems, even the maid Anna, an old man who grew up watching Ahashia, couldn't help but feel hairy all over.

"Then I'll go out first, and you can take your time." She forced a smile, then called the other servants and maids, left the room one after another, and gently closed the door.

Garen walked over and hung up the padlock chain with a click.

The footsteps gradually left, and suddenly the only sound left in the room was the crackling sound of burning wood in the wall fire.

Garen carefully walked to the desk, took out a palm-sized green glass bottle from the drawer, shook it gently, and found a green liquid as thick as honey swaying inside.

He walked to the tub, unscrewed the cap of the glass bottle, and tilted the bottle slightly.


The thick liquid drops into the clear hot water. Just like ink dripping into clean water, it quickly dyes the hot water into light green.

I poured the entire bottle in and washed the bottle with hot water to make sure there was no residue. Garen then took off his clothes and stepped on the stool into the tub.

The body is completely immersed in the hot water. Apart from the pungent smell of the medicine, it is no different from a normal hot bath.

Garen took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and plunged down, his entire head completely immersed in the water.

There was a splash of water, and all the sounds around him seemed to be covered with a thick layer of cloth, becoming extremely distant and quiet.

Garon recalled the ancient way of making notes. He crossed his index fingers on both arms, forming a posture similar to arms folded. His whole body was soaked in the water, and his chest and abdomen began to bulge and shrink.

This is the most basic breathing method of Qi and blood circulation in the Divine Statue Gong. It is used to lay the foundation and exercise the Qi and blood membrane. It's just that it didn't need the help of medicinal liquids originally, but now Gallon has the help of forcing body fluids.

His whole body was immersed in the water, and he came out of the water from time to time to take a breath, and then continued like this. There is no strange feeling in the body.

On the contrary, the hot water soaking around him became hotter and hotter, as if someone was setting a fire below to keep heating. The entire bath water was getting hotter and hotter.

The light green in the water is getting lighter and clearer.

However, a faint turquoise color slowly appeared on Garen's skin.


Garen emerged from the water for the fifth time, wiped the water from his face, and opened his eyes.

"It's getting hotter and hotter. It's indeed the body liquid that is forced. According to ancient prescriptions, the body liquid is one of the basic medicinal liquids used to create the legendary Jasper Ten Thousand Poison Body. It's a pity that the Jasper Ten Thousand Poison Body has been lost. This medicinal liquid is only available in It has the effect of strengthening the body." He sighed with regret. The Jasper Ten Thousand Poison Body is a theoretical magical skill similar to the Platinum God Statue of the Divine Idol, but its specialty is not in defense recovery, but in toxins. It can be invulnerable to all poisons and prolong life.

According to the breathing method of the God's Image Skill, he continuously absorbs the medicinal effects of the medicinal solution, but he doesn't know how effective it will be. While running the breathing method, he had to concentrate all his attention, so he had no time to pay attention to the changes in the attribute bar.

At this time, he looked at the light red attribute bar at the bottom of his field of vision again, and was slightly startled.

The attribute bar has been improved silently.

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