Mysterious journey

Chapter 244 Approaching 1

‘Strength 1.1. Agility 1.0. Constitution 1.2, intelligence 0.6. Potential 1872%. Possess the qualification of silver lantern technician. ’

What surprised him even more was the skill bar below.

‘Precision Cartography: Uninitiated. (Three levels in total)' Behind this line, there is a light red symbol emerging, which is the basic condition for using attribute points to improve.

Garen did not see this symbol at first, because even the skill of Precision Cartography was gray and could not be improved.

He quickly set his sight on this light red symbol and stayed there for three seconds.

A line of meaning suddenly emerged in his mind.

‘Study conditions for entry-level precision cartography: Intelligence 0.6, Physique 1.1, Agility 1.0, Strength 1.0’

Only then did Garen realize that the quality of his body was simply too poor to meet the entry requirements. If he wants to study simply according to the traditional way, he will only be able to meet this condition after learning the theory, going through a lot of practice, and gradually adapting his body. And this is just the entry-level level, which takes at least half a year.

"As expected of a silver lantern master. He actually has requirements for all four attributes." Without hesitation, Garen immediately turned his attention to the precise drawing.

The skill word moved slightly, and suddenly became blurry. When it became clear again, it had changed.

‘Precision Cartography: Entry Level. (Three levels in total: Beginner, Master, Master)’

A stream of cool air immediately flowed out of his brain and flowed into Garen's arms and hands.

He stretched out his hands and moved them a little. He suddenly felt unusually calm and dexterous, and his reaction speed suddenly increased to a new level.

"According to what the handbook says, it will take at least half a year to reach this level. During this period, you need to continue to practice a lot and understand." He nodded with satisfaction.

Every silver lantern master is a master of precision drawing. Only by reaching the master level can the basic learning of the silver lantern master be truly started, that is, the mastery of techniques.

Prior to this, countless preparatory silver lantern masters were constantly honing this basic skill, that is, honing precision drawing.

Slowly getting out of the bathtub, Garen dried his body with a towel, put on his bathrobe, stood there with his eyes closed and slowly moved his body. Standing in the room, he performed a set of the most basic Baiyun fighting skills.

Baiyun's fighting skills, which should have been like a white elephant, almost changed at this time. After combining the fighting skills of the God Statue Kung Fu, it became a fighting technique similar to that based on palm skills.

"East King's hand!!"

Garen stabbed forward with both palms, and there were two stabbing sounds in the air. A trace of transparent cyclone condensed a little bit, and then dissipated immediately.

He shook his head and stopped in disappointment.

"It seems that I still can't use the real secret skill."

Since his last life, he has integrated many fighting skills and created the four most powerful secret techniques. They are Dong Wang Shou, Xifeng Fist, Nan Shuang Fist, and Beihua Qin Yun Shou. These are his four strongest moves, which combine all the essence of his martial arts understanding and are the pinnacle of his secret martial arts.

As for the other various boxing techniques and secret martial arts, if used in combination, their power will be significantly different.

This is the structure of his martial arts.

The first and strongest are four moves.

The second is the superimposed boxing technique of secret martial arts, such as: Hongyu. All things are flowing. This kind of secret martial arts effect of the red jade palm is simultaneously promoted by the rushing flow of all things.

The third is to use various fighting skills at will. Among them, the Wanxiang martial arts, which is a fusion of Baiyunmen martial arts, is the strongest, namely the three styles of Wanxiang rushing.

Finally, there are ordinary tricks, such as grappling hands, combination punches, palm knives, etc.

Garen sat at the desk and gently wrote a few lines on the white paper with a pen.

‘Four levels. First: secret skills. Second: secret martial arts. Third: ordinary skills. Fourth: Tips. ’

"Since I started practicing martial arts at Baiyun Sect, I have not lost any of my opponents except Xian Fran." Garen's eyes were solemn, recalling the two battles with Palosha, and he felt an inexplicable emotion in his heart. "Miwu can't only be at this level."

There was a trace of unwillingness in his heart. The difference in power between Miwu and Silver Lantern Master is really too big. One is to mobilize external forces, and the other is to rely on one's own strength. Just like the martial artists and immortals in Chinese legends. The difference is huge!

Garen suddenly had a sudden impulse and began to list on paper all the secret martial arts techniques he had learned.

The four secret skills are ranked first. These four moves are already a perfect combination of secret martial arts and fighting skills. Each move contains extremely complex and subtle Qi, blood and force skills. And it's the most suitable move for Galleons. It would be impossible for anyone else to learn it, even if he taught me step by step.

Jialong has been practicing martial arts for so long and has accumulated countless experiences. He was unwilling to accept that Miwu suddenly became vulnerable. This time he finally broke out and kept analyzing and enumerating on paper. He listed any possible ways to explore.

more than half an hour later

Garen sighed and put down his pen helplessly. Looking at the dense white paper in front of him, he suddenly felt uninterested.

"Is there really no way out?" he murmured to himself. He stood up, opened the window, and let the cool night breeze hang on his body. He suddenly felt excited and refreshed.

"There may not be a way." A thought flashed through his mind. He looked up at the full moon in the sky, and the disappointment in his eyes gradually calmed down.

"I have now returned to the third level of my martial arts. It is better than before. Then according to the comparison of the handwritten notes," he took out the handwritten notes given to him by his teacher Aining from the drawer.

The light yellow paper is full of dense black characters, which were all written word by word by the teacher Aining.

Garen turned directly back to the last few pages of notes. I saw clearly written above:

——Silver Lantern Master’s strength is strictly hierarchical, but for you now, understanding this is meaningless. Let me record for you the levels that our silver lantern masters divide ordinary mortals into.

We, the Silver Lantern Masters, call ourselves the Silver Level, and those below are the Mortal Level. This is a division of ordinary people.

There are four levels of mortals: master, general, soldier, and soldier.

The soldier level can be worth ten people, the soldier level can be worth a hundred people, and the general level can be worth five hundred people, but they are divided into different types, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. A grandmaster can defeat a thousand people, completely outperform generals, and is not afraid of any environmental conditions. He is the strongest mortal peak. It is also the limit that mortals can reach.

The Silver Lantern Master, on the other hand, is theoretically not affected by mortals and is invincible. The attack cost of non-Silver Lantern Masters is very small, almost negligible. You can ask your father to confirm this.

Only the Silver Lantern Master who completely completes his totem and ignites the Silver Light can truly enter the Silver level. Until then, don't be exposed. ——

One final note at the end.

——Don’t tell your father that you are learning from me, and don’t forget your oath. When you finish your studies, it will also be the time when I repay your life-saving grace——

Garen closed the note. He knew why the teacher reminded him like this.

Regardless of his reasons, Aining learned from him the way of a silver lantern master. He didn't care about any other reasons either. He just regarded this learning as an exchange transaction. Maybe there were other reasons that made him take a little more care of himself, and he also considered some details. But in the end, this is just an exchange of favors.

Putting aside these thoughts, he began to evaluate his own strength according to the records in the notebook.

"If we follow the division above, then when I was at the peak of my Godly Statue Skills, I would be equivalent to the Grandmaster level above, which is also the peak of the Mortal level. But now that I have only recovered a little bit, I am still only at the Soldier level. "

He knew how many people there were, and the standard he used was trained elite soldiers. The elite soldiers in this world are stronger than those in the previous world.

The strength he can use now, even if he adds secret techniques, is only equivalent to the military level.

Like the blue-scaled snakes that day, they could only deal with three at most. Not to mention the rank of sergeant above the qualitative change, and the rank of general and grandmaster in front.

Even the two capable men under his father Vindman were only at the peak of the rank of non-commissioned officers, and there was still a long way to go before reaching the rank of general.

"Is it just the military level, the lowest level?" Garen looked at his hands, feeling the strength and blood that was constantly recovering in them. That is the soul's ability to transform the structure of the body. This is a slow and irreversible process. Because it is a qualitative change from scratch, it takes very slow time. "It's so weak, but it's too fast. If all three medicines here are used up, my physical fitness will be restored soon. I just can't use many abilities due to my physical fitness. As long as I reach the threshold, my strength will be restored." cut."

He looked back at the completely clear bath water.

"As long as all three doses of medicine are used up and absorbed completely, you should be able to return to a good height. At least you are no longer at the military level. Next, it will be a matter of hard work."


In the northern part of the Green Forest Province, in a forest somewhere in the mountains.

night time

Outside a manor owned by Guilisi, on a forest slope somewhere, a woman in green clothes was slowly walking out.

She is like a ranger in the jungle, everything on her body is green or dark green. Completely integrated with the surroundings, exceptionally harmonious.

The woman is about twenty years old, with a slender figure. She looks like an aristocratic girl on a safari, sexy and charming.

He was wearing an aristocratic green top with lantern sleeves and a green yarmulke with a white feather on the top.

She was wearing a light green miniskirt, and her slender legs were wrapped in green lace stockings. A small section of white thigh was exposed between the stockings and skirt.

The woman wears a green veil on her face, and carries a wavy green long bow on her back. The quiver hangs behind her waist, concealed and convenient.

She looked up at the manor from a distance. Under the night, the manor was lit up with yellow firelight.

The woman raised her right hand, raised her little finger, and brought the blue metal ring she was wearing to her lips.

"I'm already here," she whispered into the ring. The accent is not native to Green Forest, but has a slight rising tone at the end, making it sound like singing.

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