Mysterious journey

Chapter 246 Attack 1

Outside Terry Jones Manor, a dark green slender figure was standing in the woods on the slope. This is a young woman wearing a green tight skirt. She has an ordinary face, but has a curvy figure. With her tight waist, she looks extremely seductive.

She carried five black-feathered arrows on her back and held a black long bow in her hand. She stared at Terry Jones Manor from a distance with cold eyes.

The afternoon light fell on her right side, reflecting a faint green light.

She slowly knelt down and lightly pricked the grass at her feet with her dagger, making a mark.

Then he stood up, turned around and quickly disappeared into the shade of the trees, disappearing in a few leaps.


Two days later, early morning

A black carriage slowly drove out of Terry Jones Manor and headed towards Black Flower Mountain.

The carriage was pulled by two black horses and moved quickly through the sea of ​​green trees without any pause.

The car window was half open, revealing the young man sitting inside. He has short blond hair, a handsome face, and a light, healthy white skin. He looked a little sleepy, leaning against the car window with his chin in one hand, as if he was dozing off.

In the woods nearby, a pair of light blue eyes slowly watched the carriage move. As the carriage got further and further away, the owner of the eyes also moved quickly at the same speed, following the carriage.

Tias followed the carriage closely. She quickly moved and jumped behind the trees. Each time, she was just hidden behind the tree trunks and entered the blind spot of the carriage's sight. The movement is like a light civet cat, making no sound, even the grass is rarely disturbed.

She pressed one hand on the outside of her thigh, and the black stockings she wore on her legs had a row of tiny black needles pinned to them. While moving quickly, the black needle pinned the hem of the green skirt and stockings together without being blown up by the moving wind.

One person and one carriage moved side by side, and from time to time other carriages passed by. They rested for a while, and then continued on the road. Soon, more than an hour later, the carriage turned into a slightly secluded lane.

The carriages on the road were almost invisible, only farmers and mountain people occasionally walking by the roadside carrying firewood.

The carriage drove to the end of the lane and finally stopped.

The car door opened, and the young man in the car jumped out and said a few words to the driver. Then a tall man wearing black plate armor got out of the car. The two of them walked slowly into the dense forest in front of the driveway, one behind the other.

Tias frowned slightly, and slowly pulled out a black needle from the hem of her skirt.

"We're almost out of Vindman's warning range here." She murmured in a low voice and slowly moved towards the dense forest the two of them entered.


Garen carefully inspected the herbs on the ground. He had returned to the place where he had previously discovered the purple rhododendron, and continued walking deeper into the woods. Uulun was fully armed this time and followed behind him. This calm middle-aged man had a trace of confusion and doubt on his face, but his good qualities prevented him from asking and just followed silently.

Gradually, after leaving the last picnic spot, Wu Lun took the initiative to walk in front of Garen, pulling out his dagger to be alert at all times. During the last picnic, we basically cleared away the dangerous creatures around us. Normally we wouldn't recover so quickly, but we can't go too far wrong.

"Don't be so nervous, haven't we just left here a few days ago?" Garen said with a smile.

"It's better to be careful." Wu Lun was unmoved.

Garen shrugged and let it be. While looking down at the grass and plants on the ground, he took out a woven bag that he had prepared long ago and unfolded it, ready to contain things at any time.

Without any detours, the two of them walked directly towards the deepest part of the forest. In front of them, they could vaguely see the towering mountains, and the tops of the blue peaks were covered with white ice and snow.

The plants on the ground seemed to be getting older and older, but from time to time some more ferocious poisonous snakes and spiders appeared. They were all solved one by one by Wu Lun.

Garen didn't recognize most of the plants, and only a few were similar to the plants in his previous life. He only looked for purple rhododendrons, thorn grasses and the like that he knew.

Gradually, he found two plants intermittently in the dense grass, but they were both less than a century old. It seemed that the previous thousand-year-old purple rhododendrons were just a matter of luck.

Garen continued to search unwillingly. He knew that as long as an old herb like purple rhododendron appears in one place, there will definitely be similar ones nearby. So after collecting several purple rhododendrons, he continued to search around the environment.

"Found it!" Suddenly his eyes lit up. A few steps ahead, a slender purple grass suddenly grew behind a piece of bluestone. The branches and leaves were covered with tiny white spots, which looked very unclean.

"It's a thousand years old! Sure enough, it's even older than the ones I picked before!" Garen was delighted. He searched all the purple rhododendrons around here, and finally found such a thousand-year-old plant. The herbs he found were barely enough to prepare two doses of herbal medicine. It is estimated that he can improve his physical fitness and return to more than half of his peak level.

At this point, it is estimated that there will be no purple grass around anymore. This herb has very high environmental requirements. If you want to encounter it again, you can only rely on luck. The soil quality in the past was no longer suitable for the growth of purple rhododendron.

Garen walked straight towards the herb, preparing to dig it up first.


Suddenly a crisp sound came from behind him.

Then there was a sound of clothes flying, and a green figure climbed over his head, landing in front of Garen as light as a bird.


Wu Lun suddenly drew his sword and stood in front of Garen, holding a dagger and sword in one hand.

"Who are you?!" Wu Lun stared closely at the woman in the green dress in front of him. She had short dark green hair and was holding a long bow in her hand. There seemed to be something wrong with the way she looked at the two of them.

"Jungle Ranger? No, there can't be a ranger here. Who are you?" A solemn look appeared on Wu Lun's face. The opponent's light climb just now was not something he could do at his level.

The woman sneered and did not answer the question, but just looked at Garen in front of her.

"A playboy, instead of having fun and enjoying himself, he goes to dig weeds in such a wilderness? Ahashia, what are your plans?"

"Who are you!" Garen took two steps back and hid behind Wu Lun, "Why do you know my name?" He tried to look scared. But his spirit is always locked on the woman in front of him.

The surging energy surging in the other party made him feel slightly frightened. This is a much stronger level than he is now.

"My name is Tias. You are unlucky when you meet me. I am in a bad mood right now!" Tias sneered again and raised her right hand.

Suddenly a small sound broke through the air.

laugh! !

Wu Lun pushed Garen away suddenly and stood in front of him. He grunted, and slashed at the woman with the long and short swords in his hands, but she was easily avoided by the other side.

"Run!!" Wu Lun shouted loudly, and his swords suddenly started slashing wildly. Regardless of his own injuries, he attacked Tias with all his strength.

Garen stumbled and ran back quickly. After just running a few steps, he saw a blue shadow flashing in the corner out of the corner of his eye.

"It's a blue-scaled snake! Sure enough!" He felt cold in his heart. The other party is indeed related to Guilis.

Soon, a scream from Wu Lun came from behind, and then there was no sound again.

"Can you run?" A female voice came from behind Garen, and suddenly a subtle sound broke through the air again.

Garen pretended that his feet were tilted, and he rolled and fell to the ground. He avoided the black needle, but he rolled down a slope and lay on the grass.

Amidst the sound of footsteps, Tias appeared not far in front of Garen like a ghost. With a swish sound, she pointed her sword at Garen.

"It's really vulnerable." There was a look of contempt on her face.

Looking at the herbal bag held in Galen's hand, a playful look flashed across her eyes.


She stamped hard on the herb basket at her feet, trampling all the herbs inside to pieces, so that no intact parts could be seen anymore.

"Is this the weed you are looking for everywhere? It's such a pity that everything has turned into waste~~"


Garen's heart suddenly became angry. After all, he had worked hard to collect these herbs for so long, and they were completely destroyed by her kick.

He glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw that the blue-scaled snake was still there. Now he was sure that there must be a silver lantern master behind this person controlling the situation.

"You dare to kill me!!? I am the sole heir of the Terry Jones family! If you kill me, you must consider the consequences! My entire family will fight you to death!!!" Gallon pretended to be stern. But in the eyes of Tias and Blue Scale Snake, they are simply strong on the outside but weak on the inside.

"Until death? Haha, I'm so scared." Tias laughed sweetly, even tears came out. "I didn't expect an idiot like you to use this trick to scare people?"


At this moment, Garen showed some fighting skills, turned over and ran away. Before Tias could react, he jumped down from another large slope.

"Seeking death!" Tias strode after him, catching up with Garen's speed extremely quickly. Then jumped down from the big slope.

There was a hint of disappointment in the blue-scaled snake's human eyes.

"Is that all there is to it? Are you hiding just a little bit of fighting skills?" It hesitated for a moment, but finally turned around and swam away quickly. "It was in vain that I arranged for a general to come over. What a waste of effort."


From below the large slope in the distance, there was the sound of heavy objects falling into the water.


Below the slope is a deep green water pool.

Tias flew down, following the traces of Gallon's roll, to the edge of the cliff of the pool, and looked down.

"No one?! Where did he go? Did he fall?" She looked gloomily, looking at the rolling waves below.

"If I die, someone will avenge me, but what about you?" Suddenly a gentle male voice came from behind her.

Tias trembled all over, and struck a sword with her backhand. Black light flashed, and three black needles shot out at the same time.

Tsk tsk tsk! !

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