Mysterious journey

Chapter 247 Attack 2

With a snap, three black needles were caught with bare hands.

boom! !

She saw a faint hint of red in Ahashia's pale golden eyes, and a pair of big hands silently pressed on her chest.

There was no sound of impact, only a roar in his mind, and his body seemed to be completely shaken by a huge vibration, with most of the power being offset and losing balance.

Tias watched helplessly as she fell to the sky and into the deep pool.


Garen stood on the cliff, raised his left hand, and three black needles shot down at once. At the same time, the whole person jumped up and rushed straight towards Tias in the pool.

"You guy!!" Tias wanted to shout in the water pool, but was interrupted by three black needles that followed. Immediately afterwards, a black shadow fell from the sky and rushed straight towards him.

She looked up and saw Garen rushing towards her with a cruel and cold look in his eyes. He no longer looked embarrassed and weak and could be bullied. Suddenly I felt a chill in my heart, this guy was hiding too deeply! no! You must report back as soon as possible!

"Three leaps!!" She stepped hard, and a semi-arc wave of water rushed towards Garen. But he shot up from the pool like an arrow, stepped on the water three times in a row, his speed became faster each time, and jumped directly to the shore.

Water is not an environment she is good at, and close combat is not what she is best at. Moreover, she was hit hard again just now, and her whole body is still numb and she can't use her strength. The three leaps that he was usually proud of were only half as powerful and fast at this time. This made her feel both scared and aggrieved.

"Wait until I recover and catch my breath...!!"

She was furious and was about to say something harsh. Suddenly, a huge force came silently from behind.

"Ten Thousand Waters and Blue King Kung Fu!!"

Garen's hands turned blue, and his palms were pressed straight against Tias's vest, and a harsh sound of sea water boomed out.

All the strength in his body was instantly integrated, vibrating at high speed, making a sound like a tsunami. The terrifying power condensed into countless small whirlpools, and suddenly hit Tias together.

Bang! !

Tias spat out a mouthful of blood, her whole body was like a punctured water bag, with red blood splattering everywhere. He staggered a few steps and turned around.


Garen took a step forward and whipped him with a simple kick, sending him flying across the ground and hitting a large bluestone and rolling down. There was a cracking sound of bones in the body, and he didn't know how many bones were broken.

Walking up to Tias, Garen calmly lowered his head and looked down at her. Looking at her eyes full of unwillingness and resentment.

"Do you have anything else to say?"

"I, I." Tias tried her best to open her mouth, but the blood in her mouth completely blocked her mouth, and she could only make an indistinct sound.

Garen knelt down, picked up a scattered black needle, and gently pointed it at her forehead.

"Bye now."


The black needle pierced half of Tias's eyebrows.

Tias trembled all over, with a look of despair in her eyes, and her body began to tremble violently. Soon, her tremors became less and less, became weaker and weaker, and finally stopped completely after more than a minute.

Garen stood up and dusted off the grass clippings on his body, but his originally white casual clothes had been completely dyed green by the grass juice.

"It's really embarrassing." He sighed and began to carefully examine the various traces left behind.

The footprints on the ground, the special effects caused by boxing techniques, and all traces of his possible exposure were all cleaned up.

"This time Guilisi sent someone to test Tias... I seem to have seen this person in the picture." He looked at Tias's body and vaguely found this person in the memory picture.

During this time, he sorted out all the things about Vindman and the key events. I can barely figure out the specific process of the past two years.

"This person should have come here to test it out two months later. How could he come here now?" He frowned slightly. "If it weren't for my sneak attack, she would have an archer attack her with long-range arrows, constantly increasing the distance. In a head-on confrontation, I would really be in danger now." After all, he has not yet reached the general level.

After confirming that there were no unusual noises around him, he squatted down, took off all the long bows and arrows from the body, then touched Tias's body and found a small brown bag and some scattered coins.

The contents of the bag were quickly poured out on the ground. Inside were some pink pills and a stack of white long strips of cotton.

"What is this?" Garen pulled a piece of cotton and examined it carefully. There is a row of words vaguely on the side: 'With Mesenna, I feel really relieved. ’

There is also a phrase below: ‘Mesenna tampons allow you to stretch and move freely. ’

Garen immediately knew what it was and threw away the tampon with a dark face.

The pills are very small, with letters like AD marked on them, and are round and pink in color.

"This is..." Garen seemed to have thought of something. "This is of some use."

Collecting the pills and putting them away, he stood up and held a thick branch, walking backwards while sweeping away his own footprints. Quickly leave the edge of the pool.

Returning to Wu Lun's location, Garen carefully hid himself first. After discovering that there was no blue-scaled snake, he walked out and rushed to Wu Lun's side. This sincere man was not dead, but had a hole in his head and was bleeding.

Garen chewed the pink pill directly, applied it on the wound on his forehead, and then pressed it.

After a while the wound stopped bleeding.

Wu Lun also woke up in a daze.

"Master, are you still alive?"

"Someone saved me, don't talk about this, let's get out of here first!" Garen pretended to be in shock.


Wu Lun's injury was not serious, he just lost a little excessive blood. The blood all over his body looked scary. He was shaky when he walked, but it didn't affect his movement after all.

The two returned to the carriage and saw the coachman lying in a pool of blood. An arrow had been inserted into his neck, and the blood was almost drained. The two black horses dragged the carriage more than ten meters and did not stop until they got stuck in two trees.

Garen and Ulen got on the carriage and turned around. He drove his horse back quickly.


Ahashia's return from the attack caused a sensation in the entire manor.

Furious, Vindman sent out all his forces and searched around Black Flower Mountain for two days, but could not find any trace. The body of the female assassin was also dragged by the wild wolf to an unknown location. Only the faint traces of the struggle can be seen beside the pool.

Ahashia was therefore grounded and was not allowed to go anywhere in the manor.

Vindman went out in person, and it was unknown what he was going for, but judging from his stern expression when he left, it was obvious that he was not going on vacation.

Garen also took the opportunity to stay in the manor, studying the Codex honestly every day, and exercising at the same time, striving to regain his full strength as soon as possible. Take precision drafting to a mastery level.

As his physical fitness continues to recover, he learns faster and faster, and it is only a matter of time before he reaches the stable and demanding master level.

This time, it would be better to shock the opponent with a sneak attack in advance, and then use the Ten Thousand Waters and Blue King Technique to hit the vital vest. All attacks were carried out in one go, without any pause.

The Ten Thousand Waters and Blue King Kung Fu was obtained through exchanges with Celine, and is particularly suitable for sneak attacks in concealment. And it’s very light on the body. The only weakness is that its power is a bit weak, so it is not very good against real masters. But it seems to be very powerful against the general-level masters in this world who are obviously physically weaker.


In a strange manor somewhere, in a bright red rose garden.

A woman wearing a green veil and a green tight skirt stood among a large number of red roses and was carefully pruning the branches and leaves of the red roses with scissors. Next to her, another woman in green was lowering her head and reporting the news in a low voice.

"Several captains of the remnants of the bandits have gone out to hunt down the bandits. This is the actual situation of encircling and suppressing bandits these days. In addition..." The reporter carefully looked at the veiled woman in front of him.

"In addition, Tias who went to Vindman Manor disappeared and has not returned yet."


The veiled woman stopped holding the scissors in her hands and pondered slightly.

"Did you get the code?"


"No news from the rest?"


The veiled woman put down the scissors and frowned slightly.

"Tias is a child who knows the importance of things. She will not disappear for no reason. It seems that there was an accident."

"I'm afraid so." The reporter lowered his head.

"Isn't it possible for even a general in Vindman to escape? He's hidden deep enough." A hint of murderous intent flashed through the veiled woman's green eyes. "Where's Tracy?"

"Isn't she on vacation?" The reporter was a little stunned.

"Tell her to come back immediately. I can't get away from this matter, so I have to leave it to him. Our Green Shadow cannot be lowered because of this incident."



A few days later.


In the bedroom, Garen punched out, and a faint whirlwind rolled up in the air, rapid and short.

Garen moved his arms to the left and right, and made a tearing sound, like a tiny sound of cloth being torn.

Only then did he show a satisfied look on his face and retract his arms.

"Strength and physique have exceeded 1.5, and I can finally use secret martial arts to promote fighting skills. The next step is to completely restore full strength and use the four secret skills at will." Garen picked up a towel on one side to wipe the sweat on his body. Walk to the round table in the middle of the room and sit down.

This is a table he specially placed here to place some things that are convenient to use.

While pouring water for himself, he glanced at the current attribute bar.

Although the medicinal liquid was stopped, the subsequent medicinal effects had not been completely absorbed by the body, and the physical fitness continued to recover and accelerated for a while before stopping.

Now it has changed a lot from the beginning.

‘Strength 1.6. Agility 1.5. Constitution 1.9, intelligence 1.1. Potential 1772%. Possess the qualification of silver lantern technician.

Secret Martial Arts - God's Statue Skill, Vientiane Fighting Skills.

Full recovery time is 287 days (one year).

Precision Cartography: Mastery Level. (Three levels in total: Beginner, Master, Master)’

Precision mapping breaks through to the master level, and the recovery time is automatically shortened. Intelligence finally broke through 1 and reached the per capita level. This is what Galen is most pleased about.

Now, when he thinks about problems, he no longer has to be the same as before, slow and slow to react, and he can't think of the key points for a long time. Memorizing the essentials of precise drawing is also easy and feels much smoother.

Sure enough, this is the advantage of high IQ. He took another sip of hot water with satisfaction.

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