Mysterious journey

Chapter 251 Dream 2

"Follow-up content?" Aining put down the hot water cup and stared at Garen with piercing eyes. "Boy, how long has it been since you couldn't help but want to be academic? I'm not looking down on you. If the silver lantern masters were so easy to do, the world would not know how many silver lantern masters there are! Do you still need to go everywhere to select the inheritance disciples? "

He stood up and clasped his hands behind his back.

"Don't be too arrogant. Practicing the basic skills honestly is better than anything else. This is the most authentic advice from an old man to you."

He sighed.

"I think back then, I was the same way. I didn't have a solid foundation in basic skills, so I wanted to learn and research techniques and create my own totem. My teacher at that time gave me a hard blow. He could draw two symbols in one second. At that time, That just calmed me down." He looked up at the skylight, seeming to recall his past.

The reason why he accepted Galen, who was always talking about running trains, was because he had a slight resemblance to himself when he was an apprentice before. Coupled with the grace of saving his life, everything fell into place.

Garen looked at Aining, who was looking up to the sky and sighing, with a look of helplessness on his face.

"Teacher, actually I"

"Actually, you don't need to be too discouraged. Precision cartography itself does not require a master level. That is the high threshold I set for you deliberately. In fact, master level is enough." Aining interrupted him and said seriously, " Generally speaking, as long as you have good talent, it is not uncommon to reach the master level in half a year, as long as you work hard enough."

He raised his head and entered the state of memory again.

"I think back then, it took me half a year to reach the master level. At that time, my teacher praised me as a once-in-a-century genius." There was a trace of pride on his face. "So I ask you the same thing. After half a year, I will reach the master level." Within this year, you will enter the master level, and then I can directly teach you the basic techniques."

"Teacher, actually I" Garen opened his mouth helplessly.

"No need to say more!" Aining raised his hand and said seriously, "You just need to answer me, yes! Or no! I don't need any excuses! Any reasons! I only look at the results! Before long, you will know what a person I am. Harsh man!"

Garen was really speechless. He looked at Aining innocently, not knowing what to say for a moment.


"Yes! Or not!" Aining interrupted him again.

"." Garen was completely speechless. From beginning to end, he never had a chance to say a complete sentence. "Yes" he replied helplessly.

"Okay! This is my student, Aining." Aining patted Galen on the shoulder with satisfaction. "The master level is not that easy. What you need is a lot of perseverance, perseverance, and persistence. Every year, hundreds of thousands of apprentices are dismissed from this level alone. With your talent, you should be able to reach it in about half a year. At this level, don’t give up just because there is no progress.”

"Teacher, I have not made any progress."

"Don't be proud. When you reach the final stage, you will encounter the biggest threshold to enter the master level. That is a big threshold that only talented people will encounter, which is how to break through the second speed! But I have also heard that talents are more For people with high level, there is no threshold for them to enter the master level, and even reaching the master level is only a matter of time. Such a genius is really enviable."


"Second speed is the biggest obstacle to entering the master level. I went through hardships, spent countless efforts, and received many exchanges with my fellow silver lantern masters before I entered the master level of precision drawing. The difficulties and obstacles involved, you I can't imagine that even a genius like me needs to temper myself like that." He shook his head again, his eyes were filled with sadness, and he entered the state of memory.

Garen felt that his balls were extremely painful. When this teacher was injured before, he recuperated every day, but he didn't notice it. Now that they meet again, his true colors are revealed. He looked at Ening who had entered the memory mode and whispered unbearably.

"Teacher, actually, I am already a master."

Enin came to his senses.

"This is your shortcoming. You are full of lies and bragging. When will you learn to be honest? The respect of others is not gained by bragging, but by your true achievements and strength."

Uh-huh! Swish! !

Within one second, Garen made three different gestures with the ten fingers of his hands instantly, with incomparable precision, without a trace of tremor or instability.

Then there was complete silence.



Completely out of sorts. The two looked at each other, neither of them knew what to say.

Aining's raised hand hung in mid-air and could not be lowered. His mouth was half-opened, but he had not yet finished speaking.

Garen swallowed his saliva and looked at the teacher's dull eyes. The complex emotions contained therein were difficult to calculate even with the most precise mathematical formulas.


Enin slapped his hand on his forehead.

"No, no, I guess I slept too late last night and couldn't wake up from sleep. I have to go back and catch up on my sleep." Aining covered his head and turned around to leave, "Why are you hallucinating so early in the morning? It's really weird."

He murmured and walked quickly up the stairs, paying no attention to Garen who was standing there.

Gallon watched Enin speechlessly as he turned around and left. This guy thought he was just a hallucination in the morning.


he shouted.

Aining's figure going upstairs suddenly froze.

The atmosphere suddenly became infinitely awkward.

After a while, Ening turned around stiffly.

His face was as red as a monkey's butt.

"Have you really reached the master level?" His voice was trembling, as if he couldn't believe this fact at all.

Garen nodded slowly.

Ening took a deep breath

"This world is so unfair!" He lowered his head, and when he thought of how many hardships he had gone through to reach the master level, his heart felt like thousands of grass and mud horses whizzing past.

He raised his head and looked at this excessively young face. The last trace of illusion in his heart was broken by the cruel fact.

"I'll go up and down in a while." He waved his hand, and for a moment, he seemed much, much older.

Amidst the heavy footsteps, Garen watched the teacher slowly go upstairs.

In fact, he didn't expect that this incident would be such a big blow to the teacher. There are actually cases in the world where people have achieved master-level precision drawing in a short period of time. And there were quite a few, so he dared to show it out so directly, hoping to get the qualification to learn the technique as soon as possible.

But I didn't expect that this teacher Aining, who thought he was a genius, would be a heavy blow to the soul. It's just a slap in the face.

Sitting on the sofa on the first floor, Garen didn't know what to do and could only wait quietly.

I don’t know how long it took, but the sky outside began to darken. The sun gradually set and the sun became more golden and red.

The sound of footsteps slowly came from the stairs, and Aining walked down step by step again.

His face regained its calmness, and he slowly walked to the opposite side of Garen and sat down.

"I have figured out that there are always some people in this world who have extraordinary talents in a certain field. But they only start at a higher level than the average person. Those who can really make it to the end require only a small part of the talent. It’s more about perseverance, perseverance, and determination to never give up!” He said seriously, “Thanks to you, Shia.”

"Call me Garen, teacher. I ran out secretly." Garen quickly replied.

"Okay, let's call you Gallon." Aining nodded. "Your talent, at least in the field of precision cartography, is something I have never seen before. Can you show me the action you just made?"

Garen nodded.

Raise your hands and easily make more than ten practice gestures.

It only took a few seconds. An average of three per second.

Ai Ning watched quietly. Although his face was calm, his eyes were filled with wonder.

"With such qualifications and your talent in precision cartography, it's terrifying that it only took you less than two months from the beginning to the present."

Garen nodded.

"Then, can I learn the technique from you?"

"Of course." Aining nodded solemnly. "You are tired from traveling today. Let's take a rest here. Tomorrow we will officially start learning the true essence of our silver lantern masters, the techniques!"

"Yes, teacher." Garen nodded.

"Your room is the master bedroom on the first floor. You wash in the water room and eat and drink in the kitchen and dining room. No problem."

"No. Teacher, I am not a spoiled young master." Garen smiled.

"That's good, I'll go up and rest for a while." Aining nodded, turned and walked towards the stairs.

He stood at the corner of the stairs and heard Garen's footsteps walking towards the master bedroom behind him, and then he took a few steps up to the second floor.

Entering the study room on the second floor, he locked the door tightly, then walked to a mahogany bookshelf and pulled out a white notebook on the far right.

Sitting at the desk with his notebook in hand, he carefully lit the oil lamp with a match.

He picked up the quill, dipped it on the edge of the ink bottle, and then gently wrote a line on the open notebook.

——'Perhaps it's fate that favors me. I didn't expect that when I was approaching ninety years old, I would meet a student with such a terrifying talent. This is my luck and your luck too. Laseya, I will impart all my knowledge to him. Maybe in my lifetime, there will be hope of integrating my lineage’

Aining thought for a while, then picked up the pen again and started writing at the bottom.

——'Do you still remember the dream you talked about when we were practicing gestures under the vines when we were children? Of the original five companions, now I am the only one left. Life is so gorgeous, but time will eventually make people grow old. ’ As he wrote this, a hint of complexity appeared in Aining’s eyes.

"Lasea, what would you do if you were still here?"

He picked up his pen and wrote the last of these two paragraphs.

——To: The person who once brought me happiness.

Closing the notebook, he looked out the window at the gradually dimming grassland scenery, and did not move for a long time.

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