Mysterious journey

Chapter 252 Technique 1

Garen hurriedly found some white bread in the kitchen, and then washed the dust off his body with water. Returning to the master bedroom, he unceremoniously took out a yellow-green robe from the closet and put it on. He threw the clothes that were too dirty to wear into the water room and rested comfortably for the night.

Early the next morning, Gallon got up early before dawn. When he arrived in the small living room, the little girl was already busy working. Apparently she also had a key to the house.

He sat on the sofa and watched the little girl bring him a plate of apple slices and bread, as well as a cup of steaming white goat's milk.

"Please eat." The little girl preferred to perform a rough and non-standard etiquette, turned around and hurried towards the kitchen.

Gallon picked up the goat milk and took a sip. The taste inside was very strange. It seemed that something had been added. It had a slightly fishy smell and was very sticky.

He raised the glass and took a closer look at the goat milk. A faint hint of egg yolk could still be seen in the white milk.

Suddenly, there were slight footsteps at the top of the stairs. Aining came down from the second floor, wearing a gray robe and a relaxed expression on his face. He seemed to be in a good mood.

He walked to Gallon and sat down, picked up the bread slices from Gallon's plate and bit off one piece in one bite.

"How's it going? Are you resting well?"

"Very good, teacher." Garen nodded.

"That's good." Aining nodded, "From today on, we will speak in your Green Forest dialect. This town is isolated from the world. Apart from the common language of the empire, they only have their own dialect. For other places, I can’t understand the language at all. And your Green Forest dialect is very different from the public language. It’s simple enough to keep it secret.”

"I have no objection." Garen nodded quickly.

"Okay, let's start now." Aining said the last half of his sentence directly in the Green Forest dialect, which sounded very standard, which surprised Garen.

"So, teacher, how should I learn the technique?" Garen asked formally.

"Spell." Aining pondered for a moment, as if he was organizing his words.

At this time, the little girl Ning Ning came over with Ening's breakfast, carefully placed it in front of him, then silently bent her knees, turned and left.

She wiped her hands clean on her black apron, opened the door and left the building, closing the door gently. Looks very sensible.

After the little girl left, Aining picked up his goat's milk and said while drinking it.

"Spells are the foundation of the Silver Lantern Master and the foundation of all the Silver Lantern Master's abilities. You must first remember this."

He reached into his goat's milk cup unseemly, dipped some milk in it, and scratched it gently on the table.

Soon, a round ball-shaped object appeared on the table. The inside is also divided into several small blocks.

"You should know that Science Illustrated discovered a long time ago that living things are composed of very tiny cells." Aining retracted his index finger, "Cells make up tissues, tissues make up organs, and organs combine to form systems, and systems finally It constitutes the whole of living things. You should know this, right?"

"Of course. This is the basis of biology class, we have learned it before." Garen nodded.

"Actually, our technique is the same as this one. It is equivalent to the cells in the living body. They form tissues, then organs, systems, and finally form our own totem. This is the path you will take in the future." Enin answered simply. "Spells are what we call units. In professional terms, they are unit spells, which form totem creatures based on the spells. Every silver lantern master builds his own totem in this way. There are no exceptions. "

"Teacher, if you put it this way, there are countless cells in a living thing. If totems come from this way, wouldn't the number of spells required also be extremely large?" Garen frowned.

"This is the core of what we are going to learn. You must first learn the most basic structure of the spell - the active unit. This is the basis of everything." Aining said seriously, "In the future, you will use the active unit to build your own Your own tissues, organs, systems, and even your true biological totem. That’s all you have to do.”

"It's a huge project." Even though Garen's martial arts training in his previous life had reached its peak, he couldn't help but feel a little frightened at this time. The number of cells in a living being is often measured in trillions. It is impossible to build a real building with keys one by one in his lifetime. totem.

"What? Are you discouraged now?" Aining said with a smile, "Aren't you a genius? Can't you bear such a small blow?"

"Since so many silver lantern masters can have their own totems, it means that there must be a pattern among them!" Garen answered affirmatively.

"Not bad." Aining nodded approvingly. "Okay, let's have breakfast first. I'm just going to tell you the path you're going to take in the future. You'll have to learn how to use the tools later. Indispensable tools for the silver lantern master."


The two speeded up and stopped talking. After quickly finishing their breakfast, they went up to the second floor together and walked into a neat white room that looked like a laboratory.

There is a huge long table in the room. It occupies half of the entire room. There seems to be something placed on the table. It is all covered with black cloth and cannot be seen.

Aining closed the door and locked it.

Then he walked up to the black cloth and lifted it hard.


The black cloth fell to the ground, revealing what was covered up underneath.

"Hiss" Garen took a breath. There was an expression of disbelief on his face.

An extremely delicate and complex instrument was placed on the entire table, and the instruments were all made of silvery transparent metal. In an area the size of a palm, you can see hundreds of light silver metal parts, slowly rotating with the gears.

The details of the instrument are extremely fine, giving people a pure, cold and exquisite beauty.

The entire instrument is like an extremely delicate large toy, which continuously rolls a drop of mercury ball from left to right, from high to low, and finally drops into a silver cup.

The instrument that is five to six meters long and wide is inlaid with thousands of fingernail-sized parts, which looks extremely precise.

Enin walked to the instrument. There was an unprecedented solemn look on his face.

"What I want to introduce to you next is one of the two essential tools for a silver lighting engineer: the unit factory."

"Unit factory?" Galen repeated, his eyes fixed on the instruments that were still working quietly.

"Yes, as the name suggests, it is a factory that produces units." Aining nodded and replied, "This instrument is a unit factory that produces my special totem, the white bear." He paused.

"I said before that totem creatures are composed of units. Your father is also a silver lantern master. You should have seen the form of a totem, so I won't say more. And active units are the basis of everything. When you are a silver lantern master When the active unit of a certain creature is researched, it can be copied in large quantities through the unit factory, and then form a higher-level structure step by step, and finally form a totem. Simply put, it is a tool used to copy basic units in large quantities. After that Make up tissues, organs, systems, and then totems.”

He covered the instrument again with black cloth.

"You will also have this in the future, and you must have this. Let's look at the second tool."

He walked over to a small table in another corner.

"This is a complete set of tools. Before the unit factory produces a copy of the active unit, where did the active unit come from? It is up to the silver lighting engineer to find it himself."

"Searching?" Garen was slightly startled, "Isn't it a fixed research model? For example, teacher, your white bear, can't I build it?"

"There is also this kind of thing. It is the simplest way to learn from the totems that have been researched and then build them." Aining nodded in approval and said, "It's good that you can notice this. These are different silver lantern masters. The stronger and richer the knowledge inheritance is, the more powerful the totem is. Therefore, every silver lantern master is extremely conservative about his knowledge, because knowledge represents power."

Enning paused and continued: "Since you are my student, you will naturally follow the path that I am good at, but what I am good at is not just white bears, but also other totems. Let's not talk about that now. "

He pointed to a white microscope-like instrument sitting on the table.

"This is a microscopic microscope that can magnify objects for detailed observation. The magnification is 800 times or less. It is a medium-quality product available on the market. Here are petri dishes, tweezers, magnifying glass, dissecting needles, tripods, and asbestos nets , alcohol lamp, test tube clamps, razor blade tweezers, glass slides, cover slips." Aining introduced the whole set to Gallon.

Garen looked at this extremely familiar scene.

"This is exactly the microscope and a complete set of simple experimental equipment on Earth." He mentally compared.

At the end, Aining said with a sigh.

"Unfortunately, my funds are limited. Recently, the Royal Alliance has launched a new instrument, and I do not have enough funds to purchase it."

He stood at the small table.

“Those are the two sets of tools that a silver lighting artist must have, which are things to study and copy active units.”

"That is to say, the active unit is the core of everything, so where does it come from?" Garen wondered.

"This issue is very core." Aining nodded in approval, "The sources of active units are all kinds of strange, and there are countless creatures in nature. By studying powerful creatures, the Silver Lantern Master has gained the ability to use silver to imitate them. Our active units, In fact, they are derived from various natural creatures.”

"All kinds of creatures in nature. So, in theory, any creature can be copied into a totem by the Silver Lantern Master?" Garen became slightly interested.

"Of course. As long as you study thoroughly enough and understand the cellular secrets of the organism you are studying, then you can copy it into a totem as you wish." Aining smiled and nodded, "Of course, everyone's energy is limited, if you want to study everything , if you are not specialized enough, then what awaits you will be nothing. Your totem cannot even beat the most ordinary silver lantern master, you should pay attention to this."

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