Mysterious journey

Chapter 275 Enter 2


The bat monster screamed and pounced on Garen, with a faint black light of totem power coming from his body.

Garen quickly dodged and stepped back to avoid the bat's attack.

"Someone has come in! Didn't you know this is a restricted area?"

A man's deep voice came from the front passage.

A bald man wearing a black robe with four red lines tattooed on his collar suddenly appeared in the front passage. Beside him crouched a male lion with a dark mane. Perched on the shoulder is a black bat.

As soon as he came out, the bald man saw Garen who was avoiding the bats.

"Intruder!!" He yelled immediately, pointing at Galleons.

Buzz! !

The bat on the shoulder, together with the two black bats in the air, simultaneously opened their mouths to emit invisible sound waves.

The sound wave was like a fan, completely covering Garen who wanted to dodge. Wave after wave seemed to wash over the rocks.

As soon as the sound wave touched Galleon, it suddenly broke through the totem light of the fluorescent butterfly and directly acted on his body.

Suddenly, a feeling of depression surged into his heart, and Garen felt a slight headache.

My eyes were dazzled, as if something was pressing my eyelids, and I couldn't see anything clearly.

There was also a buzzing sound in my ears, and I couldn't hear anything. The heart beats faster and faster, and a feeling of boredom and nausea continues to hit my heart and throat.

He suddenly felt a fishy smell rising in his throat.

"Oops! Type 2 Totem!" Garen immediately knew the opponent's level. Without any time to think, he turned over and backed away, tapping his feet wildly on the ground, disappearing into the darkness a few times.

The bat chased it very far, but still couldn't catch up with the slightest trace.

The bald man with a cold face took back the three-headed bat totem and stroked the head of the black lion beside him.

"I don't know whether to live or die. You're a little Type 1 Totem Master who didn't self-destruct on the spot after being hit by my triple ultrasound. You're lucky." However, the other party escaped and he didn't care. The person who was hit by triple the ultrasound , basically no one survived more than five minutes.

He adjusted his collar, raised his wrist and looked at the time on the watch above.

"It's time to go take a look at Li Li. Recently, some bugs have been flying in, and now they are almost close to the restricted area. It seems that this position must be moved as soon as possible."

He strode into the dark passage, Bat and Black Lion following close behind.


Garen gasped for air, and the fluorescent butterfly hung sadly on his shoulders, motionless, and his body looked shriveled. It was obviously damaged in the sonic attack just now.

Not only was the fluorescent butterfly damaged, but fine red spots were constantly appearing on the skin of Garen's body, which was caused by the rupture of countless capillaries.

He was leaning against a stone wall in the passage. There was an indescribable swelling sensation all over his body, as if his body was constantly inflating and might explode at any time.

The energy and blood were tumbling violently like never before. Garen tried his best to suppress it with all his strength, and frantically adjusted and controlled it using the God Statue Technique.

It took a full ten minutes before it had some effect.

He stretched out his hands and saw blood dripping from the edges of his fingernails.

"So powerful!!" He murmured softly.

The energy and blood in the whole body was shaken by the sonic attack, constantly rising and falling. The peak state of hard qigong, which was originally seamless, actually had a slight slip.

All along, he came to this world with a confidence that originated from the pinnacle of the secret martial arts world. Even after witnessing the struggle between his teacher Aining and his opponent, he didn't think he was too far behind. It's just a difference in maximum power.

But now, any unknown type 2 totem master would be seriously injured in just one encounter. This poured cold water on Garen's head.

Although he knew in his heart that he was defeated by the second type totem master, he still had no fear or fear towards the opponent. It's because it's difficult for the other party to hurt him. Especially after recently killing a second-type totem master in a sneak attack, I feel more confident in this way of thinking.

Unexpectedly, he suddenly encountered a bald totem master in this passage. The guy actually had three auxiliary totem bats and a main totem black lion. He was seriously injured without any action.

Only then did Garen have a deeper understanding of the second type totem.

"Three auxiliary totems and one main totem are definitely high-level people here! Such a second-type totem master cannot be a small role!" He guessed in his heart. At the same time, the injuries in the body are constantly stabilized.

Now, his Qi and blood are unstable, internal shocks and bleeding, and his strength will be greatly damaged if he fights with others. At most half of what it was before.

Faced with sonic attacks containing the power of totems, the God Statue Skill is only slightly more resistant than ordinary people. The rest have no advantages.

After resting for a while, Garen knew that now was the critical moment. In the memory screen, as long as he could find the core area here, he would be able to obtain the rare totem. This is the base factory of the Black Sky Society. If you can get the Black Sky Society's totem and take it out, it will definitely be much better than ordinary totems.

"We can't rush now. We can only wait for Goethe to exert his power and disturb the entire factory base nest, and then we will have the opportunity to take advantage of the chaos!" Garen gradually became silent. On the wall of the cave, start digging out the rocks bit by bit.

His hands are in the shape of claws, and he can grab a large piece of stone with one grasp. A groove was quickly dug out of the stone wall and the whole person got into it.

All the excavated rocks and gravel were crushed into very fine black sand and scattered on the surrounding ground. It's hard to detect.

Jingjing was inside the stone wall, and Garen used his clothes to cover the groove. He couldn't see clearly in the dark, which had a strong camouflage effect.

He huddled inside the stone wall and listened quietly to the sounds and movements in front and behind the passage.

The reason why he rejected teacher Aining's white bear as his main totem was because he knew that no matter how strong the white bear totem was, it would not be able to defeat the special animal totem until it evolved to its peak. As for the special animal totems, it is difficult to rival the plant totems of the Dihua Society, not to mention the strongest elemental totems of the Black Sky Society.

He doesn't have abnormal talent. If his basic skills are completely different from others, it will be difficult to deal with later.

Ahashia's talent can only support two totems, and this is because the fluorescent butterfly is very weak. If it were a white bear, it could support one at most.

I don't know how long I waited, but Garen, who was inside the stone wall, suddenly felt the sound of footsteps coming from outside the passage.

A large group of people ran through this passage, their pace was very fast.

"Quick! Quick!" The voice came from outside.

boom! !

A violent vibration came from a distance, causing Garen inside the stone wall to be sprinkled with dust.

"It's started!! Goethe and the others must be fighting each other! We must do it as soon as possible!" Garen waited until the footsteps passed, then suddenly got out of the stone wall, put on his clothes, and quickly rushed towards the depths of the passage.

After resting for a while, he managed to regain most of his speed.

The passage ahead keeps turning left and right.

Soon, he returned to the place where he was seriously injured, and the bald man in black robe was no longer there.

Gallon passed directly through this area without stopping.

The front suddenly lit up, and it was a spacious passage with torches on both sides.

Several corpses were lying scattered on the floor of the passage. Their neck bones were twisted and their eyes were wide open.

Some sparse blood spots were spattered on the walls of the passage, dyeing the air with a fishy smell.

There are two white stone doors on the right, one is closed and the other is half open.

The sound of violent fighting could still be faintly heard in the distance in the front passage. It was obvious that both sides of the battle had just left here not long ago and had not gone far and could come back at any time.

Garen walked to the half-open stone door and took a quick peek inside.

There were corpses everywhere inside the stone gate, and blood formed a stream, flowing from the corner to the door, turning the black stone surface into a sticky dark red.

This Shimen room should be a place for casual meetings. You can also see a bar counter, wine bottles, and sofas inside.

Garen quickly walked to the second stone door and pushed it. The stone door did not move and was locked.

He suddenly became energetic, aimed his right palm at the keyhole, and stabbed hard.


A big hole suddenly opened in the keyhole of the stone door.

Pushing open the door, he quickly and quietly closed the door behind him.

This room is spacious, with silver-white rectangular cabinets placed in it, just like bookcases, neatly arranged.

There was a faint trace of red mist floating in the air.

On the far right, in the corner, there is a silver-white unit factory placed on a large table. This pile of silver-made precision instruments is constantly spitting out pieces of silver-white square tissue from the dark exit.

The assembled table next to it was in a mess, and the chairs beside the table had fallen to the ground. It was obvious that the people here were in a panic when they left.

Without any hesitation, Garen slapped the silver cabinet with his right palm.


A strong gust of wind blew over without causing any movement.

He felt a little more relieved. Quickly walk to the first cabinet on the left.

The cabinet was densely packed with drawers, and he opened the first drawer with a bang.

Inside is a neat silver-white bat.

Although bats have powerful sonic powers, they still belong to the animal family and are not what Garen is looking for.

He pulled away the second, the third, the fourth.

All are bats.

The first cabinet is full of standard bats.

He quickly walked to the second cabinet.

This cabinet is full of silver-white poisonous wasps, each one is the size of a fist, and the poisonous stingers at the tail are as long as half a finger.

The third cabinet is partially empty, and in the larger small door below, there are wolf-shaped totems, all of which are silver-white and unactivated.

The fourth cabinet, the fifth cabinet.

Garen randomly picked up some small totems, which he could sell as resources in the future. But that's not what he wants most now.

In front of the last sixth cabinet.

The entire cabinet has only a dozen long doors, dividing the cabinet into a dozen rectangular spaces.

Garen opened the first long door and was slightly shocked by what was inside.

This is a dark, huge metal ball the size of a human head.

The surface of the sphere is covered with dense and irregular white lines, like a toy ball assembled from witchcraft parts.

The weirdest thing is that this black ball is suspended in the air.

Just when he was surprised, a clear female voice suddenly came from the black ball.

"Please enter the secret word." The voice repeated it in different languages, and then fell silent.

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