Mysterious journey

Chapter 276 Injured 1

Secret word? !

What is this?

Garen went to open the other cabinet doors. The other doors were either empty or contained strange black balls. The same female voice came out, asking for secret words.

However, among more than ten cabinet doors, only four cabinet doors contained this black ball.

"Secret message?" Garen frowned, knowing that he had found a treasure.

Originally, everything in this base should have been destroyed. After the Gothic outbreak, he fought with the main envoy of the Black Sky Society and detonated the base's power furnace. In a huge explosion, the entire base was completely destroyed. Nothing is left.

Then Black Sky Society became furious and sent people to hunt down Goethe.

Garen just thought that these things would be blown up anyway, so he might as well give him an advantage. What he regrets most is the unit factory. It would be nice if I could take it away, but it's a pity.

The black ball in front of him looks mysterious, and it is obviously probably one of the most important things in this base.

"Secret words, Krishna." Garen tried to answer.

"Wrong. You still have two chances. If you answer wrongly, you will be completely locked up." The four-ball female voice responded coldly at the same time.

"Secret words, ghost silver lantern."

"Wrong. You have one more chance. If you answer incorrectly, you will be completely locked out."

Garen narrowed his eyes and kept scanning the surroundings, but unfortunately, there was nothing for him to refer to.

This black ball is most likely a secret word set by the upper level. The user must obtain the secret word from the upper level, then go to the base to obtain it, and cooperate with it before it can be used. Therefore, the secret language and the black ball should be completely separated.

Garen's mind was racing at high speed, constantly thinking of possible secret words. This kind of thing looks like mass production, plus it is so confidential. It is most likely for high-level use, and high-level use should use a common secret language that all high-level officials understand.

"Let's take a gamble!" Garen knew that these black balls in front of him should be the most precious things here.

"Secret word, Ghost Gate!" Ghost Gate is the true name of the master behind the Black Sky Society.

"Answer is wrong, password is activated wrong, lock starts."

Bang bang!

A crisp sound came immediately.

Garen felt a chill in his heart, knowing that there was no hope. Once locked, this thing is absolutely extremely difficult to unlock.

The continuous snapping sounds stopped at this time, and Garen suddenly discovered that only three of the black balls were locked, and the third black ball in the middle did not make any movement.

"The secret answer is correct." After the black ball was silent for a while, a cold female voice suddenly came out.

Garen was immediately overjoyed and rushed to the black ball, carefully watching its changes.

In an instant, the center of the black ball seemed to spread out like countless building blocks, gradually opening a small circular gap toward both sides. Revealing another black ball inside.

The black balls inside also opened a gap, revealing an inner layer of black balls again.

The third layer of black balls separated again, revealing a red crystal ball the size of a fist inside.

The crystal ball is held up by a milky white pillar in the shape of a wine glass, and its surface has a faint silvery red luster.

"Enpera No. 7 Deducer, you are welcome to use it." The female voice prompted again from the black ball.

"Deducer?" Garen was a little surprised. He quickly took out the crystal ball and stuffed it into the pocket of his robe.

Anyway, these are good things. Garen took the things and grabbed a few more small unactivated totems and was about to leave.

Woo.! !

Suddenly a piercing scream came from the cabinet. Seems like an alarm.

"There is someone in the totem room! Haka, hold him back!"

"Damn it! It's the kid I met just now! The triple sound wave didn't kill him! Siwa, block him on the other side! Don't let this kid run away!"

From the distant passage outside, angry voices could be heard.

Garen's heart felt cold, and he quickly rushed out of the stone door and rushed towards the passage from the direction he came from.

He couldn't handle a bald guy just now, let alone a guy with the same level of voice.

Turning into the dark passage ahead, Garen used all his speed to rush along the passage.

"Judging from the words just now, it is very likely that the other party can see the image of the totem storage room and must leave as soon as possible!"

In the dark passage, Garen's body almost turned into a black shadow, and he quickly rushed towards the direction from which he came.

"it's here!!"

Suddenly a dull male voice came from in front of Garen.

He faintly heard the beasts in front of him growl and growl. My heart suddenly stopped.

Whoops! !

In the originally dark passage ahead, two red fireballs suddenly flew in. The football-sized fireballs rolled and turned, leaving two fiery red afterimages, and hit Garen hard.

The fireball flew all the way, lighting up all the passages it passed and turned it red. Some moss and grass clippings on the ground were instantly scorched and smoked.

With two crisp sounds, two stones were shot out from Garen's hands, and actually penetrated the fireball directly and turned into translucent stones. Nothing could stop the fireball's progress.

He jumped up, pushed his feet on the wall of the cave, and shot out with a bang, straight into the gap between the two fireballs.

boom! !

The two fireballs almost exploded together. The extremely scorching heat instantly enveloped Galleons, and they turned into a ball of flames and exploded in mid-air.

With a bang, a charred human body rolled down from mid-air, making no sound anymore.

"Hmph!" A faint snort came from the distance. Then the sound of hurried footsteps quickly faded away.

After the footsteps disappeared for more than ten seconds, the scorched black body slowly moved. Opening a pair of blue eyes, he glanced around vigilantly.

Garen slowly got up from the ground. His whole body was burned, and every part of him was so hot that it hurt. The qi and blood in the body are constantly rolling. They were almost dispersed in that moment, and now they are regrouped.

A large number of blisters appeared on the face, neck, and arms. Each one was like a bunch of flesh-colored grapes, and they were round and full of serous fluid.

The originally fair skin was either red or charred, and in some serious places, the abdomen and forearms had even become carbonized and stiff.

He endured the pain and moved forward quietly and quickly.

A guard point soon appeared in front of them, which was a depression in the cave wall. Inside were a small bed, several wooden boxes and barrels, and a few candles burning on the barrels, which were half melted. This kind of candle lamp contained in a glass pot, the dim light shines through the blurred glass, making it appear even dimmer.

After passing the guard point and moving forward a certain distance, we actually entered a spacious cave space, which was as big as a football field. You can faintly hear the sound of water flowing.

Boom! !

Suddenly there was another muffled sound, as if something exploded.

Garen knew that this was during the battle with the leader here after Goth broke out.

He looked around and vaguely felt that this was no longer the base lair. It should obviously be an underground cave.

He kept returning along the passage just now, but after taking the same path, he arrived not at the exit, but at such a cave.

Garen carefully moved along the cave wall to the other end. Huge stones were arranged closely on the ground, and water flowed through the gaps between the stones, making the sound of rushing water.

As he moved forward for a while, he felt his lungs becoming more and more difficult to breathe. The more he moved, the faster the blood flowed, and the burns all over his body became more and more painful.

After finally walking for a while, he was so tired that he was sweating profusely. The salty sweat flowed over the burned area, and he groaned in pain.


Suddenly, a vigilant voice came from the entrance of another passage that the cave in front extended to.

A tall and thin figure walked down from the entrance of the passage and jumped on the big rocks into the cave.

He kept scanning his surroundings vigilantly.

"Come out! I've already seen you. Hehe, do you think I can't find you by hiding behind the stone?" The man sneered.

After waiting for a while, there was still no movement, so he felt relieved and ran carefully towards the entrance to the underground base.

At this time, Garen had quietly moved to a cave wall on the opposite side of the cave, and found a gap on the back of the big rock to sit down.

At this time, his whole body was burned, and his energy and blood were boiling. He was almost shaken away and then mobilized again. The God Statue Skill has extremely strong recovery power and is constantly cleaning out a large amount of heat toxins from the internal organs and the surface of the skin.

But even so, he was basically semi-paralyzed at this time and couldn't move his hands at all. His physical fitness dropped significantly, and he was entangled in the powerful flames of the totem light, unable to recover for the time being.

This special flame seemed to have some kind of contaminating properties, and it completely contaminated and destroyed most of Gallon's tissues that were burned by the high temperature almost instantly. This kind of pollution is also accompanied by heat poison, which invades the internal organs, is extremely difficult to deal with, and is getting worse.

An ordinary person would probably be completely out of breath the moment the flames exploded, and would be instantly fatal to the power of this pollution.

"We must speed up our recovery!"

Garen glanced at the attribute bar below his field of vision, gritted his teeth and added a little potential to his still-not-fully-recovered physique.

His physique instantly increased from 2.5 to 2.76. This was the highest peak his body had reached in his previous life.

The moment the value changed, a stream of cold air flowed out from the brain and rushed to all parts of the body. Internal organs, skin, bones, and any injured place were all soaked by the air flow.

In an instant, coldness and heat intertwined, and a sharp pain several times stronger rushed into Garen's mind. Accompanied by waves of extreme itching, the burnt skin all over his body felt an incomparable itching.

He wanted to reach out and grab it, but he held it back, not daring to move, and unable to move. His whole body almost went limp, and his back was pressed against the stone wall to prevent himself from falling to the ground.

The pollution power of the totem light that invaded the body and the cool airflow of the supernatural power were constantly fighting and conflicting, causing Garen to sweat all over his body. The sweat dripped on the scalded wound, causing waves of more severe pain.

Pain and itching mixed together, Garen completely fell into a state of stiffness, and the scalded blisters on his body burst open one by one, flowing out light red slurry, soaking the clothes that were almost charred, exuding an unpleasant odor .

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