Mysterious journey

Chapter 288 Chaos 1

"It doesn't matter, I'll have a chance to pay it off soon." Garen grinned, as if he could see what was in Angel's heart. "There is a totem master who can control four-headed totems, and he is not short of money, but he has not been able to evolve one-headed totem and two-headed totems until now. No, you can actually control five heads, right?"

He suddenly raised his arm, and a blue line suddenly shot out from behind him, slowly falling on the tip of his finger and turning into a blue butterfly the size of a washbasin. The butterfly's wings flap slowly, glowing with dots of blue fluorescence.

"You!!!" Angel was finally completely moved. She looked at Garen in confusion and was speechless for a while. In addition to the previous alligator, the three gray-feathered eagles, and this blue fluorescent butterfly, the person in front of me can actually control the five-headed totem!

"This world is always so unfair." Garen said lightly, "Top geniuses like us have talent and financial resources. But they lack the inheritance of knowledge. But they have never been able to go further. And those with mediocre qualifications, like The useless aristocratic trash can easily possess a complete set of evolutionary theories, and there is no need to go around doing things for others or working hard for others."

Angel didn't speak, but his expression was a little silent. She was like this, because she was from a poor background and was excluded from the association. She had no resources and no money, so she had to rely on herself for everything she wanted to develop. This is how she struggled step by step.

Now I see the same person who can control the five-headed totem, standing in front of me. She suddenly felt an extremely strong sense of resonance.

"You and I are the same. How come those trash with rubbish qualifications can enjoy everything without working hard. But we are much better than them, so we must work hard to get everything. You know that I have sacrificed for this martial arts. How much hard work did it take?" Garen said loudly, patting his chest. The performance was so moving that he himself was moved.

Angel clenched her fists. She was an impulsive person. Listening to Garen's words, scenes of the discrimination and humiliation suffered over the years flashed before my eyes.

"What do you want to do?" she asked, her voice slightly hoarse.

"Come and join me. Your talent is the best I have ever seen. You only need a complete set of evolutionary theories to truly embark on the path of a Type 2 totem master. We have a common goal." Garen Say it solemnly.

"Do you think I will believe you?" Angel asked in a cold voice. "Sooner or later, I will be able to acquire the knowledge of cultivating Type Two myself."

"Is it possible? There is no foundation, no comprehensive theoretical support, and special requirements for materials. Are you really confident that you can figure out the evolutionary path of Type II by yourself? Maybe there is such a thing. But how long will it take you? Two years , five years? Ten years? You are a murderer, wanted by the royal alliance, not a genius with a clean net worth."

Garen really planned to subdue some of his subordinates so that he could make the next plan. In the ensuing chaos, personal abilities will become increasingly fragile and weak, unless there is high-level power. But now he obviously can't reach it.

If you want to improve yourself as quickly as possible, the fastest way is to find someone with rich fighting experience who understands the fighting methods between totem masters. At the same time, having a few helpers can speed up the hunting efficiency.

Moreover, Garen still has a little thought about the war guild. In a war guild, the existence of war shackles and war guild halls can completely form a strong superior-subordinate relationship.

What's more, dealing with Black Sky Society, he can't take care of so many opponents by himself.

Looking at the Angel in front of him, this woman was ruthless and seemingly impulsive, but she had a very strong ability to understand spells and a strong talent as a totem master.

"How is it? Have you considered it?" Garen calmly looked back at the camp where the bonfire was burning. "Do you plan to continue to be hunted forever for the rest of your life? This time you are just a totem master, but next time it may not be so simple. Rather than being hunted with no hope, you might as well choose to cooperate with me and let's work together Hunt the Totem Master. You can pay for your crimes, and I have my own needs."

Angel half sat down on the ground. "My enemy is not just a Type 1 Totem Master. Are you sure you want to cause me such big trouble?" she said coldly.

"It doesn't matter, I'm never afraid of trouble." Garen smiled, "The most fundamental reason is that my troubles are definitely much better than yours."

Angel lowered his head and said nothing. Garen was not in a hurry, just waiting for her answer quietly.

"According to Alia's laws, any criminal has the opportunity to join the war guild and get a mission to atone for his sins. How many people you kill must be filled with the same number of criminals' lives. So most of the totem masters who are chasing you are I came here for this regulation. Of course, everything must have a prerequisite, that is, someone recommends it." Garen smiled and said, "This is not a big deal to me. My mission completion rate is very good. Join the War Guild. It's easy. I can introduce you when the time comes. Many criminals come here this way, relying on friends to help introduce them and wash away their crimes."

Angel closed her eyes. Her core totem was killed, and all three secondary totems were destroyed. The last secondary totem, the black panther, was also paralyzed by the poison and unable to move. It can be said that she has been released from prison at an absolute disadvantage. The other party is indeed very sincere in putting forward this condition under such circumstances.

And indeed, for her who is being hunted all the way now, cooperating with the people in front of her is a far more promising direction than being hunted.

"Then how can you guarantee that I won't give up on you after getting out of danger?" She didn't believe that someone would trust an enemy so much for no reason.

Garen walked to a big tree and leaned against the trunk.

"We are the same kind of people. If you go to other organizations, you may get the same life as before. Only the same kind can communicate with the same kind on an equal footing. I am going to gather all our kindred people together and form a force. Who is the most powerful? He is the leader. But it is too early to say this now. This kind of statement has a tendency to be a ghost, so it is better to say less. "

Angel looked at Garen intently. After a long time, she finally nodded slowly.

"I promise you. Relying on the War Shackles and War Guild Hall of the War Guild, we can share interests, share intelligence, and achieve a certain level of joint management."

"Very good. You are the first partner I chose." Garen stretched out his hand to pull her up. "I will apply to join the War Guild when I get back. Purchasing war shackles requires more than 50 million in funds. This is still the lowest level. If we cooperate in hunting together, we should be able to save enough quickly."

Angel nodded. She understood that cooperating with the person in front of her was indeed the best path for her at the moment.

War Shackles is a fixed and permanent solidification technique.

It is like a chain that links all the core totems of those who participate in the shackles. If you want to separate from the shackles, you need to pay the price of losing the core totems. This is an extremely harsh punishment for a totem master. The more advanced the totem master is, the more this is true. Totem has invested a lot of their time and efforts.

In addition to the role of a safe and stable alliance, war shackles also have benefits.

The yoke of war is like a special form of totem that can be cultivated and attached with some accessory parts to increase its capabilities.

Angel pondered for a moment and whispered. "War Shackles without any additional abilities costs 50 million. If it has some additional abilities, wouldn't it cost over 100 million?"

Garen nodded: "After all, the ability on the shackles can affect all members all the time. I didn't see the other totems, but the Iron City branch only has one ability shackle, called the Healing Lock, which affects the shackle members. My own. Once the totem master in the healing shackles is injured, he will automatically receive the healing effect of minor injuries solidified in the shackles. The power of the spell will automatically heal the injured totem master." He paused.

"Of course, we can only start from scratch. As long as we find enough permanent solidification spells, we can strengthen the effect of war shackles."

"Easy to say." Angel shook his head and said no more.

"There is also a war guild hall where we can share evolutionary knowledge. We can throw in all the knowledge we have snatched and want to exchange. This special totem can equally exchange the knowledge we need. Of course, the knowledge we learned ourselves can also be used, regardless of the members. You can exchange knowledge, resources, or use it to improve the effect of your shackles. But it will take a long time to reach this step." Garon explained with a smile. He could tell that Angel didn't know much about the overall structure of the War Guild.

Sure enough, the more Angel listened, the more his eyes widened. "I asked why the guild members here are so weak while the ones in the north are so strong. All the totem masters are very fast and can easily catch up with me. No matter how long I leave them behind, they can still catch up."

"That may be because their War Shackles ability has a tracking effect. Compared to the Iron City branch, there are more conflicts there, and the shackles have richer effects. It's normal." Garen nodded, "Okay, it's time. Out. Next, I will go back to pick up the mission. I will notify you when the time comes. Your name will be recorded on the mission list, and I will also apply to suspend the mission pursuit of you. We will complete the mission together, and the efficiency will definitely be good."

Angel nodded.

After going back to go through the formalities, Garen easily obtained the lowest level guild member certification, codenamed Gray Eagle. Named after the gray-feathered eagle totem standing on his shoulder.

Angel paid a mortgage worth one million silver wheel cloth through Galleon as a certificate to suspend the pursuit.

The money can only be used for two days, and Angel cannot leave the management area of ​​Titan City. Otherwise it will automatically become invalid. The two must complete at least one hunting mission within this time.

As for the war shackles and the war guild hall, these two special totems. Both are worth tens of millions, which is simply not something the two of them can afford now.


The sky is dim and bright.

The clouds were accumulating, the sky was gray and gloomy, and it was raining lightly. The rain strands were blown by the slanting wind and were elongated like thin transparent lines.

On the vast green hilly grassland, a caravan of horse-drawn carriages was slowly driving along the gray carriage road towards Baixi City.

Most of the caravans were gray-white and yellow tent trucks, and some of the goods were covered with white coarse cloth to block the light.

In the middle of the motorcade, a black carriage with two drivers slowed down, and the window on the side of the gorgeous carriage was opened, revealing the faces of two young and fair noble girls.

A young girl looked curiously at the goods on the carriage in the middle of the caravan.

"Is this the Palasuo caravan? Lala." The girl asked her companion in a low voice.

"It should be, I seem to have seen that sign before." The girl named Lala didn't seem to be very interested in these. She held her chin with one hand and stared blankly at the caravan's rapidly alternating hooves, falling into a trance.

"Lala, lala?" The cry of companion Visil seemed to come from a very far away place.

"It's so boring." Lala sighed inwardly and responded to her companion's questions word by word. Visier was always so energetic and always had something to say.

Lara stared blankly at the slowly falling rain above the caravan.

She was about to go to Baixi City to continue studying law. Although she didn't want to study law, she had no reason to refuse.

This society is like this: you are born, then study, then work, then get married, then grow old and wait to die. Day after day, year after year.

The Industrial Revolution began, and everything was like a big explosion. New gadgets appeared on the market every day. The whole world was like a newborn seedling, constantly growing and developing in unknown directions.

Lala sighed in her heart. She is eighteen years old this year, which is the age when she should become an adult. But they are also eighteen years old, and the sisters who play and relax around them always look particularly childish. They are like paramecia living on instinct, low-level and ignorant.

"Maybe ignorance is also a kind of happiness." Lala breathed a sigh of relief. Soon Visil's voice reached her ears again.

"I heard that Uncle Kang Maier's son joined the army this year. I wonder what life is like in the army?" Visil retracted his head, "Some time ago, little Kang Maier invited you to ride a horse together. What do you think? Didn't you go? I made it clear that I wanted to confess to you before I left."

"Auntie won't allow it." Lala looked out the window calmly. "And I don't want to think about these things so early."

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