Mysterious journey

Chapter 289 Chaos 2

"Oh my god, Lala, you are already eighteen years old! You can give birth to children in many places at the age of eighteen! Is it still early?" Visil yelled in a fuss. "Maybe Aunt Vera doesn't allow it, but has already found a good candidate for you."

"That's not something I can bear." Lala frowned. "That's why I chose to go to Baixi City to study law. Maybe becoming a royal lawyer is a good choice." This way, at least I can decide my own life. She added in her mind.

"You really envy me. It's a pity that I don't have such a talent as you." Visil exhaled and suddenly heard a noise coming from the caravan in front.

"What's going on?" "I don't know?"

"It seems like someone is blocking the road ahead."

On the caravan carriage, some men quickly got off and went up to inquire about the situation. Women and children stood at the edge of the convoy, looking forward, whispering what had happened.

Lala finally became slightly interested. "Willis, what happened up front?" she asked the coachman loudly.

"I'm sorry, miss. Someone is blocking the road ahead. I'm afraid the car will have to wait for a while." The old coachman's voice came from the front.

As the carriage continued to move forward, Lara soon saw what was happening ahead.

Directly in front of the motorcade, on the gray driveway, two young men and women sitting on the stones on the side of the road stood up and blocked the direction of the motorcade.

Both of them were dressed in gray robes, covering their whole bodies. The man had a shaved head without a trace of hair, and his eyebrowless face gave people a cold and stern temperament.

The woman has beautiful blond hair tied into a ponytail, a plump figure, and a pretty face with a hint of indifference. She followed closely behind the man, staring at the caravan. In her eyes, the caravan of hundreds of people was like an animal waiting to be slaughtered.

As if she noticed someone peeping at her, the woman's eyes suddenly moved over and met Lala's eyes.

In an instant, a deep chill surged up from the bottom of her heart. Lala jerked her head back and hid in the carriage. She reached out and touched her forehead, and actually broke into a cold sweat.

The moment their eyes met, she seemed to see the most violent murderous intention deep in the other person's heart.

"What's wrong?" Garen glanced at Angel behind him.

"Nothing." Angel shook his head, "What are you going to do? With so many people present, it is impossible to use the war dungeon. It is certain that the three totem masters are hiding among these ordinary people, using the war dungeon as a cover to escape from the iron Tancheng."

Garen smiled.

The crisp sound of horse hooves came from not far away. Garen looked towards the side of the grassland and saw a girl in white riding a white horse. She was slowly relaxing on the grassland. It seemed like a chance encounter. The girl sat on the horse and looked here blankly, as if she was curious about what was happening here.

He turned back and looked at the caravan in front of him.

"How many have we killed since last night?" he asked Angel in a low voice.

"Three," Angel was a little unsure, "I didn't remember this much."

"Forget it, let's do it." Garen suddenly walked forward, and a black coin was slowly thrown out.

"Hey!" Angel looked stunned, "You're crazy, there are so many people here!"

laugh! !

The coin fell to the ground and suddenly opened a circle of transparent ripples. The ripples spread instantly and enveloped the entire caravan and the surrounding area of ​​hundreds of meters, forming a huge spherical cage.

"There's no need to worry about this now." Garen smiled and looked at the three gray-robed figures running wildly from the side of the caravan. Point your right arm forward.

Whizzing! !

Several gray shadows sprang out from behind him and flew directly towards the three figures.

Angel quickly stepped forward, pointing his fingers rapidly in the void, and thirty green light spots instantly appeared in the air.

"Three times the speed!"

Thirty light points merged into one at the same time, suddenly turning into a green light and shooting into a black panther that rushed out from behind her.


The black panther instantly turned into a black line and rushed towards the three fleeing figures.

The black shadow surpassed the gray shadow and knocked down a figure.


The three gray shadows recovered into three gray-feathered eagles, and at the same time they grabbed and lifted up one of the man's black pythons. The strange thing is that after the giant python was caught, it struggled wildly for a while, then quickly slowed down, and finally hung stiffly on its sharp claws, and was pecked out by three gray-feathered eagles. Three bloody holes the size of a bowl. Eventually it turned into a puddle of silver liquid and seeped into the grass.

At the same time that the giant python melted, the black panther also bit the downed figure directly through the throat. Blood spurted all over the floor.

The other two people looked pale, and they fell down on the grass and kept moving back.

"No no!! You can't do this! The War Guild has regulations. There are so many ordinary people here! So many mortals!!" A woman on the left had snot and tears running down her face.

The man on the right had trembling fingers and wanted to draw some kind of spell, but he tried several times and failed because he was too scared. The sweat on his face ran down his temples and dripped from his chin.

"Vulnerable." Garen shook his head, walked up to the man, and picked up his collar. "It's just a little guy who has just entered Type 1. Maybe there will be more rewards for catching him alive?"

"You'd better see how to solve this problem?" Angel nuzzled in the direction of the carriage.

Garen looked at the caravan.

The merchants in these caravans were all silent, the children had their mouths covered and did not dare to speak, the men all held various weapons in their hands, and the women and children all hid in the carriages and drew the curtains tightly. A dozen guard mercenaries were holding iron swords and staring at him with sweat on their faces.

These people looked at Garen and Angel as if they were looking at monsters.

Garen ignored these people and raised his head.


Suddenly, a large number of blue birds suddenly flew from the southern sky.

The large flock of bluebirds looked like pockmarks, reflecting large black spots on the ground. There were constant chirping sounds.

"Here we are. Finally." Garen sighed slightly in his heart.

Something moved in his heart.

A gray-feathered eagle suddenly rushed into the sky, grabbed a bluebird in its mouth, flew back, and landed on Garen's shoulder.

He took the blue bird from the gray-feathered eagle's mouth, took out the paper roll tied to its leg, and unfolded it gently.

‘Emergency in the South! ! Agas City is asking for support! ’

There is still a little blood stain on the edge of the paper roll.

"It's time to go." Garen whispered, stretched out his hand, and all three gray-feathered eagles immediately flew up and circled above his head.

One of them had the black coin in his mouth.

"What should we do with these two people?" Angel glanced at the two totem masters lying limply on the ground. The totems of these two people, a black wolf and a white eagle, were both killed by the black panther in the fierce battle just now.

Garen didn't say much and lightly kicked their legs.

A shock force suddenly spread into the chests of the two of them. Their heads tilted, blood flowed from the corners of their mouths, and they died silently.

"Let's go."

In the attribute column below Galleon and Vision, the potential column finally returned to 15 points. It was originally used on Howling Wolf and Rabbit, resulting in only 13 potential points, but now it has Angel as a helper, and he almost doesn't need to do anything. Angel will deal with the opponent's totem, and then he will kill the totem master.

Easily, he killed three hunting targets in one night. Adding the three now, there were six.

The consumption of Howling Wolf and Rabbit was directly replenished.

This time I went back, just in time to try out the evolution of those monitor lizards. Garen was looking forward to what the monitor lizards would look like after they evolved.

"What's going on with these bluebirds?" Angel instinctively felt something was wrong.

"Those are all war messages asking for reinforcements. The south has probably been completely occupied." Garen took back the war dungeon without looking back.

"Impossible!! Ennit's General Weilan has thousands of second-type totem masters under his command! All of them are elites!!" Angel showed an unbelievable look.

Garen had already walked in front of everyone in the caravan.

"We can pay the ransom!!" A fat man in the lead begged with a trembling voice as he was pushed out. "Don't kill us! Please." He knelt on the ground.

"You are hunters. The War Guild does not allow mortals to use dungeons." Among the caravan crowd, a white-haired old man stood up and said in a deep voice. This person obviously knew the inside story.

"Rules are set by people. But they are useless now." Garen shrugged, "I would like to advise you, turn back to Titan City immediately and don't go to Baixi City. Otherwise, something bad may happen. With you."

He just kindly mentioned that the Black Sky Society's silver totem army is coming soon. These countless silver totems are like the tide. Encountering them in the wild area is simply a nightmare. Don't mention these people, they are Garen himself. Don't even think there is a way to survive. Only a solid city can have certain defense capabilities.

There are all kinds of strange and weird biological forms in these silver totems. It is simply a strange animal expo, with all kinds of terrifying creatures emerging one after another. Most of these creatures are failed products cultivated by the Black Sky Society and have extremely strong pollution capabilities. In addition, they were all silvered by the ghost silver lanterns, and their strength was more than doubled.

"Let's go." He said. Over there, Angel had cut off the heads of the three criminals, wrapped them in cloth and carried them.

The two of them walked in tandem, speeding up their pace towards the direction of Titan City.

The people in the caravan finally breathed a sigh of relief. Most of them, for some reason, didn't take the advice Garen gave seriously. A small number of people seemed to see that Garen was not lying. But those who are truly willing to leave as he says.

"Let's go! Willis, let's turn around!" Lala was sitting in the carriage with a trace of inexplicable excitement and fanaticism on her face. The boring life finally has a new bright color. She trusts her own judgment, always.

The bald man showed no signs of lying, and she believed him.

"Miss." The old coachman hesitated.

"Turn around!" Lala emphasized.

"Okay." Willis had no choice but to slowly drive out of the driveway and turn the car around on the grass next to it.

"Lala, are you crazy? Do you really believe what that weirdo said?" Weisier waited until this moment before she dared to speak out. She shrank her head and hunched over the car and hid under the carriage, for fear of being discovered by outsiders. At this time, he raised his face and sounded like a gnat.

"I believe him and the large blue bird used for communication." Lala nodded seriously.

Suddenly there was a crisp sound of horse hooves outside the carriage.

She opened the curtain and looked outside, only to see the young girl in white clothes and white horse galloping after the two bald men in front of her.

The young girl's face flashed with the same look of unwillingness to be alone.

"Speed ​​up, let's catch up with the two people in front!" Lala shouted loudly.

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