Mysterious journey

Chapter 299 Evolution 2 (Happy New Year everyone)

Garen nodded with satisfaction. Now this big black panther on the edge of evolution was connected to the shackles of war. Even if Angel wanted to leave alone, he would not let go of this big black panther that he had cultivated for so long. This way the relationship becomes stronger.

Garen briefly communicated with Angel some of the knowledge he knew about totem cultivation. But for leopard-type totem cultivation technology, he had no choice, which required more detailed cultivation knowledge. Judging from Aska, the Titan City War Guild must have such information.

The two of them sat in the corner. After a while, the one-armed maid girl walked to the Gallon table and cleared the table for them.

"Mr. Gallon, Mr. Cady asked you if you are willing to accept Mr. Jason's position." She suddenly asked Gallon in a low voice. "If you like, you can go to the counter and talk to Miss Mina."


This is what Garen is waiting for. At this time, the guild will never let go of any possible power to win over. This Mr. Kaidi is actually the president's power.

Thomson's previous solicitation was probably from other forces, but he rejected it.

He looked at Angel opposite him and stood up directly. Heading towards the counter, he and Jason got along pretty well, so joining them was a good route.

After the strong man buying medicines in front walked away, Garen walked to the counter and knocked on the table.

"Follow me." Mina, the girl inside, glanced at him, smiled, and opened the small door from the left to let Garen in.

A young man was put in charge of the counter again.

The two of them entered through a small door on the left side one after another. Inside the door was a large tea room with yellow wooden floors and walls, tables, chairs and lights of the same color.

A middle-aged man with a goatee was writing something at his desk. When he heard footsteps, he raised his head and looked over.

"Here we come." He stood up and came over to greet him, reaching out his hand to shake Garen's hand.

"Hello, I am Kaidi. I am currently under the command of the branch leader and belong to the fourth unit. It is lucky for both of us that you can choose us."

This man was smiling and looked very gentle.

"You're welcome."

Garen shook hands with him, and the two sat at the table facing each other.

"So, let's talk about the benefits of joining us." Kaidi pulled out a piece of paper from a pile of white papers on the table, flicked it, and made a crisp clicking sound. "The conditions we can give are very simple. First: a safe enough stronghold to protect all of our property from infringement. Second: low-level inherited knowledge that can be purchased. Of course, if you need type two, you need higher permissions level, and sufficient wealth. Third: Give priority to providing better pills and better equipment and facilities. Everyone can receive basic security configuration every week: a trauma medicine pack, a hemostatic medicine for internal injuries, one-time One portion of the defense spell. One portion of the nutrition standard package. These are all free."

"Very good. Let's talk about obligations." Garen knew that the conditions offered by the three companies were almost the same. At most, they were focused on different resources according to the emphasis on their hands.

"There are actually only two obligations." Kaidi was very satisfied with Garen's straightforwardness. "Sir Yingluck currently has two departments under his command, the picket department to which I am directly affiliated, and the self-defense department. No matter which one you join, your obligations are: 1: obey the arrangements of the emergency call order and obey all reasonable orders. Order. Two: Complete on-the-job tasks.”

Galen pondered for a moment and began to ask about the differences in work between specific departments. The two talked for more than half an hour, and soon Mina led the next person in before Garen got up and left.

The next step is his consideration of whether to join or not, and the other party's examination of his identity and qualifications.

After leaving the room, the guild mission hall became even more lively. The basketball court-sized hall was filled with hundreds of people. The dense crowd seemed a bit crowded, the sound was noisy, and the smell of blood mixed with the smell of sweat filled the air.

Garen frowned.

After glancing at the hall, Angel had left, Thomson, Aska and others were also missing. The hall was full of unfamiliar faces.

Young men and women wearing black armor come and go from time to time at the entrance and exit of the passage, shuttling in and out of the hall.

These men in black armor walked through the hall and directly entered another passage on the right side without even looking at the other people in the hall.

Garen walked out of the hall and saw Angel standing against the wall in the passage.

"How about it?"

"Waiting for news." Garen replied, "I have gone back beforehand. Can you do it alone?" He felt someone looking at Angel vaguely.

"It's okay, I'm just writing about a guy who doesn't know how to live or die." Angel smiled.

Garen nodded and ignored her, walked directly out of the passage, turned around, and followed the underground pipes extending in all directions, and soon returned to the entrance where he entered before.

He exited the pipe mouth, closed the lid with his backhand, and came back to the metal sewer ladder. With a tap of his foot, he immediately jumped to the top of the ladder. Reach out and push open the metal cover, trying not to make any noise.

Garen stuck out his head and looked outside.

The sky has darkened, and there are insects buzzing. It was quiet outside, and there were thumping footsteps in the distance.

Garen quietly got out of the manhole cover, gently closed the cover, and stood in the ruins of the guild hall, looking around.

The surrounding area is surrounded by ruins and remnants of walls, and there are several vague figures in the shadows searching for things near the pile of corpses.

Garen looked towards the shadow of a broken wall on the right. In the shadow, a huge charred wood moved slightly. He suddenly opened his eyes, and it was the hidden Fukasawa giant crocodile.

"Go back first, and then start hunting down the one-horned monitor lizard with all your strength to accumulate potential points." Garen made an arrangement in his mind, letting the Fukasawa giant crocodile clear the way, and followed behind, carefully alert to the surrounding situation.

The platinum aura unfolded silently and spread to a radius of hundreds of meters.

Garen moved quickly along the periphery of the broken city wall, and most of the buildings inside and outside the city wall were knocked down and collapsed.

After advancing for a certain distance, a black figure jumped out of a small dilapidated building far ahead. The figure and Garen looked at each other from a distance, and they both stopped.

Garen stopped where he was, watching the other party quickly rush into another cluster of black shadows, and quickly left towards the right. Then he moved on.

The community where he lives is on the right side of the city wall, surrounded by other scattered communities and a small farmer's market. The direction that person leaves is the direction of the market.

He walked through this dilapidated community without stopping for long. He quickly turned a few corners and saw the houses in his own community in front of him.

The community was quiet and dead, with no sound at all.

Gallon clung to the shadow of the house beside the city wall and silently approached the community.

The entire community is empty. It is far away from the city and almost no one lives here. Most homes were not damaged. It just looks deserted and dead,

Garon carefully walked along the cobblestone main road that ran through the community. The white houses on both sides were unusually quiet, and the windows were like black holes, deep and dark.


Suddenly, a cry similar to that of a child reached Garen's ears. The sound was noisy, unpleasant, and extremely harsh.

He felt dizzy and his reaction suddenly became sluggish. Then I saw the giant crocodile in front of me flicking its tail to the left.


A red shadow flew over and collided with the giant crocodile's tail, making a dull sound.

The Fukasawa giant crocodile roared and was knocked back two steps. The red shadow also flew out and rolled down on the grass of the villa on the left, revealing its figure.

Garen gasped. The red shadow was a baby with purple skin. It was naked, its mouth was full of sharp black serrations, one eye was covered with blue moldy spots, and the other eye was already shriveled.

"Is this a human experiment by the Black Sky Society?!" Garen looked a little embarrassed.

With his mind, he ordered the giant crocodile in Fukasawa to wrap around the dead baby, and he quickly ran around it towards his villa.

The cries and roars of babies and giant crocodiles kept coming from behind.

Soon we arrived at the middle of the community, which was extremely clean. A few rats were gnawing around a human hand in front of the left side. Hearing the footsteps, the mice immediately raised their heads, each showing their ferocious red eyes.


The red-eyed mouse swooped towards Garen like a bug.

"These one-horned monitor lizards actually carry germs?" Gallon looked grim. He was suddenly worried about the situation of his teacher Ening, his cousin, and Vindman in the distance. Although Vindman is just this body's cheap father, after all, they have been together for so long, and the other person's concern for him is all sincere.

His feet shook slightly, and a circle of translucent energy spread out. The energy passed through the body of the red-eyed mouse, and the mice immediately fell to the ground one by one and stopped moving.

Garen turned around and jumped into the fence of his house, took out the key, opened the door, and closed it behind his back. The hall on the first floor was dark, and several black shadows rushed over quickly.

Three gray-feathered eagles flew delicately around Garon, and three blue-backed monitor lizards crawled to Garon's feet and made a gesture of intimacy.

"Try the gray-feathered eagle evolution first." Garen walked to the sofa and sat down. Without lighting a lamp, he raised his right arm and let a gray-feathered eagle land on his arm.

A gray-feathered eagle fluttered and landed on Garen's arm. Its beak was longer and its body was larger than the other two. It stood almost one-third as tall as a human.

"It's you." Garen touched the head of the gray-feathered eagle. His eyes fell on this gray-feathered eagle icon.

Three seconds later.

The potential jumps to 16% with one click. Three points of potential are gone.

The icon of the gray-feathered eagle suddenly trembled and slowly became blurred.

flutter flutter

The gray-feathered eagle flapped its wings violently and flew up.

Its feathers are growing longer and darker, and its body is rapidly growing in size and swelling. The two claws are getting sharper and sharper.

Ga! !

This gray-feathered eagle grew from less than one meter to a full two meters at a speed visible to the naked eye. The most bizarre thing was that its head suddenly grew in size, and its yellow pointed mouth was filled with tiny canines. There was also a bright red tumor bulging on the top of his head, beating like a heart.

In just ten seconds, this gray-feathered eagle directly transformed from an eagle into a huge raptor. Standing on the floor of the hall, folding his wings, he was taller than the current Galleons.

Garen looked at the newly changed gray-feathered eagle icon in his field of vision.

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