Mysterious journey

Chapter 300 Lurking 1

‘Resonating Eagle (named according to ability): The second form of the gray-feathered eagle, the second evolved totem. Cannot be promoted.

Ability: Resonance Explosion (the tumor on the top of the head can resonate with the enemy's heart, making the heartbeat burden heavier, and in severe cases, the enemy will explode and die). Innate strength (extremely powerful)’

"Resonating Eagle?"

Garon looked closely at the tumor on the eagle's head, which was beating like a heart. He stretched out his hand and touched it, feeling warm. The texture was as tough as rubber, and it didn't feel as weak as it looked. After smelling it, it smelled like eggs.

He stood up and looked around at the other silver totems. The other two gray-feathered eagles and blue-backed lizards were shivering in the corner, too frightened by the power of the resonance eagle to get close.

He glanced at the corner of the hall, where there was a pile of leftover bones. It seemed that some creature had been caught and eaten by these little pets.

Garen walked to the storage room and opened the door with the key. Inside were boxes of various food and water.

This was something he had prepared in advance, enough to feed ten people for a year. This is why he left his pets here.

Open a box and take out dry and hard green rice bread. This long strip of bread is very strong and as hard as a baseball bat. It only takes a little bit to fill your stomach for a day.

He pulled a piece from the top and put it directly into his mouth. There was a crisp chewing sound in his mouth, like chewing wood. He took out a bottle of clean water from the side, unscrewed the cap and drank directly.

Lifting up a box of food and water, Garen walked out of the storage room, closed the door behind his back, and returned to the hall on the first floor.

Putting the box on the floor next to the sofa, he plopped down on the sofa. He wiped his face with his hands.

After not taking a good breath for so long, he finally had time to take a rest. Garen just sat on the sofa and unconsciously lay down on his back and fell asleep.

In a daze, he didn't know how long it had been before Garen suddenly woke up from the darkness. The roars of giant Fukasawa crocodiles were coming from the yard outside, mixed with the shrill and harsh sounds of babies crying.

He sat up all of a sudden and felt that there were two more small dots in the induction, and they were moving together with the Fukasawa giant crocodile.

"Is it a parasite?" He stood up, feeling that his mind was still a little fuzzy, and rubbed his temples. "When I came here, I haven't completely relaxed and rested for a long time. It's really comfortable."

While sighing, he walked to the window and looked out.

In the courtyard of the villa outside the window, the giant crocodile Fukasawa just happened to bite a dead baby in one bite, and swallowed it into its stomach in several bites. It was surrounded by two black beetles half as tall as a man.

The beetle's body was shiny, and its outer shell reflected a bright mirror-like color in the moonlight. There are no eyes or nose on the front of its head, only a big mouth full of sharp teeth, with white snake cores constantly extending and contracting from inside.

They are like two round balls. When their bodies are arched forward, their mouths can take a mouthful of flesh and blood from the prey and put it into their stomachs.

The two parasites actually worked together to kill a dead baby, which was a pretty good fight.

"Is that the parasite of the Fukasawa giant crocodile?" Garen carefully sensed the giant crocodile and immediately discovered that there was a subtle connection between the giant crocodile and the beetle.

Under the moonlight, Garen glanced around the front yard.

The flat grass in the yard had been completely destroyed, leaving only yellow soil and dark red blood stains. The fence of the yard had also been knocked over and damaged.

From time to time, a few red-eyed mice ran past on the main street of the community outside, and one or two unicorn monitor lizards slowly descended and crawled on the street. The two giant lizards did not attack the Fukasawa giant crocodile and parasites when they saw them. They just regarded them as their own kind, ignored them, and passed by the villa slowly and leisurely.

Garen lowered the curtains and hid in the darkness of the villa.

Ouch! !

From time to time, the strange screams of the horned monitor lizard could be heard outside. He was alone in the villa and walked up the stairs to the second floor.

After entering the study, he took out the pamphlet from Angel from his pocket.

Three light yellow booklets were placed on the desk. Garen gently closed the curtains and lit the oil lamp with the matches on the table. Suddenly the whole study lit up.

He was reassured about the safety of the villa. The Fukasawa giant crocodile was now patrolling outside, with two of its parasites and now a third.

He just observed that this parasite is equivalent to a type 1 totem, and it is a relatively ferocious type 1 totem. It's only a little weaker than the Horned Monitor, so it's pretty good as a guard.

"The Fukasawa giant crocodile can give birth to up to three animals every day, but it is difficult to successfully parasitize without a suitable parasite. While I am learning the technique, I simply let it leave a parasite to protect the house, and I take one out hunting. , which can be used as food and can also capture parasites.”

Garen sat down and gave the instructions to the Fukasawa Giant Crocodile to hunt on its own and maximize parasitism.

The giant crocodile in the villa yard suddenly crawled out from the dark corner, silently ran out of the yard and crawled into the distance, followed by a small beetle.

"Remember not to hurt anyone." Garen added an instruction. The silver totem is good at this. It has a certain amount of simple intelligence and can act independently of the main body. There is no need to doubt its loyalty. He can monitor its movements at any time and control its life and death.

"Resonating Eagle, go out and be on guard." Garen gave the order to the giant eagle in the villa.

Silently, a giant eagle with a height of two to three meters and a wingspan of four to five meters took off from the yard and landed on the roof of the villa, quietly gathering its feathers and lying on top. The huge eagle eyes scan the surrounding area for hundreds of meters at any time.

Two gray-feathered eagles also flew up and began to build a nest on the roof with branches and trunks in their mouths. The Resonating Eagle lay lazily on the roof, driving its two little brothers to build a nest for itself.

Gallon drove the three blue-backed lizards out and patrolled the yard at any time. They were allowed to eat and live outside, and the villa was made smelly by these wild pets, and the smell was extremely unpleasant.

"It's a pity that my intelligence is still too low and I don't know how to clean." Garen shook his head and sighed, feeling that there were many of his little pets scattered around the villa, which greatly increased the safety factor. In this chaotic period like the end of the world, a wave of A sense of peace of mind arises spontaneously.

"Even the inner city of Titan is not as safe as mine now. After all, these silver creatures are considered to be the same kind as monsters. They will not trigger large-scale monster attacks."

Garen sat up straight, stacked the three booklets together, and opened the first one.

"Secrets of the School of Angulo: Shared Vision"

The title of the book is a small line of delicate and elegant Kuwaitan common language, written in light red handwriting. As one of the most powerful countries in Eastern Asia, the Kuwaitan language is widely spread, and is also spoken in many countries, making it one of the lingua franca.

Garen opened it and took a look. This technique requires the continuous release of fifteen void runes in a short period of time.

Void runes are various symbols carved in the void with innate abilities.

The fifteen void runes required for this technique are all different shapes without any repetition, and the lowest difficulty requires five strokes, while the highest one requires more than ten strokes.

Garen scrolled through the required time limit: within 3 seconds.

He recalled that when Angel released this technique, it did seem like there were very few movements, but thinking back carefully, it was true that her hand speed was very fast, and there was a slight tremor. It was not an uncontrollable tremor, but a regular rhythm. of. It seems that this is a more advanced method of releasing spells.

It was easy to finish reading this booklet, and it is still fresh in my memory.

Garen glanced at his attribute bar with satisfaction.

‘Power 2.66. Agility 2.72. Physical fitness 2.76. Intelligence 2.53’

"The intelligence has been completely restored, reaching the peak level of the previous life." Garen lowered his gaze and looked at the skill bar with a hint of expectation.

There was still no movement there. Obviously, the technique did not seem to meet certain conditions for forming a skill. In other words, the potential point seems to have no effect on the technique.

He withdrew his gaze with some disappointment, began to stop being distracted, and began to study the vision sharing technique carefully.

Time passes minute by minute. The oil in the oil lamp gradually became drier and less and less.

Garen memorized the entire booklet over and over again, and then began to carve out the void runes one by one. Every successful carving will ignite a white flame on the fingertips.

Use this as a mark of success.


The flame of the oil lamp exploded, as if it had burned some impurities.

Garen suddenly came back from his immersion.

Possessing master-level precision drawing skills, his hands were as stable as precision instruments, but he still couldn't pass the speed test. Only three void runes can be completed within three seconds.

He took out his pocket watch and checked the time. It was already four o'clock in the morning, more than three hours had passed.

"Even my master-level precision drawing stability is at this level. Those who are worse at master-level and entry-level, I don't know how difficult it is."

Garen touched the edge of the booklet, which was full of wrinkles caused by long-term reading. Apparently neither the original owner nor Angel had turned it over many times.

"If you don't develop skills, you can only keep practicing honestly. There is no shortcut." Garen calmed down. With the God Statue Skill in his body, he has amazing endurance. He can meet his physiological needs by resting for two or three hours a day.

According to this progress, it is estimated that it will take at least more than a month to barely master this magical skill.

But it was because of his original training in secret martial arts, strong micro-control, and the stability of master-level precision mapping that he achieved such speed. If it had been anyone else, there wouldn't have been more than a year without having to think about it. But the real result is that it is probably unlikely to be achieved in more than a year.

The black curtains let in a faint white light.

Garen stretched. Finally recovered from practice.

He glanced at the potential value in the attribute column, which had jumped from a pitiful 16% to 132%.

"According to the previous comparison, one horned monitor lizard is equivalent to about 60% of the potential value, so now there are two horned monitor lizards. Although that kind of dead baby looks scary, in fact, the potential value is not much . I killed one on the road, and another one just now. The giant crocodile probably killed at least one more when it went out, and it only reached 132%."

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