Mysterious journey

Chapter 301 Lurking 2

Garen stood up from the desk. Blow out the light, walk to the window, and pull open the curtains.

Looking down, in the shadow of the corner of the yard, there was another unicorn monitor lizard corpse. The corpse was lying on its back, with a huge red tumor on the chest and abdomen, as big as a basketball.

Garen sensed the connection and discovered that these were the eggs parasitized by the Fukasawa giant crocodile.

He took a closer look at the parasitic egg and found that it had a faint tendency to swell. Withdrawing his gaze, he closed the curtains, turned around and walked out of the study, thumping down to the first floor.

The hall on the first floor was empty. One of the glass windows on the right was broken. Cold wind blew in through the break, causing the curtains to rise and fall, and rise and fall.

After clearing out all the bone remains in the corner, Garen took out a large bucket of water from the storage room and began to clean the house thoroughly. Use wet wipes to wipe simple furniture, and mop the floor clean, especially the corners where corpses are piled up.

After sorting everything out, several buckets of water were used, and it took more than half an hour before Gallon finally called it a day.

"This will be my long-term base." He breathed the clean air with satisfaction. There was no smell of decaying corpses or the bad breath of pets, and he suddenly felt much more comfortable.

"The things in the storage room are enough for me to live for a few years. In addition, I can go out to hunt some unicorn monitor lizards for meat every few days."

He didn't care at all about the germs of this silver mutated creature, as his body didn't need to be afraid of most germs. As soon as any abnormal harmful substance enters the body, it will be detected immediately, and then the extremely powerful qi and blood will instantly generate corresponding antibodies and white blood cells to directly engulf the germs.

Garen clearly remembered that this chaos was actually out of the control of the Black Sky Society. Perhaps they had no intention of controlling it in the first place. More powerful mutated organisms continue to appear one after another, the infection becomes more and more serious, the human living space is continuously encroached, and the population is greatly reduced.

This may be the perfect world that the Black Sky Society hopes for, where the fittest survive and natural selection occurs, and the weak who cannot adapt will only die. They developed a power that they could not control and released it, ultimately with the purpose of destroying all existing order.

Throw out all the debris and let the blue-backed lizards do the job of transporting the garbage to a distant domestic garbage pit.

Garen took a comfortable bath and changed his clothes.

Blue-backed lizards have the ability to burrow into the ground. He asked the three lizards to start burrowing down on the kitchen floor. When one gets tired, the other one is replaced until water is found underground.

Garen himself practiced secret martial arts in the hall on the first floor. After breakfast, he continued to study the techniques on the second floor.

The Fukasawa giant crocodile goes out to hunt from time to time and brings back one-horned monitor lizards for food and parasitism. In less than three days, the number of parasites increased from two to five. If two parasites had not failed to parasitize, there would have been even more.

The Resonating Eagle flies out alone from time to time. This giant bird with a wingspan of more than four meters and close to five meters looks like a fighter jet. It flies out for a while, and soon flies back with scars, holding a horned monitor lizard under its talons as food. It was also shared with two other gray-feathered eagles.

Every time it flew out, Garen could feel his potential point jumping two or three times. It was obvious that the Resonating Eagle was facing off against two or three horned monitor lizards, unlike the Fukasawa giant crocodile that only went out to sneak attack and hunt at night. In frontal combat, they can actually successfully hunt under siege. The injury was not serious and he recovered quickly.

This made Galen's evaluation of him rise a lot.

In nearly three days, Galleons' potential has grown to more than 6 points. He directly invested all six potential points into the evolution of the other two gray-feathered eagles. One of them succeeded, but the other unfortunately failed, wasting three potential points.

Two resonating eagles built a nest on the top of the villa together, and the second one was still afraid of the first resonating eagle. Garen named the first resonance eagle No. 1. This is the largest and fastest evolving resonance eagle. It has the intelligence of a two-year-old child and can also complete some simple instructions. Gallon asked him to manage another resonance eagle and gray feather eagle. At the same time, it is responsible for monitoring the movements around the villa.

Garen didn't know what the situation was like in the inner city now. He stayed in the villa with peace of mind and continued to build up his strength. The Fukasawa Giant Crocodile and Resonance Eagle continue to hunt all monsters around them, and their potential points can continue to increase safely. As long as he doesn't show up randomly, he won't attract large-scale monster attacks.



Garen quietly ate the mashed potatoes he made and stood by the courtyard wall next to the villa.

In front of him, the No. 1 Resonating Eagle was confronting the Fukasawa Giant Crocodile. The two giant beasts looked at each other fiercely and could launch a terrifying attack at any time.

The resonating eagle stood on the ground, its wings flapping continuously, blowing strong winds.

The Fukasawa giant crocodile swung its tail and lay silently on the ground, waiting for an explosive blow.

Garen ate the mashed potatoes from the plate and watched the battle quietly.

I have never seen the strength of Resonance Eagle carefully. Taking advantage of this time, he planned to let the two giant beasts compete to see the true comparison in strength.

The two giant beasts faced off for a while, and the Fukasawa giant crocodile rushed out, without opening its mouth to bite, but directly bumped into it head-on.


The Fukasawa Giant Crocodile was unexpectedly knocked to the ground by the Resonating Eagle, and rolled over, revealing its white belly. It turned over and tried to get up, but was immediately held down by the sharp talons of the resonance eagle and pinned to the ground.

The resonating eagle kept flapping its wings and issued a huge thrust, pressing the giant crocodile tightly and unable to turn over.

"What a great power." Garen narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at the resonance eagle thoughtfully.

Resonating Eagle's ability has an icon of innate power, which is obviously reflected in its huge strength. Unexpectedly, even the Fukasawa giant crocodile is no match for it.

Garen understood somewhat. The gray-feathered eagle can only evolve to the second type. As a biological organism that is only a wild animal, it is not the primitive totem that has been studied for a long time. Each one has a very high evolutionary level. Its evolution is more about using its potential points to generate its genetic potential, finding the strongest part of its genes, strengthening and replicating them, and finally becoming the strongest state among its genes. This is the strongest, and the direction is obviously determined by the function of the potential point.

Some may be the state that existed in ancient times, or some may be the state that may evolve to in the future, both are possible.

Among the genes of the gray-feathered eagle, the strongest one is probably the resonant eagle state.

The collision of the two giant beasts quickly attracted a one-horned monitor lizard flying from the sky. The one-horned monitor lizard pounced down fiercely and directly grabbed the huge resonance eagle.

This ferocious creature has strange habits and is not afraid of life and death, but it especially likes to tear its prey into pieces of flesh and blood. They enjoy the sense of accomplishment of tearing apart their prey, rather than focusing on the prey.

The resonating eagle's eyes were red, and it raised its head to face the monitor lizard swooping down from the sky. The sarcoma on the top of its head swelled and beat rapidly.

Plop! Plop! !

The continuous heartbeat suddenly spread out, and even Garen beside him could hear it.

Plop! Plop! Plop! puff! puff! Puff puff puff puff

The sarcoma beat faster and faster, faster and faster, and in the end it actually became a continuous one, almost two or three times a second.

Bang! !

The eyes of the one-horned monitor lizard in the air became more and more bloodshot, and a large number of blood spots faintly oozed from the entire body surface. He fell down all of a sudden, hit the fence next to Gallon, and rolled to the ground, completely motionless.


The resonance eagle opened its mouth and let out a strange cry, walked over and bit the horned monitor lizard, pulled off a piece of meat with a fierce tear, and ate it with big mouthfuls.

Garen walked over and looked at the body carefully. He just reached out and patted the body lightly, and through the shock, he felt something was wrong inside.

"Awesome! The heart was directly shocked and exploded. No wonder the Resonance Eagle's first ability is better than Resonance Explosion. This is simply an instant kill!" Garon sighed slightly in his heart. For such an ability, he asked himself that he had a certain resistance. After all, this is a test of one's ability to control Qi, blood and internal organs. But if there were a few more resonating eagles, he would feel a little chill in his heart.

He carefully observed the condition of the Resonating Eagle. The guy seemed a little depressed, and the sarcoma on the top of his head also looked a little colorless, without the usual bright red color. It obviously takes a while to reply.

He contacted it and asked it to release another resonance burst, but the response message was powerless and needed to wait for a reply.

Garen poured the mashed potatoes into his stomach in several mouthfuls, put down the plate, and walked up to the Fukasawa Giant Crocodile.

This guy has completely recovered, but he is still a little unhappy and hostile towards the Resonating Eagle.

Garen asked him to use collision against him. The giant crocodile hesitated and then executed the order.

It roared low and leaned down, as if it was accumulating strength.


It suddenly turned into a black shadow, bringing up a strong wind and slamming into Garen who was motionless.

Garen stood still on his feet. He had just seen the resonance eagle resisting easily. He just wanted to test how his current strength compared with the totem.

Really feeling the extremely strong wind blowing against his face, he summoned up all his strength, and his body suddenly rose to more than two meters. The platinum energy suddenly shrank into his body and turned into a circle of platinum light.

"Ruby!!" He pushed his hands, and his palms were as clear as ruby, and with extremely intense heat, he hit the giant crocodile's head fiercely.

Bang! !

One man and one beast took two steps back at the same time. Garen stopped with his hand in astonishment, and at the same time motioned for the giant crocodile to stop as well.

He looked at his hands. Because they were protected by the light of the totem, they were not injured at all. And because the Fukasawa Giant Crocodile carries a layer of totem light, only attacks with the same texture of totem light properties can break through this layer of defense, so it was only knocked back by the pure momentum and was not injured.

But the black totem light on the surface of its skin is constantly showing ripples, which is obviously the impact of the collision just now.

Such a collision would have twice the impact on actual parts as a unilateral attack.

Obviously, Garen's Totem Light is much stronger than the Type 2 Fukasawa Crocodile.

"It's a pity that pure physical attacks are too difficult to break the totem light."

Garen estimated that he had finally returned to the peak level of his previous life. If he used his pure body to resist the intensity of the totem light and exploded with all his strength, he could only break through an elite type of totem light within three strikes and concentrate on one point. .

It is still a very difficult road to enter the realm of totem masters with secret martial arts.

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