Mysterious journey

Chapter 302 Companions 1

After picking up the silver plate and fork on the ground, Garen was about to go back to the villa hall to continue practicing his spells.

Suddenly, there was a violent explosion in the distance, mixed with the strange cry of the horned monitor lizard and the cry of a dead baby. You can still vaguely hear people cursing and yelling.

Garen jumped up to the roof of his house, half-crouched beside the huge eagle's nest full of dead branches and leaves, and looked in the direction of the sound from a distance.

In the distance between the community and the farmer's market, a man and a woman were commanding two brown bears and a black wolf, surrounded by six or seven one-horned monitor lizards, and there were more than ten dead babies densely packed outside. Climb towards the two of them.

These dead babies are obviously not real babies, otherwise there would not be such a large number.

Garen narrowed his eyes and was hesitating whether to go over and save someone. Suddenly, the two people yelled, and a brown bear made a mistake, and the neck of a brown bear was bitten off by the horned monitor lizard, turning it into a pool of mercury. The two turned around and wanted to run away, but were caught up by the dead baby several times. The totem was killed first, and then the two of them were submerged in the bites of the dead baby. The limbs and head were torn into pieces and eaten.

"This is the fate of a totem master. If I hadn't had a silver totem, I would probably have had the same result. I wouldn't have been able to stay outside for so long." Garen sighed in his heart. No matter how hard he went out alone, he would encounter monsters. , as long as the original totem is released to resist, a large group of monsters will soon be attracted. Then he was besieged to death.

Only by making a quick decision and leaving immediately can you ensure your own safety.

Garen understood that the mistake just now was probably due to the dizzy shock ability of the dead baby. He had also encountered it at that time, and it took him a while to react after being slightly dizzy due to his quality, not to mention the physique of these two people.

Sliding down the roof quietly, he suddenly noticed that there was a faint envelope in the mailbox outside his villa.

He was a little surprised that he didn't go out by himself. Instead, he let a blue-backed monitor lizard crawl out, bite open the mailbox with its teeth, and run back with the letters inside.

Standing in the lobby on the first floor, Garen closed the door after getting the letter.

There are three envelopes, two of which have stamps and are management fee payment notices from the community management committee.

The remaining copy was not in an envelope, just folded white paper.

Garen unfolded the letter and looked at it carefully.

‘Gallon, if you see this message, please go to 128 Queens in the inner city to find us as soon as possible. Andy Jessica and I are together. ——Goethe, April 15, night. ’

"April 15th? Wasn't it just yesterday?" Garen thought thoughtfully.

This is the first line of text, and there is a second line below.

‘Garen, if you are still alive, please inform us as soon as possible, this place is getting more and more dangerous. The density of monsters is getting bigger and bigger. There seems to be some danger hidden in your house. Don't rush in. If anyone sees this message, if anyone knows about the owner of this house, please bring the letter to 128 Queens and find me, Goth, and we will give you a reward. ’ The writing is not completely dry yet, so it was obviously added not long ago.

Garen breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't expect Goethe to find this place quietly. A few days ago, he hid in the house, letting the Fukasawa giant crocodile hide, the resonance eagle lurked on the roof, and there were parasites patrolling around. No wonder Goethe didn't come in rashly.

But in such a dangerous situation, he could still think of himself, and he came twice in succession. Garen also felt a little warm in his heart.

Goethe is indeed a very good friend. Once he identifies with you, he will stick to it until the end.

Putting away the letter, Garen had a thoughtful look on his face.

"If we follow the original development, we should face up to the time when Goethe was growing rapidly. It was also during this period that he experienced unimaginable events. Do I want to go over and follow him?"

He hesitated.

"Following Goethe can indeed improve oneself as quickly as possible, but opportunities can turn into dangers if one does not have the strength to grasp them. It is impossible for me to grow as fast as Goethe, so the dangers I face will definitely far exceed his."

He felt the silver totems around the villa. As long as he stayed outside quietly and did not interfere with the affairs in the inner city, he could continue to grow quietly, but the speed was not as fast as following Goethe.

"The fragments in my memory only show that this period was Goth's rapid growth period, without mentioning the details in extreme detail. In this way, if I follow up and cause a big butterfly effect, it may even cause Goth to be unable to do anything. Get through it in peace.”

"Should I hunt alone, or should I follow Goth into the center of the vortex?" Garen hesitated. "Originally, my purpose was to follow Goth to get a good core totem. Unexpectedly, I found another solution, and now I have obtained the crystal deduction. The weapon is almost ready for improvement. It’s not worth the risk to take part in it again.”

He held the door with his hand and looked at the gray sky in the distance. Under the gray clouds, a large group of dense black spots were flying towards the inner city of Titan City. One of the giant monitor lizards was particularly eye-catching. Its back was covered with black bone spurs from head to tail, with a whole row of different lengths. It was three times the size of other monitor lizards, reaching seven or eight meters.

This monster has been around the inner city for many days. Garen saw many totem masters coming out of the inner city one after another, but they were unable to kill it. Instead, it killed several people.

Then the entire inner city retreated and stopped going out. No one came out anymore.

Ouch! !

The bone-spiked monitor lizard roared downwards, seeming to be provoking.

Directly below it, a tall white threaded tower supports a hemispherical shield. The shield is only revealed when attacked, glowing white.

The threaded tower was like three spikes entangled together, twisting and stabbing towards the sky. The whole body is white, with a faint white light emitting from the top.

Garen looked at the Threaded Tower from a distance.

"Iron City's strongest magic array defense is really powerful! I just don't know how long it can last."

He closed the door, returned to the study on the second floor, and continued to study the art of vision sharing.

After staying in the villa for another two days, the number of parasites of the Fukasawa giant crocodile reached 7, and they were patrolling around the villa. At the same time, the potential points obtained just happened to successfully evolve the last gray-feathered eagle.

The three gray-feathered eagles all evolved into resonance eagles. These giant birds with a wingspan of more than four meters are extremely powerful, and each one looks like the most ferocious predator. With Garon's villa as the center, they hunted in all directions. Any monster giant lizard that entered their field of vision was caught and killed and brought back to their lair. Either to provide parasites to the Fukasawa giant crocodile, or for food.

With such a powerful force, Garen decided to go to the underground hall of the war guild again. You should also respond to the guild when it comes to whether to join or not. If you can get the evolutionary knowledge of training from the guild, it will be a good help for your own small group training.

Before leaving, Garen told his totems to go out hunting on their own, as long as they didn't hurt humans.

A large number of one-horned monitor lizards and dead babies continue to pour into the outer city. The hunting of Resonant Eagle No. 1 and Fukasawa Giant Crocodile is simply a drop in the bucket. They dare not move against large groups and can only cooperate with hunting small groups. Monsters, generally more than ten in number, will not take action.

The hunt continues, and the blue-backed monitor lizard keeps digging underground in the kitchen in search of water.

Everything seems to be going in the right direction.


"The world will eventually fall into darkness and shadow. Each of us should unite and believe in the will of the lost god. The end is coming, and all those who have no faith and no faith will be judged by the end of the world! No one will be spared! No! All we have to do is beg.”

As soon as Garen entered the underground war guild, he heard a man's voice chanting something loudly, with high and passionate emotions.

In the dark hall, only two candlesticks were lit at the counter, and the faint yellow light made the atmosphere even more gloomy and depressing.

The air was filled with the smell of blood and disinfectant alcohol, so strong it made people sick.

Garen walked into the hall and glanced inside. There were five or six people sitting on chairs sparsely, which seemed unusually deserted. Most of the seats were empty.

The blackboard hanging above the counter was filled with death lists.

Galen searched for a while, but didn't see the names of Angel and Thomson, then he walked to the counter and knocked.

"Do you need to move the map? Most people have moved to the underground guild in the north." The young girl at the counter asked with a tired look on her face.

"Northern Guild? What happened? I've been out for the past two days." Garen frowned.

"You don't know?" the girl said in surprise, "There are too many underground predators. We have to concentrate our efforts to protect a limited area. We are almost unable to defend this place. The people left here now are all perverts who don't want their lives. I I have to leave tomorrow too.”

"Underground Predator." Garen had never heard the name of this monster. "Forget it, how many underground points are there in the outer city now?"

"About four. Excluding ours, there are three more in the other directions. It is estimated that they have begun to shrink now. The scale of each one is similar to ours. Don't even think about moving to those points. It's useless." The girl said decadently Said, "Did you see that fat guy yelling over there? That guy is a member of the Doomsday Cult. Some people threw him out before, but now no one cares about him. It doesn't matter what this guy does, no one has the energy anyway." ”

Garen glanced at the fat man who was still preaching the doctrine loudly.

"When the world is in chaos, people like this will always appear. It's normal. In other words, Mr. Cady and the others have also moved now?"

"Left a few days ago. Most of the people you saw in the hall are desperadoes who stayed here to take risks, and there are two who are waiting here." The girl at the counter replied calmly.

"Is there any way to contact people in the inner city?" Garen asked with a frown.

"It's a pity." The girl shrugged.

Garen left the counter, walked to a seat by the wall and sat down, quietly looking at the remaining people.

Except for the fat man from the cult, everyone still left in the hall was more or less injured. The eyebrows and hair that were burned off on Garen's body had not yet grown back, so they looked quite normal among this group of desperadoes. . The only thing that was a little inappropriate was that his clothes were too clean.

After sitting on the seat for a while, footsteps were faintly heard from the passage on the right side of the hall, and soon a white-skinned man in gorgeous clothes came out. He glanced at the people in the hall with a fearful expression.

"Is anyone willing to protect my transfer? The cost is one million! One million Silver Wheel Cloth!!" He shouted loudly. "Anyone willing?"

"Get out! Idiot!" A man with long hair and beard was obviously in a bad mood. He stood up and raised his hand and threw a wine glass at him.


The metal cup hit the wall with a crisp sound, and the wine inside spilled onto the floor.

The fair-skinned man flinched and retreated back into the passage, standing at the door not daring to come in.

Garen watched coldly, sitting aside and remaining calm.

Sitting quietly in the guild, he looked at the slowly rising potential value in his attribute column from time to time. The little babies under him were speeding up, and the number of monsters around them continued to be hunted. The potential value that had just been spent had now reached It was as much as 4 o'clock, which made him feel more and more relaxed.

The number of parasites has also stabilized at around seven, with casualties appearing from time to time, and one successfully parasitizing from time to time.

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