Mysterious journey

Chapter 304 Beginning 1

It was raining lightly outside the window.

Garen stood in front of the window with a cup of hot coffee.

On the big bed behind him, the girl named Lala was lying on the bed rubbing her head, still a little confused.

"Are you awake?" Garen looked back at the big bed. The girl named Lala ran here with a clear purpose, obviously to get his protection. But he still has his own things to do, and being around him is not much safer than outside.

Lala lay down half on the bed. The clothes on her body had not been touched, and she was still dressed in the same dirty and messy condition.

She immediately looked at her whole body and found no trace of being violated, and she was relieved. Then his eyes fell on Garen by the window.

"Thank you for saving me again." Her voice was hoarse, obviously she had a cold. "If it hadn't been for you last time, we would have died on the road outside the city."

"I always need rewards for doing things. I saved you twice, so what is your reward?" Garen looked at her calmly. "Any behavior that wants to get something must naturally consider the price. There is nothing in the world that can be gained without paying a price. You think so?"

"I understand." A hint of understanding flashed in Lala's eyes, "But as a weak woman, what else can I give you? Or maybe, what do you want from me?" She spoke clearly, It's clear.

"The hygiene and daily necessities in this house are very simple requirements. The condition is that I provide you with shelter and food. How about it?" Garen replied calmly. "And as a physiologically normal man, seeing a beautiful and pure young girl in my house makes me feel comfortable." He said frankly.

Lala lowered her gaze: "Your request is very reasonable. I am willing to trade my job for my own safety and food. You are a good person for being able to control your desires and respect a soft girl so much under such conditions of solitude." "

"Good guy?"

Garen burst into laughter. He stretched out his hands and looked at his flawless white palms. He didn't know how much blood was stained on these hands. He was innocent and deserved his crime. Maybe it was just a battle of wills, but that's how life is.

He came to his senses and smiled to himself.

"I'm glad to have a sensible opposite-sex companion, but I'd like to remind you in advance that there are many places in this house that are your restricted area. You'd better not wander in at will. If you want to go out, please write me a message. I will Arrangements. Medications next to your pillow, by the way, this is my first time taking care of someone other than family."

"I'm honored." Lala finally smiled easily. Seeing Garen calmly walking out of the room, she felt greatly relieved. Her aunt had safely entered the inner city. Overnight, it seemed that the whole world collapsed, and countless monsters killed people around them. Familiar and unfamiliar, too many lives were killed before her eyes.

"Plenty of food, plenty of safety, and warm quilts." Lala had never felt for a moment that these things that she usually had were so precious.

Garen walked out of the guest bedroom, straightened his collar, and returned to his master bedroom.

Standing in front of the dressing mirror, he took stock of his appearance.

A layer of short hair has grown slightly on the smooth head, and the eyebrows have also grown a little under the influence of strong Qi and blood. Compared with the original handsome boy with cream, he has a more fierce temperament.

He was wearing a white undershirt and trousers, and a gray robe and cloak. As long as he put his hood up and lowered his head, no one could tell who he was.

He opened the closet, rummaged through it, took out a set of off-white underwear, put them on, and then put on a set of full-body black leather armor that he had prepared in advance.

Two round shoulder armor, elbow pads, knee pads, leg armor, leather boots, and then a helmet and breastplate.

Put them all on, and the people in the mirror will look almost like the city guards of Titan City.

After thinking about it, Garen took off his helmet and put on his gray robe outside.

"This is much better." He looked at himself in the mirror with satisfaction.

The gray robe covered all the leather armor, only giving the impression of a burly figure.

"Next, let's see what my little darlings are doing." He focused on the attribute column.

‘Power 2.66. Agility 2.72. Physical fitness 2.76. Intelligence 2.53. Potential 632%. Possess the qualification of silver lantern technician. ’

6 potential points.

Garen narrowed his eyes slightly. He glanced at the totem bar and saw that the number of parasites had dropped to five, apparently consumed after another battle.

"Let the blue-backed lizard evolve first. The chance of type three evolution is really low."

He had a thought.

Soon the door was gently opened, and three blue-backed lizards slowly crawled into the room. The last one closed the door under Garen's control.

This kind of dark blue monitor lizard usually lives in the desert. It is extremely resistant to hunger and thirst, and has a strong vitality.

Garen knelt down and reached out in front of the three giant lizards to touch their heads.

"From now on, you will be No. 3. The Fukasawa Crocodile will be No. 2. It is easier to identify this way. Let's save you and evolve first."

His eyes fell on the icon of the blue-backed lizard, and soon, the three potential points disappeared in a flash.

Blue-backed Monitor Lizard No. 2 trembled all over, and suddenly began to tremble violently, as if something was shaking violently inside its body.


No. 2 made a painful neighing sound. Its body grew rapidly, from more than one meter to two meters, three meters, four meters, and five meters! !

The height also quickly increased from more than ten centimeters to twenty centimeters, thirty centimeters, fifty centimeters, and more than one meter! !

Its skin began to turn a brassy yellow, and the teeth in its mouth began to grow into lips.

The entire monitor lizard looks more and more like a crocodile.

Between its four legs, a pair of short legs actually grew, turning it into a six-legged creature. A row of fine spikes also appeared on the back.

The most eye-catching thing is that its eyes have changed from the original turquoise to white without any impurities, and there seems to be no pupils.

The changes in this giant lizard frightened the two blue-backed monitor lizards nearby. They hid away from No. 3's growing size and screamed in horror.

Garen stood in front of the transformed giant lizard, feeling that this guy was like a legendary earth dragon that could swallow a creature of his size in one bite.

He looked at the totem icon in his field of vision. The blue-backed monitor lizard's icon has changed.

‘Evolved monitor lizard (unnamed): The blue-backed monitor lizard evolves the first type and the second form biological totem. It can be improved, and the evolution success rate is 34%. Potential points consumed: 500%.

Abilities: Petrifying Gaze (any hostile creature that looks at him will be damaged by the petrifying light), burrowing into the ground quickly. ’

"Petrified gaze?" Garen noticed the eyes of this evolved giant lizard, and the pure white eyes were faintly glowing with a faint green light.

"Renamed Basilisk."

He changed the name of the totem and then carefully looked at the reluctant basilisk.

The basilisk was lying on the floor of the room, lazily motionless, like a brass statue.

Garen circled around it and reached out to touch its skin. It was rough and hard, like stiff leather, with a touch of warmth.

He pulled out the spikes on the back of the petrified giant lizard. They were very hard, like awls, and they arched out of the skin one by one, forming a vertical line from head to tail.

"Go hunting once and show me." Garen ordered and opened the door.

The petrified giant lizard crawled out of the door slowly, moving extremely slowly, like a seventy or eighty-year-old man, with its round belly almost hanging on the ground and dragging it along. The six soles of the feet made a snapping sound.

Garen shook his head speechlessly.

"Concealment is not enough, use the fastest speed!" He ordered.

The petrified giant lizard immediately accelerated its speed. It could be seen that it was really trying its best. Its six short legs were struggling to move forward, but its speed was at most comparable to that of a turtle.

"This speed!" Garen had the urge to hide his face. "Metal combat is about delivering food to people!"

After taking the basilisk out of the villa, Gallon went to the backyard. There was also an uneaten corpse of a unicorn monitor in the yard.

"Attack the corpse!" Garen ordered.

The yellow petrified giant lizard crawled five meters away from the corpse with difficulty and stared at the corpse.

Silently, the body's parts from bottom to top began to rapidly change into gray-white stone, and the spreading stone continued to make thin crackling sounds.

Three seconds later, the body suddenly turned into a complete stone statue.

The petrified giant lizard vomited out the red core without looking tired at all.

Garen felt a little relieved at this moment.

"The petrified giant lizard is only suitable for defensive sneak attacks and cannot keep up with the speed of other creatures."

ah! !

Suddenly a woman's scream came from the front door.

Garen stepped forward and turned into a gray shadow, flying towards the courtyard of the villa in front.

Lala was standing at the door with her mouth covered, staring in horror at the huge black beetle passing by in the yard. The black beetle's ferocious serrated mouthparts scared her to death. She held on to the doorframe and almost collapsed.

When she saw Garen appearing, her voice trembled, and her fingernails were bugged.

"Bug!! Monster!! There is a monster!!"

"Those are my little darlings, don't be afraid." Garen waved the beetles away from his sight.

After comforting Lala, Garon asked her not to go out, otherwise it would be easy to attract monsters from outside. Fortunately, the smell of killed unicorn monitors was all around the yard, completely covering up Lala's presence in the villa. The smell of blood.

He looked at the remaining potential points and felt that the three points spent on evolving the Basilisk were not worth it. No matter how powerful the petrification ray is, it must hit the enemy. He was not going to spend the remaining three points on the blue-backed monitor lizard.

The two blue-backed monitor lizards have already dug out the groundwater in the kitchen, or in other words, they have dug out the groundwater in a roundabout way. There is an extra well in the kitchen, making water use much easier.

After placing Lala, Garen put on the hood of his gray robe and checked his belongings. "It's time to check out the situation in the inner city. As long as you're careful, it should be fine."

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