Mysterious journey

Chapter 305 Beginning 2

Inner city central canopy area

In the gorgeous dark brown study room, a man with a golden mustache stood in front of the window, quietly looking at the tall and majestic threaded tower not far away. The tower was like three spikes drilling out of the ground, intertwined with each other.

The white light from the top of the threaded tower reflected on the skin of his face, showing a faint silvery sheen.

The man's forehead was already covered with deep wrinkles, and his face showed the stability and vicissitudes of time. The strong figure is wearing a set of pale golden full-body armor.

"Is there no news about Riller yet?" the man asked in a deep voice.

Behind him, the four men and women in luxurious clothes were silent, and no one dared to make a sound at will.

"How long can the supplies in the inner city last?" The man turned around and looked at his four capable subordinates.

"Your Excellency, the inner city has plenty of supplies and can still support it for another year or two. But the number of monsters outside is increasing, I'm afraid..." A fat noble stood up and answered.

"It has been fifteen days since Governor Lile went missing. I'm afraid there are people from the Black Sky Society involved." A middle-aged woman said in a deep voice, "The key now is that as long as the stationed General Tyron and the Duke Your Excellencies join forces, and the security issue should be able to support us for a long time. Enough to wait until reinforcements from the Royal Alliance arrive."

"I'm afraid that the royal alliance won't have enough time to take care of itself." A thin man said gloomily.

Suddenly there was a rush of footsteps outside the study.

The door was opened without permission. The person who came in was the Duke's adjutant Venier. This middle-aged man, who had always been steady, turned pale at this time, and actually looked a little panicked.

He quickly walked to the Grand Duke's side and whispered a few words in his ear.

Immediately, everyone saw that the Grand Duke's complexion also changed, and there seemed to be many more wrinkles on his forehead.

He looked around at everyone.

"Everyone, I'm afraid we are about to face a fierce battle." His voice was heavy.

boom! ! !

As soon as he finished speaking, a ball of flames burst into the sky in a gorgeous courtyard on the left side of the Threaded Tower.

The fire swept through the entire courtyard, which was the size of a football field, including the entire white courtyard. The red firelight almost instantly overwhelmed the white light of the Threaded Tower.

Everyone seemed to hear the distant roar in the air, anger, helplessness, despair, and heartache.

No one has ever discovered that a simple roar of human beings can contain so many connotations.

Everyone stood up unconsciously.

"That's the residence of General Tyron." The fat noble felt that his voice had never been dryer before.


General Tyron was assassinated by his own son and adjutant. In the end, the totem exploded, and its power completely involved his son and adjutant, killing them both.

One of the three strong pillars in the city died.

The news spread throughout the inner city like a hurricane, and everyone heard the roar from the mansion. The grief, helplessness, and disbelieving shock were still fresh in everyone's memory.

Now, only the Grand Duke is left.

In a white mansion in Queens.

Goethe was sitting in front of a white hospital bed wearing white overalls, looking at Jessica on the hospital bed. This usually quiet girl now had a sickly pale face.

"Why are you so careless? You didn't notice until you caught a cold and had a fever? You always say that I don't take care of my body." Goethe carefully held Jessica's right hand, his eyes full of tenderness and love.

In the defense of the inner city for so many days, the two of them shared weal and woe and had established a relationship with each other.

Jessica shook her head and just smiled.

"You treat me with this expression every time I say something." Goethe said dissatisfied. "You always disobey."

Jessica pursed her lips and smiled quietly. "As long as you accept your father's apology, I will listen to you in everything."

"Can you please stop mentioning this? It's very annoying." Goethe rubbed his head in distress, "Mom is like this, and so are you. Didn't I say that I didn't blame the old man."

"Do you blame him for having such an attitude? He never even called me father." Jessica shook her head and said. "No matter what he did to you at the beginning, after all, he has regretted it now. He is still your father, which no one can replace."

"Can you please stop talking about this?" Goethe looked at Jessica's gentle smile and was immediately defeated. "Forget it, you rest first, I'm going to work."

He stood up, covered Jessica with a quilt, kissed her on the face, and then left the ward.

After closing the door, Andy stood at the end of the corridor outside. He looked tired, his eye sockets were sunken, and he looked very haggard.

Goethe walked up to him, and the atmosphere suddenly became heavy. No one spoke first, they just stood there.

Andy lit a cigarette for himself, and when the butt burned to the butt, he took it off and took a deep breath.

"How long can Jessica's illness last?" Goethe asked in a low voice.

"The doctor said, only half a year left." Andy replied hoarsely.

The two fell into silence again.

The scarlet cigarette butt in Andy's hand continued to emit light white smoke.

"Is there anything you can do?" Goethe asked in a low voice again, his face no longer as relaxed and calm as when he faced Jessica.

"Father has searched all the doctors, lantern technicians, and medical professors. There is nothing we can do." Andy lowered his head, "Please stay with her. Father is waiting for me, I will go out first."

He turned and walked towards the corridor exit.

Goethe looked at his back. "There will be a way." He suddenly said loudly, "Don't worry, she will be fine. For sure."

Andy paused, moved on, and quickly left the corridor.

Goethe leaned against the wall alone, not knowing what he recalled, with a trace of loneliness and determination on his face.


Outside the hospital, in the shadow of a white columned building opposite.

A tall man in a black robe looked quietly at the exit of the hospital. People were coming and going in front of him. Teams of patrolling soldiers kept passing by. Occasionally, a few totem masters passed by, but no one noticed his presence. People seemed to regard him as nothing, and no one paid him a second glance.

"Let's get started" he murmured under his breath.

The index finger of his right hand gently stretched out, and a light red light ball suddenly appeared on the fingertip. The light ball slowly floated, floating up and down.


After a soft sound, the man in black robe disappeared instantly.


Behind the original position of the black-robed man, a gray-robed figure slowly walked out. The face under the hood was clearly that of Garen.

He quietly looked at the place where the man in black robe disappeared.

"Here it comes. Finally."

He smiled to himself.

"Maybe Goethe and the others thought I was dead."

He saw the whereabouts of the man in black robe just now. If he hadn't had the courage to sense his presence, he would probably have ignored him like the others.

He recognized the symbol on the black robe. Those are the people of the Black Sky Society. Only they wear black robes all year round to distinguish themselves from the totem masters of other organizations.

He does not plan to act directly with Goethe and others. With the help of Miwu, he can hide in the dark without being discovered by the people of the Black Sky Society. In this way, maximum benefits can be obtained at critical moments.

For example, there will be a collision between Gothic and the Black Sky Society, and this collision is the opportunity he is waiting for. If you follow Goethe, not only will you be exposed, but you will also receive a lot of attention, and you probably won't be able to get the results you want.

Garen pulled his hood down to cover his face. He didn't know how Goethe was stimulated to embark on the road of heroism, but now the tentacles of the Black Sky Society have appeared.

After he came out of the villa, he entered the underground passage of the War Guild and went all the way to the inner city, in order to keep up with Goth's progress in another way.

Standing in the shadows, Garen quietly stared at the entrance and exit of the hospital. Not long after, Goethe's figure came out of the exit. He looked calm, with a hint of anxiety in his brows.

Garen followed him quietly. The energy was slowly released, closely following his whereabouts.

The two walked quickly through the streets. Goethe quickly entered a tavern. After coming out not long after, he walked directly towards the border defense line in the inner city.

On the border line, there are Dragon Guards guarding the sky, and there are dense border defense totems on the ground, and huge black wolf-shaped totems are constantly patrolling back and forth.

There are totem masters guarding every entrance and exit, and they are all guarded by black panther totem masters, and their speed is amazing.

Goethe took out a white token and showed it to the guarding totem master. He took the token back and walked directly through the border line and walked into the long city wall door. There were rows of guard soldiers on both sides. They could not resist. role, but good military quality allows them to play a vigilant role.

Watch Goethe enter the doorway. Garen also walked over, mingling with the people coming in and out, and took out the medal of the war guild from his body to show it to the guard totem master.

The white man with a mustache looked at the medal. The three lines on it marked that the man in front of him was at level three, and a look of respect suddenly appeared on his face.

"My lord, please keep your medal. Are you going to hunt again?"

"Yeah." Garen responded simply.

Most of the people going in and out were refugees who had been rescued and totem masters who had a lucky escape. There were very few people who went out. All the totem masters who went out gained the respect of everyone.

Those who dare to go out in this environment are those who may sacrifice for the stability of the inner city. It deserves everyone's attention.

Garen quickly walked into the doorway under the respectful eyes of everyone.

Goethe's figure in front is no longer visible, but Qi Ji can still detect his position. Garen quickened his pace and followed closely.

After exiting the door, there were piles of unicorn monitor lizard corpses everywhere on the ground. The piles of corpses were surrounded by stench and flies, and the buzzing sound was very annoying.

Garen followed Goethe quietly, and he could see the corpses of new monsters appearing on the ground from time to time along the way. There are dead babies, a one-horned monitor lizard, and a leopard-print monster that walks on two legs.

This monster is khaki all over, like a miniature version of Tyrannosaurus Rex, with a triangular cone-shaped head and a round hole on its forehead that can spray acid.

Garondo took a look at this new monster. There was still yellow acid left on the edge of the round hole on its forehead. He dipped the stone in it, and a sour yellow smoke suddenly rose from the stone. The surface stained by the acid quickly turned burnt black, and many tiny yellow bubbles swelled.

Throwing away the stone, Garen continued to follow Goth.

He discovered that Goethe's route was unexpectedly the other most famous hospital in Titan City - Davy Jones Hospital, which specializes in treating many rare diseases, but it has now become a dead zone.

"Jessica is seriously ill, is he here looking for medicine?" Gallon was confused.

In the deserted white city, among the streets, Goethe and Gallon walked softly forward one after another. In front of them was a church-like spire building.

The white-spire church was intact, but the open door was completely dark, with biting cold wind blowing constantly. There were a few pools of dried blood spattered on the stone floor in front of the door.

Goethe made a soft noise and hid behind a stone on the right side.

A large group of one-horned monitor lizards suddenly flew across the sky. All of these monitor lizards were actually red monitor lizards, twice the size of ordinary ones. They were completely giant.

They streaked across the ground, and the huge strong wind they brought up stirred up large amounts of loess dust. Shadows passed over Goth and Garen's hiding place, and until there was no movement at all, the two slowly walked out of the hiding place.

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