Mysterious journey

Chapter 315 Contact 2

"It's really surprising." Garen had an indescribable feeling in his heart, as if he was witnessing history and myth. The giant beast in front of me is exactly the same as the legendary dragon in the West.

"That's right! Look at the ability!" Only then did he recall the most important part. His eyes quickly fell on the totem bar.

‘Petrified White Dragon: The third type of evolution of the petrified giant lizard, the third form biological totem, the ultimate body. Cannot be promoted.

Ancient genetic information: This terrifying creature likes to petrify its prey into stone statues before eating them. They like to eat various high-quality gems or jade to improve their physical fitness. In ancient times, they were the most feared predators in the mountains and forests. The specific time of their appearance is unknown. They have a strong desire to collect, and they have an extremely enthusiastic hobby of collecting various gems, diamonds, crystals, and even powerful creatures that they have petrified themselves.

Ability: Petrified Aura (can slow down the enemy's movement flexibility in a large area and reduce the sensitivity of their joints. This terrifying ability makes them not afraid of group battles)

Dragon skin (powerful dragon scales are immune to damage from most ordinary weapons and sharp teeth)

Petrified Heart (White Dragon has three hearts. He can use his breath to petrify the enemy, and he can also eject two of the hearts and use them as large-scale petrified bombs. Of course, this will damage his origin)'

"The petrified white dragon is indeed amazing!" Garen approached the white dragon's head. This huge dragon head was the same height as him. The huge dragon eye is black with a silver vertical pupil in the middle.

He reached out and gently touched Bailong's head.

It feels hard and cold. Like touching a solid rock or a snake's scales.

Looking at the giant beast in front of him, Garen suddenly had an unprecedented thought in his heart.

"If he is really the legendary mythical dragon, then will his blood also have the mysterious effect of making people infinitely powerful like the legend says?"

As soon as he thought of this idea, Garen suddenly felt an impulse in his heart. He wanted to try it out for himself to see if this legend was true.

"Stand still!" He ordered in his mind.


Bailong growled lowly and raised his head, and sure enough, he stopped moving.

Garen walked to the side of its body, scoffed and pulled out a short black dagger he carried with him.

"I guess I can't break the scales myself." He suddenly remembered that attacks without the nature of the totem's light were ineffective against the totem. Perhaps the first type of totem can be broken with physical strength, but in front of me is the third type of totem.

Immediately, there was a slight movement in his mind.

One person and one dragon were waiting quietly in the backyard.

Time passes minute by minute.

Lala in the villa wanted to come out several times to see what was going on, but she always followed Gallon's instructions and did not go out to do anything without permission. This girl was obviously extremely timid. Perhaps it should be said that he is too smart.

She knows what she should know and what she shouldn't know.

She was sitting on the sofa in the living room, quietly flipping through a historical fiction book, turning a deaf ear to the roar of the giant white dragon outside, but her fingers trembling slightly as she turned the pages.

In fact, she already knew that she knew too many Galleon's secrets, and it was impossible to leave here casually. In such troubled times, she was actually quite lucky to have one or two strong men to rely on. What was even more fortunate was that this strong man did not ask for anything from her because of his strength.

She is very satisfied to be able to live such a life now.

Soon, there were dull footsteps outside the villa.

The big monster is back.

Lala put down the book, thinking to herself that she would inevitably catch a glimpse of the monster from the window.

It was a huge piece of dark gray skin that directly blocked the window. The scales on it kept moving, and soon the blocked window regained its light.

"What kind of person did I meet?" She began to guess unknowingly. She was surrounded by strange monsters and bugs all the time, and the entire villa seemed to have become a monster's lair and base.

Only the man can come and go as he pleases.


In the backyard

Garen quietly looked up and watched the two-headed lizard dragon running back from a distance. The backyard could not accommodate the two huge beasts. The two-headed lizard dragon had to knock down several walls before it managed to squeeze in to Garen's side.

Two giant beasts, one pure white and one dark gray, squeezed Garen in the middle, making it completely invisible.

The two-headed lizard dragon was larger than the petrified white dragon. It stretched its two heads towards the petrified white dragon and took a sniff, as if wondering how this giant beast appeared. Can I eat it?


The petrified white dragon roared fiercely at it, gray-white mist faintly flowing from its mouth, ready to emit its petrified breath at any time.

Garen stood in the middle, giving instructions on the relationship between the two parties in his mind. Then he quietly gave the command he had planned.

The petrified white dragon took a few steps back aggrievedly, opened its right wing, exposed its strong right body, and brought itself to the mouth of the two-headed lizard dragon.


The normal head of the two-headed lizard dragon bit the petrified white dragon's side without any politeness.

Suddenly, large streams of white blood spurted out and fell into a small pit below. The small hole was quickly filled.

The two-headed lizard dragon retracted its head and roared a few times in dissatisfaction. There seems to be something wrong with my mouth and I feel a little uncomfortable.

The petrified white dragon spit out a breath of gray-white mist on his wound, which instantly stopped the bleeding and coagulated it.

Garen was currently squatting beside a puddle of white blood.

He quietly looked at the white dragon's blood in front of him and smelled the strong stench emanating from it.

The white dragon's blood is like spoiled expired milk, with foam constantly rising on the surface. These bubbles kept popping up and bursting, releasing large amounts of smelly gas.

He stretched out his index finger and lightly dipped it in the white blood.

A sharp pain shot from his index finger to his body.


The skin of the index finger quickly became tight.

Garen retracted his fingers and looked at his fingers. The originally white skin had turned slightly gray, as if it had been turned to stone.

"It's so corrosive!" Garen moved his fingers. Just now he took the initiative to remove the protection of the totem light and actually tried the effect of these dragon bloods with his own body.

"It seems that it may not be used now." Garen gave up his plan to cleanse his body with dragon blood. Part of the skin on the index finger was obviously petrified. Maybe dragon blood would be good for the human body, but it was definitely not the blood of a petrified white dragon.

He stood up and looked at the dragon's blood in the small pit. In less than half a minute, the dragon's blood quickly solidified, and soon turned into a white, flat stone, without any liquid feeling anymore.

"What a pity." He looked at the two giant beasts next to him. "Let's all go hunting and kill any monsters that may threaten our territory,"

The petrified white dragon suddenly roared, flapped its wings, stepped forward with its limbs, and immediately flew into the sky, flying gracefully into the distance. A subtle white halo seemed to surround its body. It flew higher and higher, flew farther and farther, and soon turned into a small white dot.

The two-headed lizard dragon roared.

Suddenly, the heads of two giant Fukasawa crocodiles arched out from the shadows of the surrounding yard, and roars came one after another. There was also the sound of dense crawling insects.

These parasites suddenly numbered thirty or forty, beginning to look like an army of nests.

Garen looked up at the flying white dragon, and suddenly felt the deduction device he was carrying trembling.

He quickly took out the deducer crystal ball.

This red sphere is emitting a faint silver light at this time. In the middle of the sphere, a line of clear writing is slowly emerging.

‘There is a request for external contact. Do you want to contact me? ’

Garen was shocked.

"Contact request?! Could it be that there are other deducer holders around!?" He suddenly remembered that this crystal ball is the terminal used by the Black Sky Society to control the silver totem. It is impossible not to have integrated communication. Function.

For the first time in Garen's mind, the threat that he might lose his derivation device appeared.

He hesitated for a while, looking at the contact request.

‘The contact request level has been upgraded to urgent. Do you want to contact me? ’ The crystal ball changed its words again. The choices of yes and no appear below.

Garen put on the hood of his gray robe to cover his face, then squatted down and dug out a large piece of stone solidified by the white dragon's blood. With his palm like a knife, he quickly cut it into a rough white slate, barely chipping it. It looked like a rough mask, and when it was put on his face, even his eyes were completely covered.

After doing all this, Garen reached out to the option 'Yes' and clicked lightly.

For a moment, the crystal ball slightly rippled with light red ripples. A deep female voice came from inside.

"I didn't expect that there is actually an elemental general presiding over Titan City. Those damn monsters didn't kill all of you? It's really rare." She paused, "Aren't you going to speak? It seems that you are the legendary Jace. "

"It's obviously him. I've found the bodies of Aniya and Jeffsis. It's really tragic. Tsk, tsk." Another joking male voice came out. "Demeia, where are you now? I'm in charge of the overall situation here in Ennit. Those monsters damaged the branch's lair. If I hadn't arrived in time, there wouldn't be a single person alive in the entire lair."

"I'm on Channia's side, and it's very troublesome. But I can still control it. Where's your side, Jace? Your place is the key point, and the Grand Duke of White Dragon Eagle is not that easy to deal with." Medea asked Garen. .

"Me?" With a thought in his heart, Garen responded in a low voice. "It's not bad. Everything is fine. It's going well. It's just that most of my men are dead." He replied in a hoarse and weird voice on purpose.

"What's wrong with your voice?" Medea was a little confused.

"My throat was injured. It took me a long time to recover." Garen replied calmly.

"The current situation is like this. I have only contacted eleven generals in Dongzhou. Now according to the similar regions, the three of us are grouped together." Medea explained simply. "Originally I didn't want to contact you, but now an emergency has arisen and I have to ask you for help."

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