Mysterious journey

Chapter 316 Jace 1

"Emergency? Isn't this an emergency now? Since the centralized meeting, we have all been in various troubles. What could be more urgent than now?" The male voice deepened.

Medea ignored him and kept talking to herself. "There are two things now that have been conveyed by the headquarters. The first is the news about the mutation of a large number of top experimental creatures and the destruction of multiple experimental bases. Let us be careful, there is a piece of information on the monsters sent down from above. Let's We avoided it. Secondly, a high-level defector appeared in the dark sky of the headquarters, and we needed our cooperation in arresting him. Now his defection area happens to be under the jurisdiction of the three of us. He is characterized by burnt skin all over his body and severe injuries. of burns.”

"You will only come to us if something goes wrong." The man snorted coldly.

"Stop complaining, Andora, you have the heaviest task. King Enite is a rare mutant type four totem master. He can no longer be divided simply by animal or elemental systems. Don't miss the key moment. "Medea said a little dissatisfied.

"You should worry about yourself. The core of the three major institutions is on your side." The man Andora responded.

"Okay, that's it. I hope you will keep these two things in mind. Also, Jace, if possible, the headquarters hopes that you can get the important treasure in the Duke's Palace." Medea added.

"Heavy treasure?" Garen's heart moved slightly.

"It should be called the Heart of Dragon Shadow. It's a treasure of the same nature as the Crown of Thorns I have here." Medea said lightly, "Okay, I have something else to do. Please contact me when you have time."

With a snap, the sound cut off.

"Then I'm leaving, Jess. Please contact me when you have time. To be honest, you are the three generals who are more pleasing to the eye. If Duke White Dragon Eagle can't handle it, I can come over and help you." The man said Dora said calmly, and also disconnected.

"Thank you."

Garen was slightly relieved when he saw the crystal ball slowly returning to its original red color, with the words "disconnect" appearing inside.

It only lasted a few minutes and he didn't say a few words, but it already made Garen sweat slightly.

"General of the Elements. If there are only three people in the entire Titan City, then these three people are definitely considered to have the strength to solve the problem of subverting the level of Titan City. In other words, they are definitely the top beings at the level of the Grand Duke. In the wild Those monsters are actually experimental mutant creatures of the Black Sky Society, which is really unexpected."

Garon held the deduction device, which he originally relied on, but now he felt a faint sense of danger.

"We must find a way to eliminate the threat as soon as possible." He planned to thoroughly explore the function of the crystal ball.

After pondering for a while, Garen asked the two-headed lizard dragon to take most of the bugs out to collect potential points, and he returned to the villa with a gloomy expression.

In the following time, Gallon concentrated on staying in the villa, specializing in studying the role and function of the crystal ball deducer. This was related to his strongest strength now, so he put everything behind him. Goethe just left a letter saying that he would be away for a while and asked him to be careful about Dr. Alilan.

After more than ten days, finally.

Garen discovered something new in the crystal ball.

A key function regarding superior and subordinate control.


In the vermilion study room, Garen was sitting next to the broken window. The gap broken by the petrified white dragon was solidified into a gray-white stone slab with its petrified breath, blocking most of the place.

Garen leaned against the bookshelf and sat in front of the desk. The bed on his left was filled with various scrolls and notebooks. The square carpet underfoot was also littered with white papers.

There was a faint unpleasant smell that had been sealed for a long time in the whole room.

Garen's eyes were calmly staring at the red crystal ball on the table, and his fingers kept touching it gently.

Finally, the crystal ball glowed with red light again. A clear line of Kuwaitan text slowly ripples out from the middle part.

‘Contact the lower-level deducer network? ’

"Is the lower-level deducer network controlled by me?" Gallon now understood that the crystal ball could use voiceprints to identify the next command, and he asked softly in Kuwaitan.

‘All deducers can be directly controlled by the superior deducer. Sir Garen, your deducer is at the general level, and your direct superior is the marshal commander level. Lower level deducers have school levels. ’

‘Number: 0032gcr, your inferr is the 32nd in Dongzhou. There are a total of 10 general-level inferers placed in the Cowaitan area. Please keep your function confidential. Your specific rank is general, with five levels available for command: lieutenant general, brigadier general, colonel, lieutenant colonel, and major. Please select the level you want to command. You can assign or remove the other party's access to the Deducer at will. ’

The information that was thoroughly explored this time was much clearer than last time.

Garen looked at the five different options that appeared above.

"Since I can appoint and remove these people's right to use the deduction device at will, then the commanders above me should also be able to appoint and remove my right to use the deduction device at will. It seems that we must make another plan!"

He narrowed his eyes, feeling more and more dangerous and threatened.

"What is the key point of the control of the deducer? We must study it carefully. Those experimental subjects should have been controlled originally, how did they escape from the control of the deducer?" Garon suddenly thought of the headquarters that General Medea mentioned. Defector.

"Perhaps we can get some answers from him." He suddenly had an idea. "Now let's take a look at the networks I can control first."

He reached out and gently touched the crystal ball.

‘Select Lieutenant General Network. You have two lieutenant generals under your command to contact. ’

Two names suddenly appeared on the crystal ball.

‘Lieutenant General Herris, Lieutenant General Quigaman. ’

Both names are gray, with the words "not in contact" shown behind them.

Garen looked at the names of the two lieutenant generals with a calm expression on his face. He continued to click on the brigadier general below, and five more names popped up. Two of the names were gray, and three of them were actually red. The words "Contacting" were displayed at the back.

Garen's heart moved.

He reached out and tapped the name of one of the brigadiers.

"Brigadier General Harry," he whispered, "where are you now?"

The person on the other side hesitated and was silent for a while. "Is it General Jace? I am currently stationed in Bailu City. The Governor's Mansion here has been completely captured by monsters. I don't understand what the headquarters wants. Isn't such a chaotic world completely different from our original intention?" This is a question. young male voice. "I cannot understand the idea of ​​involving innocent people in a conflict."

"Don't make random guesses about the intentions above." Garen replied in a hoarse voice.

"Do you have the same idea as me? What an honor." Brigadier General Harry was a little surprised. "I have already guessed that among the three generals, you are definitely not as cold as you appear!"

"I want to ask you a few questions, can you answer me truthfully?" Garen said solemnly.

"Excuse me." Harry's mood suddenly improved.

"How much do you know about the layout of Duke White Dragon Eagle?" Garen first asked about the situation in Titan City.

"White Dragon Eagle layout? This is the part that General Jeff Sess is responsible for. I am not authorized. However, I have a good relationship with Brigadier General Ellie under General Jeff. I can help you ask."

"Thank you. This is the first question. The second question is, how many subordinates can you control now?" A trace of solemnity flashed in Garen's eyes.

"Subordinates? I have 32 colonels, 109 lieutenant colonels, and 188 majors at the school level directly under my command. They basically control the entire urban and rural areas of Bailu City. Do you want to mobilize military forces on a large scale? Sorry, I You shouldn't guess your intentions at will." Harry reacted immediately.

"Isn't your deployment loss big?"

"Fortunately, the deducers were distributed in time, otherwise it would be really troublesome." Harry answered affirmatively.

"Finally, a defector appears at the headquarters. He is a man whose skin is blackened and burned. Please pay attention." Garen conveyed the above instructions. "Okay, that's it. If I ask you to pull out at least ten heads and three types of totems now, are you sure?" He was directly testing the opponent's strength level, and the data he asked was also estimated by him in advance. Yes, the error should not be too much.

Harry hesitated.

"Three-type totems are still difficult. I can control only two right now, and they are both animal types. The rest can only be contacted by the other brigadiers. After all, only the brigadier general has at least one type three totem. Maybe you You can look at the other people. But you have always been indifferent. Why did you suddenly think of mobilizing this time? Sorry, I was overthinking it again."

"Well, that's it." Garen broke the contact.

Then he began to try to contact the brigadiers and school leaders he controlled one by one. Some of them lost their voices completely. The crystal ball showed that the other side was damaged. They were obviously either dead or the deducer was destroyed.

One lieutenant general, three brigadiers, 12 directly subordinate colonels, 38 directly subordinate lieutenant colonels, and more than 200 directly subordinate majors.

Directly means the direct troops that are only under the jurisdiction of Jace, that is, the direct troops that are only under the jurisdiction of Garon. They are the direct power in his hands.

Each general has his own direct unit, which is the force under their direct control. These troops do not need to obey the orders of any other generals, but only the orders of the controlling generals, which are equivalent to private troops.

Garen contacted all the subordinates he could still contact. These people were the subordinates he could directly control.

By the time he made all the contacts, the sky outside was getting dark. The setting sun shone in through the window, illuminating the entire study into a golden red, giving people a warm feeling.

He put down the crystal ball.

I finally had a very intuitive understanding of the two most important points.

"The first point is Jace's previous image." Garen took out a piece of white paper, and using his master-level precision drawing ability and Miwu's super control, he picked up a pen and quickly drew the overall image of a figure on the paper. .

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