Mysterious journey

Chapter 339 Return 2

"I wonder why that guy has to drag so many things away even if he lives or dies." Garen burst out laughing. "How do you feel after being successfully silvered?"

"I feel very good." Lala replied quickly and thought about it carefully. "My whole body is very healthy, and some of the minor problems I had before are gone. I am very energetic. I only need a standard six hours of sleep a day, which is enough to recover." . It seems that my whole body is in the best condition."

Garen nodded.

"This incident has taught me a lesson. You should stay with me from now on."

"Okay!" Lala's expression relaxed immediately. In any case, she has always placed her sustenance on Garen, and she has never had any sense of belonging to anyone else.

Originally, her parents died young, and her only relative, her aunt, also died in the war. The only thing we can rely on now is Galleons. Some time ago, she was assigned to take care of Lei Lan, and then she fell seriously ill, which gave her a serious sense of crisis. She is not a totem master and cannot control the totem to fight on the front line. As an ordinary person, she must play her role in the team. Otherwise, over time, there will be less and less sense of existence and no status.

It is Lara's greatest wish to return to Garen and continue to take care of him as before.

"Okay, you can go out." Garen put the flower pot on the inside of the table and said calmly.

Lala bent her knees and hesitated a little.

"Mr. Gallon, I haven't said a word about your personal information, neither to Miss Raylan nor to Miss Angel from the Wild Hunt."

After saying this, she turned around and got out of the car. Garen behind him was a little surprised, but then he showed a look of satisfaction.

The motorcade was stopping to have a barbecue outside. Ansai was holding a small harp in his hand and kept playing and singing softly. The low and melodious singing slowly floated from the window.

There was a hint of listening on Garen's face, and suddenly a slight strangeness appeared on his face.

"Why does this tune sound like green grass by the river?" Recalling the TV series he had watched on Earth, Garen's memory seemed to span countless time and space, returning to the time when he first watched TV next to his mother.

"I really miss it."

He closed his eyes and opened them again, his eyes completely free of all thoughts.

After moving his right hand, he stood up and walked towards the other corner of the carriage, where various experimental equipment were placed. Yesterday's verification experiment has not been completely completed.

Even if he has special powers, in this time of racing against time, it is a shameful behavior to waste time casually.

It only takes a day or two to return to Terry Jones territory.


Vindman quietly examined the three young men sitting in front of him.

The leader was obviously the young man in black robe. His complexion was not very good, he seemed to rarely see the sun, and his eyes were very conspicuous light silver, giving people a cold and ruthless feeling. Judging from his age, he seems to be in his twenties.

He claimed to be Baker Stone Eye, a traveler from afar. Due to sudden changes, he had to move around in order to investigate the specific reasons. This reason is very orthodox, but five out of ten totem masters who pass by have this reason, pure snake oil.

There was also a red-armored girl, no more than eighteen or nineteen years old, sitting next to Baker's stone eye, peeking at the people next to her from time to time, obviously very interested in them. At first glance, this seems unintentional. Although beautiful, she is still very naive and immature.

The last person was a sturdy guy who was very interested in the biological armor on Marsilan, so he got close to him. He is obviously a little guy who doesn't know how to hide his emotions.

Vindman maintained a polite smile.

"As a member of the Royal Alliance, I am deeply saddened by the chaos that is happening now. However, in this general environment, please forgive me for asking people to investigate your intelligence. After all, we also have powerful and insidious enemies. "

"Your Majesty the Viscount's behavior is normal, and it is taken for granted. Being able to take us in for a short break in troubled times is already a great favor. If there is anything you can do to help, please don't be polite." Baker's stone-eyed face said Also maintain a polite smile. Regarding the matter of tracing Leanna's disappearance, it is naturally impossible to raise it directly. First, inquire and investigate secretly. If nothing is found, it is not too late to ask the lord for help. After all, the local lord may also be among the suspects.

"For being able to generously extend a helping hand, on behalf of all the people led by Terry Jones, I thank you for your support." Vindman solemnly thanked the three Baker Stone Eyes.

"You're welcome." The three of them responded quickly.

"this is what we are supposed to do."

"Then, I have to leave for a while. If you need anything, please ask the maid to do it." Vindman stood up, "In addition, my territory is the front line of the fight, and the monsters behind have basically been eliminated. It’s done, go inside, it’s the current human defense zone. If you want to leave after a while, I can send someone to take you to other cities.”

"Thank you, Lord Viscount." Baker Stone Eyes stood up and bent slightly.

"Well, have a good rest. Someone will take you to the room." Vindman nodded and walked out of the hall.

Baker's stone eyes watched the viscount leave the living room, and the Masillan knight followed him out. He sat down again only after he could no longer hear the footsteps at all.

"What? What are you thinking about?" Bolina leaned over from behind and asked softly. A faint body fragrance penetrated the tip of Baker's stone eyes.

He frowned.


He took out a small, delicate box and gently rubbed the pattern on the lid.

"The clues pointed to the Terry Jones Territory and then stopped. We'd better take a closer look at this manor. We should be able to find something."

"Head, I feel something is wrong." Bearded Hutarion whispered.

"What's wrong?"

"That Viscount Vindman." Tallian said seriously, "I smell a bad smell on him."

"Bad smell?" Baker Stone Eyes frowned. "Is it a ghost silver lantern?"

Talion nodded slightly.

"There are also differences within the royal alliance. This is nothing. Viscount Vindman may be a more extreme faction." Baker thought for a while and then answered.

"I don't feel right anyway." Tallian said shaking his head.


Rosewood Manor

"Tsk, tsk. Two spiritual totem masters? Where did these powerful figures come from?" Guilisi was wearing a flirtatious red dress, holding the message from her subordinate totem masters in her hand, her expression indescribable surprise.

A woman in green clothes next to her looked respectful.

"According to the tip, they have been tracking the whereabouts of a girl named Leanna. This girl has a lot of weight for the man named Baker Stone Eyes who leads them."

"Leanna" Guillis had a proud smile on her face. "You really have luck on my side, Vindman Leanna Leanna? I feel like laughing just thinking about it. How is your Green Shade loss now?"

"It's not bad, the concealment is guaranteed, and there is no problem in the investigation. It's just that I feel like there have been a lot of monsters that haven't appeared in the intelligence data recently." The woman in the green dress said with a frown.

"It's nothing. It's probably a mutation caused by germs. We have no control over these matters. When will the elites who applied above come down? The value of the things Vindman has is pretty good." Guilisi asked carefully.

"About two days. This is the fastest speed." The woman in the green dress replied in a low voice.

"Then, we have to choose a good time to convey the real truth to that young man."


Baker Stone Eyes gently took off the letter paper from the black pigeon's leg, then replaced it with another small black stick and tied it with it. With a flick of his hand, he let the pigeon fly.

The pigeon flew out of the bedroom window, exploded with a bang, turned into large black feathers, fell down, and disappeared.

Baker's stone eyes narrowed.

This pigeon came very strangely and appeared unexpectedly at the window of my bedroom.

He looked out the left and right windows and found no suspicious signs.

After closing the window, he unfolded the letter and slowly scanned the text line by line.

As his eyes moved, his pupils shrank more and more. After finally reading all the contents, he gently crumpled the letter paper into a ball, rubbed it with his right hand, and directly turned it into a piece of white powder.

Standing by the window, he pondered for a while.

"I will find out if it is true or not." A trace of determination flashed in his eyes.


Garen looked at the sea of ​​trees in front of him from afar, with a complicated expression on his face. It's been a long time since I've been back here.

He was sitting in the driving seat of the carriage, holding a notebook in his hand. Suddenly, he frowned slightly, closed the notebook gently, and jumped out of the carriage.

The entire convoy also slowly came to a halt.

Garen took a few steps forward, and four Fukasawa giant crocodiles slowly lurked forward from different angles around him. These killers lurking in the shadows can swoop out in a tenth of a second and bite their prey without letting go. Their huge bite force and amazing explosive power allow them to tear their prey into pieces in the shortest possible time. .

The four Fukasawa giant crocodiles are his exposed strength, and the rest are hidden in the dark. After all, the power of the crystal deduction device is not suitable to be revealed too much.

"What's going on?" Angel asked from behind.

Garen raised his hand to indicate there was no need to worry.

He walked under a big tree and touched the root. A drop of pitch-black liquid dripped from it, and white smoke was emitting, like melted asphalt.

Garen's expression changed. He had seen this special slime in the Black Sky Society's monster information. This is a monster secretion used to mark territory.

Standing there, he narrowed his eyes slightly.

"If it really is this kind of monster, maybe."

After coming to his senses, he turned around and walked towards the convoy.

Angel and others had been out of the car for a while and were looking at him in confusion. They all released their totems and prepared to fight.

"What's going on?" Angel asked with a frown.

"It's just a passing monster. It's very strong. We were lucky and just passed through its territory." Garen replied with a smile.

"You think it is a very strong monster. It seems that it is indeed very strong and it is best to avoid conflict." Angel nodded, "How long until we reach your manor you mentioned?"

"If you go quickly, we can arrive tonight." Garen answered affirmatively.

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