Mysterious journey

Chapter 340 Doubt 1

The convoy moved slowly towards the hilltop manor ahead, along the edge of Black Swan Lake.

The sky was slightly overcast, and there was not much light at noon. The clouds seemed to be threatening to rain.

Gallon put his left hand on the edge of the car window and looked quietly at the familiar white manor. The spiers of the small white buildings could be faintly seen inside.

A layer of transparent waves like egg shells covered the entire manor, and teams of guards were constantly patrolling inside the wave shells. It looked heavily guarded.

"This is my home." Garen whispered, the home of this world. He added in his mind.

"It's a beautiful place." Angel sat opposite, holding a coffee cup in his hand and asking Lala to buy more coffee. "Are we going to live here from now on?"

"Don't worry, I'm afraid something else has happened. It's a period of chaos now, so it's best to be careful. I'll go in first to confirm your identity, and then bring you in. Otherwise, I'm afraid you'll be quarantined if you go in directly. There are a lot of us."

Garen didn't know what he thought of, and frowned slightly.

"What else is there to worry about?" Angel whistled indifferently, "Our team will be warmly welcomed wherever it goes, right?"

Garen shook his head.

"I'll make arrangements first."

"Whatever you want, just send a signal if anything happens." Angel nodded.

Garen picked up the coffee cup in front of him and drank it in one gulp.

"Then I'll leave first."

"Waiting for your good news."

Garen got off the carriage, straightened his gray robe, and looked up at the manor.

"It's been a long time since we last saw the manor." He sighed softly and strode along the lake towards the manor.

After walking across the wooden bridge on Black Swan Lake, there are no black swans visible in the lake, only some black feathers scattered on the shore of the lake. Messy aquatic plants and turbid lake water.

It is so far away from the clear, beautiful and pleasant Black Swan Lake in my memory.

Garen shook his head and tightened his black robe.


A big silver fish jumped out of the water on the right, biting ferociously at the Gallon on the wooden bridge.

The mouth of the big fish is full of fine serrations, and it looks extremely fierce. It is as long as a forearm.

Garen didn't even look at it, just flicked his finger.


The big fish was slammed back into the water, and soon traces of red blood spread on the water.

Garen speeded up, crossed the wooden bridge, and went up the uphill forest path. The fences on both sides were also in tatters. In the distance on the left hand side, there are densely packed gray-white tombstones, which seem to have been newly buried recently.

Garen glanced at it and continued to move up. Ignoring the giant red eyes looming on both sides.

As he walked all the way to the gate of the manor, he suddenly paused slightly. From a distance, he saw a woman in red armor chatting with the guard soldier at the gate of the manor.

While the other party didn't notice him, he turned slightly to one side and hid in a big tree on the side.

Soon, a vague crowd began to gather in the manor, and it seemed that a team was preparing to go out.

"Hurry up! Where is Charles? He's not slacking off again, is he? He should be on duty at this time! Call him here!"

A loud voice came from inside.

There were also faint sounds floating intermittently from afar.

"It's best to confirm the identity of the people by the lake below." "Garrot! Where is Mr. Marsilan? Any new instructions?"

It seems that they have discovered the whereabouts of the carriage convoy.

Garen felt relieved. Apparently the people in the manor had noticed the arrival of the convoy and were preparing to send people out to confirm the identity of the convoy. At this time, at such a close distance, it is necessary to confirm whether it is an enemy or a friend as much as possible.

He thought for a moment, turned around and quickly turned into a gray shadow, speeding away towards where he came from.

He was about to return to the convoy, and when he saw the red-armored woman, he knew that it was likely that Baker Stone Eyes and his group had arrived at the manor. The group of people in my memory included a beautiful woman covered in red armor.

Since they had arrived early, the best way was to enter the manor in the name of a motorcade.

Garen knew very well that Baker Stone Eye was the future star promoted by the Earth Flower Society, and they wanted to use it to reach the heights of the Ghost Gate and fight against the Black Sky Society. Unfortunately, they underestimated the Ghost Gate and overestimated the Baker Stone. Eye. He thinks he can reach the top of the world, but he doesn't know that there is heaven and there are people outside the world.

The powerful characters who emerged during the Great Chaos are far from all that one Baker Stone Eye can match.

Behind the three heroes are also the support of the two heroes and the three emperors of a generation of overlords, and they can last for a long time in the end. The ambition of the emperor, the determination to change, and the crazy ideas of the Krishna Society. Driving the world step by step towards the edge of the unknown.

"Just in time, let me see how strong the potential of the future pillars of the Dihua Society is." A hint of curvature appeared at the corner of Garen's mouth, and his body accelerated again.


half an hour later

Angel led the convoy slowly into the gate of the manor.

Everyone in the convoy rolled up the car curtains, and their tired faces showed a long-lost sense of peace of mind. When they arrived at a gathering place of humans, they no longer had to worry about unknown monsters suddenly emerging around them. This was a psychological relief for everyone.

When Vindman learned that his son had returned safely, he immediately ran out of the laboratory as fast as he could and took the initiative to meet the convoy entering the manor. Marceline and Edney were closely guarding him.

He stared eagerly at the approaching silver carriage, his face showing no change, but his slightly trembling lips revealed his uneasy mood at this time. He clenched his fists, and his nails almost dug into his palms. Although he was extremely suppressed, there was still a trace of nervousness and fear in his brown eyes.

When he saw his son Ahashia sitting safely next to the female leader, Vindman finally couldn't help it anymore.

He took a few steps forward.

"Shia." He tried to keep his voice from shaking.

Garen got off the carriage and looked at the old man in front of him who was trying to restrain himself. His mood was indescribably complicated. Seeing his excited expression, he felt a little strange and a little unaccustomed to it.

"Father, I'm back," he whispered.

Then he was gently hugged by the Viscount.

"As long as it's safe," the Viscount said in a low voice. He just hugged her gently and then let go. Then he checked his son up and down to see if he was healthy and if he had any injuries.

Adni beside her also said happily: "Xia, since you disappeared, the Viscount has not slept well for countless nights. The manpower we sent to find you also cost a lot of money, and we even lost a lot after the chaos. Strength, but these don’t matter, the important thing is that now you are finally back, and you are back safely.”

"Safety is the most important thing." Masilan nodded heavily at the side. He looked at Ahashia in front of him. This once young and immature boy had now become more mature, with some golden beard growing faintly on his chin.

Gallon gave Marcelan and Adni a hug respectively. No matter what, these people will definitely stand by his side no matter what and will always support him. When he thought of this, Garen couldn't help but feel a sense of relief in his heart.

"This is Angel. Her Wild Hunt rescued me in Titan City, and then she was hired by me to come back here." Garron introduced.

Then he introduced the rest of the Wild Hunting group to the Viscount and Marcelan one by one.

In the manor, Baker Stone Eyes and others, as well as the two totem masters guarding the manor, Barr and Bafia, all came out together. Seeing the big commotion, both parties showed soft expressions of happiness for the Viscount. Whether you like it or not, this scene of relatives returning home will eventually resonate with many people.

Baker Stone Eyes also remembered the scene when he left the town and said goodbye to his teacher.

Baal and Bafia were also evoked a sense of homecoming. Both of them are old friends of Vindman, and they were just invited to defend the manor stronghold.

After some pleasantries, Angel was beyond Garen's expectation. He showed good character and upbringing, and his every move was not disrespectful at all.

This plump woman in red communicated with Vindman respectfully, telling half-truths and half-false details that had been discussed in advance.

Garen carefully looked at the crowd around him, and he recognized Baker Stone Eyes at a glance. This guy had obvious features, always had an indifferent face, and his white and silver eyes were particularly easy to recognize.

There are also some unfamiliar faces in the manor, and they seem to be manpower sent by Vindman from outside. There are also missing some familiar faces, such as housekeeper Du Qian.

He asked Brother Ma Xilan carefully and finally got a little understanding of the situation in the manor.

The current Vindman Manor is mainly occupied by two forces to maintain security. One group is the two of them under Vindman, as well as more than a dozen second-type totem masters below. These are the results of Vindman's years of management and the support of the royal alliance. The other group is Baal and Bafia, the two royal silver lantern masters. They are knowledgeable, not only in combat, spells, but also in repair, maintenance, and processing of spell arrays. They have good attainments. Both of them are followed by several students, including one type of totem master and another type two.

Marsilan did not say what level Vindman himself was, but Garen knew that his father Vindman had a secret weapon. Although he is only a Type 1 totem master on the surface, his power can barely reach Type 3. It is the strongest strength of the manor.

Soon, his attention was focused on Baker Stone Eyes and his group.

This young man in black robe was smiling, but even his smile gave people a cold feeling. It seems that everyone and everything are looked down upon with a superior look.

He does have the capital to be proud of, a powerful talent, an ancient inheritance, a mysterious teacher, and his own type three aura-like strength. All this is the basis of his pride.

Noticing Garen's gaze, he smiled at Garen, very politely, with no intention of talking at all, with a hint of alienation and indifference.

Perhaps in his heart, a type-1 totem master is not worthy of his attention, and is just an insignificant person.

"They are Baker's Stone Eyes and his group. It is said that they came from a far away place. They wanted to find a stable gathering place for humans to avoid the ubiquitous monsters. They just arrived at our place a few days ago." Marsilan was beside Garen. explain.

The group of people was walking towards the main attic, where the faint aroma of spice stew wafted from the hall. Two servants and maids were opening the door respectfully to everyone.

"Beck Stone Eyes? It looks very powerful." Garen nodded.

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