Mysterious journey

Chapter 354 Core 2

Through Galen's personal experience, he discovered that in this process, a strong body is important, but what is even more powerful is the human's control of his own energy and blood.

During the chat with Leila, she also mentioned many times that using the light of the totem to strengthen the body is a direction that the Mahakala members of the Krishna Society have been working towards. Unfortunately, there have been no good results, and the silver totem is just an unexpected by-product.

Sitting in the middle of the convoy, Garen couldn't help but fall into deep thought. There is currently insufficient research data, and he is not sure that he can completely perfect the plan. He must wait until he obtains Vindman's information and enters the Royal Library before he can have a certain theoretical grasp. But the second step is almost ready, but...

Garen felt a little reluctant and aching in his heart. If he could really complete the second step of his plan, then he would be able to reach a new, unprecedented level.

But this comes at a price, and this price is somewhat unbearable for him.

The most powerful thing about the two-headed lizard dragon is its heart, which is the core source of everything, whether it is parasitism, strength, or special abilities. Its extremely powerful heart is also the key to Garen's plan for the second step. However, this will result in the loss of a legion type three totem subordinate.

The convoy was driving among rolling hills, with gray bare rocky mountains on both sides, and the ground was full of rocks and rubble blocking the road.

The cold wind howled through the mountains, and the sun's rays were so bright that there was no warmth at all.

The cavalry team was on the left side of the convoy. They were wearing thick gray cloaks. They were hunched over their horses, and the back of their cloaks was rustling in the strong wind.

Amidst the howling wind, the captain of the cavalry yelled a few words, but his voice was completely covered by the wind. He simply gestured towards Garen and pointed forward and upward.

Garen looked forward in the direction of his finger. At the mountain road ahead, there is a gray-white stone step sloping upwards, extending all the way to the top of the mountain.

The stone step road is like a gray snake with no head visible, lying quietly on the surface of the mountain, twisting and twisting.

The stone steps extend into a gray cloud with no end in sight. The stone steps are surrounded by gray-black trees and gray-white stones on both sides. They are extremely steep and deformed pine trees grow in some places.

The strong wind forced Garen to squint his eyes slightly and looked around. On both sides were mountains whose tops could not be seen, and bare gray rocks were everywhere.

The captain of the cavalry was a dashing middle-aged woman. She was wearing a helmet and red armor and was approaching on horseback.

"This road keeps going up. The top of the mountain is the royal capital. We are on a side road now. We will see the main road in a moment, and there will be more people. Be careful, I won't send you off. There are still some things ahead. Stuck." The cavalry captain yelled loudly before he could hear his voice clearly.

Garen nodded, indicating that he understood.

The captain continued: "This road is the path we patrol. It can reach the royal capital the fastest. There are three checkpoints to go through later. You need to pay a certain fee. Do you have any golden leaves on you? If not, I can lend you some. "

"There are some." Garen nodded,

"That's good, my name is Kona, and I am the captain of the 19th detachment of the third defense line of the royal capital. If you have anything, you can come to me. I can still help with some small things." The captain said loudly.

"Thank you." Garen understood that the other party wanted to establish a relationship with them. After all, An Dalu and the noble certificates in his hands were not fake. If he came to the Royal Capital at this time, it was 100% because there was someone in the Royal Capital. It would also be good to take care of and build more relationships.

The cavalry captain rode his horse and led the team to turn around and leave.

The motorcade continued to move forward, and Garen called everyone together in the largest carriage.

After everyone arrived, he closed the carriage and temporarily stopped the carriage to rest against the wall.

"What are your plans next?" Garen looked at Andalu. "Go and join your uncle?"

"Well, sister Hathaway and I both have relatives in the capital. My uncle was the former captain of the security team. Sister Hathaway's sister works in the archives bureau of the capital." Andalu replied calmly.

"Aren't you coming with me?" Hathaway frowned. She simply forgot about her fiancée's identity and looked at Garen habitually with the eyes of an elder. "I also want to go to the Royal Guards. In the royal capital We have allocated housing. You haven't settled down yet, so it's best to come with us." She heard what Garen meant to leave again.

Garen smiled. "Father also has property in the royal capital. Although it is not in the city and the location is relatively remote, the environment is very quiet, which is just right for me. I plan to live there." He now has a lot of silver totems and dare not bring them in In the royal capital, just avoiding the patrols on the defensive line along the way made him exhausted and mentally exhausted.

Whether it is a two-headed lizard dragon or a petrified white dragon, they are all too big. Even the Fukasawa giant crocodile. If the Xinongfa defense line was not vast and sparsely populated and the defense was thin, the cavalry could at most serve as a warning. The signs had long been discovered.

Fortunately, the people in the patrol team were not high-level totem masters or researchers. They couldn't tell the difference between silver totems and original totems, so they got through it. But that's it, Gallon is all about letting the totems converge on the light of the totem as much as possible.

There are three petrified white dragons and one two-headed lizard dragon. Among all the high-level totems, he only carries the two-headed lizard dragon. The rest were left on the outside of the defense line and did not dare to be brought in.

He absolutely believed that in such a large royal capital, there were definitely not a few strong people who could recognize the silver totem. It's better to keep a low profile.

Therefore, he did not dare to cover the light of the silver totem on his body at all, but only covered the light of the totem of the black-striped white tiger.

"Father also left some things in the house in the royal capital. I want to go and take a look. Angel, what are your plans?"

"I'm going to find the War Guild to get some information. See if I can find some good tasks and save some training resources." Angel said nonchalantly.

On the other hand, Leila whispered: "I have relatives in the royal capital, but I haven't seen them for many years. I don't know if I can find them."

"I have prepared all the special resources for you. Now all you need is a large amount of ordinary resources. That's fine. It's a bit of training." Garen nodded in agreement. "As the heir of the Terry Jones family, I have to go to see His Majesty the Emperor. This is a necessary procedure for local lords and nobles. In addition, I estimate that I will be able to meet Bailan and the others soon."

"Then let's split up?" Angel raised his eyebrows.


Gallon picked up a pen and quickly wrote down his address, tore it off, handed it to Angel, and then wrote another and handed it to Hathaway.

"My Terry Jones family also has family managers in the royal capital. Brother Marsilan and sister Adni. You are responsible for contacting the family's personnel in the royal capital, and at the same time, making statistics of all the current assets and strength of the entire family."

"No problem." Edney nodded and confirmed.

Marsilan hesitated. "I wonder if the master's matter has reached the royal capital. The two masters of Barbafia"

"Probably not." Garen shook his head, "Otherwise we wouldn't have received so much courtesy when we came back. This would still be the original noble treatment. In addition, there is still a question whether the two masters will come back. Let's leave this matter as it is for the time being. I Will handle it."

He pondered for a moment. This time he came to the capital, the restrictions were hurried, and he couldn't bring in most of his power. Naturally, he had a purpose.

The King of Kuwaitan, a generation of heroes, Avic Sisman. It was probably during this time that he was stabbed. Many of the remaining generals of the Black Sky Society in Cowaitan gathered in the royal capital, and they did not just come to enjoy the scenery by giving up the power of so many silver totems.

This assassination operation caused the entire Cowaitan to almost collapse, and the blame was successfully placed on the Black Prince. What Gallon has to do is to gain enough benefits from this incident.

Baker Stone Eyes of the Earth Flower Society hates him deeply. Once the people of the Black Sky Society find out that he is pretending to be Jace, there will definitely be big problems. Now these two behemoths are in a state of hostility, and the Royal Alliance is Garen's only direction of belonging. Whether it is the identity of Vindman, the father of this world, or the position that the family has always stood for, they are all determined to belong to the Royal Alliance.

The current royal alliance is still extremely strong and has not reached the stage of weakness, but it was completely caught off guard by the chaotic mutant monsters. Coupled with not knowing the details of Black Sky Society, the enemy is in the dark and we are in the dark, so the losses will naturally be serious. But the three major agencies are not vegetarians. There were many powerful people and many masters inside. This war lasted for several years. If the ghost gate hadn't awakened, Black Sky Society would not have been able to resist the royal alliance's purge.

Baker Shiyan also experienced many things step by step and grew up during this period. What Gallon has to do is to make a small effort in the growth path of the protagonist in this era.

The alliance between the Black Sky Society and the royal family is the trend of the times, and the growth of Baker Stone Eyes is the result of the careful preparation of the Earth Flower Society. Each of these steps has huge benefits to be gained.

However, if you want to intervene in these interests, you must first master a certain amount of power.

The royal alliance is naturally the best choice. Sooner or later it will be divided, so it is better to save some strength for yourself. This is Gallon's idea.

After being separated from everyone, Garen went to live alone in the suburban manor left by Vindman.

The manor is always managed by a housekeeper, and the maids keep it extremely clean. You can check in directly, which saves you a lot of effort.

The royal capital is a great city built on the top of a mountain range. All buildings are gray-black domes, and they are built on the tops of three mountains, forming three royal capital urban areas.

The three urban areas are interdependent and independent of each other. In the middle is a cliff covered by a sea of ​​white clouds.

The three urban areas are connected together by chain bridges and stone bridges respectively. On the gray-white mountains, they look like three relief buildings inlaid on the top of the mountain.

The manor where Garen is located is a wasteland outside the three urban areas and before entering the pass.

There are a total of twelve roads leading to the royal capital, and this manor called Blue Bay is located near one of them. There are few people around, and it is at the bottom of the first royal city, one of the three royal cities. Further down, there is a deserted mountain wall on the back of the royal city.

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