Mysterious journey

Chapter 355 Crazy Plan 1

night time

On the First King's City, a large group of gray and black buildings were lit up with lights, like a large number of densely packed candles on the top of the mountain.

The area with the fewest lights below is on a straight stone wall.

A gray-white manor is embedded in the middle of the stone wall. Only a small road on the right side can connect to the outside world.

It's like hollowing out a stone wall and building a manor space inside. Only a balcony fence is exposed on the cliff.

A tall man with short blond hair stood on the balcony holding the fence, quietly looking at the white sea of ​​clouds below. The strong wind blew his hair back. The white pajamas on her body were also lifted back.

He shook the blue wine in his hand and took a sip.

"The application for the audience has been submitted, and I am waiting for His Majesty the King to summon me. I will definitely not be able to keep the green vine ball in my hands. People from the royal alliance will definitely take it away. But what kind of benefits I can get depends on what I am fighting for. The strength is great. Avicsisman is the wise leader of Cowaitan with great talent and strategy. Since he succeeded to the throne, Cowaitan has prospered and has a faint tendency to become the most powerful country in the mainland. Such a person will definitely give me a Satisfactory returns, otherwise if one does not handle it well, it will chill other similar researchers.”

Gallon drank wine and thought quietly.

"I don't know when Baker Stone Eyes arrived here. This is an important place that he must reach. Historically, he only arrived in the royal capital of Kuwaitan a year after the Vindman Manor incident. That was a big thing, but that was when he was not injured. Now that he has been seriously injured by me, the time is not very clear."

Garen shook the glass and drank the drink in one gulp. The cold wine taste lingers on the tongue and slides down the throat. It is very light and very sweet. It's like grape juice with a hint of wine.

"The other thing is that my body has changed."

Garen looked down at the back of his hand, and the skin on it had a hint of light blue.

He had been contemplating his own transformation for a long time, and had calculated and deduced it many times. This kind of transformation is similar to the silverization of Black Sky Society, but it is a silverization without deducer control, and the process is also different.

Garon took the path of optimizing its own structure, while Black Sky Society directly used the light of the totem to transform itself. They couldn't face the rejection reaction, so they simply chose to focus on the light of the totem, which is a process of external pollution and virus invasion.

What Garon chose was a process of his own body accepting and absorbing the light of the totem, and producing his own adaptive evolution. There are essential differences between the two.

The former must have a deducer to control the 'virus' of Totem Light. The latter controls everything by itself, but the difficulty is many times greater. The power of Galleon's body is far beyond the imagination of researchers in this world.

The first step of transformation gave Garon's body certain properties of the totem light, but it needed to be consolidated. The second step of transformation is to completely try to break through the limits.

The reason why attribute points cannot be added is because the physical body has reached its limit and cannot be improved any further. So what if the limit of the physical body is raised? Will there be new and larger extreme categories?

This is Garen's current plan.

If he breaks through the limit, he will once again gain the ability to use potential points to increase his attributes. He had the idea for this step a long time ago, but everything was only implemented in detail after Leila taught him many of the core techniques of the Black Sky Society.

Turning oneself into a core totem is a crazy idea. Black Sky Society doesn’t know how many stunning silver lantern masters died on this road one after another, so that later researchers could only avoid this direction. We have to study and use foreign objects.

Their biggest difficulty is their lack of control over themselves, so they came up with the idea of ​​using external force control like a crystal deduction device.

Galleons are different. The success of the first step made him clear that this was the most suitable direction for him.

"All the conditions for the second step of transformation are in place. The theoretical deduction has also been passed. You can start the experiment directly tonight." Garen gently threw the cup forward and threw it into the white sea of ​​clouds. "I wish you all the best."

He turned and walked into the balcony.

The wine glass fell at high speed, quickly submerged into the sea of ​​clouds, and disappeared without a sound.

Behind the balcony is a spacious hall, with warm yellow lights swaying slightly. The table lamps placed in the hall are covered with a layer of white cloth and made into a cylinder to cover the candles. There are a total of four corners with this kind of table lamp.

In the middle of the brown wooden floor, a long square wooden table was quietly placed in the center, with two wicker chairs placed beside it. The tables and chairs were all brown and slightly reddish.

Galen sat down next to the chair, picked up a stack of manuscripts on the table, picked up a pen in one hand, and began to constantly correct and check it.

After checking it for a while, he put away the manuscript, got up and walked to the right wall of the hall. There was a white tall cabinet on the wall with two drunk black coffee cups on it.

Garen moved the cup away, groped on the wall, and pressed it lightly with his palm.


The wall suddenly sunk into a square, and a Z-shaped gap slowly opened in the entire wall, splitting inwards on both sides, revealing a dark passage.

The passage slopes downward, with an arc shape, and continues to rotate to the right.

Garen walked in with the manuscript in hand and went down like a staircase, spiraling to the right. He didn't know how long he went down.

In the dark passage, a white light suddenly lit up in front.

It's an iron door with a crack ajar.

Garen walked to the iron door, pushed it open slightly and walked in.

Behind the door, it suddenly opened up, and it turned out to be a huge round-arched stone hall.

The stone hall is extremely rough, and there are still uneven marks on the stone walls. The entire stone hall is the size of a football field. The light is dim, and some white ash is sprinkled from the gray-white stone walls from time to time.

Garen walked out of the iron gate and stood at the rightmost corner of the stone hall. He looked at the center area from a distance, where a black figure was lying, and the sound of dull breathing echoed in the stone hall.

On the four walls, only four wall lamps were lit, and the bright firelight could only illuminate the four corners of the hall, which was extremely dim.

Garen took off a wall lamp, held it in his hand, and walked directly towards the center of the hall.

The air in the hall was cold, with a hint of flowing wind, and a strong fishy smell.

Garen stepped on the solid ground, which was somewhat uneven, and walked to the center of the stone hall, standing in front of the black figure.

The huge black shadow revealed most of his body under the illumination of the wall lamp.

It was a huge lizard with two necks and a head.

Its body of more than ten meters was lying on the ground, as if it was sleeping, with saliva slowly flowing out from the corners of its two mouths, emitting a foul and unpleasant smell.

Garen placed the wall lamp on the ground, reached out and knocked on the two-headed lizard dragon, but there was no response.

"Those doses should be enough."

He murmured to himself and walked to the middle of the lizard dragon's body, where there were many strange instruments on the ground.

Strange-shaped glass containers, a square cabinet with red light dots on from time to time. In a large plate, there were many purple crystal rods soaked in blood. There are also surgical bags containing various metal instruments.

Gallon took out a sharp knife from the surgical bag and slowly roasted it over the flame of the wall lamp. The other hand picked up a black towel soaked in alcohol.

He walked to the abdomen of the two-headed lizard dragon, wiped the scales on the abdomen vigorously with a towel, then threw the towel away, held the scalpel with both hands, and stabbed forward.

laugh! !

The scalpel sank completely under the scales and pierced the lizard dragon's skin.

Garen looked up at the lizard dragon. The giant beast's eyes had been opened and it was staring at him closely, its brown vertical pupils unblinking.

"Don't move." He gave an order to the two-headed lizard dragon, and Garon held the scalpel and slashed downwards.

Under the huge strange force, the blade ripped open the abdomen of the two-headed lizard dragon completely.

A wound more than one meter long suddenly opened, revealing the blood-red muscles inside.

Garen replaced the knife with a longer one, sprayed the surface with alcohol water, and wiped it clean. Then he stabbed into the wound again.


The two-headed lizard dragon finally couldn't help shouting.

Garen pulled the muscles downwards, and the broadsword was more than one meter long, completely tearing the muscles open, exposing the hot abdominal cavity.

The blood flowed down the scales to the ground, and like a stream, it followed a groove on the ground and merged into a small circular pool.

Garen threw away the big knife, pressed the edge of the wound with both hands, and looked inside the abdominal cavity. It was dark, and a strong fishy smell kept coming out of it.

He opened the wound wider with both hands, lifted up the wall lamp, and got in directly.

The abdominal cavity is an oval-shaped flesh cavity, and the inner wall is a pale flesh membrane covered with blood vessels, which is constantly beating up and down.

In the center, a huge heart is beating continuously. This heart, which is as tall as a person, is connected to a large number of densely packed blood vessels, like a red spider web, with different thicknesses.

Garen carefully avoided the blood vessels, stepped on the soft abdominal wall, and walked to the front of the heart.

The hot and smelly gas around him kept getting into his nose. Garen bent his waist to avoid the two forearm-thick blood vessels blocking the way. Climb to the heart.

Putting down the wall lamp, he took out a small black dagger from his body, held it in his right hand, and instantly slashed at the corner of his heart.


A small piece of red heart muscle suddenly fell from the edge of the huge heart, and a large stream of blood spurted out at the same time.

Garen quickly caught the heart muscle and immediately saw that the lizard dragon's heart wound was repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye. This terrifying regeneration ability seemed to have also affected the wound in the abdominal cavity, and the flesh on both sides of the wound began to close quickly.

Garen was slightly startled when he heard the closing sound behind him, and hurriedly retreated back from his abdomen.

With a splash, his whole body was covered in red blood from the wound.

"Ahem." His mouth and nose were filled with the fishy smell from his abdominal cavity. Garen took a few deep breaths and saw that the wound on the abdomen of the two-headed lizard dragon had completely healed.

It's just that the lizard dragon's spirit is still not very good. It may be because of his heart injury. His eyelids are drooped and listless.

Garen didn't have time to pay attention to it. He carefully held the heart muscle in his hand and put it into a prepared crystal vial.

"This bottle of nutrient solution should be enough to keep it alive for a while."

He capped the bottle and shook the pale yellow liquid inside. He could sense that this cardiac muscle seemed to contain some kind of special frequency, as if it was still beating on its own without the heart.

"All the secrets of the two-headed lizard dragon are contained in the heart. Its heart has a strong ability to make blood, instead of relying on the bone marrow to make blood like ordinary creatures." Garen understood.

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