Mysterious journey

Chapter 358 Interview and Surgery 2

Garen quickly took out the green vine ball from his body and handed it to him respectfully.

Avic took over.

"That's right. Okay, you can go down and rest. If anything happens, you can report it directly. I'll give you a warrant. You can go directly to the royal treasury to collect my promise." He scribbled a warrant, tore it off and handed it to Jia. Long. Then he lowered his head and looked at the green vine ball carefully.

Garen took the order, bowed quickly, turned around and walked out of the study.

After leaving the study, he wiped the sweat from his forehead.

When he was in the study, the powerful and huge aura in the darkness was pressing heavily on him. If anything went wrong with him, he might be humanely destroyed immediately. It is impossible to judge the specific strength level of each of these breaths, but it will definitely not be lower than type three.

This is a matter of the emperor's safety, and naturally it cannot be protected by ordinary force.

This is the place where the strongest forces in the entire Kuwaitan are gathered, and it is the royal capital. Among them, most of the generals of Black Sky Society are concentrated, and the strength of the elemental generals is not very strong here.

Besides, Garen hasn't brought the three petrified white dragons with him yet. Distant water cannot quench the near thirst. Once a conflict occurs, there is absolutely no way to escape.

This also made him miss the situation when he was in the world of secret martial arts even more. The secret martial arts is its true strength. It will not become weaker as it is separated, nor will its strength plummet due to damage to the totem.

Shaking his head, he asked the herald at the door, who respectfully led him to the royal treasury.

According to his plan, which combines Vindman's technology and some of the Black Sky Society's principle transformation technology, the transplantation process needs to face great risks, even if he himself can perfectly control his qi and blood and his vitality is extremely powerful. And in order to completely adapt to it later, it must be similar to the frequency of the two-headed lizard dragon. This is another difficulty.

Fortunately, Gallon has initially determined the most effective solution through experiments.

Following the herald, he went directly to the warehouse. After asking Garen's request, the managing pharmacist gave him a twelve-pack of glory potions and a flash potion that greatly restored the light of the totem.

They are all prepared by top pharmacy masters and have been preserved for hundreds of years, and their medicinal effects are getting stronger and stronger. Especially the flash potion. Once a totem master diluted it and used it for five hundred totem masters, it was able to completely restore the light of all totems in half a day.

After the totem light is defeated, it will affect the application of the totem, causing both the totem master and the totem to be injured. The potion that restores the light of the totem is equivalent to the potion that quickly repairs the totem. It is a rare method of quickly repairing the totem.

Galleon is considered to be used in emergencies to quickly restore the light of the totem. In case of injury, this thing can at least protect oneself.

The Glory Potion is what he wants, a special potion that completely numbs the sense of pain and allows people to move forward bravely without fear of life or death. In other words, it is an advanced stimulant. It's just that Glory Potion has almost no side effects and will not cause any major harm to people compared to ordinary stimulants. Compared with low-level stimulants, it can be used repeatedly.

After obtaining the target and obtaining an entry permit to the royal database, Garen received an additional black hexagonal badge issued by His Majesty Avic. Then he left the palace.

As for the inheritance of Storm Black Dove, it will be delivered to Garon's manor within two days after the sorting is completed.


Under the bright yellow light.

Carefully applying special grease to his hands, Garen looked at the death row prisoner lying in front of him. This was already the fifteenth death row prisoner and was used for transplant experiments.

He used his family's money and assets to bribe the warden of the Royal Capital Prison and obtained twenty death row experimental subjects every month.

For more than two consecutive months, he used the heart muscle transplant of the two-headed lizard dragon to continuously experiment, and the transplantation technology became more and more proficient. At the same time, he used himself as the experimental subject and transplanted a little bit of the heart muscle into the body. Although it caused a strong Rejection.

However, under the influence of the drug and the dragon's blood serum, Garen himself used the secret weapon to reconcile, and gradually communicated with the myocardium transplanted into the body, and gradually understood the necessary process in the middle.

This gave him a complete understanding of the full scope of transplant surgery.

"The operation was successful." Gallon wiped off the antiseptic grease on his hands and wiped his hands with a wet towel. "This is the fifth one. If nothing else happens, his heart will be much stronger than the average person, his energy will become extremely strong, and there may be overall physical changes in the future. But they should all be benign. My impurity removal The technology is pretty good.”

Seeing the death row prisoner's breathing chest rising and falling gently confirmed that he was no longer in danger.

After leaving the experimental operating table, Garen glanced at the attribute bar out of habit.

The potential points have increased significantly. In the past two months, the potential points have gradually increased to more than 300 points. It was obviously caused by the constant hunting of petrified white dragons outside. Garen was quite interested in watching the potential points increase at first. Then I became completely numb. There are more and more potential points, but there is no place to use them.

The upper limit of his body determined that he could not use it to improve himself, and he felt that it was not cost-effective to use it to improve the silver totem.

"How are you, sir?" After leaving the laboratory, Garen saw a white-haired man waiting outside the door.

His name is Komodo, and he was originally a death row prisoner, but after the experiment was successful, he decided to follow Garen in order to thank Garen for giving him a second life. Naturally, Garen would not believe the loyalty of a death row prisoner, but after being transformed into silver, there was no need to worry too much.

Komodo volunteered to be silvered, and now he has become Garen's right-hand man in the underground experimental area.

Komodo is very strong. Compared to the average person who is only 1.8 meters tall, he is two meters tall. His muscles are dark all over, and there are scars everywhere. His right wrist was cut off in a duel, and it is still fake now. An alloy fixed knife that can be popped out and put away.

"Very successful. This death row prisoner's body is very strong. Although she is a woman, even men rarely have a body as strong as hers. She can give her a run for her money." Garen explained calmly as he walked towards the largest underground cavity.

Vindman's experimental area is very large. It seemed to have been an underground air-raid shelter in the royal capital before, but it was abandoned. The experimental area only occupies a corner of the huge underground air-raid shelter.

"This is the third success this month. Your skills are getting better and better." Komodo said with a smile. "But sir, can I really hurt the monsters outside?" He was a little confused.

"Of course." Garen turned a corner, "You didn't try it?"


"Just try it when you have time. After my experiment is completed, I will apply for you to be exempted from death row. I am a superior noble, and I still have the right to keep a few death row prisoners." Garron promised.

"Thank you, sir!!" Komodo was immediately overjoyed.

"Are all the experimental tools ready?"

"Well, it's ready. The nutrient pool has also been refilled, and this time it has been replaced with the largest one. Miss Lala is still complaining that the expenses are too high, and the family finances are a bit tight." Komodo replied quickly.

"Let's officially start tonight." Garen opened the door to the largest underground cave and walked in.

Komodo followed and saw the huge monster lying in the largest nutrient pool at first sight.

A huge lizard with two heads and a huge body like a hill, lying quietly in the nutrient pool, a gentle warm wind seemed to blow in the cavity between breaths.

Although he had seen this monster many times, Komodo still felt a little weak in his legs. Although the joy of getting the promise still echoed in my heart, it still couldn't resist the huge deterrent power of this monster.

Komodo consciously checked whether the lamp on the wall had enough oil to avoid the chance of getting close to the monster.

Garen came directly to the two-headed lizard dragon and looked up at the huge monster.

"Tonight may be my new beginning." Garen gently stroked the lizard dragon's skin.

He has been pursuing the path to combine the secret martial arts and the totem. Judging from Gu Yinduo and his inexplicable arrival in this world, there is definitely some connection between the secret martial arts and the totem.

Taking out his pocket watch, he checked the time: 16:23.

Place the pocket watch on the table. Garen soaked his hands in the white oil and water used for disinfection. The oil and water seemed to be boiling like soup, but Garen's expression remained unchanged.

He waited until his hands were slightly red before taking them out and drying them. Begin to dilute the glory potion and adjust the proportion.

This surgery is not difficult. The difficulty lies in the need to control the Qi and blood after the transplant. This kind of control is too precise. Garen himself is also a top secret martial arts master. But the transplant process also took a lot of effort.

The transplanted person needs strong endurance and endures severe pain that is enough to kill an ordinary person, and because there is no precise control of Qi and blood, even if the experimental subjects who are death row prisoners succeed, they will only get a stronger body and totemic properties. Although the strength changes, the actual strength does not change much.

For the average person, this may just be a piece of cake. But for Garen, he has the potential to increase his physical limits, and with the resonance stone technology he has mastered, he can definitely break through his physical limits.

After all, relying on the peak secret martial arts, he has basically grasped the principles of the resonance stone. He estimated that even the people from the Black Sky Society might not be able to reach his level in terms of resonance stone technology.

Miwu's sensitivity to subtleties is too strong.

Following the steps, Galen began to adjust his body's energy, blood, and state, and closed his eyes to rest.

Once this operation is successful, many secret weapons in the previous world will also be useful. At the same time, a new path will be opened.

He recalled the legend of the warlock he had read in the previous world. Although the warlocks in those mythical stories are exaggeratedly powerful, and many of them are distorted due to human speech transmission, some of them also have abilities similar to those of totem masters.

Now that I think about it, the world of secret martial arts and the world of totems seem to have a certain connection.

"Success or failure depends on tonight"

Whether the secret weapon and totem can be perfectly combined will depend on tonight's transplantation.

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