Mysterious journey

Chapter 359 Transplantation 1

Kuwaitan Palace

King Aivik put his face on his hands, sat sideways on the throne, and looked at the ministers and nobles below who were reporting the situation one by one. His face was full of boredom and boredom.

"So far, the entire royal capital has been seriously short of supplies, and there is no food supply. We can only rely on the surrounding warehouses for supplies. This is not a long-term solution. I suggest that terraces be dug on the mountains outside the royal capital. This plan must be implemented as soon as possible, otherwise The consequences will be huge." The Minister of Agriculture is a little old man with a white beard, with a wizened figure, but he speaks with a strong voice.

"I object!" The Minister of Military Affairs stood up. The middle-aged man with a beard looked solemn. "The wear and tear of weapons and equipment totems is great. If this continues, the reserve mineral resources of the royal capital will be exhausted in a few years. The first priority should be Organize troops to capture new resource points, otherwise it will be useless to defend against the surrounding monsters."

"Then is it possible to use the meat of the outer monster as meat?" The Minister of Industry stood up and suggested. "I heard that there are totem masters who eat monster meat directly without any problems."

"You can try this." Avic tapped the armrest of the throne with his fingers. "The medical department will conduct specific tests and let me know the detailed results within a month."

"Yes, Your Majesty." The Medical Minister bowed his head in response.

"Your Majesty, the Black Prince of the Dragon Realm will arrive in the royal capital within two months. What level of etiquette should we use to greet him?" the etiquette minister stood up and asked loudly.

"Etiquette?" Avic frowned, "His Royal Highness the Black Prince established the Dragon Domain. In such troubled times, his status should be only slightly weaker than mine, but it is not good to be overly polite, and it is a bit rude to be disrespectful. Just follow this Welcome the foreign prince with courtesy. The day he does not ascend the throne, the day he is not the king of the dragon domain."

He paused: "The arrival of His Royal Highness the Black Prince this time will greatly promote the alliance between Longyu and Cowaitan. Although Longyu used to be a subordinate country of Kuwaitan, it is different now, Minister Please pay attention to your reception attitude.”

Next came another daily trivial matter discussion. The drainage system of the royal capital was out of order and funds were needed. Totem repairs to the air defense network require more raw materials and technicians. A fight broke out in which neighborhood, which noble's children were involved, and how to mediate it.

The more Avic listened, the more he frowned. Looking at the chaotic conference hall below, he picked up the platinum king's sword next to the throne, stood up and left to the right.


Garen sat next to the two-headed lizard dragon and set up a table and chairs next to the nutrient pool. While waiting for time, he was sorting out the reports on the table.

The light in the lampshade flickered a little, making the shadows on his face waver.

He looked carefully at the asset statistics in his hand.

The entire Terry Jones family currently has two estates and twelve farms in other places. Most of the other wineries, music shops, and mines are unable to operate normally due to monster mutations, and because they are all in Outside the Xinongfa defense line, we can only give up.

In the royal capital, in addition to the house where he lives, there are three villas and a totem equipment repair shop that has long been closed.

Recently, because he spent a lot of money and sold some of the family's properties, two of the three villas were sold, leaving only one villa and a not-so-valuable totem equipment repair shop.

Now that all armaments resources are compulsorily managed and collected by the state, this shop has nothing to sell and is only worth land money.

The person who manages these properties now is Lala, who acts as a maid. She organizes everything very clearly.

This is the situation in the industry, and then there is the family guard.

Marsilan and Edney are in charge of the family guard force. Originally, the family had two type-2 totem masters and fifteen type-1 totem masters. These are the strengths that the family has cultivated independently for many years. It is a pity that one from the Vindman Manor After the war, this force suffered a lot of losses. Some people fled alone. Only a few who had a sense of belonging to the Terry Jones family were able to stay.

The current force only has ten Type 1 Totem Masters, each led by two people from Masilan. They are participating in the patrol mission of the royal capital's defense circle, earning some hard money. I only come back to the manor and Gallon on weekends to report on the situation.

On the contrary, the Wild Hunt found the War Guild branch as soon as they arrived in the royal capital and successfully settled in it. Because of their alliance with Garen, they became the Terry Jones family's greatest influence besides Garen.

Garen put aside the report on his family's situation, and finally looked at the two invitations at the bottom. Two invitations from Count Baixi and Viscount Langwilly.

The Terry Jones family also has a certain network of connections and kinship relationships in the royal capital. The marriage relationships between the superior nobles are often extremely complicated. The wife of Earl Baixi is the daughter of Vindman's cousin. One of their daughters married Vindman as his second wife, and their relationship was fairly close.

Viscount Langwillie is the adopted son of Vindman's brother, and he was able to reach a high position through family support. His foundation was at Royal Totem College, where he is now one of the vice-presidents. It is said that his son is very close to the third princess of the Wang family, and the wedding will be held soon.

"This is a typical upper-level noble family." Garen had a headache to straighten out these family relationships. The circle of upper-level nobles is only so large. In order to prevent the noble blood from spreading, they marry each other or marry foreign royal families. There are many combinations, which increasingly leads to the fact that the upper-class nobles can find a large area of ​​​​relatives, like a spider web. The Terry Jones family has been searching through relatives, and they can even establish a relationship with His Majesty the Emperor.

"Troublesome network." Garen thought for a moment and threw the invitation aside.

After thoroughly sorting out everything, Garen picked up his pocket watch and looked at the time, 17:12.

He calmly stood up, walked to the edge of the nutrient pool, squatted down and patted the edge of the pool gently.


After a crisp sound, a stone on the edge of the nutrient pool slowly lit up with white light.

At the same time, a total of four white spots lit up around the entire circular nutrient pool, and four pointed stones lit up with white fluorescence at the same time.

With a sneer, the tip of the stone shot out a straight white beam of light at the same time, converging on the top of the pool and condensing into a point.

The beam fluctuated slightly, making a hissing sound of electricity, illuminating the entire underground cave brightly white.

The two-headed lizard dragon opened its eyes, raised its head and glanced at the top of its head. The blinding white light narrowed its eyes slightly, and its body moved for a while before returning to calmness.

Gallon lined up the transplant instruments on the table and began to sterilize them one by one with sterile grease. Then prepare the diluted glory medicine, possible anti-inflammatory drugs, gauze, bandages, suture needles, etc.

Get everything ready.

He stood there with his eyes closed, calmly regulating his breathing, and slowly running the God Statue Skill. According to the subtlety of the induction resonance stone, he began to carefully feel the resonance frequency of the two-headed lizard dragon.

In the process of sensing resonance stones, Gallon discovered that actually all living things, all animals and plants, including humans, have their own unique individual resonance frequencies. As long as this resonance frequency is found, many unimaginable key functions can be achieved.

Over the past few days, he has vaguely grasped the characteristic frequency of the two-headed lizard dragon through constant feeling. This is the frequency of the life fluctuation field. The fluctuations of the two-headed lizard dragon seem to be consistent with the heartbeat, but in fact, each beat contains completely different subtle vibrations. One beat contains thirty-five completely different fluctuation frequencies. .

The combination of these thirty-five frequencies forms a consistent wave. All frequencies actually do not interfere at all, but are independent and clear, with a clear division of labor.

Some fluctuations have a very high frequency, which can be close to the heartbeat rate. Some are so small that they can beat thousands of times in one heartbeat.

Garen silently sensed these thirty-five different fluctuations, and the operation of the God Statue Skill slowly stopped. I don't know how long it took, but he suddenly opened his eyes.

Pick up the surgical tape from the table, insert all the necessary surgical instruments into it, tie the surgical tape around your arm, and wrap it in several circles. Garen walked directly into the nutrient pool surrounded by white beams.

At this time, Komodo in the underground cave quickly turned around and left here according to Garen's previous instructions. If you stay here any longer, you may be in danger. Moreover, there are defensive techniques set up in advance, so there is no need for outside protection at all.

He bent down and saluted in the direction of Gallon, then hurriedly turned around and left the underground cave.

Garen took out the scalpel and made a heavy wound on the abdomen of the two-headed lizard dragon. Scarlet blood immediately flowed out from the gap in the wound and dripped into the nutrient pool. Dissolve into milky white nutrient solution.


Gallon exerted great force, and the scalpel cut a huge wound in the belly of the dragon from top to bottom, which was as long as a person.

He put down the knife, held the edge of the wound with both hands, and ripped it apart. With a sneer, he tore open the wound completely, and then got directly into it.

Inside is the smelly and hot interior of the dragon's belly. The huge and heavy heartbeat seems to be vibrating in the ears, and the thumping is extremely heavy.

Garen bypassed the arteries and veins with ease, and once again came to the heart that was as tall as a person.

He took out a diluted glory potion from the surgical belt, sucked it in directly with a syringe, and injected it into the lizard dragon's arteries.

Then he took out another medicine and gently injected it into the carotid artery.

The cool potion was injected into the neck, but Galleon felt a faint sense of excitement rising from his heart, as if his nerves were extremely clear and energetic, much better than usual.

He felt as if a numbness spread throughout his body, as if the surface of his skin was covered with a thick layer of cuticle, completely devoid of subtle sensations.

He stood still for a few more minutes, waiting for the medicine to take effect.

It wasn't until he was sure that the medicine was fully effective that he picked up the scalpel and gently started cutting on the surface of the lizard dragon's heart.

The heart of the two-headed lizard dragon has the special ability to make blood. This is a special biological tissue of the machine, which provides extremely powerful vitality, endurance, and strength to the lizard dragon's huge body.

Garen carefully dug out a piece of meat the size of a human head on the surface of the heart.

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