Mysterious journey

Chapter 360 Transplantation 2

He slowly released his platinum energy, carefully sensed the internal structure of the two-headed lizard dragon's heart, and then began to use a knife to delicately carve the piece of meat.

That is to say, the two-headed lizard dragon has extremely strong vitality and regenerative power, so it can withstand such troublesome injuries. If it were any other creature, it might have died completely as early as the first heart injury.

The knife carefully carved out the entrances and exits of the arteries and veins. In some places that were not accessible internally, the internal muscles were hollowed out using the powerful shock force.

Garen simply closed his eyes, not looking at the piece of meat in his hand. Just rely on the induction of platinum energy as the eyes of the surgery.

A large amount of blood flowed from between the fingers of his hands, mixed with a lot of broken flesh and blood. As time passed, some blood even solidified on the skin of his hands, forming a thick layer of blood scab.

Garen didn't know whether his idea and plan would be successful. He would construct a shrunken heart from the heart flesh of a two-headed lizard dragon and transplant it into his own body. This is undoubtedly a whimsical idea.

Of course, the Black Sky Society provided technical guidance, and the secret weapons and resonance stones cleared the obstacles for Gallon to move forward.

Many animal experiments and human experiments have made Gallon clear that even without the resonance step, there is still a chance of stable survival after successful transplantation. This is undoubtedly the greatest safety guarantee.

The heart in the hand has gradually taken shape.

Soon, Garen stopped moving his hands, took out a stick of ointment, and applied an even layer on the inside and outside of the formed heart. This is a medicine that prevents wound growth. He has tested it many times before, and the effect is good. Several experiments on death row prisoners have been successful with this medicine.

It wasn't until the heart no longer regenerated that Gallon sat down cross-legged, took off the surgical belt, and placed it on the ground. The blood flow throughout his body reached an astonishing level of control.

His whole body was shaken, and all the clothes on his body were torn apart and turned into pieces and flew away.

Garen was sitting naked on the fleshy ground. He picked up the scalpel with one hand and stabbed it straight into his chest with a hiss.

He cut across the chest along the ribs. A bloody wound opened on the person's chest, like a big bloody mouth, bloody and ferocious.

No blood flowed out. The peak of the secret martial arts and platinum spirit in turn controlled the blood vessel wounds and prevented blood from flowing out.

The moment the wound is incised, the blood on the cut surface quickly condenses and blocks the wound.

He carefully exuded energy and looked inside, placing the lizard dragon heart into the right side of his chest, symmetrically with the original heart.

Then there is blood vessel transplantation, where the blood vessels of the original heart are quickly transplanted to the new heart one by one.

Garon Miwu is extremely powerful. He can train his body to be as commanding as his arms. Suturing his heart is easier and more satisfying than suturing someone else's heart.

Under the effect of the Glory Potion, there was no pain. Garen carefully began to transplant blood vessels one by one. Each artery was followed by a corresponding vein, and then controlled the blood to circulate along the pair of sutured blood vessels.

All sutured blood vessel wounds are quickly cured by the powerful and inhuman regenerative power.

The process was easier than Garen expected. The powerful self-healing ability of the God Statue made it easy for him to perfectly sew the blood vessels.

Arteries and veins are transplanted from the original heart and connected to the new heart.

Garen's expression was focused, as if he was performing an operation on someone else. His hands were sewing quickly and accurately in his chest without looking.

There is no waste of blood flowing out of the entire body.

Time passed minute by minute, and beads of sweat appeared on Garen's forehead. The movements of his hands became more skillful and faster.

There are not many connecting blood vessels in the heart alone, only 8, but this structural change involves changes in some branch blood vessels. Some blood vessels are not long enough, so the lizard dragon heart must be moved to match.

As the transplantation process gradually deepened, the position of the lizard dragon's heart gradually moved closer to the original heart and moved to the left chest cavity.

Garen's face became increasingly sweaty, and some beads of sweat even dripped down his temples.

The time was not long, only fifteen minutes, but this transplant seemed like a year, extremely long.

Finally, Garen gently sutured the last vein. At this time, the lizard dragon heart had completely replaced the original heart position in the left chest cavity.

But there was no sign of beating. The movement of qi and blood relied entirely on Garen's own secret martial qi, and the vitality of the whole body was flowing rapidly.

If the heart stops beating, an ordinary person will go into shock instantly, and even the brain will stop functioning and lose consciousness. However, when Jialong Miwu reached an extreme level, he could actually rely on the energy he had stored in daily life to promote the circulation of qi and blood. At the same time, using this small amount of power, he squeezed the lizard dragon's heart with his hands and simulated the beating of the heart to squeeze the blood.

This can greatly reduce the consumption of energy. But it is still being consumed on a large scale.

Garen had performed surgeries on many prisoners, so he naturally knew that now was the most critical stage. He quickly reached out his hand and used the scalpel to make a sharp cut on the surface of the lizard dragon's huge heart. Then the whole person got in at once.

The mouth was quickly sewn shut from the inside, and only a small amount of blood flowed out.

His entire body was completely immersed in the dragon's blood, and an extremely strong corrosive force invaded his skin and entire body from all directions.

If he hadn't been injected with dragon's blood serum for a long time, he already had good resistance. With just this, he would have been poisoned to death in the blood.

The heart of the lizard dragon kept beating, and the huge beating sounds came one after another, showing its extremely powerful vitality.

The powerful heart vibration caused the heart inside Garon's chest to vibrate slightly, beating with the rhythm.

The blood flowing in and out between the ventricles and atria inside the heart surges and flows, forming a huge whirlpool undercurrent. He pulled Garen's body and suspended it in the center.

The lizard dragon's heart has a completely different structure from the human heart. Its ventricles and atriums, one on the left and one on the right, form two evenly sized spaces, like two balls next to each other.

Garen curled up his body and floated in the center of his heart.

He opened his eyes wide and could only see blood all around him. His mouth and nose were filled with plasma and he couldn't breathe.

According to the planned steps prepared in advance, Garen slowly calmed down his thoughts and sensed the life resonance fluctuations of the two-headed lizard dragon. He began to control the power of his totem, and began to imitate it in sync with the resonance fluctuations of the lizard dragon.

With the beating power of the lizard dragon's heart, Garen barely managed to maintain some sanity and was immersed in the resonance fluctuations. To activate the transplanted heart, he must achieve a state of resonance synchronization.

When the resonance frequency is the same, the high-energy unit will also transfer energy to the low-energy unit. This is a special way of energy transfer. Gallon had learned it when he was on Earth, but now it is combined and used in this world for the transmission of energy.

Whether it is the dragon's heart or the resonance stone's lair, they all seem to rely on this principle to operate. It's just that the frequencies at which they resonate are extremely complex.

The powerful and precise control of the secret weapon allowed Garen to accurately control his own energy and blood, and the power of the totem slowly beat with the lizard dragon's heart.

Time passed by minute by second, and Garen's whole body was soaked into blood.

He closed his five senses tightly, completely forgetting the flow of time, and his whole person completely sank into the resonance frequency.

For totem masters in this world, this resonance frequency is undoubtedly as difficult as a miracle like a fantasy. For Garen, who has reached the peak of his secret martial arts, it is just an application of control over himself. The secret warriors began to get involved in this aspect as early as they mastered the use of vibration. It’s just that this kind of resonance is relatively difficult.

Gradually, he fell into the deepest state of half-dream and half-awakeness. The dragon's blood continuously replenished him with nutrients and oxygen, while also taking away metabolic waste products.

Gallon seemed to be gestating a new life, slowly sinking into the deepest part of consciousness. As the resonance continued to synchronize, I don’t know how long it took, one hour, two hours, five hours, one day, two days.

Garen had no idea until he regarded resonance as an instinct and habit. From the original dragon's heart that drove him to resonate, he became completely integrated with this resonance.

He fell completely into a deep sleep.


The sky was bloody.

Garen stood alone on the edge of a desolate cliff. Below him was a large black abandoned city, with broken city walls, abandoned high-rise spiers, and no one inhabited. A layer of white mist loomed above the city. There was silence.


Garen opened his mouth and raised his head, letting out a loud, ear-piercing roar.

Only then did he realize that he was not a human body, but a huge black-scaled two-headed lizard dragon.

He couldn't control his body, as if he was just a bystander, hiding in the body of this two-headed lizard dragon. Observe everything around you.

Of the two heads, only one has a field of vision, and the other is purely a decoration.

The body of the two-headed lizard dragon is not huge at this time, it is only more than three meters tall, so it can only be regarded as an infant.

It turned around and walked behind the cliff with heavy footsteps.

Behind the cliff, there is also a black building. It is empty inside, without a single person. Only the cold wind passes through the holes of the building, making a strange whine.

In the middle of the building complex is a tall black clock tower, standing quietly in the middle of the dead city.

The two-headed lizard dragon looked up at the clock tower. It felt very hungry, and waves of hunger kept rising in its stomach, swallowing up its only sanity.

"Eat. Eat." Garen felt that there was only one thought in the consciousness of the two-headed lizard dragon, and it was still echoing.

It walked with heavy steps towards the black city on the slope behind the cliff step by step.

Garen seemed to have lost the ability to think, and could only watch everything in front of the lizard dragon quietly.

It entered a huge black iron door in the city, which was carved with fine and delicate patterns and had two thick metal rings.

Passing through the black iron gate, there is a large empty black square ahead. On the right side is a large leafless tree with countless branches reaching toward the sky, dry and hopeless.

The lizard dragon moved forward hungry, walked to the foot of the big tree, and smelled the trunk, smelling of dryness and no moisture.

This is a very strange feeling. Garen feels that the lizard dragon seems to be able to smell the smell of moisture.

The lizard dragon finally couldn't help it, stretched out its head and took a bite of the trunk of the big tree.


Bitter, without any moisture. After reluctantly swallowing, the lizard dragon felt even hungrier.

It abandoned the big tree and walked towards the large group of buildings directly in front, which seemed to be a palace area. It is all black, without any extra color, and there is a faint strange atmosphere under the light red sunlight.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Suddenly there was a sound of heavy footsteps in the distance.

There seemed to be some huge monster walking around in that palace area.

The sound of extremely heavy footsteps could be heard from thousands of meters away.

The two-headed lizard dragon stopped in fear. It stopped hesitantly in the square, wanting to go in, but did not dare to continue.

But the heavy hunger finally made it unable to bear it anymore. It raised its head and looked at the huge black metal door more than ten meters high, which was covered with black and red rust. A head pushed the door open hard.



Garen opened his eyes suddenly.

His eyes were filled with blood red, and he woke up again.

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