Mysterious journey

Chapter 362 Success 2

Garen retracted his hand and looked at the totem column. The two-headed lizard dragon icon is still there and has not turned gray or disappeared.

He retracted his hand thoughtfully and soaked his body in the nutrient solution that turned into water. The blood scab on his body quickly fell off while vibrating slightly, revealing the fair and delicate body underneath.

Suddenly, he noticed that although the totem of the two-headed lizard dragon was still there, it had quietly undergone some strange changes.

He looked carefully at the introductory symbol of the totem, and suddenly his pupils shrank.

"This is!!??"

The totem description of the two-headed lizard dragon, the sign on the front has suddenly become the core totem! !

'Core Totem - Two-Headed Lizard Dragon: The third type of evolution of the Fukasawa Giant Crocodile, the third form creature, the ultimate body, cannot be upgraded.

Abilities: Labyrinth Digging, Life Bite, Dragon Roar, Dragon Skin, Parasitism. ’

Suddenly, there was a movement in his heart, and Garen slowly gathered his secret martial spirit.

As the Ten Thousand Waters Blue King Art continues to operate, a light red aura slowly condenses and spreads along the ground like blood, enriching the substance-like liquid.

Garen clearly sensed that a huge bloody pattern was condensing on his back, and the shape of the pattern was the shape of a two-headed lizard dragon!

He stretched out his hand and looked at the fair and delicate but extremely tough skin. The nails on the five fingers of his left hand were sharp and turned into a strange scarlet color. Instinctively, Garen understood that the nails of his left hand were the part to be bitten with life. When these five scarlet nails pierce into the body of any living creature, they will produce a life bite similar to the ability of a two-headed lizard dragon, absorbing the opponent's vitality and restoring itself.

"Is this the real use of totem?" Garen had some thoughts in his heart.

His heart moved, and the bloody two-headed lizard dragon behind him suddenly let out a violent roar.

Ouch! !

A circle of clear sound waves centered on him and spread out in all directions.

"This is the dragon's roar." Garen's expression remained unchanged as he thrust his left arm forward. laugh! ! Five nails bit forward instinctively, leaving a trail of red afterimages. It's like a ferocious mouth with fangs biting forward at the prey.

"This is the bite of life."

He suddenly jumped out of the pool, turned into a shadow, and landed in front of the clothes rack on the right side of the cave wall. He lifted up a gray robe and wrapped it around himself.

With a crash, Garen's whole body was wrapped in a gray robe. His long blond hair was draped wetly on his shoulders. His eyes were faintly red, and the most eye-catching were the three red dots between his eyebrows. Still emitting a faint red fluorescence.

With a thought in his heart, the huge two-headed lizard dragon totem slowly dissipated. The three red lights on Garen's eyebrows gradually stopped glowing and turned into ordinary three-point birthmarks, like cinnabar.

"It seems that as long as you don't use totems, there will be no physical abnormalities." Garen said with enlightenment.

The strange existence of the two-headed lizard dragon is very similar to the original totem existence of the Silver Lantern Masters.

The difference is that silver lantern makers use silver as the raw material for making totems. Galleons rely on blood, a large amount of blood from the two-headed lizard dragon.

Similarly, both have two forms that can be virtualized or substantialized.

"Silver lantern masters use storage to store their core totems and sub-totems. And my current method seems to be directly integrated with the body?" Garen carefully felt the changes in his body, the two-headed lizard dragon The totem seems to exist in the three red birthmarks between his eyebrows.

He had a vague feeling that he seemed to have embarked on the legendary path of a warlock.

"If the silver lantern master's method can still preserve the life of the totem, then my method is to completely integrate the totem into myself, so that I can have the same ability as the core totem, lose its independent ability, and completely become myself. The nutrient appendage of the main body." Garon analyzed in his mind.

He glanced at the half-open door in the distance. It was opened when Komodo escaped, and it was still swaying slightly with the airflow flowing in the cave.

"The next step is to see if the limit has really been exceeded."

Garen gathered his strength and began to focus on the most important point.

The sign of breaking through the limits is the ability to use potential points to increase physical attributes. This is what he is most concerned about. As for the core totem that can no longer evolve, there will always be a way in the future.

Even the Silver Lantern Master's core totem can be replaced every five years, so maybe this core totem can be replaced as well.

After collecting himself, Garen focused his attention on his attribute bar.

"Let's try the physical fitness first." His eyes fell on the physical fitness column.

After replacing the heart, the constitution has now become 2.97.

After three seconds of focusing his gaze.

At the potential point, a bit of potential disappeared.

The physical fitness column jumped, from 2.97 to 3.07.

Garen's eyelids twitched. In the past, he still remembered clearly that one potential point increased the attribute value by 0.3, but now, it only increased by 0.1.

Although it has been expected for a long time, as the strength of the body increases and the physical fitness increases, the potential points that need to be consumed will also increase. But I didn’t expect so many would be needed.

"Fortunately, I have accumulated more than 400 potential points before, but I want to see how much you can consume." Garen was furious. His eyes stopped directly on his physique.

The physique shot up like a rocket, from 3.07 to 3.27, and then to 3.573.974.27

The potential points are also falling like a rocket.

Until the physical fitness reaches five points, the increase speed suddenly slows down.

Garen observed carefully and found that the consumption ratio had changed again. It becomes that one potential point can only increase the attribute by about 0.05, which means that it takes 20 potential points to increase one point.

"Anyway, there's still more. I've only used a little bit of my potential. Keep going!" Garen's expression remained unchanged as he continued to add attributes. He wanted to see where the new limits of physical attributes were. Every living thing has its limits, the difference lies in whether they can be reached.

The physique continues to increase crazily. Starting from five points, each point of improvement requires more than 20 attribute points. Garron pushed his physique past six points in one breath, then seven points, and then eight points.

After eight o'clock, consumption changed again. Improve one attribute from 20 points to more than 60 points.

But once the physical constitution has been raised to 10 points, it can no longer be raised, and it is stuck at this value.

Nearly 200 potential points have been consumed at this time. Garen feels a lot of pain. Looking at the remaining 200 potential points, this is what he has accumulated for so long. Recently, the petrified white dragons and others have no more. What a big harvest, the increase is at most ten or ten points per day, obviously there is not much hunting left.

Garen stood in the cave, feeling the changes brought about by the substantial improvement in his physique.

Before there was any change, he was able to draw a tie with the two-headed lizard dragon with more than 6 points of strength. The two-headed lizard dragon was a giant beast known for its strength. Now that his physique has reached 10 points, Garen is not sure what changes 10 points of physique will bring. He just feels that his muscles and bones seem to become denser, his skin is harder, and his five senses are becoming more acute.

His sense of smell can smell all kinds of smells in the air, including the smell of the blood of a two-headed lizard dragon, his own blood, the smell of stones, the smell of nutrient solution, and even a piece of grass in the far corner You can also smell the fragrance.

His eyes could see the tiniest lines on the stone wall opposite the cave hall. There was a black beetle lying on it. Garen could clearly see that the bug, which was the size of a little fingernail, was slightly eating the moss on the stone wall, and even Even the hairs on the insect's mouthparts are clearly visible.

He could hear the crunching sound of bugs chewing on the moss, so clearly that it seemed to be right next to his ears. Just focus and you can hear it in full.

Only the skin. Garen felt that the skin all over his body seemed to be thicker. It looked unchanged. It was still fair and delicate, like the finest white jade. But Garen felt as if his whole body was covered with a layer of transparent cuticle. This layer of cuticle is like dragon scales, extremely hard.

"The increase in physical fitness is indeed effective. It seems that 10 points is the limit of this new body." Garen focused on the two most critical attributes, one is strength and the other is agility.

"It's better to have strength. My martial arts has always followed the strength route, and all styles are centered around strong strength." Garen thought for a while, but chose to add strength first, and added the remaining potential points to agility. never mind.

After all, his martial arts is not about agility, so this is the most suitable way. If you are a secret martial artist who pursues speed-based martial arts, you should naturally choose to add agility first.

His eyes focused on the strength attribute.

The same situation happened. The strength climbed all the way from the value of 6.66, to breaking through 8 points in an instant, and it is still improving rapidly.

Garen was overjoyed and was about to try out the effects of the change in power.

Suddenly a dull growl echoed in his mind.

The blood-colored core totem, the two-headed lizard dragon, automatically emerged behind him. The seven- to eight-meter-tall blood-colored totem twisted and roared upwards.

The two-headed lizard dragon actually began to protrude a new meat bag from its back, close to its neck.

The meat bun got bigger and bigger, expanded more and more, and finally, with a tearing sound, the meat bun split open, and a dragon head came out from the inside again.

Only then did Garen notice that the lizard dragon's back actually began to bulge with meat bumps one after another, as its strength increased rapidly.

There are more and more of these meat buns, and they are getting bigger and bigger. Each one is like a video that has been accelerated and fast forwarded. The meat buns grow at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then split, forming a new wet faucet sticking out. .

New faucet heads continued to protrude one after another, and they all stopped until the eighth head protruded.

The body of the eight-headed lizard dragon has also grown significantly. It has grown from seven to eight meters tall and more than ten meters long to twelve meters tall, and its body of nearly twenty meters long has almost completely turned into a red mountain.

At this time, the strength attribute has been completely increased to 14 points, the physical limit is 10 points, and the increase in the troll's grip is not included in the limit. This made Garen feel happy.

Whether it's the mutation of the lizard dragon or the improvement of attributes beyond the limit, there seems to be an inexplicable connection.

While Jia Long was happy, he was also vaguely aware. This method of combining totems seems to be much better than the method of the silver lantern masters.

The improvement of the subject itself will actually affect the core totem. This is simply unbelievable.

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