Mysterious journey

Chapter 363 Organizing and Going 1

The strength climbed all the way, reaching 14 points and stopped moving. The lizard dragon's head also stabilized at the eighth point and stopped increasing. But a new meat bag still grew on its back, and it might become the ninth head.

Garen carefully observed the existence of the lizard dragon, which seemed to be illusory and without entity. The eight-headed lizard dragon is indeed incorporeal and cannot touch anything, but when it appears, the lizard dragon abilities that can be used by oneself will be greatly enhanced. The strength is almost twice as strong as before the totem is released.

This new behemoth was named the Eight-Headed Dragon by Garen. Although it only had eight heads, I believe anyone could clearly see the bulging flesh of the ninth head. Sooner or later the ninth head will grow.

The second head of the two-headed lizard dragon brings the ability to bite life, but the other newly appeared heads have no additional special abilities. Perhaps it is because it has no entity, or it may be due to other reasons. These additional heads The Ministry brings not other abilities, but all life bites!

After all the heads grew out, Garen felt that the life bite on his left hand had been strengthened to a terrifying level. Although I don't know the specific effect, it is equivalent to 6 times the original life-biting ability, no matter how weak it is, it will not be much worse.

The evolved eight-headed dragon brought Garen not only an enhancement of his original power, but also a brand-new ability - gravitational vortex.

Garen, wearing a gray robe, stretched out his right hand and flicked his fingers.


An invisible vortex of air flow suddenly flew out, suspended in mid-air less than one meter in front of him.

This vortex has a diameter of more than one meter, driving the airflow to rotate, pulling and attracting everything around it to move closer to it. At the center is a small unknown hole that leads to nowhere.

Garen calculated that he could release a total of eight such whirlpools, which was the same number as the eight-headed dragon's current head count.

Looking at the eight whirlpools in front of him, the high-speed rotation of the traction force created a powerful gravitational whirlwind in the cave. The moment all the vortexes were released, a large number of items flew towards the whirlpools at full speed. It was as if a powerful and terrifying tornado had blown up.

Soon, a large number of unfixed clothes, wooden shelves, experimental equipment, and nutrient solution wastewater were all absorbed by the vortex, leaving only a few firmly fixed things in the cave.

Garen withdrew the whirlpool and rubbed his stomach with a strange expression, as if there was something extra in his stomach.

He felt that these vortexes absorbed a lot of things, and it seemed that they all went into his stomach.

These things seemed to be refined in some way, and then the essence was passed into his stomach.

"Could it be that these eight whirlpools are the eight giant mouths of the eight-headed dragon?!" Garen guessed.

He began carefully testing the eight vortices.

After a period of testing and inspection, Garen finally understood how these eight vortices existed.

It was indeed as he imagined. These are the eight big mouths of the eight-headed dragon, which can swallow all materials in the outside world, including stones, debris, some dangerous sharp weapons, etc. Moreover, it can also turn the swallowed debris into pure energy to replenish the consumed totem power.

You must know that releasing a totem, whether it is a core totem or a secondary totem, will consume the power of the totem. The more and stronger the totems released, the more and faster the power of the totem will be consumed. Generally, a type 1 totem master can be released for a whole day to engage in high-intensity combat and be fine.

But Type 2 can only be released for half a day. Type three is even more expensive. Generally, type three totem masters will not release totems idle. They will release them when needed. Moreover, many totem masters rely on low-level sub-totems as consumables to move around. Reduce the consumption of totem power. This is also the reason why so many assembly line totem markets have always existed.

As for the stronger spiritual light totems, like the spiritual light totem Sunflower of Baker's Stone Eyes, it was exhausted after being released for only a short while. This was still supported by the secret treasure. Although this is related to his own lack of ability, it also represents a huge consumption of spiritual light totem.

The reason why Galen wanted to solve the flaws of the crystal deduction device was because he couldn't bear to part with it. The silver totem controlled by the crystal deducer does not need to consume the power of the totem at all. Instead, the totem itself eats, rests, and recovers. This is one of the greatest advantages.

Of course, this also has advantages and disadvantages. Although the silver totem will not consume the power of the totem, the amount of food required is also a huge trouble. The large number of Fukasawa giant crocodiles and parasitic beetles alone consume a large amount of meat every day. Once unable to eat normally, it will cause weakness and even starvation. It is not as convenient as the original totem. Not only does it not require eating and resting, it can also be carried with you.

Garen didn't know what level he was at now. But it is definitely stronger than before, and much stronger.

He felt that the way his core totem existed was somewhat like the legendary Type 4, which was completely elemental. In this era where spiritual transformation is rare, Type 4's complete elemental transformation is simply legendary. Moreover, he has not yet calculated his own attribute strength. The attributes have been increased to 14 points of strength and 10 points of constitution. At this limit, he himself is a more fierce existence than the totem.

Garen walked to the nutrient pool and took a closer look at his current appearance. He looked weak, slender and handsome, with the air of a weak and beautiful boy, which was very confusing when facing the enemy. He is quite satisfied with how he looks now. The arm doesn't look strong, but it actually has terrifying strength that would make any living thing tremble.

"Lei Lan once mentioned that the elemental generals of the Black Sky Society are all spiritual beings. Each person must have at least two or more spiritual totems to be considered an elemental general. This does not include those that his subordinates can control. The number of generals. It seems that an elemental general is equivalent to an army of spiritual totems, and there are many three types of monsters under it. And there are actually monsters that can kill elemental generals. Obviously, there are also monsters of the third type. The existence of the fourth type is just too rare and I have never encountered it. And the Marshal Commander of the Black Sky Society who can take back the territory and make the monsters flee should be a stronger existence than the elemental ones, at least the fourth type. Type Five. In this way, the true strength level of the entire Black Sky Society will be clear."

Garen gathered his thoughts.

"Ignore the level of marshal commander for the time being. He is the top being who manages the situation in multiple countries. He is directly responsible for the strongest member of the Black Sky Society, Guimen. Basically, it will not appear in one place just because of the situation in one place. I have never heard of it. There are marshal-level Type 4 and Type 5 appearing. Generally, in a country and a region, the strongest person in charge is at the elemental general level, which is the aura level. From this point of view, my current totem power has reached a peak level. ”

He has a clear understanding of his current position. Before the hidden old monster appeared, his totem was already at its strongest level. Even if those old monsters come out, they still have to fight to know who is stronger and who is weaker.

After looking at the messy experimental cave, Garen set his sights on the body of the two-headed lizard dragon. This old dragon was skinny and skinny, with almost no muscle visible.

"Komodo." He turned and walked towards the door, "pack your things."

A tall figure at the door cautiously came in, and when he saw it was Garen, Komodo immediately relaxed.

"Okay, sir." When he saw that Garen was safe and sound, he felt much more relaxed, which meant that his future was secure again.

Garen strode out of the cave door and faintly heard the wail of Komodo coming from inside.

"Oh, I just cleaned up the cave."

Garen smiled and quickly climbed up the stone steps in the experimental area. His speed was brisk, almost a few knots per step, and there was a faint afterimage of his whole body.

A few seconds later, he stood at the exit of the underground testing area and gently pushed open the camouflage door.


The bright golden sunlight from outside shone in, making Gallon a little dazzling.

He narrowed his eyes and strode out of the experimental area, the door automatically closing behind him.

It was noon at this time, and gusts of hot wind blew in from the balcony, causing the green leaves of a potted plant by the wall to tremble constantly.

Garen walked into his bedroom on the right, took out a set of underwear from the closet and put it on, and then picked out a set of secret machine armor issued by His Majesty the Emperor.

This is a set of hard full-body armor covered in gray and black. It looks like it is made up of many small square pieces connected together. It has a black hood and shoulder pads extending outward on both sides of the shoulders.

There are black stand-up collars on both sides of the neck, and the left stand-up collar is tattooed with the national flower of Cowaitan, the golden iris.

This was Garen's first time seeing iris flowers. It was his first time on earth and in the secret martial world. The embroidered iris is entirely golden, and the whole is a perfect equilateral triangle, just like the petals formed by two golden clovers stacked together. Two clovers are stacked together to form a more complete triangle, and the inner stamen in the middle is a perfect equilateral triangle, giving people a delicate and symmetrical beauty.

He touched the embroidered patterns, which seemed to be embroidered with gold thread.

Wearing a full set of armor, the upper body is a hard armor, the lower body is a black skirt armor, and also paired with a pair of lined black trousers and shiny boots.

Garen stood in front of the full-length mirror and took a look. After this transformation, his figure became much thinner and slender, and he could be considered well-proportioned. Putting on a hood and a pair of black gloves, you couldn't even see his face, only a pale and delicate chin and dark red lips.

The armor does not need to be propped up by a person's body, and it looks similar to everyone. If you lower your head slightly, you can't tell who is who.

After putting on his hood and gloves, Garen didn't feel the sweltering heat at all. It was already midsummer, the sun was shining brightly outside, and waves of heat kept pouring in from the balcony.

He checked the armor on his body and found signs on both shoulder pads. Both shoulder armors are actually engraved with a simple curing technique. This suit of armor seems to be somewhat similar to war shackles. It can be inlaid with solidifying techniques to produce magical effects.

Garen analyzed the principle of the lower armor. It seems to be able to absorb the trace power of the totem naturally emitted by the totem master, and use it to provide the constant temperature function of the armor. The reason why the design is so closed is to camouflage and conceal it, and to prevent the natural loss of totem power from being wasted.

Whether they are silver lantern masters, totem masters, or workshop masters, as long as they have totem power, they will naturally emit and lose a very small amount of totem power in their lives. This is a normal phenomenon. Just like the human body naturally loses a certain amount of body temperature.

And this kind of armor is to collect this loss to the maximum extent and use it.

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