Mysterious journey

Chapter 364 Organizing and Going 2

Garen stroked this suit of armor, and his thoughts involuntarily drifted to a higher level of armor.

The technology of the secret mechanism has actually become so sophisticated. Since there is such an armor suit, there should also be a stronger armor suit. Carve more powerful solidification spells on the armor, collect the power of the totem that is usually emitted, and use it when needed.

Garen was slightly surprised. In this way, a totem master with such armor would be much stronger than the average totem master. If he had a set of armor that was powerful enough,

He gathered his thoughts.

He reached out and pulled the cord at the head of the bed.

Jingle Bell.

A crisp ringing sound rang, and soon, crisp footsteps came from outside the bedroom door.

A somewhat uneasy Lala soon appeared at the bedroom door. When she saw it was Galen, a hint of surprise appeared on her face.

"You are finally out! I have received several letters from you recently. They are all urging you to report somewhere. The person who sent the letter has mentioned it many times."

Seeing Garen appear, her face suddenly felt completely relieved, and she seemed to have a backbone.

Garen straightened his collar, walked out of the bedroom, and sat on the wooden sofa in the living room.

"Where's the letter? Let me take a look. Didn't you say it would be reported in two months? Why are you urging me now?"

Lala walked to a vase in the corner of the living room and poured out the envelopes in the vase. They were all rectangular yellow envelopes.

"The person who delivered the letter said that there was an emergency and manpower was urgently needed." Lara stacked all the letters according to time and placed them in front of Garen. Then he stood aside and waited for instructions.

From time to time, he looked at the thick full-body armor on Garen's body with strange eyes. Look at the sleeveless white dress on her body again.

Garen picked up the first letter, opened it and took out the paper.

Unfold the letter paper, there is only a short line of words on the white paper.

‘Due to unexpected circumstances, the report date has been advanced. Please ask Deputy Team Leader Gallon Terry Jones to take up his post in Wellsburg as soon as possible. ’

The following is the date: May 11, 3568 in the solar calendar.

There is also a red circular seal, and the words on the seal can be faintly seen: secret. It is a secret word consisting of three letters.

Gallon opened the rest of the envelopes, basically urging him to take office as soon as possible. The most recent one was from three days ago, on the 14th.

"I don't know what kind of position your Majesty has arranged for the deputy leader. But it shouldn't be too bad, and it won't be too good." Garen put down the envelope. "Are there any other letters?"

He looked at Lala.

"Yes, and there are invitations from noble families and banquet invitations." Lala replied quickly. She ran out again and soon took a stack of invitations from the mailbox at the door. They were all luxurious and exquisitely made. Invitation.

Gallon glanced at the signatures above, and only selected the invitations from the Terry Jones family, Earl Baixi and Viscount Langwillie. And was about to throw the rest aside.

Suddenly he saw a familiar name, Bai Lan.

Prynne. Ahiphis.

There is a signature on the dark metal cover, followed by a platinum pattern of two crossed swords.

Garen picked out the envelope, opened it and pulled out the letter paper.

‘My dear friend, dear Ahashia:

Oh no, it should be called Gallon now. Okay, Gallon, how are you doing now? I also heard about the Terry Jones family. You are in a very bad situation now. If you need help, just let me know. You know my grandfather's relationship, so don't be polite to me.

In addition, An Dalu has been sent to me by your cousin. I will arrange everything, don't worry. Marlene is also here with me. She is in a very bad mood. Baron Delt is dead and Mrs. Carlo is missing. I also sent people to look for her, but she couldn't find her.

The situation in the royal capital is a bit complicated. I told my grandfather about your situation, and he also knew that you handed over that green vine ball to His Majesty, and then joined a secret agency. His suggestion is that you can just go in and avoid the current complicated situation in the capital. But it's best to keep a low profile. Although you are strong, there are too many strong people in the capital now. be careful. ’

Garen looked at the last sentence emphatically, be careful. Obviously Bai Lan knows a lot more inside information than he does because of her family relationship.

Putting down the envelope, he kneaded the letter paper into countless white powder with both hands, twisted it into a ball, and threw it into the trash can not far away.

He had already written down the address above.

Bai Lan's grandfather is one of the two most powerful people in the capital, apart from His Majesty, they are the two of them.

These two people were originally great local nobles, both holding the title of Grand Duke. But after the fall of the place, they came to the royal capital with a lot of strength and became the new power dividers. Such a grand duke is no better than the city lord duke like Titan City. This is the top strength of a big country. It is a great nobleman with a heritage of nearly a thousand years. It has a strong background and amazing strength. There will definitely be no shortage of type three totem masters, otherwise it would be impossible to reach the royal capital with a large group of people. There are definitely spiritual totem masters, and there is probably more than one.

These top nobles form part of the huge power of the entire royal capital. Countless nobles, large and small, form the huge strength of the entire Kuwaitan.

As Bai Lan's grandfather, what he said should not be false. After all, the other party had no reason to deceive him.

"It seems that the strength I showed in the manor has spread to the royal capital." Garen noticed this. He showed the strength of type three spiritual light in the manor, overwhelming the Baker Stone Eyes and the Black Sky Society. .

This news should have come from the mouths of Andalu, cousin Hathaway, and those who fled back to the royal capital. And the two old professors, Barr and Bafia, should also be one of the message delivery points.

"I'll go out for a while. You can prepare dinner for yourself. You don't have to prepare it for me." Garen thought for a while, stood up and ordered.

"I'll prepare the carriage for you." Lala ran out quickly.

Gallon brought the required documents and documents. There is also the certificate of appointment issued by His Majesty the Emperor, packaged together in a black document.

After walking out of the gate of the manor inside the cliff, a black four-wheeled carriage was parked in the driveway outside. The carriage had very large wheels, and the driver was a middle-aged man with a mustache wearing a black dress. He took off his hat and saluted Gallon.

"I am Josephine, your new coachman."

Garen nodded and got into the carriage.

"To Wellsburg."

"Okay, please sit tight." The coachman Josephine responded, waving his riding whip and making a sound.

Two strong mutated black horses immediately started to exert their strength. These two horses were brought all the way from the manor by Garen. Their strength and endurance were amazing, and they were considered to be good breeds of mutated horses.

"Your horse is so powerful." The coachman praised, "There are few mutant horses that are so powerful."

"Oh?" Garen smiled. "Aren't all mutant horses excellent?"

"Of course not. Mutated creatures also have many bad mutations. Some horses have mutated and are not as strong as before." The coachman replied with a smile. "It's easy to be your coachman. It's easy to take care of the two horses and feed the meat for several days. The salary is also high, and you don't go out once for ten days and a half."

Garen smiled and stopped talking.

The talkative Josephine coachman wanted to say something, but suddenly remembered some rumors about this master, hesitated, and decided to keep silent.

As the car drove uphill, carriages passed by from time to time. As they passed by, the faint sound of a woman sobbing could still be heard.

Garen knew in his heart that such a situation should not be uncommon. The royal capital was now filled with nobles who had fled from various places. Many of them had lost their relatives, parents, children, brothers and sisters during their escape. Almost every household has experienced attrition. There are many people like Vindman who cannot even hold funerals and have no bones left.

The carriage moved forward quickly, and sparse small buildings gradually appeared on both sides of the white road. Black double- and three-story buildings abounded. I saw people coming in and out of the door from time to time.

Garen turned sideways and looked out the window. He saw a double-story building passing by. The second-floor window was open, and a young girl wearing a white headscarf was playing with a pot of purple flowers on the window sill.

There was noisy yelling and yelling downstairs, and several men were struggling with each other, pushing and shouting.

The carriage passed the small building, then an empty black cemetery.

The cemetery is full of dense white tombstones. In front of two new tombs, funeral ceremonies are being held. Priests in white robes and family members in black stand together. The wailing sounds of the family members can be clearly heard.

Beyond the cemetery, there is a connected three-story building, like a large commercial block with densely packed houses.

Most of the shops were closed, but occasionally a few shops were open. There was a long queue at the door, with people in shabby clothes lining up expectantly. There were also women holding children in their arms, young men with sallow faces and skinny muscles, and a rickety old man with gray hair.

When Garen's carriage passed by, some people in the team looked this way, but then they showed awe and quickly lowered their heads.

Call! !

A few bangs.

Suddenly the carriage braked suddenly.

The driver Josephine shouted loudly from the front. The carriage shook completely and stopped.

"Damn it! Which coachman are you from? Didn't you see us coming from the right?!" A arrogant voice came from the front.

"Obviously it was you who rushed here without looking at the road!" Josephine shouted dissatisfied.

"You still talk back! A small broken carriage actually dared to ram into Viscount Dunskin's car! Believe me or not?"

"Bob! Shut up."

A calm male voice came from the other party's carriage.

The coachman stopped talking immediately, turned around and smiled a little, then turned back and glared at Josephine fiercely.

Garen opened the curtain and saw a white carriage opposite also opened the curtain, and the man inside looked over. The other person looked very polite and polite, but his eyes were very sharp.

Seeing the black full-body armor on Garen's body, a trace of vigilance and fear flashed in the other's blue eyes.

The two smiled politely at each other, lowered the curtains, and the coachmen on both sides drove their carriages past each other.

Putting down the car curtain, Garen touched the black armor on his body.

"It seems that the skin of this secret agency is very intimidating." He became more and more looking forward to this one of the three legendary agencies. By joining this powerful organization, you may be able to gain access to some of the deep secrets of this world.

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