Mysterious journey

Chapter 365 Exposed 1

"These guys don't know that you are a lord and noble, hehe." The coachman Josephine said with a smile. "This is much more valuable than those ordinary aristocratic lords who only have empty titles."

"Don't talk nonsense." Garen scolded lightly, "In this current situation, there should be many lords and nobles who have lost their territories and cannot support their families, right?"

"This is true." Josephine put away her smile, "This is the case for a family I once worked for. They didn't purchase much property in the royal capital, and the wealth they brought was lost on the way. They couldn't last more than a few days after coming here. Just disband us, and the family fortune that has lasted for hundreds of years will decline like this, alas."

Galen stopped speaking and just listened to what Josephine said.

From this coachman who was employed by many nobles, he did hear a lot of unknown gossip. The coachmen often communicate with each other. When everyone gets together to brag, an calculation shows that the number of powerful territorial nobles in the entire royal capital does not exceed four hundred. Compared with the huge group of tens of thousands of nobles, this is simply a drop in the ocean.

Originally, Josephine was also depressed because of being fired. Unexpectedly, when she was hired by Lala, her right to speak among the coachmen suddenly changed. Although Mr. Garon's reputation is not very good, he is indeed a superior noble, and it is said that he has close relationships with many powerful nobles.

The carriage passed through the black streets, circled half a circle around the royal palace, and finally left the royal capital. After passing through a checkpoint, there was a large yellow-green grassland in front of it.

The grass is yellow and green, dotted with some red fruit bushes.

This grassland is located at the very back of the black buildings in the royal capital, and is surrounded by a large circle of black stone walls, forming a huge oval.

After the carriage drove on the grass for a while, it gradually became able to see a huge lake in the center.

"That's Wells Lake, which is the source of water supply for the entire Royal Capital. In addition to the Wellsburg you're going to, the Royal Capital Water Supply Bureau is also here." The coachman Josephine didn't seem to be unfamiliar with this place.

On the straight driveway, there were also some single-person open carriages heading towards Wellsburg. From time to time, groups of fast horse riders passed by the Garonne carriages, coming and going, but not a few pedestrians were seen walking.

The traffic of carriages and horses on the driveway gradually increased, and the carriages gradually slowed down.

About ten minutes later, finally, a small gray-white stone castle appeared in front.

The small castle is built on the water by the lake. Only an arched stone bridge at the entrance connects to the shore and is set up on the grass.

The walls of the small castle seemed to be made of gravel. It looked like a cobblestone floor, uneven and made of fine stones. There are four spiers on the top, arranged in four points of a square. There is also a blackened chimney on the sloping roof in the middle.

Looking from afar, Garen saw that the entire castle was not that big, no more than a two-story residential building. There was a black street lamp standing on the stone arch bridge at the entrance. Two people were standing on the bridge talking quietly, both wearing the same black skirt and armor as Garen.

The carriage drove Gallon to the open space on the left side of the stone bridge and stopped.

"Here we are, sir."

"Well. You go back first, don't wait for me." Garen opened the curtain and got out of the carriage, and walked directly to the stone arch bridge.

Pass the two people who are chatting and walk along the arch bridge into the entrance of the small castle.

After walking through the dark door, there is a living room connected on both sides. The walls are covered with all kinds of weird decorations, most of which are bone ornaments of different shapes. There are white antler-like bones, huge thick thigh bones, and long skulls the size of basketballs, etc.

Sitting in front of a counter on the right side of the reception room was a fair-skinned girl wearing glasses and wearing a gray skirt. Seeing Garen walking in, the girl immediately smiled politely.

"Hello, are you the Viscount Gallon who came to report? We have been notified and your portrait is recorded here. Please show your identification."

Galen took out the certificate issued by His Majesty the Emperor, a hard certificate with gold patterns.

The fair-skinned girl took it and checked it carefully, then recorded the key information in a notebook and handed it back to Garen.

"Please wear this. Go to the second room on the right and someone will receive you."

She handed over a black gold-edged badge with a gold letter Z-shaped pattern inside.

Garen followed her instructions, walked into the room on the right, and passed through to the innermost small room.

The layout of the small room was similar to that of the hall. The walls were decorated with white bones everywhere. There were two men and one woman arguing about something. When they heard the footsteps, they stopped talking and fell silent for a while.

When Garen walked in, two men and women in black skirts glanced at him. The other brown-haired man in black skirts had his fingers in his hair, sitting with his head lowered, his chest rising and falling, obviously his mood was not stable yet. Come down.

Garen ignored them and walked directly to a depression on the left side of the room.


After a muffled sound, the wall immediately opened a passage, revealing a downward-sloping tunnel.

A long strip of glass is inlaid at the top of the tunnel, guiding light from the outside in, making it feel like a skylight.

Garen walked in calmly.

"Welcome, welcome! Welcome, Viscount Gallon Terry Jones." A fat man with a bloated body came up to him with cheerful steps, grabbed Gallon's hand and held it hard.

"I am Baidra, a deputy city governor from the distant Hill Shield, and now the director of the secret royal capital area. Your arrival makes us absolutely ecstatic!"

With a smile on his face, the fat man pulled Gallon forward enthusiastically and walked quickly, introducing the situation here while walking along the tunnel.

"You just came here and you don't know the situation. The structure of our secret agency is the headquarters - the general bureau - the branch - the regional office - the special task force. These five structures are divided into layers and cover the entire Kuwaitan. Here This is our Kuwaitan General Bureau, which is in charge of five sub-bureaus. Each branch manages various regional divisions, and there are many groups under the division. You are the deputy group leader we need most now."

"The situation is very difficult now. We have lost many team leader-level personnel one after another. Although you are only the deputy team leader, as long as the trial mission is completed, you can become the official team leader. We here, whether it is the headquarters or the general bureau, , the same goes for branch bureaus, including regional division-level units, all based on groups. The group at the headquarters is the most powerful, followed by the group at the general bureau, then the branch, and so on." Fatty explained quickly.

"If the team at the regional division level cannot solve the matter, it will be reported to the branch, which will review it and dispatch the branch team. If there is still no way, it will be reported to the general bureau, and then to the headquarters. You now belong to our Kuwaitan General Bureau The team unit below. The situation is very troublesome now. Reports from various places are difficult to solve. Most of our manpower has been sent out. There are only ten teams in total, eight are sent out, one is left at the headquarters, and one is processing A local mission in the royal capital. I happened to hear that you were coming, and His Majesty the Emperor sent you a greeting in advance."

"Wait a minute, you said you are just the director of the Wangdu District? Since this is the Kuwaitan General Administration, where are the sub-directors here? Where are the general directors?" Gallon interrupted.

"I've gone on a mission." The fat man took out a white handkerchief and wiped his sweat. For some reason, this Mr. Garen was completely different from the image shown in the information. According to the information, he was gentle and polite, and loved beautiful women (he was once seduced by Guilisi). (Go round and round), like poetry.

But the man in front of me looks like a ferocious beast in human form, with fair skin, a really soft complexion, and a faint smile. However, combined with the three strange red dots between his eyebrows, it gives people a creepy feeling. .

It's really weird. It's obviously a gentle smile, but why does it look so scary?

The fat man was confused and confused.

"Now everyone is seriously short of manpower, and something happened that challenged the majesty of the secret agency. The director-general was furious and took the strongest silver team on a mission. It is estimated that it will take a week to come back. Now I am in charge here for the time being. "

"Then what benefits will it bring to me if I join this secret agency?" Garen asked the most critical question directly.

"You have high-level intelligence sharing qualifications within the royal alliance, and you have a very generous amount of resources and economic income every month. You are exempt from homicide qualifications, and you can have the right to make decisions on your own for those without titles. You also have the power of compulsory expropriation. In an emergency, you can recruit external non-titled forces to fight against the enemy. If the other party does not comply, it will be a violation of the law and become a wanted person for war crimes." The fat man seemed to be very familiar with this, and he would just open his mouth and throw out all the jingles.

"The most important thing is that you can enjoy master-level customized totem and repair totem services in any part of the Royal Alliance according to your own level. Of course, you have to pay for it yourself."

"Tsk, tsk. What a great right." Garen couldn't help but take a breath after hearing this.

Although he has killed so many people outside, if he dares to kill people within the royal alliance's sphere of influence, he will immediately be surrounded and killed by the top powerhouses in the country. And with this identity, it is obvious that he can kill legally within the alliance. No wonder His Majesty the Emperor is so bitter about this department. With such great power, if he does not firmly control it in his own hands, he may stab himself at any time.

"To tell you the truth, when I joined this department, it was because of the right to make my own decisions, hehe." The fat man gave Garen a wink that every man would understand. "When you meet a beautiful girl, you can find any reason and make your own decision, you know."

Garen was speechless. At this time, he remembered the reasons why Cowaitan was destroyed in history. One was that the emperor was assassinated, and the other was that the special departments had too much power and caused too much public anger. It is estimated that the cause is people like the fat man in front of me.

"Then what do we have to pay?" Garen asked again.

"Obey the command of your superiors. Your superior is Marquis Yawei. He is the deputy director of the general bureau and manages everyone in the Nine Color Team. Of course, with your level, you will be devolved to the branch. At the end of the day, you will be the branch director or deputy director. Position. So you can also mobilize some people below the command. As a secret agency, we are responsible for solving all responsibilities within our jurisdiction. Anything involving special areas such as assassination, rebellion, unrest, espionage, etc., is our business. Frontal combat is the responsibility of the state agencies, and those who study logistics children and the like are the math agencies. To put it simply, we are responsible for everything in the dark. When nothing happens, everyone is leisurely and happy, but when something happens, we have to go out and work hard."

"I understand." Garen said clearly.

The two of them moved forward, turning countless turns, until the light above was a little dim, and the glass pillars on the stone wall could see through, and they could see the blue crystal water above their heads.

Finally, the front turned into a small passage, which contained two opposite rooms, with two brass nameplates hanging on each.

Garen glanced at the words on the nameplate. One is red and one is orange.

He was pulled by the fat man into an underground room on the left.

There was a long conference table in the room, with four or five people sitting sparsely around the table. They were all wearing lighter gray skirts and armor, and each of them had a hood and a low expression.

Seeing Garen coming in, these people didn't say anything. They were just doing their own things. Two women chatted together, and two men, one old and one young, were discussing something. Another one simply crossed his legs on the table, pulled down his hood to cover his face, and purred faintly.

"This is your red team. From today on, they are your team members. If I have anything else to do, I will leave first. You can do it yourself." The fat man said nothing and fled in a hurry.

"What do you mean I'm doing it myself?" Garen hadn't yet figured out the specific situation. Watching the fat man run away through the door, he couldn't help but feel a strange feeling in his heart.

He stood at the door and saw a circle of people in the room doing their own thing. No one paid any attention to him. These people occupied all the chairs intentionally or unintentionally, leaving no one for him to sit on.

"Who knows the situation? Can you tell me what's going on?" Garen showed a harmless smile.

The old man and the young man who were discussing some issue in the room paused for a moment. The white-haired old man raised his head and glanced at him with squinted eyes.

"Young man, are you the new team leader here?"

"According to what the fat man said, I am indeed." Garen showed his badge.

"You should go back and forth from where you came." The old man shook his head, "This place is not something that a young boy like you can enter."

Garen smiled and didn't say much.

"Isn't this the group I'm responsible for?"

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