Mysterious journey

Chapter 371 Travel 1

After looking at An Lu's body, Garen raised his hand and swallowed the body whole with an invisible mouth.

"This is the best way to destroy corpses and eliminate traces." He turned around and left the secret room with satisfaction.

Next, it’s time to consider the response of the Black Sky Society.

Killing an undercover agent who was thought to be an elemental general was obviously a huge blow to the Black Sky Society's plan. But they probably don't know who killed them specifically. Even if Jace and Anlu's crystal balls were shattered at the same time on the same day, it might make them think that two generals were killed at the same time.

There is no way to know the specific reaction of the other party, but Garen is not very worried about the other party's revenge. When the royal capital was still the territory of the royal alliance, Black Sky Society did not dare to act rashly and act haphazardly.

Not to mention that the powerful team of the secret agency is responsible for the security of the royal capital. This is just the secret side. There are also national agencies on the front. The most powerful branch of the Silver Knights of the national agency is also stationed in the royal capital of Kuwaitan. This powerful and mysterious team only has a small number of members, but every member is an absolute top powerhouse. Together with the secret agency, one in the dark and one in the dark, he is responsible for the high-end defense of the entire royal capital.

The last mathematical institution, Galleon, is not very familiar to me, but it is a more mysterious department. What kind of technology is inside, how much strength it has, everything is unclear.

The three major agencies each perform their own duties, just like three major countries within a country, each occupying a territory. Representing the powerful alliance of great nobles from various countries. They are the most fundamental foundation of the royal alliance.

But even he can kill Princess Anlu in a very short time, so it's better to be careful in this regard.

"In the current royal capital, the three major agencies, Black Sky Society, and members of the royal family are mixed together, and the situation is a bit complicated. I am now in a secret agency, and Black Sky Society should not dare to do anything too blatantly. And they don't know about me. I think there shouldn't be any problem with my identity. I'd better go on a mission to increase my attribute points to the full level and reach the level of a nine-headed dragon."

He calmed down and used his hidden strength.

Not to mention that the eight-headed dragon on the surface belongs to the fourth type of totem and has extremely powerful abilities, and his body hidden deep in the depths is even stronger. There is no need to worry as much as before.

On the contrary, there are two secret treasures mentioned by An Lu, one is absolute protection and stays on the king's finger, which is the ancient Yinduo secret treasure. The other imitation secret treasure is definitely much weaker, but it should be pretty good. After all, the ultimate secret treasure, as a second-level item, is worthy of so many people's efforts to imitate, and its power is naturally not bad.

He was indeed a little moved. But when I think about the complicated situation in the capital now, it's best not to get involved until the situation is clear.

"Forget it, let's hang out in the secret agency for a while first. I'd rather not get involved in the assassination. I'll focus on killing my potential points." Garen made up his mind and didn't think about it anymore.

Next, he quickly went to the villa An Lu mentioned and rescued Lala who was imprisoned there.

No more explanation was given to her, and Lala seemed very calm. The girl seemed to be getting calmer and calmer after following Garen along the way.

Quietly returning to the manor, Garen returned to his previous regular life. The time for waiting for the travel mission has arrived.


Deep in the palace of the royal capital, in a gorgeous white bedroom.

The first princess is a slender and indifferent woman with golden curly hair. She is currently wearing a white tight skirt that highlights her perfect waist, and she is standing in front of a huge full-length mirror.

Two maids behind her were arranging her cylindrical golden hair curls, which were layered on top of each other and woven into gorgeous cylinders like gold jewelry.

A large amount of long golden hair was braided into curls, which bounced from time to time as Princess Di Lusi's body swayed.

"Your Excellency, Master Hongju's deduction device has been destroyed." A maid's lips moved slightly, but her voice was directly sent to the ears of the first princess. She lowered her head and combed her blond hair, as if she was concentrating on nothing.

Di Lusi narrowed her eyes.

"What's going on? Where's Dida? Isn't he guarding Hongju?"

"Dida is dead. Everyone around Hongju was attacked at the White Bird Tower around ten o'clock this morning. Hongju's whereabouts are unknown, and all the others died." The maid picked up the black hair accessory and put the crown on the princess. .

Di Lusi pondered slightly. "Hongju's deducer is broken. I just received news that Jace's deducer is also broken. It can't be such a coincidence. Inform Mahakala and find out what's going on."


"In the future, don't pass military matters to me. Please pass them directly to Shenyun Military Headquarters. Be careful of being discovered by that old guy from Vesga."

"Understood. The Minister of Defense went to inspect the defense line today." The maid blinked and showed a smile.


Tens of thousands of kilometers away from the royal capital, in a dark underground cave.

The cave walls were covered in a pale silver creeping shimmer, providing a faint glimmer of light in the darkness.

Suddenly, the silver on the cave wall squirmed, like viscous liquid dripping down, and several clumps fell down.

These silver liquids slowly twisted and soon formed a complete human shape, a clear human shape that seemed to be composed of mercury.

There are no facial features, the face is just flat, and everything is condensed into the figure, looking like a silver sculpture.

This is a female figure with long shawl hair. She walked slowly to the center of the cave.

"Dear Lord Shenyun, there is news from Di Lusi that the crystal deduction devices of two elemental generals broke at the same time. We need to ask people from Mahakala to investigate what happened."

She was the only one in the cave, and there was no one, but there was a sound coming from the top of the cave.

The silver cave wall actually squirmed and bulged into a huge silver face, a clear face of a man, but there were two black holes at the eyes.

"I already know about this matter. The people in Mahakala have come to the conclusion that the Kuwaitan side is temporarily left to the elite department Dilusi to take charge of the arrangements. Those two people are already dead. How dare someone dare to openly attack me? People will take action. Anya, who are the nearest generals in the royal capital?"

"There is Schindler who is in charge of the Kweita District, and Ariel who is currently entangled with the national organization Silver Knights. Together with Dilusi, this is the entire existing force of Kweita." The silver woman answered respectfully. . "In order to encircle and suppress the blood tower of the Mathematical Institution, our losses this time were too serious. Three generals died from exhaustion."

"But the situation in Ennit has been completely stabilized. Hmph! If it weren't for this guy from the Blood Tower, I couldn't separate myself at a critical moment. The situation this time is very complicated. Anlu has no ability to resist at all. Jace had already been in Titan City. She just disappeared, and her deduction device has been used by outsiders. Now on the side of Mahakala, our Shenyun Military Department has become a complete laughing stock! I don’t know that my general’s deduction device has been used by outsiders for so long. "

The silver-faced voice became increasingly gloomy.

"But to be able to kill Anlu without any injuries, at least he has the strength of Type 4 or higher than the spiritual light level. You let Medea go over and lead Schindler and Ariel. You don't need to return that thing for the time being. Just go and kill it. The guy pretending to be Jess. I allow her to mobilize all the unplanned forces around her. In addition, Mahakala will pass you some information on the characteristics of past murderers."

"I will convey your meaning immediately." The silver woman bowed slightly and melted into a puddle of silver liquid.


A few days later, the royal capital of Kuwaitan

Behind the royal capital, next to the clock tower, the tallest building, is a gray-black rock cliff.

The cliff is covered with large and dense green woods. From a distance, it looks like a large patch of moss covering the top of the cliff.

In the middle of these dense woods, on the edge of a small clear lake, stood several figures in black.

Among them were old people, children, two young girls, and two young men. Six people in total.

The golden midday sun shines down from above the trees, reflecting the real golden water light on the lake, making it slightly dazzling.

These six people wore uniform black skirts and armor with hoods. Their faces could not be seen clearly, but they only revealed different figures and a little bit of skin.

"Have you brought everything?" the old man asked in a low voice. "The place we are going to this time is the only way for the Black Prince to pass. At the same time, in addition to this mission, we also have a new mission that needs to be solved. Nine heads, please tell me."

A well-proportioned young man nodded, it was Garen with a gentle smile on his face. A trace of his long blond hair peeked out from the hood, and his face was completely hidden in the shadow of the hood. Like everyone else, everyone's face seemed a little blurry and distorted, as if it was a special effect of the armor.

Garen cleared his throat.

"Yesterday there was another new news from above, from the deputy director.

Around our mission area, a superior noble sent a distress signal, hoping that we could go to rescue him, as long as we clear out the cluster of monsters around him. "

"It's a high-ranking noble again. It's really troublesome." Mao Mao, one of the two women, pouted boredly, "Every time I go on a mission, I get rescued by the way. We really think we are free labor!"

"Anyway, it's just a way. We will go straight to the destination and then come back directly. We don't need to delay any time. There are only two of us."

Garen smiled.

"I don't care." Hong San crossed his arms and was still yawning.

"I am the same as Brother Hongsan." The child has always followed Hongsan.

As for foxes, they generally don't talk.

"Then it's settled." The old man took out the map and unfolded it. The finger points to a newly marked red dot. "Remember this place, and just clean up the monster cluster there when you go there. Leave this to the children. Is everyone okay with it?"

"It doesn't matter, the kid just needs a mission point, it's okay to give it to him." Mao Mao said in a rare good tone.

The others had no objection either.

"Thank you, brothers and sisters." The child smiled and thanked.

Garen glanced at the child curiously. This little guy who is only half his height, probably no more than thirteen or fourteen years old, is actually so popular in the team.

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