Mysterious journey

Chapter 372 Travel 2

I stayed in the manor for several days and didn't receive any movement.

It was finally time to go on a mission.

Under the arrangement of the old man, all the members of the red team of the secret organization decided to gather at the back of the capital, close to the tallest building, the clock tower.

Here is a cliff with a green forest and a small lake on it.

"Okay, let's go down." The old man nodded and took the lead towards the outside of the woods.

The others followed suit.

Garen followed the team at the back unhurriedly, looking around at the surrounding situation.

The woods are all covered with short-legged trees. At a glance, they are sparse and sparse. The sunlight falls on the green vegetation, revealing a gleaming emerald green sheen.

The six of them walked out of the woods and walked directly to the edge of the cliff.

The old man took the lead and unexpectedly turned his steps and walked down from the end of the cliff, as if he had jumped directly from the cliff. Garen was shocked.

The others followed closely, with Garen walking at the back until he reached the end of the cliff and looked down.

The buildings below the cliff are like exquisite black boxes, less than the size of a palm.

Only then did he realize that there was a stone step diagonally downwards built on the cliff at his feet. The old man in front has already walked a long distance.

The stone steps are close to the cliff, like a groove dug out of the black cliff, extending downward.

Garen glanced at the fox in front of him. He was not surprised at all. He had obviously seen such a battle before.

He hurriedly followed, walking along the stone steps to the lower right step by step.

Grasping the black stone railing on the left, a cold feeling suddenly came from his palm, and Garen walked down the steep stone steps.

On the left side of the stone staircase passage, a large amount of high cold wind blew in, with the hood constantly flipping and making a snapping sound.

The six of them were silent and walked down quietly.

On the black cliff, the stone staircase passage is like a crack on the cliff, extending from the top of the cliff to the middle.

The six people walked inside, like black ants crawling in the cracks of the stones, silently and inconspicuously.

Walked for about two minutes.

What suddenly opened up in front was a wide, spherical hall. On the central ground is a huge bird's nest with a diameter of more than ten meters.

The bird's nest is made of earth-yellow dead tree trunks and is oval-shaped. There is a huge black bird lying inside. The giant bird looks like an enlarged version of a crow. It is completely pitch black, except for a pair of shockingly yellow eyes, which shine brightly and glow with yellow light in the somewhat dark cave.

The giant bird is more than seven meters long, lying quietly in the nest, with a natural depression on its back.

The old man walked over first, and the black light array under his feet flashed away. With a ding sound, his whole body jumped slightly, as if a spring was added to his feet. When he flew into the air, the black light array under his feet lit up again, pushing him right into the depression on the back of the giant bird.

"Everyone has a black crow, follow me and don't fall behind." He shouted loudly from a high place.

Immediately, everyone moved towards the surrounding walls of the cave, where there were tunnels connecting other caves.

Garen also picked one and walked over. After walking along the tunnel for a while, there was another huge black crow lying in the nest. Black Crow glanced at him, his yellow eyes flashing with a fierce light, but he immediately felt the special aura on his body and became docile.

Garen touched the diamond ring on his hand. This ring was made of black metal and inlaid with four yellow diamonds arranged in a rhombus shape.

"As expected of the three major institutions, there are many good things."

Garen touched the ring, and a black light array flashed under his feet, like a disc spring, erupting with a gentle elasticity.

Taking advantage of this power, Garen jumped up and stepped on his foot again in mid-air. The black light array flashed again and gently fell into the depression on the black crow's back.

There is warmth in the depression, and it is soft under your feet when you stand. There are large feathers in front for you to hold on to.

"Kyuto, are you ready?"

The old man's voice came from his pocket.

Garen opened his waist bag and took out a small round black box from which the sound came from.

"Ready," he whispered back.

"This is your first time riding the Black Crow. Please pay attention to safety and keep in touch at all times." The old man warned.

"No matter what he does, he won't even get out of here early!" Mao Mao didn't know why he disliked Garen, and he always felt unhappy with him.

"Hurry up. If you come back early, you can catch up with dinner tonight." Hong Umbrella was still yawning, and his voice came out clearly from the black box.

"Then let's go." The old man agreed.

Garen clapped the yellow diamond ring on his hand, and the black crow at his feet suddenly trembled slightly.

The black crow stood up from its nest and ran forward quickly.

Bang bang bang!

After several steps, a white light suddenly lit up in front of him.


There was the sound of a black crow spreading its wings, and its huge wings more than ten meters fluttered out of the cave.

It flew out of the irregular circular hole, pressed an arc downward, and shot straight into the sky.

On the black cliff, six black crows rushed out of the cave one after another, fluttering their wings and soaring into the sky. Draw six rounded flight arcs.

Woo~~~~! Ha ha! !

A kitten's meowing sound came from the left.

Garen's eyes adjusted to the sudden dazzling sunlight, facing the strong wind, and squinted to look around.

He felt like he was tilting upwards, with strong cold wind hitting his face and pouring into his nostrils and neck.

Everything around him was skewed and swaying.

He clutched the black feather tightly, conveyed the order to the black crow to follow the black crow in front, and stopped paying attention.

With a whoosh, the fox's black crow passed by from the right side and rushed to the front very quickly. Then he was caught up by the kitten again, and the two of them chased each other. After a few times, only two small black spots were left.

"You two, don't fall behind!" The old man's voice came from the black box.

Garen turned back and looked down.

The royal capital below is already only the size of a palm.

The entire royal capital is deep among the mountains, surrounded by isolated cities, as if it were a city built on the top of the mountains. It seems mysterious and ancient.

The royal capital is getting smaller and smaller, getting further and further away. Garen's hood can no longer be covered, and is torn off by the strong wind, and his long golden hair dances wildly in the wind.

"Be careful, we are about to enter the clouds." The old man's voice came from the black box.

Garen pinned the black box to his collar, just enough that the box could be pinned to the golden iris and hung firmly.

The voice has not yet fallen.

Before Garen could answer, he felt a large white cloud coming toward him, wet and cold, as if someone was spraying water mist on him.

The surrounding area turned completely white.

Ga! !

Ahead the black crow cawed.

Ga! Ga! !

The black crow under the seat also made a strange cry.

The crows seemed to use this as a signal to locate each other.

The rumbling sound echoed in the ears and lasted for half a minute.

Finally, there was a crash in front of my eyes, and it instantly broke through the clouds.

The golden sun hangs quietly in the deep blue sky in the distance, with a vast sea of ​​white clouds below.

Some of the sea of ​​clouds are sunken, and you can see the mountains below the clouds as thin as a sand table.

Some clouds protrude like strange-shaped pillars. Other clouds are just balls of cotton, floating independently.

Above the vast and boundless clouds, six huge black crows were like six sesame dots, fluttering their wings inconspicuously.

"We need to continue flying for two hours, and the place is a bit far. Pay attention to your pockets, don't be blown away." The old man warned without boredom.

Garen looked back towards where he came from. Suddenly he was slightly startled.

Above the Royal Capital, looking from a distance, the entire sky above the Royal Capital is filled with a gray-black halo.

This kind of halo is like mist, floating and lingering directly above the entire royal capital. At the same time, a large number of black tentacles are faintly detected, floating in the surrounding air.

"Did you see it? Jiutou." The old man's voice came again. "That is the strongest defensive formation in the Royal Capital. Without permission, no bird creature can pass through the heights of the Royal Capital."

"It's spectacular." Garen praised.

The black crows flew forward in parallel, forming a herringbone formation.

Time passed by minute by minute, and soon more than half an hour passed.

"Everyone, be careful. The Xinongfa defense line is about to appear in front, and there may be high-altitude monster attacks." This time it was the voice of Red Umbrella. The young man rarely yawned.

Garen also cheered up slightly and increased his vigilance.

Not long after the reminder, two strange birds suddenly rushed up from under the sea of ​​clouds in front.

Wow! Wow! !

A strange cry like a child's cry came from the front.

The strange bird is purple and black, looks like a vulture, has a snake-like neck, and has four red eyes on its head.

The two strange birds were about seven or eight meters in size. As soon as they rushed up, they saw six giant black crows that were more than ten meters long. They suddenly panicked, turned around and jumped down into the clouds, disappearing.

"It's a four-eyed bird, one of the few monsters that can fly up to seven or eight thousand meters in the air. It can be compared to the more powerful existence of the second-type totem. But unfortunately, we are sitting on the more powerful giant black crow. One If you stare down with death, you can kill these two little guys instantly." The old man smiled in a relaxed mood, more like he was explaining to Garen.

"I originally wanted to try the meat quality of the four-eyed bird, but it runs so fast every time!" came the bored voice of the kitten.

"The front is the low-altitude zone, the airspace of that perverted monster. Please follow me and lower your altitude." The old man said loudly.

"I know." "As always, Brother Red Umbrella is the last."

Everyone replied one after another.

Garen was a little curious as to what kind of monster it was that could actually make the Type 3 totem masters of the secret agency give in. But Gao Kong didn't take the initiative to ask.

The Black Crow followed closely in front and suddenly sank down, lowering its altitude and diving down.


Suddenly plunged into the vast sea of ​​white clouds.

A lot of moisture rushes towards you.

More than ten seconds later, the clouds burst open, revealing a large white mountain range below, interspersed with dark green forests and lakes.

The black crows swooped down and flew towards the mirror-like lake. The lake reflected the white clouds, clear and pure.

Several huge black turtles were basking in the sun by the lake, like pieces of black stone, heavy and clumsy.

A group of light yellow sika deer were drinking water by the trunk of a fallen dead tree, taking small sips and moving their ears sensitively from time to time.

call! !

Six huge black crows rushed down and passed by the mirror-like blue lake. The strong wind caused the lake water to ripple, causing large ripples.

The sika deer screamed and fled from the lake in a hurry. The black turtle simply retracted its head into its shell and remained motionless, pretending to be dead.

Garen stood on the back of the black crow, watching the lake quickly retreating, and the bottom quickly turned into a forest. A large number of birds were frightened and flew up, fleeing in groups to both sides.

I actually saw three female campers roasting something around a campfire below. When two of them heard the sound, they immediately stood up and looked up into the air, their mouths wide open, as if they had seen a ghost.

"Woo~~~!" The kitten meowed strangely again.

Six giant black crows flew through the woods, causing large leaves to rustle.

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