Mysterious journey

Chapter 377 Context 1

The sky was bright and bright, and a ray of sunshine on the horizon dyed the clouds into a small patch of pale gold.

In an abandoned city near a pumpkin farm.

Black and gray buildings line up one after another, silently. The surface of the building was dark and dull, some doors and windows were smashed, and only a few remnants were left hanging on them.

In the central square, the sculpture in the middle of the circular fountain is slightly tilted. The ground on the right side has sunk, and a deep crack appears. It is as if someone made a crack with a knife from a short distance and hit the fountain pool, shaking the sculpture.

To the left of the fountain pool is an oval-shaped lawn, with only the base of a statue in the middle. The sculpture is missing.

The grass was covered with black and green hay, lifeless and lifeless. The sides are connected with iron chains and short stone pillars to form guardrails.

Next to the guardrail, a tall man in black armor was standing.

He stepped on a short stone pillar and scanned the surroundings carefully.

The whole city was silent, and in the distance there was a faint creaking sound of doors and windows being blown and swayed by the wind.

The man pulled off his hood, revealing a handsome fair face, with silky blond hair draped over his shoulders, and three vermilion birthmarks clearly visible between his eyebrows. It was Garen who followed the silver-faced man who led the escape.

He looked around, as if listening carefully for some sound.

A faint golden halo shone from behind and landed at his feet, illuminating half of the withered grass.

"Come out, I've seen you." Garen said loudly and calmly. The sound spread far and wide, creating real echoes in the city.

"You have been running away for a day, and you have exhausted all the means you can use. I don't believe you still have that kind of short-distance positioning and teleportation." Garen retracted his feet and slowly walked around the fountain pool.

Suddenly, the black mud at the bottom of the fountain pool moved slightly.

Wow! !

With a piercing scream, the mud suddenly flew away, and a blood-red shadow shot out from it, heading straight towards Garen.


The air behind Garen was slightly distorted, and it slammed the red shadow back as if it were real, and then fell back into the mud.

The red shadow rolled several times in the mud, got up dizzy, and then revealed its entire appearance.

Astonishingly, he was a half-length man covered in blood, with only his upper body and no lower body. There was no other part at all from the waist down, as if someone had cut him off at the waist.

This blood-red halfling has blood-red skin and strong muscles. The head is like a locust, with a long face and two straight tentacles on the top of the head. There are hard shells on the surface of the body, as if it is wearing a layer of armor.

The halfling was only half a human tall. After rolling on the ground several times, he shook his head and stood up. He actually floated directly in mid-air. There was no support for his lower body, so he just floated directly in mid-air.

He raised two sharp claws and rushed towards Garen again. Halfway through the rush, his upper body was bitten hard by an invisible giant mouth.

Crack! !

With a crisp sound, the halfling directly shattered into countless red chips and scattered on the ground. Soon, all the chips completely melted and turned into pools of blood that penetrated into the ground.

"The fifteenth one." Garen frowned slightly.

Ever since he left the red team, he had been chasing the silver-faced man who led the team, arriving here directly from the pumpkin farm. I chased him all night.

In this seemingly dead city, there are actually such blood-red half-length creatures everywhere. They are everywhere, hiding in any possible corner, and often pounce out suddenly to attack visitors.

These half-length monsters are very fast. If they were replaced by totem masters who generally do not specialize in speed, it would be impossible to cope with them and they would have to fight hard. But Garen was different. His powerful five senses and terrifying accuracy of secret weapons made him invulnerable with just two dragon heads to defend himself. Two invisible dragon mouths with a diameter of more than one meter are exactly like two shields, surrounding Garen for defense at any time.

Moreover, this kind of half-length monster is not very powerful. At most, it is at the level of an ordinary type-1 totem. It can be used against ordinary people, but Galleons are not.

Even if he stood there and let them hit him, he wouldn't know if he could break through the defense after hitting him for several hours.

Suddenly, there was a familiar sound of footsteps deep in the city, hurried and tired. The sound was very weak, and I didn’t know how far away it was.

But Garen obviously heard it, a smile appeared on his face, and he walked directly in the direction of the sound. It seemed that the speed was very slow, but each step covered a distance of several meters, which was equivalent to the speed of an average person running at full speed.

The opponent probably has no energy left, and can't even maintain the barely accelerated acceleration technique. Without the assistance of the totem, he can only run with both feet.

Garen estimated that even if he let him go, he would not be able to survive for long in this dangerous city. This city was not the only one with the same type of monsters.

They hadn’t chased him very far, and the footsteps in front of him became clearer and clearer.

Far ahead, a small black dot had just entered an abandoned library building.

The library is in the shape of a mountain, with three spiers on the top. In front of the door are two black and gray statues with human figures and bat wings.

Garen quickly chased after him, his footsteps echoing in the empty city, as if there were many people running together.

Mars! !

Like the roar of a big man, a dull and huge roar came from the library. Even the ground shook violently, and some small stones were actually vibrated by the sound.

The sound seemed to be a language, but also seemed to be a meaningless roar.

Bang! !

With the sound of glass crashing, a figure shot out from the library, flew backwards and drew a parabola, and fell heavily on a sculpture in front of the library. After a muffled sound, it rolled down from the sculpture and fell on its back. Lying on the ground.

It was the silver-faced man in black who ran into the library just now.

He was panting heavily, lying on the ground and trying to straighten up, but his waist seemed to be twisted and he couldn't get up at all.

boom! Bang bang! !

There were heavy footsteps in the library, and it seemed like there was some huge monster walking back and forth.

Soon, the footsteps disappeared and everything returned to silence.

Garen glanced at the library from a distance. He didn't know what kind of monster was hidden there. Looks very powerful.

But his first goal is to catch the Silver Masked Man.

With a step of his foot, a black afterimage emerged from his entire body, spanning hundreds of meters in an instant, and stood directly in front of the silver-masked man.

The other party also saw the sudden appearance of a figure. The shadow covered his head and appeared from behind.

He suddenly froze.

"You finally came after me." Under the mask, his voice sounded extremely bitter. "According to the noble decree, I have the right to pay for my actions in exchange for my life and freedom. I hope that your Excellency, who is also a noble, will allow me to redeem myself."

"What's in there?" Garen did not answer, but looked towards the library with interest.

The other party was taken aback by his jumping ability, and then he reacted. "I don't know." He smiled bitterly.

"I just came here last week, and this monster didn't even exist at that time, and now it suddenly appeared. It was like it suddenly jumped out of the cracks in the rocks. Obviously we have surveyed the surrounding area, and there is no such giant monster within hundreds of kilometers. monster."

"You don't know?" Garen was slightly startled, "Didn't you create these monsters?"

"That's right." The silver-faced man shook his head, "But after the people in Mahakala discovered the black copper mine, everything seemed to be out of control. I dare to swear that I was involved in the big black copper mine in Mahakala." Some of the monster experiments have never seen a monster in such a form. Never!"

Garen suddenly recalled the existence of urban trolls. If the urban trolls were also created by the Black Sky Society's monster experiments, no one would believe that the Key Black Sky Society could create such powerful monsters and could unify the world long ago. .

"You just said black copper ore? What is that?" He asked again. This was something he had never heard of.

The silver-faced man secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"If you promise not to kill me, I will tell you everything I know."

"Okay." Garen nodded in agreement. "I still need you to help me contact other members of the Black Sky Club, so why am I willing to kill you?"

The silver-faced man was stunned for a moment. Looking at Garen's natural expression, he was speechless for a moment.

"I regret it extremely now. If I had known that this matter was so difficult, I would never have acted without permission."

"Tell me, what is black copper ore?" Garen asked calmly.

The silver-faced man managed to get up from the ground, leaned his back on the sculpture base, and took a breath.

"Black copper mine can be said to be the source of mutation of all monsters. I was a senior workshop master who first conducted experiments in Mahakala, so I know these secrets very well."

He took out a small bottle of red liquid from his arms.

"Do you mind if I take some medicine?"

"Of course." Garen nodded, "Your health is in very bad shape. Even if you can still run, I can catch you again."

The silver-faced man smiled bitterly.

"Initially, we found an abandoned altar underground in a ruins. The altar was entirely made of a metal that was neither gold nor silver. The whole body was pitch black, but it was not the iron we are familiar with. Copper. A prospector of Mahakala was the first to discover the altar, and then after discovering this brand-new metal, the entire Mahakala became interested. We sent a large number of researchers into the altar to study this strange metal .”

"The altar itself has no function. It has been aged for a long time and has been completely abandoned. But after cutting and studying the metal used to make the altar, scholars made an astonishing discovery."

"What discovery?" Garen was also aroused by him.

"They discovered that the properties of this metal are very similar to copper, so they simply named it black copper. Not only the altar, but also there is an amazing black copper mine under the altar." The silver-faced man smiled bitterly again, "This black copper metal actually carries an amazing activity."


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