Mysterious journey

Chapter 378 Context 2

"Yes, just a little bit of this metal can corrode all parts and organs of any living thing. They will produce a special secreted substance that fills the living body, giving it terrifying properties that can resist the light of the totem. . Just like turning water into ice that is comparable to steel. You can imagine how excited the experts and scholars are about this weird and powerful ability to change. This is a discovery that spans the ages!" The silver-faced man shook his head, " So the crystal deducer came into being. We used the already mature resonance technology and combined with this black copper that corrodes living things to create the now well-known crystal deducer. But during the final experimental stage, an accident occurred."

Garen looked at him quietly, waiting for the next step.

"The accident was discovered by a humble ordinary scholar. He discovered an astonishing fact about black copper. This weird metal is actually causing the eroded monsters to evolve on their own! After he observed and confirmed, the black copper seemed to have His consciousness was average, and he seemed to know that he had been discovered, so he suddenly increased his evolution speed. By the time the scholar raised the alarm, other combat-ready totem masters arrived, and it was already too late. The monsters that had successfully evolved had a powerful power that exceeded the control of the base. , they massacred twenty-five base strongholds of Mahakala. A large number of monsters escaped from the base, and we were unable to control them at all."

"So, the release of mutated monsters this time was not deliberately released in order to return the world to the correct concept as you claimed? But it was a fundamental accident from beginning to end?" Garen asked in a deep voice.

"It's just what you think." The silver-faced man replied weakly. "So, the situation is now completely out of our control. Powerful monsters that have never been seen before suddenly appear in many areas, and some strange phenomena that have never been seen before appear. We don't know what is going on. All existing scholars are After diligent research, they finally came to an astonishing conclusion. The activity contained in black copper seemed to be rapidly changing the natural circulation system of the entire world. They proposed an astonishing proportion formula. Bafito's formula. Every time a black copper is produced, Polluted organisms will release an influence that is enough to mutate five identical organisms. This is an evolutionary formula obtained through everyone's calculation and modeling. There is a very complicated process in the middle, but the result is this."

"But we knew this, but we still couldn't help but continue to create our own power, so that the pollution and corrosion of black copper became more and more serious. Until the high-level evolutionary totem appeared, the same high-level totem actually appeared in the world. Naturally mutated creatures, when we discovered them, these naturally mutated creatures evolved faster than us, and the situation was completely out of control. Some monsters have evolved to a point that we cannot deduce."

"Then are there some invisible but extremely powerful monsters?" Garen asked again.

"Indeed, this phenomenon only appeared shortly after the situation was out of control. Scholars of Mahakala discovered that the new natural circulation system established by black copper in a short period of time seemed to have become confusing in many places, and it appeared in many places It is an incomprehensible natural phenomenon, just like the sound of music on a pumpkin farm." The silver-faced man is still very good in professional knowledge, and the clarity of his explanations is comparable to that of Lei Lan.

"So where can I find this kind of black copper?" Garen suddenly became interested in the metal from this source.

"A small amount of black copper is incorporated into the crystal deduction device. However, if you want to get the sample metal from the source, you must go to Mahakala. This metal is strictly controlled by them, although every time a monster is created, it may cause natural mutations of five But this is like a poisonous dove flower. As long as there is a first time, there will be a second and third time, and then we will be trapped in it and unable to extricate ourselves. In order to fight against the extremely powerful royal alliance, we have no choice. The royal family The Alliance's Council of Elders governs the three major agencies. It is a long-standing organization that has not changed for thousands of years. If those perverted monsters hadn't restrained the Council of Elders and most of the attention of the three major agencies were on monsters, we wouldn't have had so much time to calm down. Lay out and develop your own strength.”

Garen heard a new word again.

"What kind of organization is the Council of Elders?" He had never seen this organization appear in the original history.

"It is the highest decision-making organization of the Royal Alliance and the most powerful group of existences among all the royal families of the alliance. They are a huge shadow that has shrouded the Eastern and Western continents for thousands of years. No matter what changes, they are inseparable from their behind-the-scenes promotion. The Royal Family In fact, the three major agencies were originally loose organizations. Without the unification of the Council of Elders, it would have been impossible to form an organization like the three major agencies. Countries have long been working on their own and conquering each other." The silver-faced man looked at Garen in surprise, "I guess It is because you have joined the three major agencies for too short a time. Those with higher levels and longer qualifications will have the opportunity to participate in the agency arbitration conference every twenty years to balance and correct the behaviors and mistakes of various countries. Prevent royal alliances Internal wasted strength.”

"Then why have I never seen anyone from the Council of Elders you mentioned? Is it possible that so many strong men have disappeared?" Garen asked in surprise. "Why are they missing from so many major events?"

"They are all underground. The most powerful monsters are lurking underground, and they are still evolving. The Xinongfa defense line they created is an extension of the underground defense line on the surface. Otherwise, you think so many totem masters and manpower can resist it. Invasion of monsters? Back then, our Black Sky Society had even killed one of the most powerful elemental generals. Once those monsters rushed into the underground of human cities, the consequences would be disastrous. If our Black Sky Society were not hidden deep enough , hidden enough, these monsters have long since found and killed them."

Garen finally got a rough idea of ​​the situation. Originally, he was wondering why the Royal Alliance didn't seem to be very strong, but the Black Sky Society didn't dare to take action head-on, and only dared to do dirty tricks secretly. It turned out that there was also an Elders Council on top. Hold on.

"Come with me, let's go in and take a look." Garen pondered for a moment, then looked up at the huge library building in front.

The silver-faced man smiled bitterly but remained silent. He knew this was an order rather than a question. He was feeling a little better after just drinking the recovery potion. He managed to stand up, and the white totem light on his body became bright again. Apparently the restorative potion also had an effect on the totem light.

Garen took the lead towards the library door.

From the outside, we can see that all the slender vertical strip windows of the library are broken in rows. Only some broken glass fragments remain on the windows. Only one of the doors is hanging at the door, and the other half is covered by something unknown. Most of the thing was chewed away, revealing a rough black metal section inside.

Walking into the door, the light golden light beam in the early morning was projected from the left window and fell on the ground. You could faintly see the dust floating in the air.

There were broken and crooked benches everywhere on the ground, the black marble floor was full of cracks and gravel, and there were several large pits, more than one meter deep, filled with honeycomb stone that had melted and solidified like magma.

In the middle of the hall stands a large silver ball, more than two meters in diameter, supported by a thick white stone pillar below.

The entire surface of the sphere is densely covered with writings of various colors, which seem to be messages from previous visitors.

Garen carefully avoided the deep pit and walked towards the big ball directly in front.

Gently stroking the various handwriting on the ball, it was written in an incomprehensible language, which seemed to be the unique language of this small country.

Garen searched for a while, but found no message that he could recognize.

After looking at it for a while, he gave up. He took back his hand, but was shocked to find that his fingers were covered with a thin layer of black ash. The black ash seemed to be corrosive, causing Garen's fingers to ache slightly.

He is now turning on the light of the totem, but toxic substances can actually come into contact with his skin without his permission?

You must know that the light of the totem is connected to the consciousness. When substances that may harm the body appear in the outside world, it will actively filter out such harmful substances. The same principle is applied to the enemy. Once an enemy appears that is hostile to oneself, the totem light will have the proper defensive effect.

This is equivalent to a layer of skin on the outside. It first senses whether external substances can harm the body. It is directly connected to consciousness, and the body also has a certain independent judgment system.

When the workshop masters and silver lantern masters first made the totem, they took the lead in designing a working operation core. This is one of the most basic components of the original totem. Once it becomes a core totem, this core component ability will be enabled.

But now there is actually a substance that can break through this layer of selective defense and hurt Garen's skin. This made Garen somewhat incomprehensible. Although he didn't learn much from Teacher Aining, he was still an orthodox silver lantern master, and some basic principles were very clear.

He fell into thought slightly.

Bang! !

Suddenly a dull sound came from the right side.

Garen glanced sideways and was slightly startled.

He saw a strong black horse staring at him with blood-red eyes.

The black horse's mane is like a lion's, constantly swaying randomly, and its body is extremely black, without a trace of color. From head to toe, you can faintly see the bright black reflective luster.

The most bizarre thing is that the back half of the black horse is not a flesh and blood body, but a huge black carriage carriage.

Its rear body is connected to the black carriage. It does not have two hind legs and is directly replaced by two huge black wheels on the carriage.

laugh! !

The black horse blew out a stream of air from its nostrils and blew it to the ground, blowing away large amounts of gravel and dust.

When Garen saw the black carriage, he was stunned for the first time.

"Is this...??!!" His mind suddenly recalled a name he had seen before.

"It's here again!!" The silver-faced man behind him suddenly screamed and hid behind Garen, looking extremely frightened.

"Is he very powerful?" Garen asked in a deep voice.

"It's so powerful, it's just abnormal!!" The silver-faced man said loudly, "I can't hit it at all! It can only hit me!" Thinking of the situation just now, he felt aggrieved. This dark horse is not very fast. , but it can move instantaneously and can pass through any physical object. However, if it really hits an enemy, it will cause substantial impact damage. It's so weird.

"I didn't expect such a thing to exist." Garen was not surprised. "I should have thought of it a long time ago, since there is even that."

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