Mysterious journey

Chapter 383 Intelligence 1

Eight slender and ferocious dragon heads, like red ribbons, suddenly descended from the sky and pounced on the people of the Black Sky Society below.


Amidst the subtle hissing sound, the golden airflow in mid-air suddenly condensed into eight small golden dots, blocking the front of the dragon head.

One gold and one red collided hard.

Roar! !

The manic roar of the eight-headed dragon echoed in the sky. The surrounding woods seemed to be swept by a hurricane. The huge sound waves shook off large leaves, forming a huge circular ripple that spread far in all directions.

Ouch! !

The main head of the eight-headed dragon looked up to the sky and roared, and its two thick and powerful forelimbs crawled out of the void and condensed into a solid body.

There were two muffled sounds, and the huge forelimbs fell to the ground with a crash.

The eight-headed dragon seemed to crawl out of the void step by step, and the body behind him gradually condensed into an entity inch by inch. The terrifying body that was more than twenty meters long shocked the hearts of all onlookers.

This terrifying beast seems to have crawled out of myths and legends, but now there is no hero or god to defeat it.

The three birthmarks on Garen's eyebrows were so red and black that they were almost bleeding.

He was suspended quietly in mid-air, and the huge eight-headed lizard dragon below was biting the golden air flow wildly.


Suddenly a crisp sound came.

A crack suddenly appeared in the light spot condensed by the golden air flow. Immediately afterwards, the cracks spread rapidly and became larger, covering the entire light spot in an instant.

There was a crash.

One of the light spots shattered.

Then the second, and the third.

The slender and ferocious dragon head drove straight in and pounced on the people of Heitian Society below.

Everyone in the black circle immediately ran away frantically, with streaks of red light shining, apparently using a special escape technique.

However, this technique can only speed up the attack for a short period of time. Before he could react, he was caught up by the faster eight-headed dragon and bit him in one bite.

Screams and exclamations became a chaotic mess, and a group of black-robed men were completely scattered for a while, fleeing and retreating in all directions.

Several men in black robes protected the old man and quickly fled towards the northwest. Their speed was much faster than the others. Several people seemed to form a black and red circular magic array, making the speed much faster for a while.

The old man in the circle looked towards Garen from a distance, and he seemed unusually calm, without any trace of panic. His eyes were thoughtful, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Garen also looked at the old man from a distance, quite surprised by the other man's calmness. From a distance, he saw the old man opening his lips, as if he was saying something with lip language.

"We will meet again."

An amused smile appeared on Garen's face.


However, there were so many Black Sky Club members present and a huge stone statue of a kobold, so it was difficult for him to pursue them.

The eight-headed dragon frantically bit the Black Sky Club members on the ground, almost one by one. Those who resisted and released their totems were bitten into two pieces by him, leaving them vulnerable to a single blow.

This is naked suppression at the rank level, with no power to resist.

Others wanted to run away, and the eight-headed dragon looked up to the sky and roared again.

Roar! ! !

The violent sound waves spread to the maximum range, like a tsunami rolled up by white sound waves. A huge white ring spread out.


In a forest in the distance, Ansel and three others rushed towards the branch.

They were running directly on foot, with a faint black light flowing under their feet, and their speed was astonishingly fast.

"We have to hurry up! Otherwise we won't be able to go back if the golden defense circle is activated!" the hoarse man said urgently.

"Otherwise, if we stay outside, the Mistcrows will definitely be repulsed, and it may be too late for us to go back now." Another man whispered.

"Not necessarily, this is the time for us to perform meritorious service!"

Ansel looked at the two people in front of him, and the idea in his mind became stronger and stronger.

The three of them also fell silent and hurried on their way.

Roar! ! !

Suddenly, a violent and dull roar came from the front.

boom! !

The leaves of the trees were severely crushed, and the sound waves brought an extremely powerful hurricane, severely blowing some big trees to their sides.

A white sound wave hit the three figures head-on.


Ansel couldn't hear anything all of a sudden. His whole head buzzed, and his ears were filled with the buzzing sound of a huge sound wave exceeding its limit. His mind was in chaos, his eyes were blurry, all the sights in front of him were blurred, and tears were flowing down the corners of his eyes.

The three of them were like little bugs in the wind and waves, being severely suppressed by the huge sound waves, as if they were weighed down by an extremely heavy boulder.

The three of them couldn't hear any sound at all, their eyes were blurred, and they had no choice but to hunch up and hug the trees and shrubs around them.

Strong wind and sound waves rushed from the front in waves, causing the clothes of the three people to pull back and shake wildly. If you don't pay attention, you will be blown away by the huge sound wave.

Big rocks and some thin tree trunks were directly picked up by the huge continuous sound and flung back violently. A large amount of grass, tree bark, some mutated bugs, and even a small group of jungle deer covered in white bone armor were all rolled up violently and thrown back. From time to time they hit the thick trees behind, making a dull and terrifying sound. Bone cracking sound.

The three of them hunched forward with difficulty, braving the hurricane of sound.

“What is this!!??”

The hoarse man shouted with difficulty.

Most of the trees in front were blown down, and the scene in the distance could be vaguely seen.

Ansel tried hard to raise his head and look forward.

Finally, the noise stopped and everything returned to calm.

There was a mess everywhere in the woods.

The three people gathered together with lingering fears.

"What on earth was that just now!? Was it the roar of some kind of monster?"

"I wonder, maybe it's the branch's secret weapon?"

Ansel was about to speak when his expression suddenly changed.

"Here we go again! Get down!!"

The words have not yet finished.

Roar! ! !

Another huge white sound wave crashed over. The three of them lay down on the ground to avoid being blown away by the huge sound wave and injured.

The terrifying sound waves carried with them extremely powerful airflow, without any totem light, hit the surface of their bodies hard.

This time it's much shorter. Within a few seconds, everything returned to calm.

The three of them no longer dared to move forward and stopped in place, hesitating for a moment.

"This is not far from the branch. We have to find a high place to see what is going on in the branch from a distance." Ansel suggested.

"Indeed, we can't move forward rashly." The hoarse man immediately agreed.

The three of them stepped back and quickly found a black hill. They quickly climbed up and looked towards the branch from the top of the hill.

"Oh my God! What is that!!??"

Ansel just stood up and looked into the distance, and his expression suddenly changed.

The other two people also stood up and looked at the sky in the direction of the branch. They were speechless for a while, only the sound of heavy breathing was left.

"What happened in the branch?" After a long time, the hoarse man whispered bitterly.

In the distant sky that the three of them looked at, the clouds above the branch had been completely blackened. There was a large clear black cloud hovering there. It turned out to be a flock of black birds composed of countless black crows, hovering and floating like black clouds. .

Under the black clouds, a huge red eight-headed lizard dragon twisted its eight heads wildly. Its slender snake-like neck looked down from time to time. Every time it lowered its head and raised it again, one or two more bodies of men in black robes would appear in its mouth. . Blood dripped down the edge of its huge mouth.

The eight-headed dragon was surrounded by countless black cloud crows, which were simply more ferocious than the most terrifying mutant monsters.

At this time, there was absolutely no movement at the location of the branch, except for the cheerful roar of the eight-headed lizard dragon from time to time.

Only then did the three of them notice the figure in black skirt and armor floating above the eight-headed lizard dragon.

From a distance of several kilometers, one could clearly see the blood-like red light on the figure's forehead.

"Is that the Mist Crow?" Ansel murmured.


The eight-headed lizard dragon raised its head and roared joyfully from time to time, indicating that Garen was in a good mood.

Although the entire branch below cannot see the situation underground, most of the Black Sky Club members on the ground have been eaten by the eight-headed dragon.

Recently, it seems that the eight-headed dragon has eaten too much.

Garen faintly felt that the eight-headed dragon seemed to begin to emit a faint poisonous gas and mist. This seems to be the waste dregs excreted after the eight-headed dragon digests it, but it is extremely corrosive.

And as soon as the eight-headed dragon is released, the gas will naturally spread out, corroding all hard objects around it.

It was even there around his body. This gas has a slightly fragrant aroma, which can make living things relax their vigilance and unknowingly fall into the danger of being corroded.

Garen suspected that this was probably an auxiliary ability that the final ninth head was about to evolve.

Soon, it finally calmed down below.

The kobold stone statue was tightly entangled in the fog crow formation. Because the Black Sky Society was defeated, it had no power and had to lie down on the ground, unable to move for a long time.

Garen glanced far away in two directions.

Hidden there were people from other forces who had arrived long ago. Judging from the aura composition, they should be members of the royal alliance. There may also be some civilians, ordinary noble totem masters and the like.

They hid in the woods where they thought they were safe, looking towards this side to watch the excitement.

But when Garen looked over, each of these people held their breath, deeply afraid of being discovered by him. The woods suddenly became silent, and even the sound of insects was cleared away.

Garen smiled. He did not intend to deal with Ennit's royal alliance, which belonged to a different system.

The other party obviously had no intention of coming over to say hello to him.

Suddenly Garen looked up to the sky on the right, where a group of black giant eagles flew from a distance, flying rapidly in his direction.

On the back of the giant eagle were figures covered in black skirts and armor, who were obviously members of the secret agency.

The aura on them was dim and unclear. It seemed weak, but it felt very strong.

Garen narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Let's go, Wind Chime."

The black light array under his feet flashed away, and his whole body shot down like an arrow, sinking into the forest sea.

In an instant, the huge eight-headed dragon turned into a red light and disappeared into the forest sea. Countless black fog crows circled and danced, quickly gathered together, and then disappeared somewhere in the forest below.

Garen and Feng Chime, who looked helpless, were wrapped in a small stream of black mist, quickly walking through the woods and leaving in the distance.

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