Mysterious journey

Chapter 384 Intelligence 2

"Isn't that someone from a secret agency? Why don't you go and meet them?" Feng Ling looked at Garen beside him and asked in a low voice. This guy seems to be in a good mood, and he probably won't get angry.

"I don't want to meet my colleagues so early yet. The three major agencies must have noticed something strange here when I took action. In other words, they already knew that the stronghold here was the Black Sky Society branch. They just didn't want to take action. "Garen explained with a smile.

"You know very well." Feng Chime smiled bitterly. "The three major institutions are indeed very powerful, but there are only so many people on the surface. The number of people with the strongest power can be counted on one hand. And some of them have joined our Black Sky Club a long time ago. No. , it can no longer be said that we are from the Black Sky Club. Now that I have done so much, I am no longer considered a member of the Black Sky Club. It is estimated that my bounty in the club will exceed tens of millions."

"Do you know the origin of this generation of presidents of the Black Sky Society?" Garen suddenly asked.

"You also discovered it." Feng Chime was not surprised. He sat down on the black mist behind him, which was like a soft sofa. He crossed his legs and was moved forward quickly by the black mist.

"The president, Onimon, was once one of the great nobles of Sannia. Rather than saying that the Black Sky Society is an independent organization, it is better to say that it is simply a part that broke away from the large aristocratic group. The elite members who make up the Black Sky Society, They are all outstanding elites in the aristocratic class. Because they were dissatisfied with the almost constant hegemony of the Royal Alliance, some of the noble geniuses ran away and formed the Black Sky Society. Others, because of different ideas, formed the Three Tribes with the support of the Council of Elders. A big agency. So, the nobility is the root of everything."

"Only nobles have such a strong accumulation of knowledge." Garen nodded in agreement, "Ordinary people have no way and are not qualified to have access to such top-notch technical knowledge."

"What are we going to do next?" Feng Chime looked at Garen on the left.

"How many strongholds have we eliminated?"

"With this, there are already nine. It is estimated that no matter whether it is the royal family, the Black Sky Society, or any other force, all your information must have been placed on the table of their intelligence department. Is this the fastest way to become famous? "Feng Chime couldn't understand Jia Lung anymore.

"It's a pity that giant stone statue. It would be great if it could be taken away." Garen suddenly touched his chin and changed the subject.


In the next four days, Garen and Fengzhong continued to attack the Black Sky Society's strongholds in Ennit Kingdom, but many of the strongholds were already empty. Apparently Black Sky Society has urgently gathered its manpower.

Except for the largest strongholds in Ennit, there are no people in the other branches.

The nickname "Eight-headed Mist Crow" replaced Garen's previous nickname of "Mist Crow" and was widely spread by some good people and those who watched the battle.

The eight poems represent the eight-headed lizard dragon, and the fog crows represent the black clouds and fog crows that fill the sky. These are the two most powerful features of Gallon.

His achievements were also unearthed one by one and sent to the heads of the intelligence departments of the major forces.

Because of its powerful speed, it fought in two countries in just a few days. It destroyed a Black Sky Society branch in Enite Mirror in just over ten minutes, without even having time to support the headquarters.

His strong strength and record made Garen famous overnight.

At this time, Garen also received a contact request from a nearby secret agency.


Garen and Feng Ling were sitting in the dense maple leaf forest, just sitting on the thick fallen leaves. There was a white cloth between them, with some food and drink placed on it.

Jam bread, air-dried lamb, and two bottles of black apple juice, this was their lunch today.

The faint golden sunlight projected through the leaves above and fell on the two of them, appearing mottled and fragmented.

A big squirrel with three big tails was lying on the edge of the white dinner cloth. It was all yellow-brown and furry. The three big tails were swinging like wheels, sweeping the fallen leaves on the ground everywhere.

The big squirrel was licking a small ball of red jam that Garen threw over. Looks like he's enjoying himself. He stuck his butt out and swung his tail even more roundly.

"It's so leisurely." Feng Ling put one hand on the ground, rubbed his belly vigorously, and swallowed the last bite of bread in his mouth. " seems like I'm full."

He peeked at Garen opposite.

This handsome young man was eating the dried meat in small bites. His speed had not changed since the beginning. His face was calm and his movements were graceful. He tore off a piece and put it directly into his mouth without spilling any minced meat. The tablecloth in front of me was clean, as if it had been cleaned thoroughly with a rag, and not a single bit of edible food was left.

Of the two halves of the food they had divided, he still had most of it left, while Garen had only the last morsel left.

"Your appetite is really spectacular..." Feng Chime thought for a moment and changed to a more elegant and euphemistic word.

"It's because you eat too little." Garen replied calmly.

The wind chimes are speechless.

Puff puff puff puff

Suddenly there was a subtle flapping sound from the small black box on Garen's collar.

Garen slowed down his movements, put down the food in his hands, and wiped his hands with the paper towel on the side.

A sound soon came from the black box.

"Mist Crow? Are you the Eight-Souled Mist Crow Gallon?" It was a man's voice, very clear, with a hint of neutrality. "This is the headquarters of the secret organization Kuwaitan. My name is McKeon. I am the current director of the general bureau and the leader of the strongest silver team. I am currently contacting you through long-distance signal transmission. We have three minutes of safe time. Ensure that it will not be eavesdropped or decompiled by other forces."

"It turns out to be the Director-General." A smile appeared on Garen's lips. "Is there anything you can contact me about?"

"Are you inside Ennit right now? I have a task here. I wonder if you are willing to take it?" Chief Mike's tone was very polite.

"Just say it."

"Well, in the territory of Ennit, Ye Ling, a master of the Mathematics Agency, and a master of the Black Sky Society are competing for a special secret treasure. Most of the strong men from both sides have gathered there. We hope that you will join the battle on behalf of our secret agency. See if there is a chance to grab the secret treasure. Anyway, you happen to be very close to there. This mission will take place within five days."

"No problem. Where's the mission reward?" Garen followed without hesitation. After feeling the power of the secret treasure, he is now very interested in the secret treasure. I also understand why many forces value secret treasures so much.

To put it simply, the secret treasure is the aggregation of countless complex spells, which can input the light or power of the totem at any time to stimulate powerful or multi-purpose power. For imitations of ultimate secret treasures like the Mist Crow Formation, as long as they have enough totem power or totem light, without any skills, ordinary totem masters can instantly become a top spiritual powerhouse.

"The reward will naturally not be bad. A set of magic formations that will definitely satisfy you, and considering your father's relationship, there is no doubt that the Terry Jones family is loyal to the royal family. I have submitted a request to re-confer the land to the above. As long as you complete this mission, the Terry Jones family will regain a satisfactory fiefdom in the existing human settlement area." McKeon also had a deep smile in his tone. A fiefdom, a powerful and comprehensive set of magic spells, this is a true place of one's own in troubled times.

Garen was also slightly moved. If there was such a fiefdom, he could move the subordinates of the Terry Jones family, as well as relatives and friends, as well as friends and family members, to one place for centralized protection. And Teacher Ening, I don’t know what’s going on now.

Garen briefly recalled the location and planned to go to the teacher's place to have a look first.

After coming back to his senses, he quickly thanked her heartily.

"Then I would like to thank the Director-General in advance. With such a generous reward, it seems that the secret treasure this time is not simple."

"Of course. The Mathematics Department originally wanted to take it all by itself, but unfortunately it failed, and the rest of us will have a chance." McKeon replied with a smile, "Those guys in the Mathematics Department have their eyes high, and this time they actually succeeded Being entangled by the people from the Black Sky Society will probably make you lose face. I’ll see how they end it, haha.”

He paused and said, "Also, didn't you clear out the Black Sky Society's stronghold earlier? I'll send you a more detailed distribution map. It's a good thing we just got."

"Fat? How?" Garen was stunned.

"I miss you."

"Okay!" Garen was worried that Feng Ling knew too few strongholds and killed them too cleanly when he started, so the sweep was nearing its end. When I wanted to sleep, someone brought me a pillow.

This time he was addicted to sweeping. Although most of them are low-level totem masters, the ones with Type 1 and Type 2 are the most numerous. But it can’t handle the large quantity. It's almost the same as when the petrified white dragon was still there.

A type 1 totem or monster can provide about 25% of potential, a type 2 totem or monster can provide about 2 points, and a type 3 can provide about 5 points. The spiritual light level suddenly increased to fifteen points.

After writing down the information on the distribution of strongholds given by McKeon, Garen glanced at his current potential points.

After unknowingly massacring hundreds of Black Sky Club members, his potential has exceeded 200.

After thinking about it, Garen decided to first increase his agility to its current limit.

His eyes fell directly on the agility column.

The potential value suddenly began to jump violently and fell down.

Agility increases rapidly from 6.0. After five points, each attribute improvement requires 20 potential points. Soon, a total of 40 potential points disappeared. Agility has also been increased to 8.

Starting from eight points, each point of improvement requires 60 potential points. The remaining 160 potential points were quickly reduced to about 40 points.

The agility finally reached 10 points, then stopped completely and stopped moving.

Garen clenched his fists in satisfaction. The whole body seems to be surrounded by invisible wind. As long as it moves slightly, it seems that all the weight of the body has disappeared, and the whole person is light and has no sense of sluggishness.

He felt the condition of the eight-headed dragon, and sure enough, the ninth head on the back of the eight-headed dragon was rapidly expanding, and the huge sarcoma was getting bigger and redder.

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