Mysterious journey

Chapter 385 Enmity 1

Garen was sitting cross-legged on the grass, and a subtle black air unconsciously emitted from his body, spreading deep into the surroundings like mist.

He quietly sensed the ninth head of the eight-headed dragon. The blood tumor was getting bigger and redder, as if it was about to explode at any moment.

Unknowingly, Feng Chime also noticed something strange about him, and quickly stayed away without saying anything.

Along the way, Gallon had become accustomed to this situation every time, not once or twice, but many times. It seems that he is checking his physical condition, which is similar to those of mortal masters.

But this time it seems a little different.

The wind chime carefully looked at the black smoke around Gallon. It smelled very good and rich, like the aroma of many spices burned together. I couldn't tell what the smell was, but it didn't feel pungent, a bit like the scent of sandalwood.

Suddenly, he was slightly startled, as if he felt that the skin on the surface of his body was a little numb. He reached out and pinched the skin on the back of his hand, but he felt nothing.

Feng Chime was suddenly startled and quickly retreated more than ten meters. Only then did he recover from the numbness in his body.

"What kind of smell is this? It can paralyze the sensory nerves without even realizing it!" Feng Chime stared at Garen not far away with lingering fear.

At this time, Garen's body was covered in a large piece of light black mist, and even his face was vaguely blurred.

"Here we go again, playing such dangerous tricks without saying a word. Do you know that this can kill people!" Feng Chime muttered in a low voice. "My dear Weiweier, when can daddy see you and my cute little Bartos again?"

He became depressed, sighed, and walked to a bluestone in the distance to sit down. He didn't mind that it was dirty.

Time passes minute by minute. Soon the light at noon gradually tilted up, and the sun became a little red.

The wind blowing through the forest also brings a touch of soft warmth.

Wind Chime sat on the bluestone and dozed off. The biggest advantage of traveling with Garen was that there was not a single dangerous creature around Garen within a kilometer or two. Whether it's a mutated creature or a powerful monster created through experiments. There was no trace of them all.

The monsters seemed to be able to sense the dangerous aura on Garen's body, and they fled one after another. So every time he can completely relax and rest peacefully.

When Feng Chie was in a daze, he seemed to hear a faint cry for help.

"Help, help, huh, huh." Mixed with the sounds of violent running and breathing, there was a faint voice of a child in the distance.

This is a wild forest not far from the gathering place of humans. It is estimated that some children who cannot survive are in danger when they come out to find a living.

Feng Ling thought this. Unlike Garen, he had a good understanding of the lives of ordinary people in troubled times.

Because his two children are just ordinary people and do not have the qualifications of a silver lantern master. Without him, they would probably have died of hunger long ago.

"Never mind it." Feng Ling didn't want to pay attention to it. He encountered many such situations along the way, including adults, old people, strong men, and beautiful girls. But neither he nor Garen bothered to care.

Ordinary people in such troubled times, without fields to cultivate and various talents, can only venture out to collect various rare medicinal herbs to provide raw materials for various medicines.

In many wilderness areas that have been initially cleared, the risk is still relatively low. Many ordinary people who have money hire one or two totem masters to go out to collect, and they are not likely to encounter danger.

Only the first line of defense will have fierce life-and-death confrontations every day.

In such times, life is extremely difficult for ordinary people.

The voice is getting closer and closer, and the more it sounds, the more it sounds like my own child's voice. Feng Chime also became more and more irritable. For a moment, I thought of my own children, if they also encountered such a situation.

He finally stood up and walked towards the direction of the sound.

Anyway, Gallon usually takes a while to finish.


Garen slowly opened his eyes, the red light flashing in his eyes. Still failed.

After all, the ninth head failed to hatch successfully. The agility had reached its extreme, and the last intelligence factor was left.

"Is it necessary to completely top up the last item to the physical limit?" This thought flashed through Garen's mind.

Come to your senses.

"Wind chimes?" He was surprised not to see the wind chimes.

The surrounding woods were blown by the wind, and there was the sound of leaves rustling.

Apart from that, there was no other sound.

A small, non-mutated scorpion slowly crawled past his feet, and then jumped into a small hole in the ground.

On a branch in the distance, the three-tailed squirrel just now was holding a ball of jam covered with broken leaves, sticking its butt out and trying to stuff the jam into a nut shell.

Garen withdrew his gaze and glanced around.

"Boss, there may be some discoveries here." The sound of wind chimes came from the distance.

Garen stood up and walked directly through a small forest. When he saw Feng Chine squatting in front of a deep pit, inspecting something, his face looked a little solemn.

"what happened?"

Garen frowned and walked over.

"This hole is a little weird." Feng Chime whispered. Although he is not as good as Garen, he is still the elemental general of the Black Sky Society, and he is very powerful. Even without the secret treasure, ordinary spiritual transformations are no match for him. But now he actually showed a troubled expression, obviously the situation may be a bit troublesome.

"What's going on?" Garen leaned over and looked into the hole. Suddenly, a stench rushed towards him from inside the cave. He held his breath and frowned slightly.

Suddenly, he felt a faint feeling of weakness coming from the eight-headed dragon totem, which seemed to be caused by the stench just now.

"What is this?!" Garen was about to take a step back. Suddenly there was a strong push from behind.

This force doesn't have any malicious intent, it's just a simple push.

"You!!" Garen turned around and saw a mysterious smile on Feng Chime's face.

The strange thing is that Garen's body was pushed forward violently, but his upper body only tilted and his steps did not move at all.

Both of them were stunned for a moment.

Garen was stunned by the strange changes in the wind chime.

The opponent, on the other hand, couldn't understand that his full push only caused Garen to tilt slightly.

"What. What's going on!? The poisonous gas of the Swamp Night Lizard is actually ineffective on you?!" Feng Ling's face was slightly stunned, as if he couldn't believe it. "This is poisonous gas that can instantly weaken the five-headed spiritual light totem!"

"Poison gas?" A trace of ferocity appeared on Garen's face.

An invisible vortex suddenly appeared behind the wind chime.

Click! !

The huge dragon's mouth was empty.

The figure of the wind chime turned out to be like an illusion, slowly beginning to fade into nothingness, becoming increasingly faint and illusory.

"Idiot! Do you think I will stay there and wait for you to attack? I really don't know how your IQ grows. Is your brain full of muscles?"

A mysterious smile appeared on Feng Chime's face again.

"You are not Feng Chime, who are you?" Garen looked at the other person who was quickly illusory, and his five senses quickly and carefully distinguished all the movements around him, trying to find the other person's location.

"The second elemental general of the Black Sky Society, you can call me the illusionist." The figure finally disappeared completely, leaving only a faint voice.

"Illusionist?" Garen snorted coldly, a fierce light flashing in his eyes. Glancing at the black hole on the ground, the stench inside quickly dissipated, as if it had never appeared.

His eyebrows lit up red.

The eight heads of the eight-headed dragon slowly appeared behind him.

Roar! ! !

The violent roar turned into a circle of pale white sound waves, spreading crazily in all directions.

Large swathes of maple leaves were shaken outwards and turned radioactive.

There was no movement around.

The black light array under Garen's feet suddenly lit up, and he jumped straight up, exuding a black mist in mid-air, suspending the package.

quack! ! !

Countless black mist surged out and turned into tens of thousands of mist crows, flying in all directions like ink dots to search.

With a gloomy face, Garen searched the entire area of ​​more than ten kilometers over and over again. Finding nothing, his expression turned cold.

At this time, the surrounding environment suddenly became slightly distorted. The surrounding environment seemed to change suddenly.

Bursts of dull crashing sounds came from not far away suddenly.

Only then did Garen realize that he had been in the hallucination of the illusionist, and he didn't even feel it at all!

The opponent's illusion has reached an extremely terrifying level, and the simulated environment is exactly the same as the real forest environment!

The shock in his heart was quickly suppressed.

Garen heard the faint curse of the wind chimes coming from the sound of impact.

He walked over, passed through a small patch of trees, and saw that the wind chime was trapped in a triangular semi-permeable membrane magic array. The whole body of the magic array was slightly yellow, and it was built with three white stones below as base points.

The three stones have been slightly broken and cracked.

Wow! !

The triangular magic array finally shattered.

Feng Chime walked out of it with an angry face.

"It's that bitch from the illusionist!!" He was not as angry as usual, "How dare you play with my feelings!"

He suddenly saw Garen with an unhappy look on his face, shuddered quickly and stopped talking.

"This illusionist is quite troublesome." Garen felt very unhappy as he felt the stubborn poison lingering in his body.

Surprisingly, even the eight-headed dragon cannot completely resist this poisonous gas. You must know that the eight-headed dragon is also an apex creature full of poison, but it is still not immune to this poison. It can be imagined that Black Sky Society really used the most precious good things this time.

The purpose of the illusionist's coming here is probably to poison himself in advance to weaken his own strength.

The next step is probably to be a violent pursuit and attack.

Carefully feel the state of your body.

Garen felt a little relieved.

Although the eight-headed dragon is not immune to this poison, it can greatly weaken the effect of the poison.

Two of the eight heads of the eight-headed dragon were in a comatose and weak state and could not be used. The skin was slightly corroded, and the defense of the dragon skin was somewhat weakened. As a result, the power of the dragon roar was also weakened to three-quarters of its original value. Just three times the size of a two-headed lizard dragon. That is, only six heads can work.

"Boss, is it possible that you have been tricked?" Feng Chime looked at Garen's expression cautiously.

"It's a bit troublesome." Garen said calmly. "The illusionist said it was a poisonous gas called swamp night lizard."

"Swamp night lizard!!?? Oh my god!" Feng Chime's eyes widened suddenly, and he put his hands into his hair and grabbed it hard.

"It's over, it's over. It is said that this thing lasts for a long time! Without the dispelling potion, it will be impossible to remove it for a lifetime! It will permanently weaken half of the core totem!!"

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