Mysterious journey

Chapter 401 Road Encounter 1

Sitting on the white rhinoceros, Garen recalled what happened in Titan City from time to time, and there was an unknown feeling in his heart.

He thought that Goethe would always blame him and express his anger at him. There may continue to be misunderstandings between the two. did not expect

From the notice, he could tell that Goethe still had resentment towards him, but also had complicated emotions.

"Team leader. There is something you need to decide." The old man slowed down from the front and came closer. He handed over a map in his hand, which was an earthy yellow scroll.

Garen took it and heard him say.

"We chose a safer route on the map for two days, but we were just not sure which one to choose. Both routes have pros and cons." The old man explained. "Come and see."

Garen nodded, unfolded the map and glanced at it.

On the map, in the center is a huge mountain range extending upward, like a black centipede lying on the paper. And they were moving forward along this mountain range.

Two clear routes have been drawn with red lines above.

The end point of the route is the capital city of Kuwaitan, but the left one is winding, very detoured and a long way. And also passed many marked territories of powerful monsters.

The one on the right is relatively straight, but requires passing through three troublesome places.

I glanced at the signs of these three areas.

Garen also frowned slightly.

"How long will this short route take?"

"About seven days, if we don't stop here." The old man added. "We have marked the more troublesome ones in the middle. Of course, there will also be many small monster levels, but we have no marks, so these can be ignored."

Garen nodded.

"This long road needs to pass through the territory of four groups of top monsters with at least three-type strength. We may not be able to avoid conflicts with them. Some of them are more troublesome and the terrain is more complicated. The swamp is not suitable for white rhino movement. We choose Short route.”

"But the short route has to go through the Blood Queen's territory." Mao Mao interjected, and the other people couldn't help but come over. However, Red Umbrella remained the same, dozing off on the back of the white rhinoceros.

"Blood Queen Anis? Is there a problem?" Garen raised his eyebrows and asked doubtfully.

"A subordinate of the secret organization caused a lot of damage in the Rainbow Territory of the Blood Queen last month, and the two sides are still in a stalemate. Queen Anis has the support of Shannia, and she also has many strong men under her command, and she is very powerful. Strong. An announcement was issued a month ago that all people working in secret organizations will be treated as unwelcome."

Garen was slightly stunned.

"Our secret agency also has such a powerful character? Can one person make Hongyu go crazy?" He suddenly became interested.

"No one expected that that person was a member of the green team. He was originally inconspicuous, but he didn't expect that he would cause such a big loss." The old man smiled bitterly.

"What exactly is the loss?" Garen became more and more curious.

The old man shook his head. "He absorbed the blood essence of the Blood Queen. This was actually an accident, an accident that no one expected."

"Blood Essence?" Garen was also stunned for a moment. As one of the three heroes, the Blood Queen is not very powerful yet. At most, she is on the same level as Goth, but she is not something that ordinary people can easily provoke. Blood Essence is an essence ore that she condenses by absorbing flesh and blood. This is the core of the largest spell array she has laid out in the Hong Territory. There are only four pieces in total in the entire Hong Territory, and it is the energy source for all spell arrays. Generally, this thing will be directly dissolved if a totem master comes close to it, let alone absorbed. Unexpectedly, he would be absorbed by a foreign totem master.

The old man shook his head slightly.

"The relationship between the secret agency and Hongyu is relatively tense now. At this time, if a totem master of your level, team leader, passes near Hongyu, it is difficult not to cause conflicts and misunderstandings."

"How about that guy now? That guy from the green team?" Garen was quite interested in this guy. He could do things that others couldn't do, and he was definitely not an ordinary character.

"He is still hiding in the Hongyu Territory. The entire Hongyu Territory is now searching for him everywhere, trying to find him out. It is not easy for us in the secret agency to take action. After all, we are in the wrong and have absorbed other people's important supplies."

"Just take this short road, just in time to see what the Blood Queen's Rainbow Territory is like." Garen smiled, "Let's send out the news through the communicator. If that person is smart enough, he will definitely seize this opportunity. Leave the Rainbow Territory.”

"Okay." The old man smiled bitterly.


Two days later.

The sky is gray and foggy.

In the pale yellow fields, yellow weeds swayed in the wind. Surrounded by clusters of stunted trees.

The yellow-black bushes are jagged, with a winding green path in the middle.

The path was surrounded by a tattered wooden fence and was covered with fine grass and moss.

Five gray rhinos on the road were slowly moving towards the front of the path. These rhinos are more than three meters tall, huge and bloated, and extremely steady every step of the way. They could barely move along the path, occasionally knocking down fences on the side of the road.

The rhino's thick, gray skin is covered in wrinkles and looks rough and hard.

Riding on the back was a group of strangely dressed people. They were wearing black skirts and armor and hoods, and their faces could not be seen clearly. Only the golden fleur-de-lis on the collar showed that they were members of the royal alliance.

In the distant fields, pairs of lurking pale beast eyes looked at the passing white rhino. They carefully felt the breath of the crowd on the rhino's back.


A low sound like a barking dog came from the fields on both sides.

The white rhinoceros Newton stood still uneasily.

Suddenly, white shadows flew out from both sides of the path. There was no sound, only the slight swishing sound of weeds being lifted.

A large number of white shadows flew towards the white rhino, and a small number of them flew towards the people on the back of the rhinoceros.

"Here I come." A woman on the back of a rhinoceros said, "I need to change my clothes at the mission point!" Her voice was clear, and she raised her hand and waved a red light.

Ouch! !

The huge red tiger condensed into shape in mid-air, and its long tail was swept out like a whip.

Bang bang bang! ! .

In a series of crashes, a large number of white figures were violently pulled back to the surrounding fields. It rolled on the ground a few times and then stopped moving.

Only then did everyone see clearly that these white figures were actually white wild dogs, but they all had two tails, which looked a little weird.

"It's a two-tailed white dog. It's very fast. It's just a herd of animals." A person on the back of the rhinoceros said faintly, and it sounded like an old man's voice. "But they usually live near red horned lizards. Please be careful."

"Look at me!" the kitten heyed, commanding the giant red tiger to hunt and kill all around, killing two or three white dogs with one bite, and completely killing them.

For a while, there were constant wailing sounds in the field, and the smell of blood spread everywhere. The white dogs that had originally swooped over fled in all directions.

"This kind of two-tailed white dog is very fertile and can give birth to more than ten babies in a month, so it is often hungry and looking for food everywhere." The old man explained, "It happens to be one of the foods of higher-level mutant beasts."

Before he finished speaking, a group of red one-horned lizards suddenly flew densely in the sky.

They have a black horn and red bat wings, like a large lizard with wings. These one-horned red lizard monsters screamed, vibrating their wings and flew towards everyone. There was actually a huge white bat flying behind them.

"Is it a white bat?" On top of a rhinoceros in the middle, a man looked up at the sky. A strand of blond hair peeked out from under the hood, and there were three scarlet marks between the man's eyebrows, which looked like birthmarks.

This person was clearly Garon who was rushing to the capital of Kuwaitan.

Looking at the white bat in the sky waving the chain and rushing towards him, Garen couldn't help but recall the scene when he first encountered the white bat in Titan City. He was extremely weak at that time and had to use siege tactics when facing a white bat. And now.

Roar! !

The huge red tiger roared, jumped up heavily, and flew directly towards the white bat in the sky. Its limbs immediately ignited with red flames, its mouth opened wide, and a fireball shot out with a bang.


The sky suddenly fell into a flame explosion, turning into a huge red fireball, illuminating the surrounding area with a reddish color for a while.

"Yeah!!" Kitty put away the red tiger proudly and looked at the messy battlefield around her. "Successfully solved!" She straightened her chest and secretly glanced at Hong Umbrella, only to see this guy sleeping soundly, and she suddenly became angry.

"Let's go." Garen said calmly.

The kitten immediately became obedient and moved forward without making a sound.

Ever since she was scared by Garen last time, she never dared to make a mistake in front of Garen again. Because she could clearly feel that Garen was really planning to kill her at that time. It's not like those enemies in the past. Many of them will have other thoughts because of her beauty and figure, and there will be opportunities for delay. Garen, on the other hand, looked at himself as if he were a dead man. As long as he said something wrong, no one could stop him from taking action. Others watching may not feel it, but she can really feel it. Even Brother Hongsan, who is most sensitive to murderous intentions, seemed to think it was a joke at the time. At that time she was almost frightened and incontinent.

She did not feel wrong. At that time, Garen really planned to kill her. If she did not understand current affairs, it would reduce the instability in the team and make it easier for him to control the entire team. I didn't expect this guy to turn so quickly.

After a moment of comfort, the six white rhinos continued on their way through the field.

I don’t know how long it took, but the fields in front of me became more and more golden, as if they were about to be harvested in autumn. There were golden wheat fields all around the path.

A gust of wind blew by, causing ripples in the wheat fields.

"So beautiful." The child next to her suddenly couldn't help but say. He was looking up at the sky on the left, as if there were extremely beautiful things there.

Everyone followed his line of sight and saw that there was only a gray cloud in the sky and nothing.

"It's happening again," the kitten muttered, lowering its head and continuing to play with the Rubik's Cube-like toy in its hand.

The fox also lowered his head and continued reading.

The old man shook his head, closed his eyes and rested his mind like Hong Umbrella, and dozed off.

Only Garen looked at the child curiously and found that he was indeed looking at it extremely seriously.

He looked up at the sky, and there was nothing there.

Garen lowered his head and looked at the child again. Look closely at his eyes.

Suddenly he was slightly shocked.

A strange situation occurred.

Garen actually saw a hint of gold in the reflection of the child's eyes.

He felt a chill in his heart. The sky was still covered with thick clouds and there was no sun at all. Where did the gold in the child's eyes come from? ?

Suddenly something moved in my heart.

He remembered a solidification spell he had obtained, which was the Eye of Isaiah embedded in the war shackles of the War Guild.

With a thought in his heart, Isiah's Eyes immediately activated.

Looking at the sky again, a hint of gold appeared in the clouds there.

Garon's heart was shocked. He suppressed the surprise in his heart and looked carefully. With his eyesight, he couldn't see anything clearly. He could only vaguely see a human shape, a golden human shape.

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