Mysterious journey

Chapter 402 Road Encounter 2

"Child, what did you see? Can you tell me?" Garen directly used the method of secret military sound transmission to bundle the sound into the child's ears.

"It's a very good and beautiful thing." The child glanced at Garen and winked mischievously. He also said nothing or even made a sound. Just this look made Garen understand what he wanted to say. mean.

Garen suppressed the shock in his heart.

"Can you tell me what it is?"

"No. You won't believe me if I tell you. You will only say that I am a fool and a psycho. I am not a psycho." The child flatly refused.

"I can actually see a little bit, but not as clearly as you."

"I don't believe it." The child curled his lips.

Garen smiled, and seeing the child's firm tone, he changed his words. "Then can you tell me, what is that golden thing?"

"Golden?" The child suddenly looked suspicious, "Can you really see it?"

"I can see a little bit." Garen nodded.

One of the two used a secret weapon to convey the message, and the other conveyed the message with a strange look in his eyes. Even the old man who was closest to him didn't know about the communication.

The child scratched his head, showing a trace of distress. "I don't know what it is, but I often see that thing in the clouds. You can only see them in the sky where there are golden fields on the ground."

Garen heard a clue.

"Is that thing a person?"

The kid just shook his head.

"Them? Do you mean there are a lot of them?"

No matter what Garen asked next, the child just kept shaking his head and refused to say anything more.

"If you talk too much, I will gradually lose sight of them. You have to be careful too. These are the rules. Their rules." The child was forced to become anxious. He finally answered and then stopped talking.

Garen stopped asking too much, and it was obvious that the child had told him everything he could say. Judging from the child's attitude towards him, he is closer to him than the old man. There seems to be a kind of treating him as a kindred spirit.

Usually it was the old man who would patiently listen to him confiding his secrets, but he understood that it was just the old man who wanted him to cooperate with the group's actions, so he was so patient. I wasn't really interested in what he had to say, and I didn't really believe everything he said.

The child is actually not stupid, he knows it very well.

Although Garen's questioning made him a little annoyed, he was really interested in what he was talking about. This was what made him very happy.

Seeing the slight change in the child's attitude, Garen had an idea in his mind. He was not in a hurry. Anyway, if he had more contact with the children in the future, there might be some unexpected gains.

Riding the white rhinoceros, he opened the Eyes of Isaiah again and looked towards the sky. The golden touch there disappeared at some point.

Looking at the child again, he had already lowered his head and continued to hum an unknown song. He found a few straws from nowhere in his hand and was weaving something, which seemed to be a garland.

"I'm getting more and more confused." Garen breathed a sigh of relief and closed the Eye of Isaiah.


night time

The white rhino was tied to a few old trees on the roadside and rested on the edge of the field.

Six people were sitting around a bonfire, and the bright yellow firelight illuminated everyone a little red.

"Are there any entertainment activities?" the kitten asked with a yawn.

"Playing cards?" Hong Umbrella was the first to respond.

"No, the fox always wins." The kitten flatly refused.

"How about playing chess? You three can play together, and I'll give up two pieces." The old man stroked his beard and smiled.

"Okay! But let's give it three pieces!" The kitten pushed further.

"Okay, okay." The old man shook his head.

Garen was fiddling with the bonfire and watching the other four people setting up the chess pieces on one side and preparing to play chess. He declined their invitation and sat alone with the child, listening to him humming an unknown tune intermittently.

"Kid, can you tell me your real name?" He picked a few pieces of dry wood and put them on the fire.

"Real name?" The child drew something on the ground with a branch. "Isn't the real name the child?"

"Kid is just our code name in the group, the real name is the name before the code name." Gallon explained.

He watched the child draw a little man on the ground and then started to draw a second one.

"That one." The child thought for a while, "It seems to be called Mason, right? I can't remember clearly."

"Don't you have any relatives?" Garen frowned slightly.

"Fellow? I don't know." The child answered casually while concentrating on drawing something. "I grew up on a pumpkin farm. There was no one else there and the strawberries were delicious and I ate that all the time growing up."

"Those strawberries?" Garen wanted to ask again, but suddenly his eyes narrowed slightly and he stood up.


The four people who were playing chess over there were slightly startled and stood up one after another. Look in the direction Garen is looking at.

In the dark field, a slender figure slowly walked out of the shadows.

This man has a well-proportioned figure, wearing a light cyan robe with a white undershirt underneath, and has waist-length black hair that is straight and neat.

The most conspicuous thing is that he wears a slender, straight green rapier on his waist.

This is a man with a handsome face and eyes as green as amber. He does not show a cold expression or expression, but he unconsciously gives off a cold and chilling temperament.

Garen saw this man at first sight. If he hadn't been wearing Western-style silver-patterned boots, he would have thought it was an oriental swordsman from his previous life.

"Azure Dragon Swordsman?" The old man was the first to react, with a hint of vigilance in his eyes.

"Blue Dragon Swordsman?" Garen was slightly stunned. The Blue Dragon Swordsman is rumored to be the strongest person under the Blood Queen. He and the Queen were childhood sweethearts and followed Joanne until the end.

Soon, the sound of hurried footsteps suddenly came from the surroundings, and groups of masked swordsmen in green clothes walked through the surrounding fields, surrounding the six people one after another.

They were like thin green lines, looming in the firelight, moving very fast.

"Blue Dragon Swordsman Decora. What do you mean?" Garen glanced at the people around him.

"It is rumored that the Nine-Headed Demon Dragon Garen is so powerful that it was able to escape from such a bad situation in the Snow Peak battle. I didn't expect that I would encounter a master like you just on patrol at night." The Azure Dragon Swordsman's voice was very calm and restrained. , showing that he is a person with strong self-control.

"You mean, you want to test whether I am worthy of my name?" Garen looked at the other party indifferently, and found that the other party's right hand was slowly grasping the hilt of the rapier at his waist.

In addition to the weird plant totems that Blood Queen's Rainbow Territory is famous for, it also has the most outstanding instant totems like the Blue Dragon Swordsman.

If Garen had not seen the future history, he might have been caught off guard accidentally.

The totem of the Blue Dragon Swordsman does not attack independently after being released, but is completely led by the totem master. His sword is a tool for storing totems. The moment he draws the sword, it is the process of releasing the totem attack. When the sword is sheathed, it is also the time when the totem is withdrawn.

The more powerful the stored totem is, the more powerful the sword will be, and naturally the swordsman will become more powerful.

The title of Blue Dragon Swordsman also comes from the sword in his hand. That is also his core totem - Qinglong!

It seems that the people around them should also be elite users of instant totems.

For a moment, Garen thought of the magic sword Kunta that Xuefeng had encountered. The knife may have a similar structure. It should also be a totem storage device of Shenyun.

"Since you have come to our Rainbow Territory, why don't you go in and have a good look at it, and let Her Majesty and I entertain you." Although the Qinglong Swordsman said the polite words of invitation, there was no smile on his face at all, giving people a A cold taste.

"What a coincidence. I have something to do and have to rush back to the capital. Maybe next time. I will personally visit the Rainbow Territory next time I have the chance. I can also admire the rumored Azure Dragon Sword and the Blood Queen's methods." Gallonpi smiled. Rou Buxiao replied.

"No need for next time, just now!"

Before he finished speaking, the Azure Dragon Swordsman drew his sword instantly.

Clang! !

Roar! !

What was pulled out of the scabbard was not a sword, but a green light!

It was a huge green dragon, like a long dragon from the East. The green dragon rushed straight towards Garen, and its huge dragon roar directly shook the surrounding wheat fields to fall radioactively in all directions.

Bursts of green light completely illuminated everything around him, making everyone look green.

The green dragon pulled out a green light path in mid-air, and the one-meter-tall dragon head opened its ferocious mouth and bit Gallon fiercely.

The strong airflow was driven by Qinglong, and the violent sound waves made the ears of people around him numb, and they could not hear anything clearly.

Bang! !

The green dragon's head hit the air in front of Garen hard, and a transparent circular vortex emerged, blocking the dragon's head's bite and collision. The vortex is like a water surface, constantly rippling in circles.

Garen smiled slightly, stretched out his index finger, and slowly pointed at the dragon's head.

For a moment, green light spots splashed everywhere. Before the index finger touched it, the green dragon shattered into pieces and turned into countless green light spots, returning to the long sword in the hands of the Azure Dragon Swordsman like thousands of streams returning to their source.


The rapier is sheathed.

"It turns out it's really Mr. Garen. I thought he was someone pretending to be, so I tried to test him. You won't be surprised, right?" Decorah's face still showed no expression at all.

"Of course not." Garen smiled. Retract your fingers calmly. "I just happened to have confirmed your identity."

"I heard that your Excellency plans to rush to the capital of Kuwaitan as soon as possible, so I won't keep you. I look forward to seeing you next time."

"Same." Garen glanced at the other person's right hand and smiled again. "Let's go."

He turned away first. The rest of the red team followed Garen cautiously and turned around to leave. Although the instant victory or defeat between the two sides was not clear, the team leader said it was time to leave, so there was no need to question it.

Just as Garen and others were completely submerged into the darkness in the distance.

The Azure Dragon Swordsman Decorah slowly released his grip on the hilt of the sword, and a drop of blood was flicked by him, quietly shooting into the darkness and disappearing.

"Let's go, collect the team." He hid his right hand in his sleeve and turned to leave.

"Captain?" A female swordsman next to him supported him worriedly.

"I'm fine." Decorah broke away from the other party's support. "What a powerful nine-headed demon dragon! He is no longer the ordinary Type Four. I thought there was not much difference between us." There was a hint of caution on his face.

"Inform all the swordsmen in the Rainbow Territory that wherever the Nine-Headed Dragon appears, immediately notify the Queen and me. This person must not be an enemy head-on."

"Is he that strong?" The female swordsman was shocked.

"Stronger than you think." Decorah accelerated and disappeared into the darkness amidst the guards of a group of swordsmen.

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